QUQUQUEENSQUQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS o. Volume 64,65, NNo.1 3184 MONDAYTUESDAY,, JANUARY MAY 28, 7,2019 2019 50¢50¢ LILICityWoodside Lawyers Lawyers Leaders Charged Charged Man UEENS WithSplitWithCharged Defrauding Defrauding on StateWith Q ClientsClients for for Millions Millions GravityFatalByBy Jonathan Jonathan Punch Sperling SperlingKnife QueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle TheyThey were were hired hired to to practice practice the the law law — — not not breakbreakFaces it. it. Court On ODAY LegislationNow two recently disbarred lawyers from a TODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a T former Long IslandBy David law firm Brand are facing multiple former Long Island law firm are facing multiple — JANUARY 7, 2019 — Victim’sgrand larceny Queenscharges DailyandBirthday a Eaglescheme to defraud — MAY 28, 2019 — grand larceny charges and a scheme to defraud chargeTwo for of allegedly NewBy David Yorkpilfering BrandCity’s more topthan citywide$7 million ««« chargefromelected thefor allegedlysettlementsofficials pilfering areof dozens split more onof than theclients, $7subject million Queens of ««« Queens Daily Eagle PARENTSINDISTRICT30ARE fromDistrictgravity the Attorneysettlements knives. Richard of dozens A. Brown of clients, announced Queens on A BRONXFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUESPARENTSINDISTRICT30ARE FLUSHINGCOMMU NFIREHOUSEITY BOA R D VOT- DistrictThursday.FamilyMayor Attorney Brown andBill friendsRichard de was Blasio appointedof A. John Brown says “Danny” toheannounced the opposes case McGee onas a a ed unanimouslyNumerousCLOSESFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUES problemsFOR to SCABIES reject with theschool INFESTATION city’s bus jailsdrivers plan have Thursday.filledspecialpiece a prosecutorofrow Brown legislation inside was by a theappointedcrowded that Office would Queensofto Nassauthe amend case criminal County as the a parentsat aFirefightersNumerous meeting and school problemsThursday from children withEngine night. lookingschool The320 bus for voteon drivers answers Francis came have in specialcourtroomDistrictstate prosecutorpenal Attorney Friday code by morningMadeline theto Officedecriminalize as Singas ofthe Nassau man in Countychargedordergravity to LewisLongparentsnine daysIsland Boulevardand after schoolCity. QueensThe nearchildren incidents 37th Community looking Avenue were for so in answersBoard badFlushing for 9 thein Districtinavoidknives relation any Attorney — toconflict McGee'sdefined Madeline of interest. deathas any Singasappeared knife in in orderwhere court toonthe wereresidentsLongvoted Island not28-0 of allowed DistrictCity.to reject The 30 insideincidentsthe and city’s PS their were384Q, plan firehouse so tothey bad build heldfor onthea an avoidwhatbladeThe anywould folds conflictdefendants have and beenof locks interest. — he victim'sinto60-year-olds the 22nd handle, birthdayMitchell and. new jail in Kew Gardens. Thursdayemergencyresidents of after Districtmeeting one 30 of withand their PSthe fellow384Q, Department theyfirefighters held anof LenchnercanTheSteven be defendants opened and O’Brien, Corey with —Kaye, the a 60-year-olds Woodside use both of of one Long resident, hand.Mitchell Island City is — wereComptroller served with Scott criminal Stringer, complaints a likely stemming 2021 wasEducation,emergency infected accordingmeeting with scabies, withto ABC7 the the . DepartmentInPost addition reported ofto Lenchnercharged and with third-degree assault for allegedly Corey Kaye, both of Long Island — Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory frommayoral allegations candidate, that they favors defrauded the bill. 29 clients be- onskippingEducation, Friday stops,. Cleanersaccording leaving were kidsto ABC7 atat theschool. locationIn andaddition dropping where to Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory werethrowing served the with punch criminal that complaints killed McGee stemming during off“RIK kidsE atR theS I wrongSLAN stops,D M UparentsST B tellE CLO storiesS EDof a, 5- froman tween altercation outside Peopleallegations January of that2010color they and a are defrauded Sunnyside May disproportionately 2018 29 at bar clients the around since- be- moreskippingbut the than citystops, 100 cannot leaving firefighters ignore kids atare communityschool assigned. and dropping input year-oldoff kids at giving the wrong his busstops, driver parents directions, tell stories multiple of a 5- Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tween3:45 a.m. on Nov. 22, according to the criminal shutteredcharged January withlaw 2010 firmpossession and of MayKaye of 2018 a& gravity atLenchner. the since-knife, If driversand steamroll heading theneighborhoods wrong direction through on one-way the From left, Administrative Judge of the Supreme