Muniasamy Re Sale Notice

Muniasamy Re Sale Notice

THE REPATRIATES CO-OPERATIVE FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT BANK LTD. (Govt. of India Enterprise) VIRUDHUNAGAR BRANCH PLOT NO.1, DOOR NO.129/1A-1C, LAKSHMI COLONY, MADURA! ROAD, VIRUDHUNAGAR - 626 001 PH. 04562 - 248777 TENDER / PUBLIC RE-AUCTION SALE NOTICE Sale of immovable property mortgaged to REPCO Bank possession taken under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 2002 read with proviso to Rule 8 (6) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 Whereas, 1) Sri. P. Muniasamy, S/o. V. Paluchamy, M/s. J.P. Match Works and Sri. Boobhal Engineer, Works, Door No.4/346, Puliyankulam Village, Ennamkasi Reddiyapatti Road, Sulakkaraitnedu, Virudhunagar — 626 003, 2) Smt. M. Susila, W/o. P. Muniasamy, Both are Residing at: D.No.1/186, Indira Colony, Chinnathadampatti, Virudhunagar — 626 003, 3) Sri. V. Murugan, S/o. Vijayaraman, Technical Assistant, Grade II, Asst. Executive Engineer, TANGEDCO, K.K. Nagar, Madurai District — 625 020, Residing at: No.140/A, Karaikeni, Peraiyur, T. Kallupatti, ThirumangaLim, Madurai District — 625 702, 4) Smt. M. Malarkodi, W/o. Madasamy, No.4/432, Mottain Street, Kooraikundu, Virudhunagar — 626 001, 5) Smt. A. Selvam, W/o. Baskar Raj, No.1/1238, Old Sivakasi Road, Virudhunagar — 626 00,1, had borrowed monies from the Repatriates Cooperative Finance and Development Bank Ltd., Virudhunagar Branch and they owe a sum of Rs.2,15,63,344/- (Rupees Two Crore Fifteen Lakh Sixty Three Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Four only) to the Bank as on 31.12.2018 with further interest thereon and costs. Whereas Sri. P. Muniasamy, S/o. V. Paluchamy, M/s. J.P. Match Works and Sri. Boobhal Engineer, Works, Door No.4/346, Puliyankulam Village,Ennamkasi Reddiyapatti Road, Sulakkaraimedu, Virudhunagar — 626 003, Residing at: D.No.1/186, Indira Colony, Chinnathadampatti, Virudhunagar — 626 003, had offered the immovable property more fully described in the schedule hereunder as security for the above said loan. As the aforesaid borrowers failed to remit the demand amount within the stipulated 60 days, the Authorised Officer has taken possession of the property on 02.02.2018 under section 13(4) of the aforesaid Act. Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower (s) and Guarantor (s) that the below described immovable property mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the constructive possession of which has been taken by the Authorised Officer of Repco Bank (Secured Creditor) on 02.02.2018, will be sold in "As is where is", "As is what is", and "Whatever there is" condition on 06.03.2019, for recovery of Rs.2,15,63,344/- (Rupees Two Crore Fifteen Lakh Sixty Three Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Four only) due to the Bank (Secured Creditor) from 1) Sri. P. Muniasamy, S/o. V. Paluchamy, 2) Snit. M. Susila, W/o. P. Muniasamy and, 3) Sri. V. Murugan, S/o. Vijayaraman, 4) Smt. M. Malarkodi, W/o. Madasamy, 5) Snit. A. Selvam, W/o. Baskar Raj. The reserve price will be Rs.2,16,00,000/- (Rupees Two Crore and Sixteen Lakh Only) and the earnest money deposit will be Rs.21,60,000/- (Rupees Twenty One Lakh and Sixty