University of Connecticut OpenCommons@UConn Daily Campus Archives Student Publications 12-1912 Lookout, Volume 18, Number 3, December 1912 John W. Pease Follow this and additional works at: https://opencommons.uconn.edu/dcamp Recommended Citation Pease, John W., "Lookout, Volume 18, Number 3, December 1912" (1912). Daily Campus Archives. 151. https://opencommons.uconn.edu/dcamp/151 Cfi€ tOOROUC <tonnectfcut Bgrtcultural <tollege Storrs, <tonnecticut IDecember 1912 THE LOOKOUT Connecticut Agricultural College. :~~~~~YMENT Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandotte&, White Plymouth Rocks, S. C. White Leghorns, Buff Plymouth Rocks, Black Langshans, Buff Wyandotte&, Buff Orpingtons, White Pekin Ducks, Colored Muscovy Ducks. A limited amount of breeding stock and eggs for hatching in season. For information concerning the above and the Special Poul­ i) try Courses, address POULTRY DaPAR.TMaNT, • STORRS, CONN. BRADLEY'S ERNEST P. CHESBRO. FER1~ILIZERS Auto Station. Agent for the BUICK THE WORLD'S BEST I BY EVERY TEST. and OVERLAND. RENTING and SUPPLIES. ll Bradley Fertilizer Works, 1029 MAIN ST., BOSTON, MASS. VVILLIMANTIC, CONN. II il 'Ghe NORWICH BULLETIN IS THE FIRST DAILY TO REACH WILLIMANTIC IN THE MORNING. In this way all the rural delivery routes through the surround­ ing towns are thoroughly covered. THE BULLETIN HAS THE FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT which Is taken by our own telegraph operator in our office. The news is then set up on I I·' typesetting machines, enabling us to print the very latest dispatches each morning. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE BY MAIL: SOC. A MONTH, $8.00 A YEAR. SEND IN A TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION. DEMEMBER faclll· JOB 1 '-.,ties for doing.our • • • • PDINTINGAreoftheI' BEST. QUICK WORK AT LOW PRICES. THE BULLETIN CO., NORWICH, CONN. Please mention The Lookout when writing to advertisers. Ube ~ookout BOARD OF EDITORS JOHN W. PEASE, '13, Editor-in-Chief GEORGE W. ZUCKER, '13, Business Maflager L. H. HEALEY, JR., '15, Circulatifzg Manager Associate Editors HoRACE C. VrBERT, '13, Alumni Notes RuBY I. INGHAM, '13, } College Notes RoY C. AvERY, '13, HowARD L. TRUEMAN, '15, Department Noles LEO MARKS, '15, E xchange Noles rUBLlSHED MONTHLY DURING THE COLLEGE YEAR BY THE STUDENTS 01' THE CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE <[on tents c. A. c. DIRECTORY 50 EDITORIALS 51 THE CouNTRY FOR CouNTRY PEoPLE 52 SHORT STUDY OF CARLYLE 56 COLLEGE NnTES 57 ALUMNI NoTES 59 ATHLETIC NoTES 62 DEPARTMENT NOTES 64 EXCHANGES - 65 HUMOR-ORIGINAL AND OTHERWISE 66 Advertising rates on application Address all letters to Business Manager Bntered at the post-office at Eagleville, Conn., a! second-class mail mnt ~ Pr TERMS : One Dollar per Annum d:. a. d:. Directory BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Lecturers, Assistant., and other Governor Simeon E. Baldwin, Presddent, Officers. ca--officio. B. K. Dow, V.S., Lecturer in Veteri­ nary Science. E. H. Jenkins, w-officio a·s d:il"'eCtor of S. N. S·pring, M.F., Leoturer in the Connect'lcut Experiment Stalli'on. Fores:try. D. Walter Patten, elected ·bY 'the State C. D. Jarvis, Ph.D., In charge of Board of Agricul'ture. Orchard Demonstration. E. !Stevens Henry, I H. K. Job, A.B., Le·cturer in Ornith­ G. A. Hops·on, 1 ology. State Ornithologist. L. J. Storrs, > Appointed Elizabeth Donovan, Assistant in Home C. A. Capen, Sec'y, I by the Senate. Economics. C. M. Jarvis·, J G. W, Fraser. Florist. J. W. Alsop. G. A. Blake, Superintendent of Build­ A. J. Pierpont, t Elected by ings. H. G. IM'anchester. f the Alumni. R. E. Jones, AS8'istant in Poul'try Husbandry. OFFICERS OF :INSTRUCTION AND J. A. Manter, B.S., Assisttant in Zoology. Rev. L. G. Rogers, B.A., Oolle81e Ohap­ ADMINISTRATION. latn. Faculty. F. C. Gun1ther, Chief Clerk. Helen L. Packard, Manager of the C. L. Beach, B. Agr., B.·S., President. Boarding Department. A. G. Gulley, M.S., Plrofessor of Horti­ curture. Students' Organization. C. A. Wheeler, :M.A., Professor of Pres'ident, H. C. Vtibert. Mathemat.Ics. First Vi~-Preslden' t, E. M. Linsley. H. R. Monteith~ A.B., ProfesS'or of Second V•ice-Pre·s., H. K Van Guilder. History and English. Secretary, A. W. Howard. E. Whitney, Ph.B., Instructor in Ger­ man. Librarian. AI umni Association. E. O. .Smith, B.S., Professor of Eco­ Plres'identt, 0. F. King, '96, So. Windsor. nomics and English. Secretary of Sec., A. W. Manchest-er, '013, Brlsltol. the Faculty. Treasurer, C. A. Wheeler, '88, Storrs. H. L. Garrigus, B. Agr., Inst•rucltor in Animal Husbandry. Farm Super­ Athletic Association. 