;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; English 475 be a powerful tool of persuasion. It appears that many anti-gay organizations are turning The Language of more and more to rhetoric and specifically- worded propaganda as a means of gathering Homophobia: Word supporters. This paper will examine the language used in publications and websites Choice in Anti-Gay supported and/or distributed by several anti- Propaganda gay organizations in an effort to show how Britney Carey specific and calculated language is utilized as a means of persuasion by these groups. I. Introduction Blumenfeld (1992) defines II. Data/Analysis heterosexism as “both the belief that II.i. Data Set 1: Focus on the Family heterosexuality is or should be the only “Answers” acceptable sexual orientation and the fear The Christian ministry Focus on the and hatred of those who love and sexually Family (FOTF), an organization dedicated to desire those of the same sex” (p. 15). As the promotion and continuance of the nuclear a consequence of heterosexism and the family, maintains a website (focusonthefamily. manner by which it is spread (through fear com) which includes an “answers” page and hatred), prejudice and discrimination where website visitors may post questions against the LBGT (lesbian, bisexual, gay, concerning any aspect of family or Christian and transgender) community have become life (FOTFa, 2010, para. 1). The first sets of a modern phenomenon (Blumenfeld, 1992, data (see Appendix A for the full texts of each p.15). Heterosexism is perhaps most apparent question/answer set) examined in this paper in the propaganda of anti-gay organizations. come from this area of the website. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, In the first question/answer set, the or SPLC (2010), conservative Christian groups author replies to a question concerning have been among the most critical opponents special rights for homosexuals (FOTF, of equal rights for gays and lesbians for the 2010b). In response the author writes, past thirty years (para. 1). The leaders of such “What if a pedophile (child abuser) could groups claim that the gay rights movement claim that he inherited his lust for kids?” is a threat to American society and culture; (FOTF, 2010b, para. 3). The use of the term some have even gone so far as to declare this “pedophile” suggests a sinister connotation struggle against gay rights a “second civil which evokes images of unspeakable actions. war” (SPLC, 2010, para. 2). Of the various Thus, when pedophilia is coupled with the strategies the Christian Right has in its arsenal, idea of homosexuality, even in a seemingly perhaps the most questionable has been the detached manner as in this case, the author defamation of the LBGT community (SPLC, is equating pedophilia with homosexuality. 2010, para. 3). As the SPLC (2010) notes, Such a sentence, when broken down for its these individuals have been described as codification, carries with it an even deeper “‘perverts’ with ‘filthy habits’ who seek to assumption which insists, essentially, that snatch the children of straight parents and homosexuals are pedophiles and vice versa. ‘convert’ them to [homosexuality]” (para. 3). The rest of the passage is sprinkled There is no question that language can with word like “lust,” “offensive,” “Scripture,” and “God,” (FOTF, 2010b, para. 3). It may 78 be argued that these words, especially in the phrases “dominant mother” and “weak or Christian faith, all have some element of fear absent father” as a reinforcement of the family attached to them, and that the author has structure and values which the organization chosen these words for the specific purpose of supports. “Dysfunction,” “wounds,” instilling fear to elicit obedience. “damages,” and even “experimentation” again The author also uses “perversion,” paint homosexuality as an unnatural and risky “immoral,” “reprehensible,” and behavior which may lead to negative impacts “flawed” which suggest to the reader that on the health of the individual and those homosexuality is something devoid of around them. The use of the loaded word, morality; it is a state which is utterly appalling “epidemics” seems to go as far as to equate and should be avoided on all accounts. homosexuality with a disease. Perhaps with the exclusion of “flawed,” these Through the use of “conscious words also carry with them an element of fear, choice” and “cultivation,” it is implied that specifically a fear of punishment. homosexuality is something that requires The second question/answer set from maintenance; it is not the normal sexual FOTF is similar to the first. In response to a orientation for a human being so it must question about whether or not homosexuality be developed and encouraged. The use of is an inherited trait, the author writes, such terms seem to suggest that because homosexuality is a personal choice, not It is more likely to be related to one one that