Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive Interchange The Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive Interchange project is funded by the Australian and State governments as part of a $2.3 billion investment in road and rail infrastructure, announced in May 2017. Introduction Ÿ Joondalup Drive - as a signicant east-west The project provides a future-focused solution to The project will complement other signicant access corridor between Mitchell Freeway, the support current and projected levels of trafc upgrades in the area to reduce travel times on: Joondalup City Centre and the expanding resulting from residential and industrial development in Perth's northern corridor. Ÿ Wanneroo Road - currently used as an residential communities to the east of Wanneroo alternate route to Mitchell Freeway; and Road. MAY-NOVEMBER 2017 NOVEMBER 2017 JANUARY 2018 JUNE 2018 EARLY 2020 Development stage, Expressions of Interest Request for proposals Contract awarded with Anticipated completion including conrmation of called from industry for the issues to shortlisted construction to begin 1-2 date the scope, design Design and Construction applicants months later development, identication contract of issues and stakeholder and community engagement [email protected] Why is the upgrade necessary? Ÿ Trafc volumes on Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive are Trafc modelling analysis expected to grow rapidly in response to residential and Average delays and Levels of Service if the intersection is NOT upgraded. commercial growth in Perth's north-west corridor. Average Delay Ÿ In 2015/16, the City of Wanneroo was the fastest-growing local government in Western Australia. By 2041, the population is KEY – LEVELS OF SERVICE (LOS) expected to grow to 400,000 from a 2016 level of 198,000 DURING MORNING PEAK (ref. ABS). Current situation - LOS D: Average delays at intersection of 50 seconds; Ÿ Whilst the recent Mitchell Freeway Extension project has manageable trafc ow By 2023 - LOS E: improved levels of service at this intersection, current trafc Average delays of up to 80 seconds and unstable trafc, with heightened safety risk volumes are already close to pre-freeway extension levels. By 2029 - LOS F: Average delays of up to 110 seconds, extensive Ÿ Main Roads trafc modelling indicates that within ve years, delays and congestion service levels will deteriorate signicantly due to increased demand. Within ten years, the intersection will reach a state of gridlock, resulting in heavy congestion, longer journey times and increased safety risk. Delay (sec/PCU) Ave Ÿ The Cities of Wanneroo and Joondalup have also identied the need to address east-west trafc ow along Joondalup Drive and Burns Beach Road, which are also experiencing congestion during peak periods. These gures refer to the performance of the intersection as a whole. Specic legs of the intersection will fail before these dates resulting in congestion, delays and safety impacts. [email protected] Design and conguration - Joondalup Drive over Wanneroo Road Ÿ The concept design for the grade separation of Wanneroo Trafc count summary showing prevalence of Road and Joondalup Drive prioritises the east-west trafc east-west movement movement, with Joondalup Drive passing over Wanneroo Road. Ÿ A 24-hour video survey undertaken on 13 September 2017 (post-opening of Mitchell Freeway extension north of Burns Beach Road) showed that the through east-west volumes along Joondalup Drive were two and a half times greater than the north-south volumes along Wanneroo Road. Ÿ Based on Main Roads trafc modelling, by 2031, east-west volumes along Joondalup Drive during peak periods will remain more than twice as high as the north-south volumes along Wanneroo Road. This reects additional trafc growth forecast on Joondalup Drive to support residential and commercial development. Ÿ The urban development catchment lies predominantly to the east of Wanneroo Road. Joondalup Drive is the major east- west route that will be used to access areas to the west including the Joondalup City Centre, the Mitchell Freeway, the train station/line and coastal area. [email protected] Concept Design 8 7 1 2 4 3 6 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Roundabout will be Access to/from Drovers Place Joondalup Drive will pass Roundabout beneath overpass Under consideration: Left in, left out access Under consideration: Wanneroo Road widened upgraded to improve will be modied to over Wanneroo Road, will provide connectivity Intersection improvements at St Stephens Crescent Intersection improvements to two lanes in each trafc ow left turn access only allowing east-west trafc to between Wanneroo Road at Clarkson Avenue at