Spherical Torus ! Session FR1! Masayuki Ono PPPL, Princeton University On behalf on the world ST community! APS-DPP 2014 ! October 27 – 31, 2014! M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 Acknowledgements US Institutions: International Institutions: *Culham Sci Ctr Columbia U *PPPL *Ioffe Inst CompX Purdue U U St. Andrews RRC Kurchatov Inst General Atomics SNL York U TRINITI FIU Think Tank, Inc. *Tokamak Energy D.V.Efremov Inst INL UC Davis Chubu U INTEKHMASH Johns Hopkins U UC Irvine Fukui U NFRI LANL UCLA Hiroshima U KAIST LLNL UCSD *Hyogo U POSTECH Lodestar U Colorado *Kyoto U *Seoul National U MIT U Illinois *Kyushu U *Beijing National L Nova Photonics U Maryland Kyushu Tokai U ASIPP New York U U Rochester NIFS ENEA, Frascati ORNL U Tennessee Niigata U CEA, Cadarache Princeton U *U Washington *U Tokyo IPP, Jülich *U Wisconsin Tsukuba U IPP, Garching JAEA * With ST Facility! ASCR, Czech Rep Hebrew U • At present, over 500 researchers and 140 graduate students are engaged in ST research worldwide. ! • Over 1,000 ST related refereed publications since 2000.! For more detail, M. Ono and R. Kaita, ST review paper for PoP! M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 2 Talk Outline • Unique ST properties • ST Fusion Energy Development Path • World ST Facilities • Unique ST Physics Regimes • ST-FNSF Relevant Experiments • ST Facility Upgrade Status • Summary M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 3 ST is a low aspect ratio tokamak with A < 2! Natural elongation makes its spherical appearance Aspect Ratio A = R /a! Elongation κ = b/a! “natural” = “without active shaping”! Camera image from START! BTF ∝ ITF/R! I ITF! Ip! TF! I ! I ! Ip! Ip! p p x! Ip! x! x! A. Sykes, et al., Nucl. Fusion (1999). " Note: ST differs from FRC, spheromak due to BTF ! Y-K.M. Peng, D.J. Strickler, NF (1986) " M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 4 A spherical tokamak (ST) is a high beta tokamak! Favorable average curvature improves stability at high beta 2 Aspect Ratio A = R /a! Elongation κ = b/a! Toroidal Beta βT = 〈p〉 / (BT0 / 2µ0)! Tokamak! ST! A ~ 3, ! A ~ 1.5, ! κ = 1.5-2, ! κ = 2-3, ! q95 = 3-4, ! q95 = 8-12, ! βT = 3-10% ! βT = 10-40% ! M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 5 ST can be compact, high beta, and high confinement! Higher elongation κ and low A lead to higher Ip, βT and τE! 2 Aspect Ratio A = R /a! Elongation κ = b/a! Toroidal Beta βT = 〈p〉 / (BT0 / 2µ0)! • ST has high Ip due to high κ and low A High κ ∼ 3.0 equilibrium in NSTX. 2 2 Ip ~ ITF (1 + κ ) / (2 A q*)! S. Jardin et al., FS&T (2003)" • Ip increases tokamak performance τE ∝ Ip! βT ≡ βN Ip / (aBT0)! • ST can achieve high performance cost effectively Ip ~ ITF for ST due to low A and high κ D.A. Gates et al., NF (2007). $! M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 6 New physics regimes are accessed at low aspect ratio, enhancing the understanding of toroidal confinement physics •! Lower A increased toroidicity higher β, strong shaping •! Higher β electromagnetic effects in turbulence, EP- modes, RF heating and CD •! Higher fraction of trapped particles (low A), increased normalized orbit size (high β), and flow shear (due to toroidicity) broad range of effects on transport and stability •! Increased normalized fast-ion speed (high β) simulate fast-ion transport/losses of ITER •! Compact geometry (small R) high power/particle/ neutron flux relevant to ITER, reactors M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 7 Talk Outline • Unique ST properties • ST Fusion Energy Development Path • World ST Facilities • Unique ST Physics Regimes • ST-FNSF Relevant Experiments • ST Facility Upgrade Status • Summary M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 8 Unique ST properties support and accelerate a range of development paths toward fusion energy Burning Plasma Extend Predictive Capability for ITER and Physics - ITER Toroidal Science High β physics, rotation, shaping for MHD, transport Non-linear Alfvén modes, fast-ion dynamics, Electron gyro-scale turbulence at low ν* M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 9 STs Narrow Gaps to FNSF/Pilot/DEMO: Goal: 100% non-inductive + high β Plasma-Material Interface Research Strong heating + smaller R high P/R, P/S Novel solutions: snowflake, liquid metals, Super-X, hot high-Z walls Enable Compact Fusion Nuclear Science Facility High neutron wall loading Potentially smaller size, cost Smaller tritium (T) consumption at fixed neutron wall loading Accessible / maintainable M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 10 Fusion needs FNSF(s) (modest cost, low T, and reliable) to Test and Qualify Fusion Components Fusion needs to develop reliable/qualified FNSFs components which are unique