Court, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; NYS Supreme Court shutteredcomplaint. McGee fell and hit his head on the convicted,though lawthe they knivesfirm face ofa areminimumKaye common & ofLenchner. one tools year car toIf -a year-old giving his bus driver directions, multiple Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast ried by chefs, carpenters and other laborers. streetsland use and process one driver in order refusing to do to so,” help said kids Bronx buckle FromJustice left, Gregory Administrative Lasak; Presiding Judge of Justice, the Supreme NY Supreme Court, Court, Civil Division, Appellate Jeremy Division, Weinstein; Randall NYS Eng; Supreme Queens County Court convicted,ground. He was pronounced dead at Elmhurst maximum they of 25 face years a minimum in prison. of one year to a driversBorough heading President the wrongRuben directionDiaz Jr. on“We one-way have City Comptroller Scott Stringer supports a bill to decriminalize gravity knives. seatVIOLENT belts. “This ST. is ALBANS a crisis for SENIOR any parent HOUSING whose child Surrogate Court Judge Peter Kelly. See more coverage on pages 15 and 16. Eagle photo by Andy Katz maximumHospital. of 25 years in prison.Continued on page 7 streetsproposed and aone much driver more refusing appropriate to help kidssite bucklefor a Justice Gregory Lasak; Presiding Justice, NY Supreme Court, Appellate Division,Eagle file Randall photo Eng; by Jonathan Queens CountySperling Continued on page 2 is affected,PIMP andCONVICTED the city of IN New QUEENS York and COURT the mayor “Today would have been his 22nd birthday,” seatnew belts. jail, “Thisadjacent is a tocrisis the for Bronx any parent Hall ofwhose Justice child SurrogateWoodside Court resident Judge Peter Steven Kelly. See O’Brien more coverage (right) on is pages charged 15 and with 16. third-degreeEagle photoassault by Andy forKatz Continued on page 7 andis affected,A theQueens DOE and judgeneed the city to is beexpectedof Newhandling York to sentence thisand asthe if mayor a it’sSt. a said McGee’s uncle Tim Murphy, 51. “We’re Albanscrisis,”… There predatorsaid is noCity reason to Councilmember up theyto eight cannot years followJimmy in prison theVan allegedly throwing the punch that killed John McGee in Sunnyside on Nov. 22. andsame the development DOE need to pathbe handling and repurpose this as if it’sthe a forBramer. admitting Parents that said he that took at their advantage emergency of a meetingdrug- Pool photo by Dennis Clark Empty CourthouseContinued on page 7 Thursdaycrisis,”outmoded said night, Family City it was CourtCouncilmember established site and thatsurrounding Jimmy any school Van addicted senior citizen and pimped a teenage ‘Family’ Fights Eviction in LIC Apartment Building withBramer.vacant persistent spaceParents toissues said build that would a at jail their getin emergencythea new Bronx.” bus meetingservice. Empty Courthouse girl, prosecutors said. Joseph Gilbert pleaded TheThursday current night, service, it was Grandpa’sestablished Busthat anyCompany, school Full of History guiltyreleasedwith persistent before a statement issuesQueens apologizing would Supreme get for a new the Court incidents bus Justiceservice. and By Clarissa Sosin PeterassuringTheATF current VERallone thatA service,there JrT. Eon Nis SThursday EGrandpa’sa zero-toleranceHEA forR BusING attempting Company,policyLAS T forto Full Queensof History Daily Eagle sexlawbreakingreleasedWednesday traffick a statement a andduring16-year-old leaving apologizing which children girl forprosecutors from thein incidentsdanger. December andThey and Jim Henderson: Wikipedia PhotogInside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse and in Long 2016alsoassuringcouncilmembers setto Marchthatup telephonethere 2017. iscriticized aRead hotlineszero-tolerance more thefor on anypage policyMayor’s parents 2. for Island City a janitorQueens cleaned Daily the Eagle second floor bathroom, experiencinglawbreakingOffice for a and issues:“lack leaving 718-475-7585,of leadership,” children in 718-475-7586, thedanger. Mayor’s They a loneInside security the Queens guard watchedCounty theCourthouse front door in while Long his andalsoOffice 718-475-7587.set ofup Criminaltelephone Justice hotlines announced for any parentsFriday Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat The Unsung Hero of Communitychatting with visitors on theNews empty benches of his experiencingit will createQUEENS issues: a taskMURDER 718-475-7585,««« force SUSPECT to 718-475-7586,smooth the a lone security guard watched the front door while his colleaguescourtroom. took their lunch breaks and a judge sat andimplementation BUSTED718-475-7587.QUEENSTURNSRURALTHISWEEKEND AFTER citywide STANDOFF of state-mandated WITH COPS The dark Byhallways, Jonathan normally Sperling bustling
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