214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. DECE:MBER 7, Also, papers to accompany bill for relief of Louisa D. Bur­ the fifteenth annual report of the Board of Ordnance and Forti­ net, now Foote-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. fication for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1905; which, with the Also, papers to accompany bill for relief of Edward R. Dun­ accompanying paper, were referred to the Committee on Military bar-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Affairs, and ordered to be printed. By 1\fr. WEBB: Petition of citizens of Charlotte, N. C., in REPORT OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. regard to the massacres and persecutions of Jews in Russia­ to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the forty-third Also, resolution of Virgin Spring Council, No. 69, of Cor­ annual report of the Comptroller of the Currency for the fiscal nelius, N. C. , and Behvood Council, No. 84, Junior Order year ended Oetober 31, 1905; which was referred to the Com­ United American Mechanics, of Belwood, N. C., in favor of re­ mittee on Finance, and ordered to be printed. stricting immigration-to the Committee on Immigration and KINGSTON HARBOR (MASSACHUSETTS) SURVEY. Naturalization. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Rebecca Garlands, t ion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, pursuant to law, Lockey Stewart, and Mary Greenes-to the Committee on In­ a letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, to­ valid Pensions. gether with a report from Col. W. S. Stanton, relative to a pre­ liminary examination of Kingston Harbor, Massachusetts; which, SENATE. -with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. THURSDAY, December 7, 1905. IRRIGATION WORKS. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Enw..A.RD E. HALE. 'l'he VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ THE JOURNAI~. tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant Tile Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's to law, a letter from the Director of the Geological Survey rela­ proceedings. tive to examinations and surveys for the location and construc­ Mr. HALE. 1\fr. President, while at this early stage of t11e t ion of irr igation works for the storage, diversion, and develop­ session I .do not think it is desirable to dispense with the reading ment· of wa ters; including artesian wells, etc.; which was re­ of tile Journal, it is so very long to-day and the whole proceed­ ferred to the Committee on the Geological Survey, and ordered ing yesterday was so formal, I ask unanimous consent that tlle to be printed. furtl1er reading be dispensed with. REGE TS OF SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Maine asks The VICE-PRESIDENT appointed 1\fr. LODGE and 1\fr. BACON unanimous consent that the further reading of the Journal be Regents on the part of the Senate of the Smithsonian Institu­ dispensed with. Is there objection? There is none, and the tion, under the · provisions of the Revised Statutes relative to reading will be dispensed with. tilat institation, to fill the vacancies occasioned by the death of ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY. Orville H. Platt and by the expiration of the term of Francis M. Cockrell. 1\fr. HALE. I move that when the Senate adjourns to-day it PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. be to meet on Monday next. The motion was agreed to. The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition of the legislature of Georgia, t•raying for the repeal of the present Chinese-exclu­ ANNUAL REPORT UF THE LIDRABIAN OF CO GRESS. s ion law; which was referred to the Committee on Immigration, The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows : report of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ended A resolution urging the repeal or modification of the Chinese-exclusion June 30, 1905; which was referred to the Committee on the act. Library, and ordered to be printed. Whereas the Chinese-exclusion act is now bearing its evil fruits in REPORT ON EDUCATION IN PORTO RICO. the boycott or American goods, and is likely to effect seriously our southern products, as well as the Christian mission work in Cbinu, The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ unless repealed or modified : Therefore, tion from the Secretary of the Interior, tt·ansmitting, pursuant R esolved by the haus·e of representatives of the State of Geat·gia (the senate cancut·ring), That the President of the United States and the to law, the report of the commissioner of education for Porto Congress thereof are respectfully urged to repeal or so modify what is Rico for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1905 ; which, with the known as " the Chinese-exclusion act " as will not only restore friendly n,ccompanying paper, was refeiTed to the Committee on Pacific relations, but extend our commerce with that country. R es olved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Presi­ Islands and Porto Rico, and ordered to be printed. dent, Vice-Pr~sident, and Speaker of the National House of Repre­ UARITIME CANAL COMPANY OF NICARAGUA. sentatives. JOHN M. SLATON, Tile VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Speaker of Hause. tion from· the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant JNO. T. B OIFEUILLET, Cleric of Hause. to law, the report of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua; W. S. WEST, which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ P r esident at Seitate. mittee on Interoceanic Canals, and ordered to be printed. C. S. NORTHEN, Secretat·y of Senate. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF INTERIOR FOR PORTO RICO. The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition of the legisla­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ ture of the Territory of Hawaii, praying for the enactment of tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant legislation imposing a duty on all coffee imported from foreign to law, tile report of the commissioner of the interior for Porto countries into the United States; which was referred to the Rico for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1905; which, witil the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Pacific as follows: Islands and Porto R_ico, and ordered to l{e printed. Concurrent resolution. GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. B e it r esolved by the house at r epresentatives and the senate of the l egislature of the T erritory of Hawaii: Tile VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Whereas the coffee industry of this Territory is now in a depressed condition and many of the plantations are threatened to be abandoned tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant on account of tbe continued low price of the product and the large to law, a copy of a letter from Dr. William A. 'Vhite, -supei·in­ quantities of coffee imported into the United States from Mexico and tendent of the Government Hospital for the Insane, together Central America free of duty; and Whereas there are within this Territory large areas of land suit­ with a report showing in detail the receipts and expenditures able to the cultivation of cofree and there are large areas of coffee thereof; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to lands in the Philippine Islands and Porto Rico, new possessions of the the Committee on the District ·of Columbia, and ordered to be United States; and Whereas large amounts of American capital are now Invested in printed. this industry in the Territory of Hawaii and in the.new possessions of LAWS OF HAW Ali. the United States, providing employment to many citizens unable to compete with the peon labor of South and Central America; and The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Whereas it is meet and proper that this Industry and the citizens tion from the acting governor of Hawaii, transmitting .a copy of engaged in it should be encourao-ed and protected for the benefit of tbe the senate journal, regular and extra sessions, of the third legis­ ~'erritory of Hawaii and the whole of the United States and its pos­ sessions ; and lative. assembly of the Territory of Hawaii; which, with the Whereas a distinguished commission of the honorable Senate of tbe accompanymg papers, was referred to the Committee on Terri­ United States, which lately visited the Territory of Hawaii and re­ tories. ported the same to the Senate of tbe United States, recommended that a bounty of 4 cents per pound be paid the producers of coffee within REPOHT OF DOABD OF ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION. this Territory for each pound of coffee produced: Therefore, be It Resolved, That we respectfully petition the Congress ot the United 'l'he VIClD-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ States to impose a duty on all coffee imported from foreign countries tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, pursuant to law, into the United States, or in lieu thereof to provide a suitable bounty 1905. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE. 215 to be paid to the producers of coffee within the United States, to the legislation providing for the reestablishment of the ·Army can­ end that a great internal agricultural industry may be created and the nation fm·ther become self-supporting. teen ; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. R esolved, That the ~overnor of the Territory is hereby requested to He also presented a memoria:! of the Southeastern Millers' transmit certified cop1es of this resolution to the President of the Association, of Nashville, Tenn., remonstrating against the United States, to the President of the Senate of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, and enactment of legislation enlarging the powers of the Interstate to the Delegate of the Territory of Hawaii, with the request that the Commerce Commission; which was referred to the Committee resolution be properly placed before the Congress of the United States.
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