i r^^-^J- M"-i-r»ri™.w-yj»mn« W" tC<scord, FiiesJay Afternoon, July ,16. NOTHING L1K£ ARMY LIFE READY FOR FIRING LINE CORPORAL' GODFREY IN FRANCE way school then stood second to none In tho state he said- He contrasted HEARING ON THE Private- Hafry LannlnjJ Says Cavalry- i Rahway Boy Sorvinfl With .Aviation that period with the present portray- men In Franco Ertjoy Service I Corps Near Battl«front ing tho school system aa better at that THE EMPIRE time. "Tliti :inny Miei I» ihc Only Ufo- and Arriving hi Franco about tbo mid- The Bo»t Th-atre _ Tho Best Plctur.. ' POWWOW-PAPER Mi*. Cowie then spoke a tew words ' For tho Best People I will Htick ad lonjj aa f atn needed" I die of April Corporal lidward C. Cod- ( pointing out that tho boys and girls (jiithusluutttjtilly wrltn Private Harry j Tcl.pi.oi.. 3S0-B. RALPH WOODWARD. Mji. (Continued From PIQBOM) j f*-' - -"ij ot Mrs. John Godfrey, of 18 camo to school not only to be taught I,;ininnj'. I* yt-avn old, ^on of Mr. and kinC mip:ni bo all- right amonu them- ! VWaiilold ii venue has already seen curtain tilings but with the Idea'- of View H&vbcatc jyra..-xluori£i«_!tV_Xuimln&. oi^U.-Eas Don't fail to bear our Orchestra, in coDneiction selves; but ~whon~thG~papGris"'iiaiir~&iU bGlnff""mado "^ood '-and~usoful citizens LUfOft, who iii In Company M. Fifteenth.; "Jvithth-BvrPhrd'Pii*^—^ ":. Absorbing ThVRahw«y N«v«-W«rald,' The SucceaaoVbTTiio Union D«m«craCE«tablloKed 1840. to other partsj of the state H did Hot Is tioniioptnd with tho Aviailou Corps. and that tbo examples o£ their school I*-. K. C'uviilitry. HOniuwhoru In Vrance. j plyo tho ^proper" Impression of tha Corporal Godfrey tmiUtQd. oil Doc. J.0 days would-stay with* them through- 1'Mvij lottery tmd u post card wriEton VOL. VII. SERIAL NO 912. RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, N. J, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. JULY JO, 191«. HEIGHT PAGES school or tho class. Ho liaSd that -ho [iiid iifioi* Ko\nn. to KOrt Sloeuin was Ufa. If you tell a child to be truthful. TODAY AND TOMORROW PRICE TWO CENTS ;it difi'divnt ihmm worts rueeivud by, was oppodod to biographies oi tho mem- ir:mHfi;rr,!(f to r.lm training camp at and he ijrtds you othorwlso and doing See the Sublime parents on /Thursday and In each hnrs of the dlasd hocuust- all could not San Antonio, Texan, and thoneo to ;tlio very thing that you told lilm not CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY PLAN ANOTHER DANCE horn Iw la highly enthuuhiHtlti over. WILL FLOAT SERVICE^LAG bti treated aliWand that wna the roit- Morrison, Virginia. to' do how can tho example bo a good nniiy Hfo iind tin* tr^atmont "tho soh wbyJJjo Individual picture ot tho ono for tho boy or Kirl. The power ot Nazimova Mrs. H«nry H. Gabriel Pleasantly Ob- Military Committee of knights -of Col- St. Mark's Banner Has Twelve Stars rlunn infcmbon* wor« . published wltb COAL SHORTAGE • serves Seventy-ninth Anniversary. umbUs Will Have Affair July 26 tixampl** In thia case Is ono that will in Metro's tuper-prodUctlon de luxe RED CROSS WORK FIRST. TO GO BY <—Red Cross Unit Considered NEW SECRETARY iiuiiic only. do them lib good. ~ r 1 In celobration of-'her"seventy-ninth At tho irfootlng of Hahway Council At thti mooting of St. Mark's Dra- Henry Saldlor, father of Minn Chnr President Jardino announced -then blrthdiiy on Sunday there was a plea- No. 1.1-IC, -KnlKht^j of ColutnbUS, hold matic Club hold lit&t, evening a service "Revelation" sant family gathering at the home of Tuesday ovoning Chairman M. J*. lotto. Soldier* prcnldent of the claaa that tho board would take the argil PROBLERi ACUTE BEING_PUSHED MOM CORPS flag containing twolvo "stars wad pre- FOR Interpolated: "Did you want thorn moots under consideration and rondor The sou) of • P.rii ilijettif l7ii b«l-c lo tho^orld Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. GabHol, of 90 nlg, of tho Military Committee, an- sented to tho church and will bo float- tabulated Jllco pictures In xi roftauos a Ucciulon later. SEVEN ACTS Of P&WJijrtFxrx, Hamlltott stroot. Axi anniversary din- nounced that plans aro under way for t*l in tho church yard 6u Sunday. The giillory?'* ProHldont Jardlm* lustily JAMKS J. ,HEAL\ After tho hearing tho board decided MATINEE EVENING Commissioners Urge Residents ner was served* music and general Reports Received at Well At- other of tho popular dauced to bo Eight Colored Selectives Con- twelve young men who are ro.prosen- C H, Burt Leaves War Work sociability onjoyod. Mrs. Gabriel waa rapped biii-'txavol for order. lirwl Hah way boys to to ro-rtdvortlao for bids tar a a Children - lie AH Seats hold at Koonlg'rf:hall on Friday even- tod by-tho""stars* are: Jatood Moran* Mr. Liti.lo said tb.it some of the iiMMs IhlK rliy in 1 hi' H»lo«tivea taltoll toilet In the boys dopartraont at Wash- to Report Amount Bonght the recipient oC many .»retty and valu- tended Meeting Show Speed- ing, July 2G. Music; will bo furnished veyed to Elizabeth by William Lolchtnaui, Joaoph Rack, to Accept Appointment to Adults - .