is inborn and unchangeable, LBGT or more of the following: (1) confusion individuals are not entitled to the same civil of role models seen in parents… not rights as those afforded to citizens on the basis limited to, a dominant mother and a of inborn characteristics such as race and weak or absent father…; (2) serious sex. This belief is also promoted by another family dysfunction that wounds Christian organization, the Family Research and damages the child…; (4) the Council (FRC; Sprigg, 2007, p. 3-4). influence of an older homosexual As seen with the first set, the terms during a critical period of adolescence; “God” and “Scriptures” aid in the persuasion (5) conscious choice and cultivation; of the reader through fear, as do “abominable and/or (6) homosexual experimentation… sin” and “penalty.” The author’s mention Scripture refers to of the fact that homosexuality is listed in epidemics of homosexuality and the Bible as “among the most despicable of lesbianism that occurred in specific human behaviors” is another effective tool of cultures… Men committed indecent scaremongering. acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their II.ii. Data Set II: Excerpts from Coming Out perversion…I don't believe [God] of Homosexuality would speak of homosexuality in The second sets of data examined the Scriptures as an abominable sin in this paper are from Coming Out of and list it among the most despicable Homosexuality: New Freedom for Men and of human behaviors if men and women Women, a book by Bob Davies and Lisa bore no responsibility for engaging in it Rentzel, in which the authors attempt to show (FOTF, 2010c, para. 3) homosexuality is not set in stone; that one may be, effectively, cured of it. For instance, The use of the terms “confusion” Davies and Rentzel (1993) write, “For the and “influence” implies the idea that man or woman struggling with homosexuality, homosexuality is something that only happens there is hope for healing and new freedom to weak-minded people. The author uses the in Christ!” (p. 14) The terms “struggling” and 79 “freedom” enhance the overall meaning of the wants its readers to believe) that same-sex sentence by implying that homosexuality is a “marriage” is not equivalent to heterosexual burden and an affliction to be overcome. marriage. In effect, the use of quotation marks The authors’ stance on the idea of love mocks the gay rights movement’s campaign in homosexual relationships is obvious in the for same-sex marriage; as far as the FRC is line, “Then Mike ‘fell in love’ with another concerned, even if same-sex couples were man and they began a long-term relationship” allowed to wed, it would still not constitute (Davies & Rentzel, 1993, p. 9). The fact that marriage. the phrase “fell in love” is in quotation marks Finally, the FRC (2010) insists that conveys the message that true and genuine “sympathy must be extended to those who love between two people of the same sex is struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions, not possible. and every effort should be made to assist Davies and Rentzel (1993) go on to such persons to overcome those attractions, claim that “For people getting out of drugs, as many already have” (para. 8). The use of alcohol, or even prostitution, Christian “sympathy,” “unwanted,” and “overcome” counseling and support were plentiful. For suggests to readers that all LBGT individuals the man or woman trying to break out of are in need of support and help. In this homosexuality such counseling was almost way, the FRC reaffirms its own belief that nonexistent (p. 14-15).” This sentence homosexuality is not a natural state of being; essentially equates prostitution and addiction the only reason one would feel sympathy with homosexuality, in effect deeming it a for, or give assistance to an individual is if social taboo or even a disease. that individual is experiencing something undesirable and unfortunate. II. iii. Family Research Council’s Stance on Homosexuality II.iv. Family Research Institute, excerpt from On its website (frc.org), under the Public Policy Article “Can Anything Be Done headline “Issues,” one may find the FRC’s to Stop Gay-Rights?” position on homosexuality (see Appendix B The Family Research Institute (FRI) was for the full text). The statement reads, “Family founded by Paul Cameron, a psychologist, in Research Council believes that homosexual 1987 (Schlatter, 2010, para. 55). The SPLC conduct is harmful to the persons who engage has labeled FRI as a “hate group” in response in it and to society at large, and can never be to its anti-gay propaganda (Schlatter, 2010, affirmed. It is by definition unnatural, and para. 55-59). The FRI has posted several as such is associated with negative physical articles on its website which explain the and psychological health effects” (FRC, organization’s position on different issues (FRI, 2010, para.
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