Thousand Only). DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY Virudhunagar District, Virudhunagar Joint No.II Sub-Registration District, Virudhunagar Taluk at Puliyankulam Village in Old Patta No.182, New Patta No.265, in Survey No.5, Out of 3 acre 17 cents, in this Survey Number, 9 cents on the southern side and 1 acre 41 cents in Survey No.10, totally 1 acre 50 cents. The boundaries of the Land are as follows:- North : 3 acre 8 cents land of K. Seernai Raj South : Property of Vadiyan Anbu Raj East : Property of Vadiyan Anbu Raj West : Cart pathway of Inamkasi Reddiapatti Panchayat. Hectare 0.40.0 in sub division patta No.119 in Survey No.5/1, Hectare 0.88.5, in Survey No.5/2, Hectare 0.57.0 in Survey No.10 along with building and super structures, fixtures and erections thereon are part and parcel of this scheduled property. The property is located within the limits of Virudhunagar Panchayat Union and Inamkasi Reddiapatti Panchayat. (Note: The above property will be sold, "as is where is condition") -2 - Details of Tender/ Public Auction Sale: Reserve Price for Property Rs.2,16,00,000/- Last date for submission of sealed Tenders 06.03.2019 till 11.00 a.m. Place of opening Tenders/ Auction Sale Repco Bank, Virudhunagar Branch Date & Time of opening Tenders 06.03.2019; 11.30 a.m. Date & Time of Auction Sale (if required) : 06.03.2019; 12.00 noon. ENID — For Property 10% of reserve price of the property Date of Inspection of auction Property 27.02.2019 Bid/Sale can be accepted or rejected or adjourned/postponed without assigning any Reason thereof. The sale is subject to confirmation by the bank. Prescribed Tender Form will be available at the Bank's branch at the above address. Other Terms and Conditions are detailed in the Tender Form.. For inspection of the property, the intending bidders may contact the Bank's branch at the above address. Date: 06.02.2019 Authorised Officer Place: Virudhunagar (SARFAESI Act 2002) if.tuaLi) 415LOL5ICturrri cel_Ll@pai 0A1 L*gth CmiilurrLGI 611ri56€1 auSICILL: (uj41Fefi 0061J6arib) 61516505d- &MM. dem: €1-66a.1, ,E66:14 6raior.129/1A-1C, Q6D6i,isL61 arrwal, tho6ow Gyn-@, 6)5160u5ri- - 626 001 Glrr6o)61)(u4f1 - 04562 - 248777 01_600I1_111 QUITO LDDI—q60 6)51U60)60T 01,616)511:1 Qffrriseuhrrii6w66i) LEOwiLi) Pglif 616Frriroi65636TriEF evemilivh6i) Lilthgth E61_6afiL®iF 61iffroi6E66IT ul.Egraw rf16a)Lh oimmrissiF EFILL_Li) 2002,-a 60),EbiusuugEg1u] 610-6(rr tairEglis op_wrr6o-rwrrEs camiz,E6CuLl_ .016inEFILIR Q.EFrrfroziazir EFfrurrA EFILLID 2002 6151A1 8(6)-thr 4 6irrar rQuiffonore6611164 L19_ co5lues)6ar ,&66Trr6i) .00161i656t:JuGati urr46616i) 1) 05. P. (936-afliu&rru61, W61u. V. urr6bafruS1, 61Lro/41.). 1&I3L-FF ria6i-o Lr40LO g 6urr6i) 2thrglefilwri- 9rrffisi-o, ,5661.1 61 r.4/346, Lierflusw(56n-Li) 61g-rrLoth, 2arribEFrre1C191L4LtuuL41_ e,970, 6n-aza6o)ah61, 6)516zDffirr - 626 003, 2) Alem,61. M. a6161)rr, 6/61u. P. (yDefilithEFrruSI, Al(rF,64u.i 6)51:(111 Goffiairfl: E661.1 6reir.1/186, &Alp- arr61)41, EP6imarribuL:L9_, 6)51(5NrhEbri- - 626 003, 3) 05. V. (yermisr, W61u. 6)51g2tup-rrLoa, 6Lisefla6i) 6)51Lurrstrri, &GTO II, 016r$16)611_6i51-1: 6r6FffigL9_6ii 616inglasflurr, TANGEDCO, QE6.0.66. Liltio)9- Lorran:i_Lb - 625 