MANCHESTER DAYS’^T€>day, Friday, Saturday«^tores Open Until Nine Totif| AVEKAOB DAILY CIMODLAnON far tb* Mouth of May. 18M 5 , 4 7 5 Meariier af th* AiMH . Bai aaa of OrcnlaMeae. VOL. LHI., NO. 217. ( O a selflcd Advartialag ea F a g * IS.). MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 14. 1934. GERMANY DECLARES Latin America Tastes Storms* Wrath DEBT MORATORIUM STEEL WORKERS PLAN To Sospend hym ent On NATION-WIDE STRIKE GREAT VALUES Yoimg and Dawes Loans Vote Today on Proposed for Six Months— Move OFFERED HERE Republican Senators Walkoot Unless GoTenh Saves 120 Millions. DRAW C R O P S Oppose New Labor Bill ment Presents ^^tisfac- Berlin, June 14.— (AP)—The "Manchester Days” Sales Washington, June 14.— (AP) — M cN ary said, hdwever, that the tory” Peace Phn; May German government today declared Senate Republicans at a party coh- party members expressed the view a 'moratorium on payment on the ference today expressed dissatisfac­ that the new bill waa preferable to Toung and Dawes loans, supple­ Event Off to Fme Start To­ the W agner bill. Effect Seven Million tion with virtually all the provisions menting a previous moratorium by The new labor bill would author­ of the Administration’s new labor ize tbe President to set up a boai^ the Reichabank on the payment of day as Weather Man Pro- Workers, Is Claim of bill and appointed a subcommittee with authority to Investigate labor all medium and long-term foreign to draw up amendments. disputes and to order elections by obligations between July 1 and De­ daces Plenty of Sunshine. Earlier, Pugh S. Johnson, the secret ballot of . employes to de­ Leaders. NRA Administrator, told reporters cember 81. termine who shall represent them in that "I don’t see anything more 1 collective bargaining. Luts Schwerin von Kroslck, the can do." In the threatened steel The Republican conference sub­ minister of finance, announced that Attracted by outstanding bargains Pittsburgh,’June 14.— (AP.)— Be­ strike.. committee la composed of Senators the payment of interest and amor- which reflected merchandise of Despite Republican opposition. Davis, Pennsylvania; Couzens, hind' closed doors. 200 delegates t t tlzatioa on state loans will be’ sus­ standard quality at prices much low­ ih f i r^mocratic leaders hoped to get! Michigan; Goldsborough, Maryland; the steel workers union met today pended "for the time being until er than ordinarily asked, thousands the revised bill through Congress Stelwer, Oregon; and Walcott. Con­ IP. .'tell to take a vote on a proposal for a further notice." speedily to use Its provision for ap­ necticut. of shoppers from Manchester and nationwide steel strike— threat^ed He announced that an explana­ pointment of conciliation boards In McNary said so many amend­ tory statement would be made *n zurrounding communities visited within 48 hours unless the govern­ an effort to avert the steel strike ments were suggested that he could all capitals where parts of the state stores in the business section today ment intervenes with a ‘.’satlsfoe- set for Saturday. not recall the number of their con­ loans were Issued. to stock up on articles they needed tory" peace plan. Senator McNary, the Repubileah tent. In Its moratorium announcement, end, at the same time, to take ad­ Strong sentiment In favor of a leader, said after the executive He added that fault was found the Reichabank said no cash trans­ vantage of the appreciable-savings meeting attended by a score of walkout of the 100,000 workers provided. with tbe bill from beginning to end. fers would be made fo r the six Senators that a great number of He immediately conveyed the con­ clotmed by the Am algamated w as months period. Weather Ideal changes were proposed. expressed by seyeral delegates be­ Swept by heavy rains and high winds for five days, the little renubllp of Fi sensus of the gathering to Demo­ "B y the one stroke" Germany The weather could not have been The subcommittee recommenda­ fore the conveniion* opened. staggering blow when a battering hurricane followed, killing more^Than 1,000," rendem^g hundre<fe ^ cratic leaders v^ho expressed hope will save beraelf more than 300,- more Ideal for the opening of the tions will be considered at another the opposition would not lead to a Strike Is Possible 000,000 marks (more than $120,-, three-day tales event. It was com­ HereTa"^-L™n‘’r"rl^ dollars. The storm also stnirHondur^^Vto g-^^ conference tomorrow morning. E arl J. Forbeck, one of tbe so- Here is a view of the wreckage of a home In San Salvadjr, capital of El Salvador. amage. deadlock. 000,000) In foreign exchange fo r' paratively , cool and' a bright sun called "rahk and file” leaden said the second half of 1934, The O r ­ made the weather conditions even the nation faces a possible general man Institute of Business Research more favorable. This Induced hun- strike of the American Federation . asUmatea a -sarisg.. 