16 ^MANCHESTER HERALD, Tbesday, June 26,1990 r CARS [ ^ C A R S I I ^ C A R S CARS Astrograph FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE What's News ingenuity and resourcefulness in order AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Assume a to bring them into being. more dominate role today If you're In­ Wednesday VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) This is one of volved with persons who are having a J ^ r t h d a y those unusual days when your social hard time trying to resolve a difficult contacts could be more helpful to you matter. Your input could be very B laiichester commercially than the people with constructive. LOCAL NEWS INSIDE Jun* 27,1990 whom you usually conduct business. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) This is a Play your aces. good day to Iron out matters which A number of changes are likely In the LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Don't let small should be discussed with one with year ahead that could produce advan­ setbacks disturb you, because your ■ Osella proposes new park whom you're closely associated. Frank­ B tageous spin-offs. Don't get rattled if chances for successfully doing some­ ness will strengthen the alliance. things do not appear to be going your thing important you've been wanting to ARIES (March 21-April 19) You are and rec fund. Page 11. way initially. It's the final results that do look better than you think. Be hope­ presently in a good achievement cycle Wednesday, June 27,1990 count. Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents ful and assertive. so shift your emphasis to your most CANCER (June 21-July 22) Something SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) If your ex­ meaningful endeavors. If you apply 1 3 ■ Googins seeks 4th Dist. interesting might transpire today that pectations are kept within realistic yoi rself properly, you'll like the way will cause you to revise your opinion re­ bounds today they will have marvelous things turn out. u garding a person you know socially. The chances of being fulfilled. Strive to be a senate seat. Page 11. transformation will be positive on behalf visionary, not a wishful thinker. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Social In­ of both parties. Cancer, treat yourself to School board charged SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Your volvements will serve to stimulate your a birthday gift. Send for your Astro- material prospects look extremely en­ Town hall ■ Editorial: DiRosa sets more appealing attributes today, so let Graph predictions for the year ahead by couraging at this time, especially In situ­ the real you emerge. Happenings with mailing $1.25 to Astro-Graph, c /o this ations that pertain to your career. Mak­ friends could prove to be not only tun bad example. Page 6. newspaper, P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, ing more money is a strong possibility. but more rewarding than usual. OH 44101-3428. Be sure to state your with labor retaliation CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) It looks GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Several do­ zodiac sign. like you might have to alter your plans a expansion mestic projects you've neglected to fi­ from Little’s file, Lombard said. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Measures can be bit at this time in order to accom modate nalize to your satisfaction can bo con­ By Nancy Foley bined that he has been with the taken at this time to upgrade your earn­ people with whom you are involved. The cluded effectively today If you make Manchester Herald Little is on vacation and could not school system. Little said in April Committee would cut debt ing potential, but you'll have to use your changes will be worthwhile. them priority concerns. be reached for comment that 56 grievances had been filed in WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush would Wilson E. Deakin, assistant su­ The school custodians’ union is two years. opposed be authorized to cut debts to the U.S. govenunent claiming that the Board of Educa­ perintendent of schools for ad­ School officials claim that many by Latin American countries under a provision ^ tion retaliated against a union offi­ ministration, denied today that there of the grievances are frivolous and proved lliesday by the House Banking Cemunittee. Bridge was any connection between the ^ G I G A h m C cial for filing an OSHA complaint. design^ just to harass the ad- By .Rick Santos There was no record vote. Two Republicans, reprimand and the complaint to According to documents filed at miristration, while Little has said Manchester Herald Stan Pams of V irj^ia and Marge Roukema of New the state Labor Dept, Local 991 of OSHA. He was the school system that the higher number of grievances Jersey, said they disapproved. NORTH (- Z t-H When a ruff will take care of two of the small will do whatever is necessary to dis­ Council 4, American Federation of shows that workers are more confi­ The latest plan to renovate and expand town hall . But another Republican, Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa, ♦ QJ96 hearts in dummy, and the contract pute the complaint. dent that the union will take action V A 8 6 5 SALE DAYS... State, County and Municipal joined Democrau Joseph Kennedy of Mas- has lost the siqiport on one of its chief proponents is not enough will make. Deakin said there is no tmth to ♦ Q6 Employees, has filed a grievance on their complaints. and is likely to be cast into a growing pile of diS' ^husetts and Esteban Edward Torres of California ■There is a good case for West to the claim that the two matters are 4Q98 By James Jacoby switch to the 10 of hearts at trick two. charging that the union official was At Verplanck School, workers carded proposals, members of the Board of Directors in sponsoring the proposal. connected, and if there were, he WEST EAST First of all, it may not be necessary SALE STARTS given a written warning after con- dug a six-foot deep ditch to repair said Diesday. A subcommittee last Wednesday voted to ♦ B 4AK53 Many times it is right to kill an es­ for East to ruff even if declarer start­ ■ tacting OSHA in early March. would have removed the reprimand the blocked drainage pipe without autl^ze the president to reduce the debts of tablished side-suit winner in dummy from Little’s file. He said the dis­ About 14 of 25 citizens who attended a public W l0 7 VQ J 4 2 ed with J-10-4 of clubs. If East holds TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1990 ENDS shoring up the sides, as required by hearing on the proposal spoke against the plan, and African and E u t European countries. The United ♦ 10 9 5 2 ♦ 873 by letting partner ruff, even though A-10-7-X or K-10-7-X in trumps, he will The school system was fined pute is now being carried in two OSHA regulations when a ditdi is 4 A K 6 5 3 2 ♦ 74 declarer will overruff. But that ap­ score two natural trump tricks any­ SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1990 $750 in April after John Little, only one non-town employee favored the $12.5 mil­ States and other creditor governments have already areas, one under the grievance pro­ deeper than five feet. lion project reduced some African det^ proach is wrong when it fails to set the way. But if he holds strength in hearts, vice-president of Local 991, con­ cedure, and now under unfair labor SOUTH contract. Town officials have been grappling with a town Tuesday’s vote added Latin American countries ♦ 10 7 4 2 it is likely that the switch to hearts tacted the state Dept, of Labor about practices law. When South passed North’s jump in­ Little called the state agency after to the proposal if their debt and the interest they pay ♦ K 9 3 must be made immediately. If West an OSHA violation that occurred hall expwsion proposal since November, when vitation to game, he marked himself plays a heart, the defense will take He said that the work infraction the job was done and the ditch was on it are large enough to meet a series of require­ ♦ AK J 4 during the repair of a drainage pipe voters rejected by slim margin a $14 millicm expan­ ♦ J 10 with a very minimum opening bid. five tricks. If West continues clubs, r^649S involved is a minor one and the being refilled, according to Deakin. ments that show the debt to be particularly heavy. sion project Town officials since have been trying to 1984 HONDA PRELUDE 1987 H O N D A a V K at Verplanck School. Little then reprimand will be removed from the Now place yourself in the West posi­ nine tricks will be made. 1989 H O N D A a V IC D X Originally $1,350, the fine was convince critics that such a project is needed. It asked the Bush administration to urge other Vulnerable; Neither tion after the opening lead of the king Red, 4 Cylinder, 5 Speed, WAGON received a written reprimand for file in any event within 18 months, Dealer; South Lesson; Even when your partner Red, 4 Cylinder, Automatic, reduced after school officials ex­ “There doesn’t seem to be any public support for governments also to negotiate reductions of debts of clubs. East follows with the seven, can ruff the suit you have led, be Tilt Wheel, #2387 Beige, 4 Cylinder, Automatic, being away from his work site on providing it does not recur.
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