Cheriton Drive direction ow freely on Joondalup Drive and Joondalup Drive [email protected] Changes to the local road network - Access to and from Tapping New routes for road users Access to Joondalup Drive Road users wishing to turn right into St St Stephens Crescent becomes (eastbound) from Tapping left turn access only Stephens Crescent from Joondalup Drive Access to Tapping Ÿ Left turn movements unchanged. from the west Ÿ Right turn access removed. Ÿ The most efcient route will be to exit Joondalup Drive at the new Wanneroo Road roundabout and then use Clarkson Avenue to access Tapping. Road users wishing to turn right out of St Stephens Crescent on to Joondalup Drive Free owing trafc on (eastbound) Joondalup Drive passing over Wanneroo Road Ÿ The most efcient route will be to exit the suburb via Waldburg Drive instead of St Tapping Primary Stephens Crescent. School Ÿ Alternatively, road users can turn left on to Joondalup Drive and make a U-turn around the new Wanneroo Road roundabout, a detour of approximately 800 metres. Ÿ The changes will affect a relatively small number St Stephen’s School of road users and we are condent that the Carramar redistribution of vehicles as a result of the WANNEROO ROAD changes will have little or no impact on the N AVE performance of other local intersections. Roundabout connecting KSO Wanneroo Road and CLAR Local bus routes Joondalup Drive Ÿ Main Roads is working closely with the Public Transport Authority to conrm future bus routes in and around Tapping. [email protected] Changes to the local road network - Access to and from Drovers Place New routes for road users Entering the Drovers Precinct Ÿ Left turn access from Joondalup Drive WANNEROO ROAD (westbound) to Drovers Place will remain as present. Ÿ Drovers patrons wishing to enter the precinct J from Joondalup Drive (eastbound) can continue OON DAL to the Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive UP DRI roundabout, turn right and enter the precinct via VE Wanneroo Road (detour of approximately 300 metres). DROVERS PLACE Existing the Drovers Precinct Ÿ Left turn access to Joondalup Drive (westbound) from Drovers Place will remain as present. LEGEND Ÿ Drovers patrons exiting the precinct and looking Entering the Drovers Precinct to travel eastbound along Joondalup Drive can Exiting the Drovers Precinct do so by either: - Exiting the Drovers car park onto Wanneroo road and turning right at the Wanneroo Road and Joondalup Drive roundabout (detour of approximately 300 metres). Or - Heading west to the Burns Beach Road roundabout (detour of approximately 500 metres) [email protected] Access for pedestrians Safe Systems Assessment Pedestrians cross a single lane Ÿ Main Roads has conducted a Safe (left turn slip lane), a single trafc lane with trafc exiting Systems Assessment of the proposed the roundabout and a further conguration to ensure it meets State and two lanes entering the roundabout National road safety targets and No interaction with east-west commitments. Outcomes of the through trafc assessment conrmed: Ÿ Pedestrian exposure to trafc is reduced signicantly as there is no interaction with east-west trafc along Joondalup Drive (more than 50% of all trafc through the intersection) Ÿ The potential severity of accidents is reduced signicantly as the impact speed will reduce from 70km/h to 40km/h (necessitated by new roundabout). [email protected] Urban design and landscaping Bridge treatment Ÿ We're looking for designs, patterns and colours that combines the piers into a harmonious overall bridge composition including noise wall / screen, abutment walls, super structure, lighting and barriers. Public art We have included a provisional sum for public art within the contract Ÿ The scope of this work will be developed via engagement with the local schools and the ECU Arts Department will be assisting in this process Ÿ Separate to the Public Art, the proponents will be submitting overall aesthetic treatment for the bridge Feature planting and landform in roundabout to create a visual nodal point along abutments, approach retaining walls, noise and screen the journey. walls as part of their proposals Highly visible noise screens on the bridge to be sensitive to the urban residential development and Bush Forever edge. Ÿ The importance of these aesthetics has been made Create a tree-lined shared path where verge space is available. clear to proponents throughout the procurement Sensitive landscape treatment to the Bush Forever Edge. process Direct view to bridge retaining wall from retirement village and Botanic Gardens front should be softened with either a landscape screen or art work on the wall. [email protected].
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