62nd Annual Midwest Archaeological Conference October 4–6, 2018 No t r e Dame Conference Center Mc Kenna Hall Parking ndsp.nd.edu/ parking- and- trafǢc/visitor-guest-parking Visitor parking is available at the following locations: • Morris Inn (valet parking for $10 per day for guests of the hotel, rest aurants, and conference participants. Conference attendees should tell t he valet they are here for t he conference.) • Visitor Lot (paid parking) • Joyce & Compt on Lot s (paid parking) During regular business hours (Monday–Friday, 7a.m.–4p.m.), visitors using paid parking must purchase a permit at a pay st at ion (red arrows on map, credit cards only). The permit must be displayed face up on the driver’s side of the vehicle’s dashboard, so it is visible to parking enforcement staff. Parking is free after working hours and on weekends. Rates range from free (less than 1 hour) to $8 (4 hours or more). Campus Shut t les 2 3 Mc Kenna Hal l Fl oor Pl an Registration Open House Mai n Level Mc Kenna Hall Lobby and Recept ion Thursday, 12 a.m.–5 p.m. Department of Anthropology Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m.–1 p.m. 2nd Floor of Corbett Family Hall Informat ion about the campus and its Thursday, 6–8 p.m. amenities is available from any of t he Corbett Family Hall is on the east side of personnel at the desk. Notre Dame Stadium. The second floor houses t he Department of Anthropology, including facilities for archaeology, Book and Vendor Room archaeometry, human osteology, and Mc Kenna Hall 112–114 bioanthropology. The archaeological collections are focused on northwest - Thursday, 12–5 p.m. ern Indiana. Mat erials on display will Friday, 8 a.m–5 p.m. include collections from the Middle Saturday, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Grant Creek site in Illinois. Open t o all. Vendors and Information Tables Ball State Universit y, Department of MAC Board Meet ing Anthropology and Applied Anthropolo- gy Laboratories Quinn Dining Room, Morris Inn Cent er for Archaeological Investi- Friday , 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Upper Level gations, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Recept ion Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of and Trivia Cont est Nat ur al Resources Rohr’s, Morris Inn Gustav’s Library Friday, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Illinois Stat e Archaeological Survey A chance to enjoy refreshing beverages Inst it ute for Field Research and abundant hors d’oeuvres, show your knowledge of Midwestern archaeologi- Lef t Coast Press cal trivia, and win prizes. Two t icket s f or Register of Professional Archaeologists beverages are included in the registra- St . Cloud Stat e University Cultural tion packet. A cash bar will be available Resource Management- Archaeology as well. Pre- regist ration required. M.S. Program Uni ver si t y of Not r e Dame Press MAC Business Meet ing Wildnote, Inc. Audit or i um Wisconsin Archaeological Societ y Saturday, 5–6 p.m. 4 5 Executive Commit t ee Conference Sponsors President: Jodie O’Gorman, Michigan State University Pl at i num Sponsor s ( $1,000 or mor e) President- Elect: John Doershuk, Universit y of Iowa University of Not re Dame, Inst itute for Scholarship in t he Liberal Arts Treasurer: Brian D. Nichols, Universit y of Wisconsin-Milwaukee University of Not re Dame, Department of Ant hropology Sec r et ar y: Eve A. Hargrave, Illinois State Archaeological Survey Executive Officer: Mark R. Schurr, Universit y of Notre Dame Gold Level Sponsors ($750) Executive Officer: April Sievert, Indiana Universit y University of Indianapolis MCJA Editor: Thomas E. Emerson, Illinois Stat e Archaeological Survey Silver Sponsors ($500) Host ed by Beta Analytic, Inc. Gray and Pape Department of Anthropology Illinois Archaeological Survey Uni ver si t y of Not r e Dame Illinois Stat e Archaeological Survey, Universit y of Illinois Ohio Archaeological Council Conference Organizers Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc. Mar k R. Schurr and Madeleine T. McLeester Michigan State Universit y, Department of Anthropology St udent Paper Compet it ion Committee Bronze Sponsors ($250) Madeleine T. McLeester (Chair), Katherine M. Sterner, and Aaron Comstock Archeology, Geography, and Earth Science (AGES) Research Laboratory at Minneso- ta Stat e University, Mankato Ball State University, Department of Anthropology and Applied Anthropology Labo- ratories Illinois Stat e University, Depart ment of Sociology and Anthropology Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center, Universit y of Wisconsin-La Crosse Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa Purdue University, Department of Ant hropology Int roductory Sponsors ($100) Indiana University- South Bend Logan Museum of Anthropology, Beloit College 6 7 Summar y Schedul e All sessions take place in McKenna Hall unless otherwise noted Thur sday, Oct ober 4 Saturday, October 6 9–11:45 a.m. General Session 2–4 p.m. 2018 MAC Sponsored Symposium Middle Mississippian to Late Prehistoric Lifeways, Auditorium Lat e Prehistoric Landscapes in t he Northern Prairie Peninsula: A Lake Koshkonong Perspective, Audit orium 9 a.m–12 p.m. General Session Old Materials, New Methods, and Novel Approaches, 6–8 p.m. Open House and Recept ion Room 100-104 Department of Anthropology, 2nd Floor of Corbett Family Hall Open to all. 9:30–11:30 a.m. Poster Symposium Food Production Past and Present: Multidisciplinary Perspect ives, Room 210-214 Fr i day, Oct ober 5 9:30–11:30 a.m. General Poster Session 9 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Symposium Bioarchaeology, Health, and Disease, Room 210-214 Storing Cult ure: Subt erranean Storage in the Upper Midwest , 1:30–4:15 p.m. Symposium Audi t or i um Ethnogenesis and Village Origins: Becoming Fort Ancient at the 10 a.m.–12 p.m. General Poster Session Guard Site, AD 1000-1300, Auditorium Report s from t he Field, Room 210-214 1–4 p.m. General Session 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. MAC Board Meet ing Landscape, Sett lement s, and Their Detect ion, Room 100-104 Quinn Dining Room, Morris Inn 1:30–3:30 p.m. Poster Symposium 1:30–3:45 p.m. Symposium St udent Cent ered Research in the Applied Anthropology Fur Trade, Farmst eads, and Foreigners: 400 Years of Wisconsin’s Laboratories 2014-2018, Room 210-214 Historical Archaeology, Auditorium 5–6 p.m. MAC Business Meeting 1:30– 4:30 p.m. General Session Audi t or i um Woodland Investigations, Room 100-104 1:30–3:30 p.m. General Poster Session Mat er i al s and Met ho ds, Room 210-214 3–4:30 p.m. Student Workshop Industrial and Urban Archaeology, Room 202 5:30–7:30 p.m. Reception and Trivia Cont est Rohr’s, Morris Inn (Pre-registration required) 8 9 Thursday, October 4 Fr i day, October 5 All sessions take place in McKenna Hall unless otherwise noted 2–4 p.m. 2018 MAC Sponsored Symposium 9 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Symposium Lat e Prehist oric Landscapes in t he Nort hern Prairie Peninsula: Storing Cult ure: Subt erranean Storage in t he Upper Midwest A Lake Koshkonong Perspect ive Audit or i um Audit or i um Chair: Sean B. Dunham Co- Chairs: Robert J. Jeske, Katherine Sterner, and Richard W. Edwards IV 9 a.m. Cache Pit s: Reflect ions from t he Ne- con- ne- pe- wah- se sit e 2 p.m. New Perspectives from Lake Koshkonong Sean B. Dunham (U.S. Forest Service) Robert Jeske (University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee), Kat herine 9:15 a.m. Now and Lat er: A Cross- Cult ural Comparison of Hunt er- Gatherer Sterner (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), and Richard Food St orage Pract ices Edwards IV (Commonwealt h Heritage Group, Inc.) Kathryn Frederick (Michigan State University) 2:15 p.m. Upper Mississippian Stone Tools and Communit y Organizat ion 9:30 a.m. Experiment al Research on Plant St orage at Midewin Prairie, Katherine M. Sterner (Universit y of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Illinois: Considering t he Shelf Lif e of Plant St orage wit hin 2:30 p.m. Ident it ies in Clay: Displays of Group Ident it y on Pot t ery f rom Subt er r anean Pi t s Oneot a Villages on Lake Koshkonong Ian Kuijt (University of Not re Dame), Madeleine McLeester (Universi- Seth A. Schneider (University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee) and Natalie ty of Notre Dame), and Mark R. Schurr (University of Notre Dame) A. Carpiaux (Field Museum) 9:45 a.m. From Cache Pit s t o Middens: Navigat ing t he Pit f alls of Feature 2:45 p.m. Archaeof auna as Evidence f or Oneot a Landscape Invest ment Interpretation During Periods of Conflict and St ress Nat al i e Carpiaux (The Field Museum) and Richard W. Edwards IV Rachel C. McTavish (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) (Commonwealth Heritage Group, Inc.) 10 a.m. Grand Island Pit Features: A Perf ormance- Based Int erpret at ion 3:00 p.m. Break Emily R. Bartz (University of Florida) 3:15 p.m. Risky Landscapes: Agriculture and Upper Mississippian Societ ies 10:15 a.m. Cache Pit s and (or as?) Rit ual Pract ice at t he Cut River Mounds Richard W. Edwards IV (Commonwealth Heritage Group, Inc.) Site (20RO1) in North-Central Michigan Meghan C.L. Howey (University of New Hampshire) 3:30 p.m. The Social Landscape of 11t h- t o 15t h- Cent ury Lake Koshkonong Robert J. Jeske (University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee) 10:30 a.m.
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