Home Articles tree Newest articles Changes to articles Search Contact info Prophetic word for today The Jebusites First posted: June 05, 2004 This is the second article in a series of 7 articles on the 7 "categories" of evil spirits that the Scriptures describe. This article will focus on the "Jebusites". It is very im portant to understand how each of these evil spirits operates in order to recognize if our hearts are currently "infected" with any of them , and to recognize them in the hearts of others. These spirits are real, and their effects in people's lives are devastatingly real, so it is im portant to recognize their modus operandi. Since entire books could be written on each type of evil spirit, we could not possibly cover each type com pletely in a single article. Each article in this series, therefore, will serve as a brief overview of each type of spirit. God willing, we will post future articles that will expand on each of these types of spirits. Throughout this series, whenever we refer to a "Jebusite", for exam ple, we m ay be referring to a Jebusite spirit or to a person "infected" with that type of spirit. Index W hat's in a nam e? Subm ission unto eternal life Jebusite-provoked lam eness An exam ple of Godly rebellion So m uch m ore to say What's in a name? A great deal can be inferred directly from the m eaning of the word "Jebusite". As we m entioned in the first article of this series (under the section "The 7 types of evil spirits"), "Jebusite" m eans "thresher", which refers to the agricultural activity of beating grain out of the husk. This was usually done through anim als such as oxen who were used to tread on the grain that was laid out over a "threshing-floor". From this we can infer that Jebusite spirits, being "threshers", are spirits that tread or "stom p" on other people. People whose hearts are "infected" by Jebusite spirits tend to be people who do not hesitate to put down and hum iliate others. By stom ping on people, Jebusites m ake a concerted effort to prevent them from growing taller. They like to m ake people feel sm all, and deliberately put them down any tim e they see these "sm all" people trying to establish their authority. Jebusites believe that certain people are inherently inferior, without a right to m anifest any kind of authority. According to Jebusites, "sm all" people should just shut up and concede, because they are nobodies who will never am ount to m uch. As som e of you m ight already be thinking, the spirit of racism is a Jebusite spirit. Jebusites are enforcers of social castes. Unfortunately, the Church is currently swarm ed by Jebusites. In the past, these Jebusites took the form of legalistic believers who preached a "gospel" of "Pharisaic" rules and regulations, where believers were taught to abide by and obey these regulations, without being told of their potential in Christ. Passages in Isaiah chapters 7 through 10 indicate that God had prophesied thousands of years ago that this legalistic spirit (represented by Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Rem aliah, king of Israel) would be defeated and be replaced by a gospel m ore focused on our grace in Christ (represented by the king of Assyria). Isaiah chapters 9 and 10 show, however, that the "king of Assyria" would outstay his welcom e, and that this gospel that was m ore "grace-aware" would degenerate into a "gospel" without justice and judgm ent, a "gospel" where iniquity was tolerated, and where m ercy without truth would be the norm al practice (God willing, we will study these passages in Isaiah in greater detail in a future article). Since this grace-aware gospel deviated from God's nature, it acted like an antibiotic that partially kills the virus, but leaves enough of it so that it can m utate and becom e a strain of the virus m ore resistant to antibiotics than before. This is precisely what happened to the Jebusite spirit. The Jebusite spirit is still swarm ing the Church, like a bad fly infestation, but not in its previous "legalistic" strain. It now takes a subtler, less conspicuous form . The Jebusite spirit now preaches a "gospel" where the Body of Christ is divided into two m ain castes, "m inisters", and "laym en". The "ministers" are the full-tim e pastors and their "church staff". The "laymen" are the "regular" church-going folk who do not hold a m ajor position in the church "hierarchy". These so-called "m inisters" becom e the spiritual gurus of the Church, and they are there to assist the less spiritually-inclined "laym en" who don't have the tim e or capability to hear directly from God, and, who, therefore, are spiritually ignorant in com parison to the "m inisters". A relationship of dependency is thereby established between these two spiritual castes, where the laym en surrender their spiritual authority to the m inisters. Since the m inisters are the only ones who can be relied on to really hear from God, everything the pastor says or does becom es the law of the land, and any laym an who dares to question the teachings or the orders of the pastor (or any of his ordained staff) is autom atically reprim anded and stom ped on. "How dare anyone question the spiritual wisdom of the pastor?", the Jebusites say, adding, "Haven't you read Romans chapter 13? You are supposed to submit to authority; just obey, and you will be showered with the spiritual blessings provided by the authorities established by God. Rebel, and the covering of spiritual blessings will be taken away from you, and you will suffer the dire consequences of your disobedience." Since this is a m ore "lenient" strain of the Jebusite virus than the one in the past, today's "m inisters" give their "laym en" m ore freedom s. Young people can listen to satanic-style Heavy M etal m usic, as long as the lyrics are rem otely "Christian". Young ladies can wear those provocative jeans and those tight tops that are so "in vogue", as long as their private parts are not "exposed", and as long as they continue to attend youth services. Choir singers can spend their entire life obsessed with their business dealings, without spending tim e to hear God's voice in their hearts, as long as they show up for all the choir practices and hit the notes correctly. Deacons can spread nasty rum ors about other brothers and sisters, as long as they have perfect attendance in all of their deacon activities. The co-pastor and his fam ily can watch TV program s with explicit m essages prom oting fornication and adultery, as long as they do not watch full-blown pornography, and as long as he fulfills all of his co-pastoral responsibilities at church. All of this is allowed, but watch out if anyone dares to question the pastor's vision. That would be a sin!!! "Just subm it yourself and receive your blessings from your m inister", is the battle cry of the m odern-day Jebusite. Submission unto eternal life Please don't m isunderstand m e. From the section above, som e m ight conclude that I do not believe in subm ission, but I do believe in having a subm issive spirit. The W ord calls us to subm it our entire being to God. If G od tells you to do a back flip, you m ust do it. If God calls you to stand on your head and drink a glass of water, you m ust do it. W e m ust be willing to do anything God tells us to do. W e are to present a subm issive and m eek heart before God. W e are to be like clay that God can m old into anything He wants. In our subm ission to Him , we will also subm it to m an when we discern the voice of G od speaking through that m an (or wom an): "27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father‘s hand. 30I and my Father are one." (John 10:27-30) As His sheep, we all have the capability to discern His voice and to know when God is speaking through m an, as opposed to when natural m an is speaking "in the nam e of God". As His sheep, we all have access to eternal life, which, as we have briefly discussed in previous articles, is m ore than just escaping from hell but is, according to Scripture, the reward of being m ade One with God for eternity (som ething that is not autom atically ensured when you are born again). This is why the Lord ends the passage above (v30) with the statem ent, "I and M y Father are One". Som e m ight argue that only Jesus had the right to say this, but notice what Jesus says after verse 30: "31Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
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