24A0e0i0M of Labor's seven million workers un­ ■dretta-fiwm 'cmt '-«f ■'tdWn',’- p f6 K m arks In the servicing of private less "formal recognition’’ of the ably would have stayed at home had FRENCH Om eiALS loans and 68,000,000 marks in the steel workers union Is forthcoming it raln^, to drive into Manchester MUSSOLINI AND HITLER servicing of state loans. from the operators, ■ and swell the wave of buying In the No Exchange stores here. EXPLOSIVE SECRETS GET DEATH THREAT "We have received pledges from There is no direct mention of Anticipating the invasion of 3 ! crafts, including some outside of DELAY CONGRESS either the Young or Dawes loan In large number of shoppers, the stores DISCUSS FATE OF EUROPE the American Federation of Labor the 10-page communique telling of made preparations accotilingly and that they are ready to start a sym­ pathetic strike” said the outspoken the moratorium since such loans hired many extra salespeople to as­ Officials Get Documents and Bombs Sent Through Mail— young leader of the McKeesport, Pa_ are a government affair, but it waa sist the regular employees in hand­ Leaders of Both Parties Fear reliably reported that "there wlU be ling the additional volume of busi­ Italy Wadly Excited Over PICTURE OF GlRL local. no exchange available for servicing ness. Chemicals from the Corq< The delegates meeting today ara ThrM^^Cjerks Hurt When such loans."--- . .--------- . = 'Valoable PrtzM '....... " Importance of Confer­ Session WiH Continue Into Tepresentatives of "lodjg^" scattM- The Reichsbank communique car­ Another Important feature of «*d over the country- of the A m alga­ ried a strict denial of rumors In tbe "Manchester Dayc’’ was the offering KIDNAPINGaUE ner Probing Plane Crash. the Machine Explodes. mated Association of Iron, Steel and foreign press regarding the -infla­ ot $700 v/orth of valuable and use­ ence— May Reach Ac­ Next Week. Tin W orken . A t a convention In tion and devaluation of the mark ful prizes to purchasers holding the April, the Amalgamated set "tha terming them "irresponsible bab­ Liberty, N. Y., June 14.— (A P )— middle of June" fo r a walkout onies* lucky numbers on articles of mer­ Paris, June 14— (AP) — A weird ble." cord on Anns Cut. Washington, June 14.— (A P)— the steel industry, extended recogni­ chandise offered by the different to New York TTie United States Navy Depa.t' campaign of terror by persons sigh­ "W e will keep the German mark tion to the union as a collective bar­ stores. The prizes covered a wide Congressional adjournment came to ment in a surprise move Into the stable, and have the power to do ing themselves "The Three Judges gaining agent. range of merchandise. One, In fact, depend almost wholly today on so, th< communique stated firmly, Venice, June 14.— (A P )— A form­ Girl Seen in Photo In Investigation of Saturday’s airliner of Hell", who have threatened the waa quoted as having a retail value The convention opened at 11 O; m.^ adding that foreign pressure bad whether opposition to the new Cap­ crash on -Last Chance Mountain c f $40. er bouse painter and the son of a lives of the President, Premier and eastern daylight time, with Michael been brought to bear In the direc­ had stirred up a Cloud of mystery A ll local mer.j5hants joined In the blacksmith met today to discuss the Newspapers. ital-Labor conciliation bill waa other.high officials of France, was F. TIghe, president of the Amalga­ tion of a devaluation. sparks today from a document re revealed today when a bomb which mated, presiding. fate of Europe. zephy) or a whirlwind. ' In explaining its position for de­ covered from the wreckage and failed to explode was received by (Oontliiaed on Page Twelve) Before proceeding to the confir­ There has been no substantiation clining to devalue the mark^ the One was Adolf Hitler, Chancellor captioned: an American firm. of reports the younger element of New York, June IL— (AP)— ^ mation of Dr. Rexford G. Tugwell communique declared; of Germany and leader of the Nazi "Form ula for Ehcplosive D." One bomb moiled by "The Three the party, headed by Forbeck, WU- party: the other waa Benito Musso­ newspaper picture of a young worn as under-secretary of agriculture, A Naval Intelligence Department "Neither is there the slightest Judges" exploded yesterday in 11am J. Spang, WUllam J. Long and lini, premier of Italy and leader of Senators of bpth parties agreed a officer, bis aide, and a naval chauf­ reason for assuming that foreign an with two sailors of the fleet was others, might attempt to oust Tighe.
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