E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1998 No. 56 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ance and keep them from the evil one. PASTOR KENNETH G. WILDE called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Inspire them with a heart for our Na- (Mrs. CHENOWETH asked and was pore (Mr. LATOURETTE). tion. Sanctify them with Your truth, given permission to address the House f for Your word is truth. May they know for 1 minute.) Your love and see Your glory. May Mrs. CHENOWETH. Mr. Speaker, it is DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER they all understand, as Esther did, that indeed an honor and a privilege for me PRO TEMPORE just very possibly they have been to welcome to this House of Represent- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- brought to the Kingdom for such a atives my pastor from Boise, Idaho, fore the House the following commu- time as this. Ken Wilde. Pastor Wilde is the senior nication from the Speaker: Now, as Daniel prayed, we also pray. pastor of the Capital Christian Center, WASHINGTON, DC, Oh, Lord, hear. Oh, Lord, forgive. Oh, a church that has a membership of May 7, 1998. Lord, listen and act. Do not delay for about 2,000 and is growing very quickly I hereby designate the Honorable STEVE your own sake, my God, for Your city in Boise, Idaho. LATOURETTE to act as Speaker pro tempore and Your people who are called by Pastor Wilde is not only the senior on this day. Your Name. We humbly offer these pastor of our church, but also a very NEWT GINGRICH, things to you in Your precious name. Speaker of the House of Representatives. strong community leader. I am so deep- Amen. ly grateful for pastors such as Pastor f f Wilde who will involve themselves, not PRAYER just in the very heavy responsibilities THE JOURNAL of shepherding their people, but also Reverend Kenneth G. Wilde, Senior influencing them into government and Pastor, Capital Christian Center, Me- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The into active participation in politics. ridian, Idaho, offered the following Chair has examined the Journal of the It has been, indeed, my honor and prayer: last day's proceedings and announces privilege to welcome to this great Let us pray together. Lord God of to the House his approval thereof. House Pastor Ken Wilde. heaven, You are a great and awesome Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- God, You who keep Your covenant and nal stands approved. f always observe Your commandments. f NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER We come to You on this National Day PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Mr. DELAY asked and was given per- of Prayer in deep humility and with a mission to address the House for 1 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the broken and contrite heart. We turn to minute.) gentleman from Nevada (Mr. GIBBONS) You as a people who have sinned and Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, in 1861, come forward and lead the House in the ask forgiveness for those times when Abraham Lincoln signed a proclama- Pledge of Allegiance. our Nation has been unfaithful to You. tion that recommended We recognize our inability to act right- Mr. GIBBONS led the Pledge of Alle- giance as follows: * * * a day of public humiliation, prayer, eously outside of Your divine and fasting to be observed by the people of enablement. Give us now a national re- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the United States with religious solemnities, solve to seek You with all of our heart, United States of America, and to the Repub- and the offering of fervent supplications to to love Your commandments, and to lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Almighty God for the safety and welfare of follow hard after You. Once again, ig- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. these States, His blessings on their arms, nite our Nation with hope as we pursue f and a speedy restoration of peace. Your purposes for which we have been Then, strife and war were tearing established. May righteousness be our ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER apart the United States, and to many byword. May peace be in our homes, PRO TEMPORE Americans, prayer was the only way to our streets, and our cities. Lord, re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The survive those difficult times. store unto us the joy of our salvation. Chair will recognize 10 one-minutes per Times in America are better now. We Lord, You have placed in this room side following the recognition of the are at peace. Our economy is booming, great leaders to whom You desire to gentlewoman from Idaho (Mrs. and things seem to be going pretty pour out wisdom and direction. In this CHENOWETH) for the purposes of wel- well. But, Mr. Speaker, today we need difficult and challenging place of lead- coming the guest pastor, Reverend the power of prayer more than ever. ing this Nation, give them divine guid- Wilde. Despite the appearance of good times, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2933 H2934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 7, 1998 many Americans feel that there is a Freedom Day on Father's Day at the In case you did not know, Great Wall moral crisis in our Nation. rate we are going. Industries supplies and builds compo- Today is the National Day of Prayer, Most Americans want us to move Tax nents for China's nuclear missiles. a time when all Americans can come Freedom Day back to the tax payment Americans are asking: Is this adminis- together and reflect on our Creator and day, which is April 15, as we well know. tration trying to inhale in the vacuum the blessings He has bestowed on this Those two dates have not coincided for of space, or is this just plain ignorance Nation. I think it is altogether fitting over 30 years. on their part? and appropriate that we continue the Despite last year's tax relief provided It is time we sent a clear message to traditions of Abraham Lincoln and join by this Republican-led Congress, the these space balls that Congress will not together in this National Day of Pray- average family still pays 38 percent of reward bad behavior or bad policy. It is er. their income to taxes, and that is way time for us to prohibit the transfer of f too high, as we all know. So let us nuclear technology that can be used to make last year's tax cut the first step, enhance China's missile program. CAMPAIGN FINANCE but not the last step, toward giving f INVESTIGATION Americans control over their own in- (Mr. PALLONE asked and was given comes, and commit to stopping the Tax NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER permission to address the House for 1 Freedom Day creep. (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was minute.) Meanwhile, happy Mother's Day. given permission to address the House Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, yester- f for 1 minute and to revise and extend day the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. MODIFIED ASSAULT WEAPONS his remarks.) BURTON), the chairman of the House Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, today (Mrs. CAPPS asked and was given Committee on Government Reform and is the National Day of Prayer. There permission to address the House for 1 Oversight apologized to his Republican will be prayer in hospitals, prisons, minute.) colleagues for the uproar over his re- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I State legislatures, the House of Rep- lease of the Hubbell tapes. am releasing a bipartisan letter to the resentatives, United States Senate, the The gentleman from Indiana also an- President in support of his recent ban White House, and even prayer to open nounced the removal of his chief inves- on the import of modified assault the Supreme Court, but there will be tigator. However, it is not enough for weapons and pledging to oppose any no prayer in our schools. the gentleman from Indiana to fire his legislative efforts to overturn it. This Think about it. A Supreme Court chief staff person. He should have re- is a commonsense, moderate approach that opens each session with ``God, moved himself from any further role in to fighting gun-related crime. save the United States and this honor- this investigation. The staff person did I fully support the rights of hunters, able court'' on one hand forbids prayer not release the tapes; the gentleman but these modified assault weapons are in our schools on the other hand. This from Indiana did. The staff person did not for sport or hunting. They are man- is a Supreme Court that must be chal- not change and edit the tapes, the gen- ufactured for killing people. They are lenged by the Congress of these United tleman from Indiana did. used on our streets for committing States. The gentleman from Indiana claims crimes. These firearms put our children A school without prayer is a school immunity from prosecution because he and the public at great risk. without God. Members know it. I know is a Congressman. If an ordinary person James Guelff, the brother of my con- it. The American people know it.
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