'intendent. President, T. A. Earley. L. A. Clinton, M.S., Professor of Vice-Pres•ident, F. H. Kendall. Agronomy. Director of the Expe·ri­ Secretary, T. F. Chipman. ment Sttatlon. Treasurer, Lieut. J. M. Churchill. G. H. Lamson, Jr., M.S., Professor of Assistant Treasurer, G. W. Zuck·er. Zoology and Geol'ogy. J. N. Flltts, B.Agr., Associate Professor College Shakesperean Club. of \Mechan•lc Ar'ts. Presi(l'en t, H. C. Viber.t. W. M. Est-en, M.S., Professor of Vi·ce-Presldent, F. H. Kendall. Bacteriology. Recording Secretary, Harold Rlowe. J. M. Trueman, B.S.A., Professor of Treasurer, F. H. Peelt. Dairy Husbandry. Oorres•ponding Secretary, G. W. Z'Uic·k:e.r. • A. F. Blakeslee, Ph.D., Profess·or of Eta Lambda Sigma. Botany. Director of the Summer School. Athenean Fraternity. A. T. .Stevens, M.S., Insltructor in President, J. W. Pea:se. · HorticultUire. Vice-President, H. A. -Brundage. H. D. Newton, Ph.D., Professor of Secretary, W. T. Ackerman. Chemistry. Treasurer, B. P. Davds. E. B. Fitts, Insttructor in Dairy Hus­ bandry. Scroll and Pen. Ll'eut. J. 'M. Churchlll, U. S. Infantry, Pres'ident, G. G. Smith. Professor of Military Science. Com­ Vice-President, C. W. Jewett. mand'an't. Treasurer, R. N. Dean. Maude E. Hayes, B.S., Professor of Secretary, W. J. Van Wagoner. Home E ·conomics. Baseball Team, '13. Mary C. R'Ogers, Instructor in EngUsh Cap:t.ain, T. H. Keating. and Elocution. Manager, R. I. ScoV)llle. LUlian E. Berry, Ins•tructor in 'Music. Assistant 1\iana.ger, I'M. 'R. Young. S. P. Hollister, B.S.A., Ins•tructor in Horticulture. Football Team, 1912. J. L. Hughes, A.'M., Insttructor in Captain, A. W. Howard. Chemistry. M·a.na:ger, T. A. Earley. W. F. Kirkpatrick, B.E., B.Agr., Pro­ Assisltant Manager, A. B. Stephenson. fessor of Poultry HUSbandry. H. J. Bower, M.S., In-structor in Class Presidents. Agronomy. 1913, Se·nior-G. W. Zucker. 1915, Sophomore-F. H. Kendall. B. W. Wells, Acting Prof~sor of 1916, Freshman-J. A. Morgan. Botany. 1913, School of Agr.-B. P. Storrs. •O. 1•"• of abaeDee. 1914, School of AgT.-R. F. !Merrill. ~be 1Loohout VOL XVIII. DECEMBER, 1912. No.3. The syn1pathy of the faculty and students goes out to Professor and Mrs. Trueman in the loss of their son, Thompson. The death of this amiable and talented youth affects the College community. He had, with high hopes for the future, entered the freshtnan year. His scholarship and his faithful attention to every duty pron1ised the highest success not only in his Colleg-e course but in whatever work he might undertake upon his entry upon active life. II c had earned even in his short career, the respect and confidence of his instructors. THE LooKOUT regrets the departure of Professor L. A. Clinton. We shall miss his practical advice and his cheerful presence in the class room and on the campus. It is with pleasure that we note his advance to a more important place, an opportunity to enter upon a work of great importance, to which he will bring both interest and fitness. THE LooKOUT wishes success to Professor Clinton in his new place. Attention is called to the President's staten1ent of the needs of the College. These needs are urgent. The increasing usefulness of the College requires that they be met as soon as possible. Ever~ loyal son of Storrs ·will, it is hoped, exert himself to the utmost in lending aid to the effort of the president and the trustees. The ex­ cellent work already accotnplished under the ·wise and progressive management of President Beach is a guarantee of greater things to come, as greater resources shall enable him to carry out his well considered plans. The Christmas vacation, long anticipated, came with most un~ expected suddenness. The appearance of scarlet fever precipitated the closHre of the institution. This fact in itself seemed not all deplorable as the three days actually cut from the fall term com~ 52 THE LOOKOUT prised those days allotted to examination. The students at least felt that no harm was done by the erasure of these three days from the College calendar, and in consequence they greatly approved C'f the decision of the authorities to close the institution. Unfortunately, the falling of New Year's on Wednesday gave an opportunity to the ever-watchful faculty to compensate the loss of the three examination days by a compulsory return of the students on Thursday, the second of January, ·and the pursuance of the ·ex­ aniinations on Friday and Saturday; so that the new term began a= scheduled ·without giving the extra three days so fondly hoped for. It is perhaps a matter of congratulation that as compared with former years the examinations just concluded show a comparatively small number of unfortunates seriously. conditioned. The gain in this direction is gratifying evidence of an increasingly serious spirit on the part of the students, even if the average accon1plishment of those who pass successfully is not so tnuch higher. The result points also to the advantages arising frotn the demand for better entrance preparation.
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