-3 P C UlMir <*) *®UTH PACIFIC south pacific “ BULLETIN Every day of the week, a whole flock From Nadi. of Qantastic Pacific birds take off from 3 Mights a week to Honolulu and San Francisco. 3 Mights a week to Bombay. Nadi, Noumea and Auckland. 5 Mights a week to Sydney. Check out their flight patterns, see how they fit in with your plans and find From Noumea. l ake Air Pacific to Noumea from where you can take yourself on board one of our 747B long a Qantas Might to Sydney even- Wednesday. distance comfort birds or aboard the From Auckland. world-famed 707. Take Air Pacific to Auckland from where there When the time comes for you to spread are daily Mights to Sydney and regular your wings, fly out in Qantastic stvle. Qantas Mights to Brisbane and Melbourne. Australia, Asia, Europe, USA and the Pacific. It's a Qantastic World. LB1 3153 Fish Poisoning in the South Pacific Order Form Please send m e ......................... copy/copies ofFish Poisoning in the South Pacific. Please print name address Price per copy: SA3.50 or SUS5.25, post free. My remittance f o r .....................is attached South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau Box 306, Haymarfcet, Sydney, 2000. AUSTRALIA. Exotic Plant Pests and Diseases > Order Form Please send m e ......................copy/copies ofExotic Plant Pests and Diseases. P l i w print name address Price per copy: SPC area - SA7.50; elsewhere - SA15.00; plus SA3.00 postage/ packing all areas. My remittance f o r .....................is attached. South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau Box 306, Haymarxet, Sydney, NSW, 2000. AUSTRALIA. South Pacific Bulletin Subscription Form I wish to subscribe to theSouth Pacific Bulletin by surface mail: name ................................................................................................. address............................................................................................... Please Please print PACIFIC ISLANDS AUST. NZ UK USA One Year: SA3.80 $4.00 $4.80 £ 2 .4 0 $US5.00 Three Years: $A 10.50 $11.00 $13.50 £ 6 .7 5 $US14.00 My remittance f o r...........................is attached. New □ Renewal EZZI (please tick appropriate box) South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau ' Box 306, Haymarket, Sydney, NSW, 2000. AUSTRALIA. A ir mail postal rates supplied on application Handicrafts of the South Seas Order Form Please send m e ......................copy/copies ofHandicrafts o f the South Seas. Please print name address Price per copy: SPC area - SA3.50; elsewhere - $A4.00. Post free My remittance f o r .....................is attached. South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau Box 306, Haymarket, Sydney, NSW. 2000. AUSTRALIA. E.D.I. 60rr>3 continuous vacuum pan for sugar boiling in operation at Mossman Central Mill CONTINUOUS BOILING HAS ADVANTAGES such as, -. EASE OF CONTROL REDUCED COST OF PRODUCTION INCREASED PRODUCTION RATES G.P.O. BOX 1421 DESIGNED, INSTALLED & GUARANTEED BY BRISBANE AUSTRALIA EVANS DEAKIN INDUSTRIES LTD. TELEX 40443, PHONE 44-0111 DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION DIVISION SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN. THIRD QUARTER. 1977 page 1 LIBRARY SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION Kodachrome 64 film Kodachrome 64 (daylight) film is an excellent general purpose slide film that gives well-saturated colors, sharpness and fine grain, plus the flexibility of an ASA 64 rating. It holds fine detail in highlight and shadow areas and has good exposure latitude for pleasing results, even with moderate under or over-exposure. Kodachrome 64 film is available from photo dealers in sizes to fit 135, 126 and 110-size cameras. For ultra-fine grain sharpness, try Kodachrome 25 film. It’s rated at ASA 25 and is available only in 135-size rolls. KODAK (Australasia) PTY. LTD. K61/5203 page 2 SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN. THIRD QUARTER, 1977 $A0.95c within SPC area south pacific $A1 Australia BULLETIN $NZ1.20 New Zealand OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION Vol. 27 No.3: 3rd Quarter, 1977. The ‘Population Explosion’ in the South Pacific 7 M.L. Bakker Turtle farming for the South Pacific 14 Dr U. Raj How to Write in Micronesian 17 Suzanne E. Jacobs PNG’s surprise new industry - crocodile 23 Melvin Bolton farming Meeting of Pacific Islands industrial specialists 28 Dr Te’o Ian Fairbairn The transportation and handling of fish products and fresh fish in the Pacific Islands 32 A.P.J. Holness Exploring New Caledonia’s past 37 B. Brou SPC training courses in food hygiene and control 41 E. Dunn The good ship M.V. Maui is launched 43 Graeme Coates Pacific Reading 45 Recent Stamp Issues 48 (The original text of all articles is English unless otherwise indicated.) Last issue, we ran a small news item concerning Dr Ian Fairbairn, SPC Economist, who had recently received the chiefly title of Te'o in the Western Samoan village of