- 17c able gifts and also" the -kearty ,con- biOKTiiphltiii woro wibiloadlnK mid tucta \um SirpnMiiIn'r wns Junioii Joseph ton school, tho specifications havlug Elsewhere Last Year ing up in Good Style by Homer's orchestra, of Perth Am- Woman's Organization Charloa P. Wurlngor, A. J. McCoy, didn't jjihd. Ho called attention to Hmily, KOH of Mr. and Mrs. John boon modiiiad. Tho bids will be ro- gratulations and best wishes of a wide boy. The proceeds arc uaed tot pro- Waltwr Stoll, John noltemoyor, Wil- Local Position circle of friends. , For oaaor her ad- 'Kdltnf-hi-Chtof Jonos being a loader Hi«:ily. of :tS Montgomery utroet. Ho coivod on Friday ovoning.. rliiK comforta for tho boya In mili- liam A. Greinor, Gooriio J. iZirwoa, Jo-. THURSDAY vanced . years Mrs. ' Gabriel Is par- of liin chittH and mild that ho rec«lved in now In Franco rneoivim: tho UIIIHU: tary sorvlod. Tho Military Cowmlttee soph Bust. Cnhrloti Hitter and Goorgo ticularly bright and active and" dis- only ono G latzhlnlory in all of 1I!H o bin training preparatory Pauline Frederick FIPABUN RISHTSSECDRED. TWO SOCK KNITTING MA- consists- of M. f. Ennis, chairman; GIVEN ROOSINC SEND-OFF Bopp. It waa annouuead that Walter HAS HAD WIDE EXPERIENCE SOLDIERS LOSE TO FAftMARS plays a sprynoss and vigor iii getting couriu;. Principal Myoru and my Half to taltlnj; hltt pluco" In tho front line in William J. Honnossy, scicrotVtry; atflU ia oxrtprtlMg to go ovor sea's at att iaPROVE STREETS about that would do'credit tb"n"iaiTy~ taiud^—iha- j-iilhiK tbiit no blojirapblon llwiiy WUH tmnnforrnd from C'ump CHINES PROCURED Graiul. Klllitht rrn3ulio"rTT5t!wiiiVd"y." mifry dalu. SI2~oF*B3von~Tl^mT)or Co Ionia Team Drops 8 \d 3 Gahie to "Madame Jealousy' wonien years bor junior- uxalthiK ono mombor of tho china tin IH\ lo Camp Gordon. Atlanta. Ga.f in McMuhon, John A. McCartney and the club aro already "over thoro." - fairly ovor other pupils should bo in Mny- w»rt._.**ttn-t---tp_ Jumps Knurnnv. Plans woro discusoil for the for- --•tn~~rt^ivull-playml gam» at Elliulu «»*d.The chiHfl Bays tho papor was ) Millri imil nhortiy nftorwnrd In tho colobratlon of tlio.'notable anut- intorostin]? letters woro road from matlon ot a Uod Cross unit and a coni- Sunday afternoon tho soldiers' nine Boartl oi City ComwUglondTd at their loft UIIH ulty thia luorulne for Camp a failure. That IK not so. It will com I for Krumxv 'oraiiry woroi Mr. tind Mrs. John H. Croaa worlt la apocdhiE up in most Lieutenant Harold G. TorwllliKor and initt^o wua uppointod conalutlHg of the dhvemra Qt tlio Uahway Y. M. C. X. of from the government hospital at Col- FRIDAY I——trr /-,-i mooting yoato^day upon tlio urgent Dix hnd tho honor of boinj* tho iirat pare favorably with - ctbor school Mr. Mealy i» a member ot St. Mary'a abriol and chlldroii, 'Kenneth and crodltablo stylo woro clvon last ovon- KUKQUO McMnhon, member*) .of tho Mlsnott Mary Roadlnt?, Gortruiio Cur- tlur Kuntmil sdcrotaryahlp ot tho local -mi4a—Io*fc—R—fi—to—S—eotthstft—to the need for tho residents pi! the city who to be coiivoyoil to—tho county court- papordrTt "waa'a" nuyaleiil lmpo.siilblllty h~antFlms a IHJHI O? friends Alice Joyce .dalu, of Yonkors, N. Y..;- Mr. and ut a woll attoudod wtt^tlni; lioTd" council who aro in Prune*!; In Me- toll urnl Anna Puecl to tako tha iiiattor luuiociatlou by_ C. H. Burt, how doins FYankie Farmar Club, of EHfcabc ^!d not buy coal of the throo local liouco at Elizabeth by tho Woman's to hmka tln'1 tiehool pupor any larsor i; Hit; younjjer .sot. in lira. I'^rod Lynn and son, Henry, of Muhbu'a letter it was Httttod that tho mulor consideration suul—r*u«i*-t. EDWARD C. GODFREY Tho honors In batting and fielding dealofg now In buelnesS, namely, the at tho Main stroot b,oiidauiwtora whero Motor Corpse Thoy KOt uwuy »t S.30 urmy . jvork at Cumb' Grconloaf, with our facilities. If wo fcot It priutod Newark; Mrs. Grace A. Collins and first person ho «aw whon he landnd in A roHoIutlon was offered providing II \IUI\ L\M\IMG woro about oqually divided, although Womffirthe Queen Friend"' Oliver Company, Houaman & kic- ortd tiiat]*j by tho various ur.Its u.
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