020, 6)SI:0 (v)&6).irfl: 6raisr.140/A, s6o-)0686-ofl, Quanvu,bri, LcL. E66i)vjuLLI..9_, 415thruse)th, Lilo6o-)9- thrraiLi) - 625 702, 4) 01541. M. umvri-61ffirri9_, E6/61u. LoEFrruSl, 6r6thsr.4/432, 61Lon-L._6(7)L._u_Kisr C15, Er6L6D)Rwisr@, 6)5155jEbri- - 626 001, 5) Al5u)41 A. 616-6i)oith, E6/61u. urr6ipari- jir, r6oisr.1t1238, Liesovui EnaistrA Q470, 6)51505sii - 626 001 ,,AlTr.u_irrr 610-Llaarr ap, 63505E6- 616(5)6truSl6h 661_6isr Qurfrthr.opiriffistfli_L6155 61.Jri4is G.Epp- G6).16thsnipu E6L._thr 4rr60)& 31.12.2018 6).16u)g-616i) (52,15,63,344/- kri?urrtii Tour@ Un-LOLLJ LA6166)6ar 261)1:5- 51 41Du4Z1 GoarMiru51 *Z1 VarSIOP Fu51 fr65j re LDL@Li3) LI*V-r) L516i5rL r Cl6P615611 C11160)66U..ILD 616cV.2 6)..1660161CD. GLoubi_ 661_0affirra., . P. uo-tsfluEFrruSI, /61u. V. urr6i),FFrruSI, ailko. C.N.L51. CLilLif 9fra6n) LomiLip urr6S) Qadoflturi- 9ira6n), E.g611 €rthsr.4/346, L46rfluiraitsm1) 617-Loth, ,26orrrth.EHTA61p-iii9_LuuLL9_ Gp-rr@, 6rrimbosinp-GLDO, 619155jair - 626 003, 6110 uffiairfl: E661.1 a6cia.1/186, &Mir Eur61)661, ff16-ivr6arrr,5LbuLL9_, 6)5155DEri - 626 003 456titIn_ olLi_61.16o-)613-orthl6i) fl511:151LI.L_ .016a5FurrFrr:0167)-)a. ,11.__Lhrr5rth ailo-406iTerrrri. Gu)03.9_ E61_6i)-rITO,E66ir QbliKEILL- ft166)64 Cl.grail,s6tm ofilL511:1_ 60 FLE6sa5eir 61EF 61.101t1J,5rr6i) wut -Lt LSif164 13(4) a (4 ot6la.r9-Lb Qu .16th 02.02.2018 016irg .01,i6kFrr,6160)6rsr 66)EaLia,Liu0,6167)-rrrri. (Possession). (y)61,E6rrairO, QurroLilifasir (01:_iurrEE, 111_6zirrrg-iyairil .01L_Lilrr6a-rrro-iiffiair/ NrruSaiwrvija,6iT .&41Gturrria.(sis .0016)51afalug615 616israQ61.16*T6i) 4,0,g) (OILLSIL_L'iuLGlirrar ,,1615)&21.1f5 GlEfri- rrazj 02.02.2018 016-b-ro 61p-i1affirr 61Jrii6u516isr 0441EurKilQu,01vjai61.)g-rr6i) 6o-)E6umbLiuJuL1, tàr 61Lorr4 ft615)61.1 CIrr6o-)ffiti.irror (52,15,63,344/- tuff tii 09-67G) (rricAu uN615)6751 261"1.f40 ujGoarrru519*0 Gmisrefra rru5j rr6iyr5 Loi:Oh) 016a)asr 1) Alo. P. GoeilineFrruSI, W61u. V. urr6bEfiru61, 2) 41(5u),61. M. EFA61)rr, 5/Qu. P. (pesflusfiruS1, u*gth 3) Ale. V. (peffier, /C1LJ. 6)51mu91ricar, 4) 415LoA1. M. Loolasra$L, .s6/61u. LilrrL...fprruSI, 5) 41(541 A. 61EF6i)61.11o, 5/61u. urr6i-mri AL,61Q.turrri- 6irigla5 61.5 .56)i5lturr6i), ,ifCleFrrrr6isroi 6r6ira a_sirarrr olUuL9_Cui, 61 6ff6i-rrr ,A16c5)61)u51C,61)Giu, Coisi aLliQurrgUL4LE)0660. nui gkou5kSj, 06.03.2019 .16i)-roj Qt_arLir/ Clurro 6i) 6)51*66u0(1). 61Efir,616i5i- (61)-) LA: EF 6)5160)61.) .2,16,00,000/- (Q5urrii.i Dmitsra UrrOtu 416o-rrro A161.)LEFth thL:GLi)) ,=w5Li) g).gk G61.16ocsa9m cy)66-rCIrreneL 5.21,60,000/- (e,urriii 0540 95 061.)LEF0 ,Aguo .41,u519-th LilLab) 4j,&. ,a6nEF-uin- 61Er-rr,.go 6ill6Wth 6)51505air thrraiLLi_th, 6)51(..555&fr NrritSloc:oiLL 2 Iri- EFU.rfl. os__S6iil, 6)51(055fr rrvjesrr, L461fluri,156mh EgluTruxh, umpu ui_i_rr Ori- 182 :56 L4Altu LALLrr Iri- 265 - 6i) e660isn_ eFriGai 6166a.5 6i) 6yaffiir 3 6-1&661)-n: 17 161)A16S) Q071_43 &Fan: 9 16-‘)(y)LO, &frC6u 6r6thsr.10 6b 6Taffiri 1 GIEF6tirsn: 41 cy-kg)61.10LO 41,65 6ri6E6ri 1 616F622525ri: 50 061.)015 rr6isrisprr6i) 6)51uph:- 61JLaU - &fr06).1 61-601.5 6i) 6Tise6ri 3 61eFoisrL 8 61Q.F.6 - 6Jrriplirr6isr oi61L4pr2 161.)Co 61gpaGE6.

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