The Species of Rust Fungi Parastic on the Grasses Collected in Title the Southern Kyûsyû and the Ryukyu Islands, Japan Author(s) Hiratsuka, Toshiko 琉球大学農家政工学部学術報告 = The science bulletin of Citation the Division of Agriculture, Home Economics & Engineering, University of the Ryukyus(5): 23-106 Issue Date 1958-12 URL http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/22549 Rights The Species of Rust Fungi Parasitic on the Grasses Collected in the Southern K yusyu and the Ryukyu Islands, Japan!) By Toshiko HIRATSUKA* Contents Page Page Introduction 24 f 48 Enumeration of species 27 8. Puccinia rujipes Dietel 49 Phakopsora Dietel 27 9. Puccini'L pusilla Sydow 50 1. Phakopsora incompleta (Syd.) 10. Puccinia arundinis-donacis T. Cummins 27 Hiratsuka 51 Dasturella Mundkur et Kheswalla ..28 11. Puccinia nakanishikii Dietel 52 1. Dasturella divina(Syd.) Mundkur 12. Puccinia pogonatheri Petch 53 et Kheswalla 28 13. Puccinia phyllostachydis Kusano 53 Stereostratum Magnus 29 14. Puccinia longicornis Patouillard 1. Stereostratum corticioides (Berk. et Hariot 54 et Br.) Magnus 29 15. Puccinia poae-nemoralis Otth ..55 17romyces Link 30 16. Puccinia magnusiana Kornicke 56 Key to species 30 17. Puccinia purpurea Cooke 57 1. Uromyces coronatus Miyabe et 18. Puccinia cenchri Dietel et Hol- Nishida 31 way 58 2. Uromyces halstedii De Toni 31 19. Puccinia pa8palina Cummins ..59 3. Uromyces linearis Berkeley et 20. Puccinia oahuensis Ellis et Broome 32 Everhart 59 4. 17romyces leptodermus Sydow ..34 21. Puccinia polliniicola Sydow 61 5. Uromyces tenuicutis Me Alpine..36 22. Puccinia sorghi Schweinitz 61 6. Uromyces dactylidis Otth 37 23. Puccinia graminis Persoon 62 Puccinia Persoon 38 24. Puccinia erythropus Dietel 64 Key to species 38 25. Puccinia phragmitis (Schum.) 1. Puccinia coronata Corda 40 Kornicke 64 2. Puccinia cacao Mc Alpine 42 26. Puccinia kU8anoi Dietel 65 3. Puccinia aestivalis Dietel 43 27. Puccinia agropyri-ciliaris 4. Puccinia arthraxonis-ciliaris Tai et Wei 66 Cummins 44 I 28. Puccinia hordei Otth 67 5. Puccinia miscanthi Miura 45 29. Puccinia agropyricola Hiratsuka, 6. Puccinia kuehnii Butler 47 f 68 7. Puccinia daisenensis Hiratsuka, 30. Puccinia sessilis Schneider 69 1) Contributions from the Laboratories of Phytopathology & Mycology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Education. no. 40. * Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science and Laboratories of Phytopathology & Mycology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Education. Tokyo, Japan. 24 T. ItIRATSUKA Page Page 31. Puccinia recondita Roberge ....70 45. Puccinia setariae-viridis Dietel 84 32. Puccinia strii/ormis Westen- Uredo Persoon 85 dorp 72 1. Uredo panici-plicati Sawada 85 33. Puccinia diplachnicola Dietel ..73 34. Puccinia lepturi Hiratsuka, f 74 Geographical distribution 90 35. Puccinia zoysiae Dietel 74 1. Number of genera and species in 36. Puccinia versicolor Dietel et the southern Kyusyu and the Holway 76 Ryukyu Islands 90 37. Puccinia rtrundinellae-anomalae 2. Number of genera and species Dietel 77 common to the southern Kyusyu 38. Puccinia cynodontis Lacroix 78 and the Ryukyu Islands for each 39. Puccinia miyoshiana Dietel 79 region in the world 91 40. Puccinia polliniae-quadrinervis 3. The southern or tropical species Dietel 80 in the southern Kyusyu and the 41. Puccinia taiwaniana Hiratsuka, Ryukyu Islands 91 f 81 