th Published Weekly — Founded 1867 NOTRE DAME N. D. Honors Washington Sunday N. R. O. T. C. Cadets Decorated Notre Danne's Air-Raid Shelters The Truth About Ledden VOLUME 75 NUMBER IS FEBRUARY 20, 1942 "As Goethe said, 'There is only one good writer. That writer is me. "Goethe was wrong. Four beer-parlors COLLEGE PARADE away was another great writer. But he wrote in German. Very few American BY ROBERT LEMENSE •svriters can do that. But I don't care a button if no one ever reads this. I'm Men of the Future Look Back another blaze ruined the Phi Gamma dead." Delta house to the extent of $60,000 too. The room is spacious and air-condi­ In both cases almost all the house fix­ tioned. Our gaze sweeps quickly past tures were destroyed as were all the Justifiable Honnicide long rows of gleaming chromium desks personal belongings of the frat members. and a battery of dicta-typewriters. Over Oddly enough, the two houses were only Is there any mail for me? in the corner two fellows, the only ones a couple hundred yards apart and in What's your name? in the room, are taking it easy, talking both cases the fire was out of control by It's on the letter. to each other. One of them is idly flip­ the time it was discovered. ping the pages of a formidably-bound Then there was the Norviandie volume. As we come nearer we see that the two are seated near a huge, built-in, More of the Same revoMng book case. A sign on the case Squibs If you'll give me your phone number, says,. SCHOLASTIC FILES FROM 1878 TO baby,-I'll call you up some time. DATE; issues of 1896,1923,1946, and 1998 She was only the opticians daughter— missing; DO NOT REMOVE FROM EDITORIAL two glasses and she made a spectacle of It's in the book, big boy. ROOM. One of the idlers speaks: herself. Swell! And,what's your name? "Look, Mac, just 100 years ago today Curses said the flag—^furled again. That's in the book too. there was a half holiday so the students Visions of Whistling Shells Spur C to AU-Out Effort. (Any similarity between the two pre­ 20 years old and over could register for ceding jokes is entirely coincidental; one the draft. That was back in World War No Blue Books For Soldiers! Women Take Offensive Saturday Night came from the Queen's Journal, the II you know. The guy who wrote this other from" Northeasteiii Netos.) article says he looked out of his window For Annual AWS Goldiggers' Ball. in Howard Hall and watched the boys march past on their way to registration. Says most of the marching group were On Modern Literature "On the Ball" Girl seniors. Say, Mac, where was Howard Hall?" In the, Boston University News is At St, Norbert's College, a group of "The Walrus . Column" which is very "Howard? Gee, Kelly, I don't know. students sneaked off the campus at a good—at times. A recent effort purported Oh yeah, I remember... you know where forbidden time to see a picture starring to be the sage words of a literary critic the old library is you know, on the Alexis Smith. The boys were caught and called Wallyver Wallston. Follomng is old campus down near South Bend. Well are now amusing themselves 'on campus' the last chapter of Mr. Wallston's ram- that building alongside of the old library for some time. WeU, anyway, somebody blings: * that they use to store rare manuscripts soon thought of writing to Miss Smith from the English department was How­ "Modern writers must be optimistic. and giving her the details of the entire ard Hall. Go on Avith that article though, Once, Rudyard Kipling said, 'They're matter, incidentally inviting her to the what else does he say?" hanging Danny Deever in the morning.' Junior Prom. Miss Smith replied with This is a very positive statement. Amer­ an autographed picture and a letter. "He says it was misty and rainy that ican writers would do well to follow such Most interesting thing about the letter day.... same old Indiana! Oh yes, here a clear example. John Don Passes isn't was the postscript. "Say fellows, how's it says: 'Most of the students registered positive. Don Passes is of the lost gen­ about a little stiidjraig—and I don't mean early in the afternoon so they could take eration. movie actresses." advantage of the holiday and take in a show downtown.' Every Wednesday aft­ ernoon at the Museum they have show­ ings of selected moving pictures from back in the 1930-1950 period. You'd never believe that the fellows then paid from 25 to 50 