March 11, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E293 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FAYLEEN DENNY the American Association of Endodontists and Purpose to raise funds that underwrite com- the American Board of Endodontics, our na- munity counseling and mental health care for HON. ED PERLMUTTER tions’ endodontists devote thousands of hours the children, families, and veterans in Bur- OF COLORADO to professional development, funding research bank. She has recently been recognized by on advancing the standard of care, fundraising Business Life Magazine as a Woman Achiever IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to support clinics that provide free dental care for the scope and depth of her service to her Wednesday, March 11, 2020 to the underserved, and educating the general community. The City of Burbank is made a Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise population about the importance of practicing better place by the invaluable contributions of today to recognize and applaud Fayleen good oral hygiene and preserving one’s nat- Ms. Burroughs. Denny for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge ural teeth. I ask all Members to join me in honoring this Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Madam Speaker, on behalf of the thousands exceptional, well-respected woman of Califor- Fayleen Denny is a student at Drake Middle of patients who have had their teeth and their nia’s 28th Congressional District, Brenda Bur- School and received this award because her smiles preserved by our nation’s skilled roughs. determination and hard work have allowed her endodontic practitioners, I salute the skills, f to overcome adversities. years of training, and dedication of our na- RECOGNIZING RICHARD ‘‘DICKIE’’ The dedication demonstrated by Fayleen tion’s endodontists, and the more than 350 LAMAR CREW Denny is exemplary of the type of achieve- endodontists practicing in my home state of Il- ment that can be attained with hard work and linois. perseverance. It is essential students at all f HON. TRENT KELLY levels strive to make the most of their edu- OF MISSISSIPPI cation and develop a work ethic which will TRIBUTE TO BRENDA BUR- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ROUGHS—28TH CONGRESSIONAL guide them for the rest of their lives. Wednesday, March 11, 2020 I extend my deepest congratulations to DISTRICT WOMAN OF THE YEAR Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, Fayleen Denny for winning the Arvada Wheat I rise today to celebrate the life of Richard Ridge Service Ambassador for Youth award. I HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF ‘‘Dickie’’ Lamar Crew, who passed away on have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- OF CALIFORNIA Friday, March 6th, at the age of 81. cation and character in all of her future ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dickie was born on May 5th, 1938, in complishments. Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Crews, Alabama. He was a beloved member f Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today of his community in Pontotoc, Mississippi, and SAVE YOUR TOOTH MONTH in honor of Women’s History Month. Each was known for his kindness. Left to cherish his memory is his wife of 64 year, we pay special tribute to the contribu- years, Shelia Simmons Crew; his children, tions and sacrifices made by our nation’s HON. RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI Tabby Vaughn, Kerry Crew, and Richie Crew; women. It is an honor to pay homage to out- OF ILLINOIS his grandchildren, Codi Crew, Bryer Vaughn, standing women who are making a difference IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Max Crew, Kenny Houpt, and Kassidy Houpt, in my Congressional District. I would like to as well as many friends and extended family Wednesday, March 11, 2020 recognize a remarkable woman, Brenda Bur- members. Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Madam Speaker, I roughs of Burbank, California. Dickie’s life was one of service, grace, and rise today to celebrate the month of May 2020 Brenda Burroughs is a devoted wife, moth- love for his family and community. He will be as Save Your Tooth Month, and beginning on er, and community leader in Burbank, Cali- greatly missed by all whom he encountered. May 3, 2020, the 13th annual observance of fornia. Ms. Burroughs is an active community Root Canal Awareness week, as we recognize volunteer and her generous contributions have f our nation’s highly skilled endodontists and impacted the lives of many people in Burbank. HONORING THE 70TH WEDDING AN- their work to preserve their patients’ natural With a dedication to public service, she has NIVERSARY OF LEROY AND OVIA teeth. devoted her time to volunteer with numerous MARIE MCGINNIS There was a time when state-of-the-art den- organizations that help benefit schools and tal care meant having a painful