42. Puccinia levigata (Syd. et But!.) Summary 94 Hiratsuka, f 81 I Literature cited 96 43. Puccinia lophatheri (Syd.) Fungus index 98 Hiratsuka, f 82 Host index 99 44. Puccinia levis (Sacc. et Bizz.) Explanation of plates 101 Magnus 83 Plates 1-VIII Introduction Apparently the first record of the rust fungi which parasitize grasses from the southern part of the main island of Kyusyu, was made by Naohide Hiratsuka (17) in 1936. In his paper, entitled, "Uredinales collected in Kiushu. III." (1936), there have been record­ ed two species of Uro1nyces (Uromyces halstedii De Toni and U. linearis Berk. et Br.) and three of Puccinia (Puccinia cacao Mc Alpine, P. graminis Pers. and P. lolii Niessl = P. coronata Corda) from Kagosima Prefecture, the southern Kyusyu. In 1952, Naohide Hiratsuka (21) recorded one species of Stereostrat~tm, five of Uro­ myces, 12' of Puccinia and one of Uredo parasitic on grasses from Miyazaki and Kagosima Prefectures. The first account of species of rust fungi which parasitize grasses from the Ryukyu Islands, including the Satunan IsIs. (Tanegasima lsI. and Yakusima lsI.) and the Amami IsIs., ~as that of Puccinia levig~ta (Syd. et Butt) Hiratsuka, f. by Seiya Ito (31), in 1909. He recorded Puccinia levigata (Syd. et Butl.) Hirats.uka., f. on leaves of Oplismenus compositus Beauv. based upon specimens which were collected by Naoharu Hiratsuka at Syuri (Naha-si) in Okinawa Island, as Diorchidium levigatum Syd. et But!. Rust Fungi on Gl'asses Collected in Southern Kyusyfi & Ryukyu IsIs. 25 Up to 1941 since that time, there have been recorded by Naohide Hilllatsuka (18~20) one species of Puccinia in 1938, one of Angiopsora, three of Uromyces and 14 of Puccinia in 1940, and five of Puccinia and two of Uredo in 1941 from the Ryukyus. Since 1953, Naohide Hira­ tsuka and his collaborators (24~30) have studied actively on the rust­ flora of the Ryukyu Islands, and there have been recorded one species of Ph.akopsora, one of Dasturella, four of Urom.yces and 28 of Puccinia, which parasitize grasses from the Ryukyu Islands, in 1955 to 1957. In this article, now, are enumerated the species of rust fungi parasitic on the grasses collected in the southern Kyfisyfi (Miyazaki and Kagosima Prefectures) and the Ryukyu Islands, including the Satunan IsIs., the Tokara IsIs. and the Amami IsIs., and their taxo­ nomic account and geographical distribution are presented. The materials used by the writer in the present work include besides a number of collectibns made by Naoharu and Naohide Hira­ tsuka, Shun-ichi Shimabukuro, Yoshihisa Taira, Shoji Sato, Yasuji Morimoto, Nobuhide Hirai, Shoichi Hirata, Shigetaka Katsuki, Yasu­ yuki Hiratsuka and others, deposited in the Hiratsuka Herbarium, the specimens collected by the writer herself in Kagosima Prefecture in October 1956, and in Okinawa Island, the Ryukyu Islands in January 1957. The total number of specimens examined amounts to more than eight hundred, amongst which are included 55 species. The following table shows the number of species, by genera, hitherto known from the southern Kyfisyfi and the Ryukyu Islands, and the total. Table 1. Number of species of the rust fungi parasitic on the grasses found in the southern districts of the main island of Kyusyu and the Ryukyu Islands. Nurnher of species Families Genera Southern Kyfisyfi Ryukyu IsIs. Total Phakopsora 1 1 1 ndelampsoraceae Dasturella 1 1 Stereostratum 1 1 Pucciniaceae Uromyces 6 5 6 Puccinia 33 36 45 --U~~dinales ---------, Imperfecti Uredo I 1 1 ~:-~~--~~- TO_hi- ~~-_~--J-.. 