Fasito’outa. Our cover this issue was C over taken at the ceremony at which the title was presented showing Dr Fairbairn with Auelua, Samoan head of the Sa Petaia family, to which Dr Fairbairn belongs. On page 28. Dr Fairbairn has an article on a meeting of Pacific Islands industrial specialists and next issue he writes on Guam's green revolution. (Registered at the Post Office, Suva for transmission by Post as a Newspaper). The South Pacific Bulletin, first published in January 1951, The Commission does not accept responsibility for statements features articles on activities in the South Pacific Commission's made in contributed articles. three main fields of operation: economic, health and social All enquiries concerning the South Pacific Bulletin should be development. Articles are contributed by specialists working directed either to the Secretary-General, South Pacific Com­ in these and related fields in the SPC area. The Bulletin mission, BPD5, Noumea CEOEX, New Caledonia; or The has a selective, world distribution among people and institu­ Editor, SPC Publications Bureau, Box 306, Haymarket, NSW, tions in widely differing fields sharing a common interest in 2000, Australia. Subscription rates: within SPC area— $A3.80 the purposes and work of the Commission. (1 yr.), $A10.50 (3 yrs.); elsewhere— see subscription form Unless otherwise stated, all material appearing in the South inside. Map inside shows SPC area. Pacific Bulletin may be reproduced without prior reference Editor of Commission Publications: C. E. BIRCHMEIER. provided acknowledgement is made to both source and author. Advertising Manager: FRANK O’CONNELL (Phone: 21 2 2344). SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN. THIRD QUARTER, 1977 page 3 IMPROVE POULTRY PRODUCTIVITY 2 -T IE R REVERSE HANGING CAGES '"M"—TYPE CAGE WATERER (AUTOMATIC) withHARRISON Poultry farmers, government officers, both know improved productivity - getting more from your farm - means bigger profits, a sounder economy. Productivity depends on modern, reliable, economically-priced equipment. For top productivity contact Harrison Jamesway, Australia's biggest manufacturer and supplier of poultry equipment. Harrison Jamesway, selling to Pacific poultry farmers now! Harrison Jamesway profit-building poultry equipment includes: FAN FEEDER ^ Jamesway Big J. incubators, modular Poultry farmers want top profitability. units available. Administrations want viable industries. Harrison Jamesway want to help. ^ Feeding systems for cage and ground birds; low cost, space-saving, easy to instal, more eggs per pound Their man-in-the-Pacific, will call of feed. anywhere with information or advice to consult on any poultry Watering systems for all birds: problem. Contact him now at stable, sensitive, dependable, hygienic, labour-saving. HARRISON 'M'-type laying cages: stronger, HARRISON- less maintenance than other types; JAMESWAY non-drip nipples allow plenty of IQP T Y LTD . water yet keep litter dry. 9 Malta Street, Villawood, 2163 Egg graders to suit your farm - N.S.W. Australia. grading, 3,000 or 1,600 eggs Cables: Perfectchick Sydney per hour. Propeller Fans with higher Phone: 728-6144 volume air outputs than normal Telex: AA 24315 for similar diameters. page 4 SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN. THIRD QUARTER. 1977 THE SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION The South Pacific Commission is a consultative data analysis. The Commission’s headquarters are and advisory body which was set up in 1947 by the in Noumea, New Caledonia. six Governments then responsible for the adminis­ tration of island territories in the South Pacific Until 1974, Commissioners from the participating region. These were Australia, France, the Nether­ Governments met in annual Session. The South lands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the Pacific Conference first met in 1950, and became an United States of America. Participation by the annual event in 1967. It was attended by delegates Netherlands Government ceased at the end of 1962. from countries and territories within the Com­ The Independent State of Western Samoa was mission’s area of action, and met immediately before admitted as a participating Government in October the Session. 1964, the Republic of Nauru was admitted in July In October 1974, in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 1969, the Dominion of Fiji in May 1971 and Papua representatives of the participating Governments New Guinea in September 1975. signed a Memorandum of Understanding which pro­ The Commission’s purpose is to advise the par­ vides for the Commission and the Conference to ticipating Governments on ways of improving the meet annually in a joint session known as the South well-being of the people of the Pacific island terri­ Pacific Conference. tories. The Commission’s work programme provides The Principal Officers of the Commission are: the
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