tooth pulled by charities within her community. HON. JASON SMITH a barber, blacksmith or wig maker. Modern Ms. Burroughs began her volunteer work 26 OF MISSOURI dentistry ushered in the use of anesthesia, ra- years ago at the Burbank Parent Education IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES diography, sterile technique, and increasingly Council where she served as their Safety sophisticated methods to address pain caused Chair and co-editor of the monthly newspaper. Wednesday, March 11, 2020 by an infected or broken tooth. But despite in- Brenda has volunteered on the School Site Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Madam Speaker, I credible advances in restorative dentistry, Council and has been a member of the Na- rise today to congratulate my dear friends, peer-reviewed studies continue to demonstrate tional Charity League. She has held numerous Leroy and Ovia Marie McGinnis, on their 70th that the best solution to preserve a patient’s leadership positions in the Burbank Council wedding anniversary. Married on March 10, quality of life still lies in saving the natural Parent Teacher Association including record- 1950, the couple has experienced a lifetime of tooth whenever possible. ing secretary, financial secretary, auditor, and ups and downs, successes and failures, and Modern endodontic treatment is devoted to historian, as well as being the Honorary Serv- many wonderful memories. Together, they preserving our natural teeth when decay, trau- ice Award chairman. A supporter of the arts, raised six children, Pat (spouse Bob) Bell, ma, a failed crown or repeated procedures to Ms. Burroughs has been an engaged volun- Jack (spouse Edna) McGinnis, the late Kim treat dental caries lead to inflammation or an teer with the Burbank Arts for All Foundation (spouse Diana) McGinnis, Don (spouse Tina) infection of a tooth’s root pulp. Using the latest and was the recipient of their prestigious McGinnis, Renee (spouse Ed) Bowen, and techniques and skills acquired after completing Champion of the Arts Community Volunteer Michele McGinnis. They have also been years of advanced training, skilled Award in 2017. Her extensive volunteer serv- blessed with 18 grandchildren and 34 great- endodontists can often save a painful tooth ice list also includes the Burbank Educational grandchildren. I can only imagine the excite- and spare their patients the discomfort and ex- Foundation, the Renal Support Network, the ment and exuberance at their family get- pense of additional treatment required to fill Girl Scouts of America and Relay for Life. togethers. the gap caused by an extraction. Ms. Burroughs champions the Family Serv- The couple both grew up in Gainesville, Like their colleagues who specialize in gen- ice Agency of Burbank by volunteering for the Missouri, and were reunited after Leroy’s dis- eral dentistry, through organizations including non-profit’s yearly Carewalk and Party with a charge from the Navy. He was on his way to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:06 Mar 12, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MR8.001 E11MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2020 San Diego when he decided to stop and visit ty Office of the Public Defender, she devel- tation and Infrastructure agrees to forgo ac- his sister, who was Ovia Marie’s best friend at oped projects to document and address dis- tion on the bill. However, this is conditional the time. It only took three short months for proportionate rates of arrest and incarceration on our mutual understanding that forgoing consideration of the bill would not prejudice the couple to realize they had ‘‘together for- for people of color—working to correct a dis- the Committee with respect to the appoint- ever’’ in mind, and eloped. They recall the parity that plagues our society even now. As ment of conferees or to any future jurisdic- memory fondly and laugh at their lack of gran- Director for the Governor’s Committee on Chil- tional claim over the subject matters con- deur; Ovia wore jeans down the aisle and dren’s Services Planning, Sandy was respon- tained in the bill or similar legislation that didn’t tell her parents about the wedding until sible for reports that to this day are the basis fall within the Committee’s Rule X jurisdic- she missed her curfew that night. for broad advocacy efforts for children across tion. I also request that you urge the Speak- er to name members of this Committee to Over the years, Leroy and Ovia became my state, and she is credited with helping to any conference committee which is named to well-respected community and business lead- develop the New Jersey Youth Services Com- consider such provisions. ers in their town of Cuba, Missouri. Mr. mission—established to fix the way courts Please place a copy of this letter and your McGinnis founded and still serves as CEO of handle at-risk youth.
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