41 44 55 As shown in the above table, the rust fungi which parasitize grasses found in the southern districts of the main island of Kyiisyo. 26 T. HIRATSUKA and the Ryukyu Islands are 55 species in total. Among all the genera, the largest is the Puccinia having 45 species, next comes the Uromyces. It is a pleasure for the writer to express her appreciation to Prof. Hirosi Ito and Prof. Naohide Hiratsuka, under whose direction the present work was executed, for their useful suggestions and criticism. The writer also wishes to express her sincere thanks to Prof. Shun-ichi Shimabukuro (University of the Ryukyus) and Mr. Shoji Sato (Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Education), who made many valuable suggestions. She is also indebted to Dr. Jisaburo Ohwi of the National Science Museum (Tokyo) for identification of host plants of the fungi, and to Miss Eiko Sakai for her faithful assistance on the present investigations. The present work has been partially supported by a Grant in Aid for Developmental Research of the Department of Education (1955­ 56. no. 21016), to the directors of which the writer wishes to take this opportunity of extending her sincere thanks. The specimens studied are all kept in the Hiratsuka Herbarium, Tokyo, Japan. Rust Fungi on Grasses Collected in Southern Kyusyu & Ryukyu IsIs. 27 Enumeration of species Phakopsora Dietel 1. Phakopsora incompleta (Syd.) Cummins in Mycologia. 42: 786, 1950; Hiratsuka, Uredinolog. Stud. 266, 1955; Hiratsuka & Shimabukuro, Ured. Ryukyus. 9, 1954; Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 7, 1955; Hiratsuka, Shimabukuro & Niiro in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 21, 1955; Hira­ tsuka, Shimabukuro & Sato in Sci. Bull. Agr. & Home Econ. Div. Univ. Ryukyus. 2: 44, 1955. SYN. Puccinia incompleta Sydow in Ann. Myc. 10: 261, 1912; Hiratsuka in Trans.. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 28, 1941; Ito, Myc. Fl. Jap. II (3) : 158, 1950; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 23: 737, 1925. Puccinia polliniae-imberbis (non Hiratsuka in Journ. Jap. Bot. 13: 248, 1937) Hiratsuka in Bot. Mag. Tokyo. 54: 376, 1940; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 17: 30, 1941. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered or gregarious, minute, rounded or oblong, 0.4-"1 mm long, soon naked, yellowish brown in colour, pulverulent; uredospores ellipsoidal, ovate or obovate, 20~31 x 15~ 22 fL; epispore echinulate, 1~2 fL thick, pale yellowish brown in colour; germ-pores 5~8, scattered; paraphyses numerous, peripheral, clavate, incurved, 20~42 x 6--'12 fL, walls smooth, thickened at apex. Teleutosori hypophyllous, long covered by the epidermis, minute, pulvinate and compact, black; teleutospores united in a compact mass, ellipsoidal or cuboidal, 1~26 x 8~15 fL; epispore 1~1.5 fL t11ick, smooth, cinnamon-brown in colour. (Plate I, figs. 1 & 2) BAB. II, III. on Ischaemum crassipes TheIl. yare formosanum Nakai (Taiwan-kamonohasi). Ryukyu Isls. :-Yakusima lsI.: Anbo (Dec. 29, 1952, S. K., no. 2005; July 30, 1954, S. Sa. & Y. H., nos. 2006--'2008; Sept. 5, 1954, S. S., no. 2009) ; Kosugidani~Anbo (Aug. 2, 1954, S.
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