cents to see the things. That was before advanced television, you know." "Come on Kelly, quit wasting time. We'd better get going before they turn off the juice on the elevators. Think I want to get campused." • No Evidence of Sabotase At Lehigh University there have been two fraternity house fires ^vithin the last four months, the most recent blaze oc­ curring Idst week. Last fall a $60,000 fire destroyed the Chi Psi house; last week Eunice hasn't been worth a snap since she met that boy from Notre Dame." THE WEEK BENCH CHAHER BY J. Q. O'CONNELL Jim Brutz and Herky Bereolos CENSORED Top of the Week: ten a sudden, searing inspiration from RrDay, and a "free" afternoon. the Angelic Doctor. We hope that the Two Notre Dame students were • truth doesn't disillusion him. headed for and few . - • Carnival Aftermath The Draft FIELD AND STREAM We can't quote any figures to confine our suspicions, because they Avouldn't let After looking at the lines in Dillon . A heavy snowfall helped Hunter us near the cash drawer, but from all and Howard last Monday afternoon, we Father Glueckert track down two ra­ appearances the Carnival last week-end went downtown to avoid the wait. One tional animals, who tried to escape from was a howling success. We visited the of South Bend's finest directed us cour­ the vicinity of Alumni haU. Was it the Fieldhouse early Sunday morning to see teously and efiiciently to the National Westchester rifle or good eyesight? Any­ what was left, and found it as,dark and Bank Building, as the nearest place of way, it was a record catch, made by a silent as a night-club at noon . not registi-ation. Nobody there knew any­ great hunter. quite empty, though. Around one of the thing about it, and a cashier suggested the Post OiRce. A Post Office clerk sug­ booths was a squad of small boys, JOE JUDICIOUS searching for pennies. "Any luck?" we gested the Union Trust Building, and at asked, out of professional curiosity. last the trail was getting hot, because Joe Laiber, after spending 3^ years "Naw," one of them answered, disgusted­ on the second floor of that building we on the campus, moved home recently. ly. "Some guy must have beat us to it." ferreted out Local Boards 3 and 6. A As Joe started out the other evening he pleasant young lady in Board 3 directed The Carnival made so many things unconsciously asked his mother for a us across the street to the Sherland happen which we thought impossible mid-night. Better make your morning Building where, she said, they were reg­ that it wouldn't surprise us' in the least checks, Joe. istering Notre Dame students. But .the if, on one of these moon-lit nights, some­ young lady at Local Board 2, across the body came around and swore that he'd POLAND vs. IRELAND street, was afraid she could not accom­ heard coming out of the Fieldhouse, not modate us. Indianapolis had failed to only the ghostly thud of Greg Eice's fly­ In a challenge' match, Sebastian No- come through with a promised shipment ing feet, and Benoir-like grunts from a wicki's Polish Polishers, polished off of cards. Back we came to the campus, shot-putting shade, but also the eerie George Sobek's fighting Irish at the to try Dillon again. Father Butler ran rattle of Chuck-a-Lucks, and the ear- Bowl Mor allies. Try taking along your out of cards when we were only six men tingling whine of a Wheel of Chance. score keeper, George. They say it works. from the Promised Land. Wearily we • trudged over to the Main Building, EMBRYO CHAMP Majors and Minors where, at last, Ave got our card, gi-acious- Eocky Moran didn't give us the exact ly signed by Miss Barbara Dolezel. We There is a two week's suspension in set-up, but it seems that Education then ate our dinner in the Huddle. All store for the bad egg residing in Badin Majors aiid Minors do part of their Avork of which only goes to prove that there's haU, who.tore pages out of Father Mac- at high schools in .town—^teaching class, no place like home. Avoy's Boioling Instruction Book. When or watching teachers at work —- some­ last observed the good rector was still thing like that. Anyway, Eocky says his attempting to master the missing funda­ roommate, Ed O'Kane, had to go down Can Such Things Be? mentals. Ansrway, the pinboys regard the other day and sit in on a sub-normal That recent announcement by the Stu­ Mm as their favorite.
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