to fusion:" •! Divertor/PFC " •! Blanket and Integral First Wall " •! Vacuum Vessel and Shield! •! Tritium Fuel Cycle ! FNSF-AT •! Remote Maintenance Components " FNSF-ST •! Without R&D, fusion components could fail prematurely which often requires long repair/down time. This would cripple the DEMO operation. •! FNSF can help develop reliable fusion components. •! Such FNSF facilities must be modest cost, low T, and reliable.! If the cost of volume neutron source (FNSF) facility is “modest” << ITER, DEMO, it becomes highly attractive development step in fusion energy research. M.A. Abdou, et al., FTS (1996)" M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 11 There have been several studies of ST-FNSF showing the potential attractiveness of this approach Example ST-FNSF concepts! Projected to access high neutron wall loading at moderate R0, Pfusion 2 Wn ~ 1-2 MW/m , Pfus ~ 50-200MW, R0 ~ 0.8-1.8m Modular, simplified maintenance Tritium breeding ratio (TBR) near 1 Requires sufficiently large R0, careful design R&D Needs for an ST-FNSF PPPL! ORNL! Non-inductive start-up, ramp-up, sustainment Low-A minimal inboard shield no/small transformer Confinement scaling (especially electrons) Stability and steady-state control Divertor solutions for high heat flux Radiation-tolerant magnets, design Culham (UK)! UT Austin! M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 12 Talk Outline • Unique ST properties • ST Fusion Energy Development Path • World ST Facilities • Unique ST Physics Regimes • ST-FNSF Relevant Experiments • ST Facility Upgrade Status • Summary M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 13 Operating ST Research Facilities Since 2000! NSTX and MAST: MA-class STs, Smaller STs addressing topical issues NSTX, USA! PEGASUS, USA! LTX/CDX-U, USA! GLOBUS-M, Russia! MAST, UK! HIST, Japan! LATE, Japan! TST-2, Japan! UTST, Japan! R0 ~ 0.75 m! QUEST/CPD, Japan! R0 ~ 0.85 m! VEST, Korea! HIT-II, USA! GLOBUS-M! HIT-II! PEGASUS! MAST! QUEST! KTM! ST25(HTS)! SUNIST!VEST!HIST! NSTX/LTX! LATE! TST-2! TS3/4! UTST! TS3/4, Japan! SNIST, China! ETE, Brazil! ST25, UK! ETE! STs operated since 2000! M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 14 MA-Class ST Research Started in 2000! Complementary Physics Capabilities of NSTX and MAST! NSTX Complementary Capabilities! MAST Passive Plates" Large divertor volume" Heilicity Injection" Merging/Compression" HHFW" ECH" 1 x 6 RWM Coils" 2 x 12 ELM coils" Similar Capabilities! NSTX" MAST" R = 85 cm" R = 80 cm" A # 1.3 " A # 1.3" κ! = 1.7 - 3.0" κ! = 1.7 – 2.5" BT = 5.5 kG" BT ~ 5.0 kG" Ip $ 1.5 MA" Ip $ 1.5 MA" 3" 3" Vp $ 14 m Vp $ 10 m PNBI = 7.4 MW" PNBI = 4.0 MW" •! Comprehensive diagnostics! •! Physics integration! •! Scenario development! M. Ono, et al., IAEA 2000, NF 2001" A. Sykes, et al., IAEA 2000, NF 2001" M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 15 Talk Outline •! Unique ST properties •! ST Fusion Energy Development Path •! World ST Facilities •!Unique ST Physics Regimes •! ST-FNSF Relevant Experiments •! ST Facility Upgrade Status •! Summary M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 16 Higher βT enables higher fusion power and compact FNSF for required neutron wall loading! 2 Pfusion ∝ 〈p〉 x Vol! Data base from START, MAST, PEGASUS and NSTX! βN = 6! 40! 2 4 5! Pfusion ∝ βT BT0 x Vol ! ! 4! (%) β ST-FNSF! Physics 3! Product! $! 20! Knob! Investment! Toroidal Tokamak! 2! ITER High neutron wall loading Wn possible in a compact ST 0 0 4! 8! Ip/aBT0 (MA/mT)! Wn ∝ Pfusion / Area! 2 4 Wn ∝ βT BT0 a (not strongly size dependent)! 2 Wn ~ 1 MW/m with R ~ 1 m FNSF feasible!! M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 17 Record βN and βN/li accessed using resistive wall mode stabilization! •! High βN regime is ST-FNSF! important for bootstrap current generation.! •! High βN/li regime important since high fBS regime has low li.! Unstable RWM" Stable / controlled RWM" S.A. Sabbagh PRL(2006) " J. W. Berkery, PRL (2011) W. Zhu, PRL (2006) S.A. Sabbagh at this APS" Major mission of NSTX-U is to achieve fully non-inductive operations at high β M. Ono APS ST Review Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 18 Favorable Confinement Trend with Collisionality and β found ! Important implications for future STs and Demo with much lower ν* -0.1 -0.9 τE, th ∝ ν* β tokamak empirical scaling! -0.8 -0.0 τE, th ∝ ν* β ST scaling NSTX! • Fig. 70. (a) Normalized confinement time as a functionMAST of ! collisionality at mid-radius in NSTX. Blue points are from discharges that used HeGDC+B wall conditioning, while red points are from discharges that used Li. Reprinted with permission from S.M. Kaye et al., Nucl. Fusion 53 063005 -0.82! ! ~ ν*e (2013).
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