Timely Exhibits of Interest to Every- Landscape / Soundscape at Arthur Ross Gallery one; a century of public exhibitions at Penn Museum, 1890-1990 that explores how styles of display have changed over At the core of time; Penn Museum. Through June. the exhibition Landscape / January Ongoing Soundscape, A Waltz in the Woods; site-specific landscape stick sculpture by Patrick Dougherty; photographs from Morris Arboretum. Ongoing until A T P E N N deterioration. Penn’s University Audubon’s Birds of America; 1st fl., Art Collection Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. are paired with Human Evolution: The First 200 commissioned Million Years; Penn Museum. soundscape IHP: The First 100 Years; I-House. compositions. Wherever this symbol appears, more images are available on our website, www.upenn.edu/almanac John Cage: How to Get Started; It is on display at Slought. Arthur Ross Gal- Marian Anderson on the World lery from January ACADEMIC CALENDAR www.morrisarboretum.org Stage; Marian Anderson Gallery (fl. 4), 14 through March Penn Museum: $15/adults; $13/ Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. 27. See Exhibits. 11 First Day of Classes (Monday Class seniors; $10/children; free/members, Native American Voices: The Peo- Schedule on Wednesday). PennCard holders and children under 5; ple—Here and Now; Penn Museum. Tues.-Sun, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; first Wed., Heaven On Earth: Churches of 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; www.penn.museum (above) Lucien Observed (no classes). Constantinople The Photography of Clergue, Sicilian Slought; free; Tues.-Fri., noon- Ahmet Ertug; Penn Museum. 30 Course Selection Period ends. 5 p.m.; www.slought.org Botanic Garden, Samuel Yellin, Metalworker: Draw- Palermo, 1988, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library; free; ings from the Architectural Archives; hours: http://tinyurl.com/hwd74bp chromogenic print, CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Kroiz Gallery, Architectural Archives. 12” x 32” Wistar: free; Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The History of Nursing as Seen 21 Family Matinee: Best of the Fest Upcoming Through the Lens of Art; Carol Ware 2016: Kid Flix Mix 1; recommended for Lobby, Claire Fagin Hall. 10 Departures: Relevance of In-Be- (right) Eliot Porter, ages 3-7; titles include: One, Two, Tree; tween; three years ago, David Deifer Unearthed in the Archives; Fridays Octopus; Me… Jane; Tiny Tunes: Food; began taking photos with his iPhone and 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Penn Museum. Clouds Forming Looks; Zoo Story; That is Not A Good developed an interest in the shapes and over Mount Baker, Idea; Perfect Houseguest; An Object At Penn Museum Tours light around his everyday activities. He Weekend tours begin at 1:30 p.m., at the Washington, July Rest; The Visitors; The Girl Who Spoke lives in Center City and photographs on 30, 1975, 1983, Cat; 2 p.m.; I-House; $5/adults & chil- Kamin entrance. Free w/admission. his trip from home to Penn and whenever For info.: www.penn.museum chromogenic print, dren over 2, free/members (I-House). he can find time; Burrison Gallery. 20” x 24” Peanut Butter and Jams Through February 10. Tickets: http://worldcafelive.com FILMS Doors: 10:30 a.m. Shows: 11 a.m. 14 Landscape/Soundscape; landscape photographs from Penn’s University Art 18 Influx; a documentary on Italians 7 Gustafer Yellowgold; $10.05. Collection are paired with commissioned in London during Brexit – offering an 14 Miss Nina Meets The Jungle Gym soundscape compositions, and the result- emotional self-analysis that reveals the Jam; $10.05. ing installations explore the photograph’s strengths and weaknesses of Italians, 25 Master of Chemical Sciences Virtual 21 Annual Chinese New Year Celebra- 21 Lolly & YoYo; $10.05. capacity to visually convey a sense of showing the uniqueness of their mentality Information Session; for prospective tion; a celebration of Chinese culture sound – musical, natural elements, urban as well as their contradictions; 6 p.m.; students; 5:30-6:30 p.m.; online; registra- featuring music and dance, Kung Fu Penn Museum rhythms or otherwise; Arthur Ross Gal- rm. 401, Fisher-Bennett Hall (Italian tion required. demonstrations, crafts, gallery tours, and Tickets: www.penn.museum/ Studies). lery. Through March 26. Penn Vet Working Dog Center much more; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Penn Mu- 7 Gallery Romp: Ancient Egypt; ages Nikon Small World Exhibit; discover- 26 Translation Trouble: Tokyo Tribe; http://pennvetwdc.org/ seum; free w/admission (Museum). 3-6; set sail down the Nile River and 23 Register: ing the beauty and complexity of life as dystopian hip-hop musical set in an al- 10 Up & Over, Under & Through; 23 Candidate Series; discussions with learn about the origin of mummies seen through today’s advanced micro- ternate futuristic Japan, territorial street assistant professors in the Italian Studies through the tale of Osiris and Set; 10:30- learn how trainers teach dogs to climb; scopes – the exhibit of winning images gangs form opposing factions collectively 10-11 a.m. Program; 5:30 p.m.; Cherpack Seminar 11:15 a.m.; registration encouraged. gives a glimpse into a world that most known as the Tokyo Tribes; 7 p.m.; Inter- Room (rm. 543), Williams Hall; full pro- 40 Winks with the Sphinx; overnight have never seen – the intersection of art national House; free; register: www.phf. 26 Get Lost; learn how trainers teach gram details: https://www.sas.upenn.edu/ expedition for ages 6-12 and chaperones and science as viewed through the lens of upenn.edu/ (PHF; Cinema Studies). search and bomb detection dogs; 2-3 p.m. italians/ (Italian Studies). Also January – register early; 5:30 p.m.; $55; info: www. a microscope; The Wistar Institute; re- International House (I-House) Penn Libraries Workshops 25 & January 30. penn.museum/40winks Through January 8, ception: January 20, 6-7:30 p.m. Canvas Help; JMP: Statistical 9 a.m. Also January 27-28. $10, $8/students, seniors, free/members. Including: 26 Women & Science: What Is Aging? Through March 3. Discovery Software; LinkedIn; Make An Inside Look at How Cells Change Destination Ancient Guatemala: Info.: http://ihousephilly.org/ 8 Now your own Prezi; Microsoft PowerPoint; Over Time; Ashani Weeraratna, Wistar Maya Tattoos; take inspiration from the 7 Goodnight Brooklyn: The Story of Microsoft Word; Zotero Workshop and Institute, discusses the aging of skin cells; Mexico and Central America gallery and Art at the Science Center: A 40-Year Death by Audio; Philadelphia premiere. Retrospective; featuring a documentary on more. Register: http://tinyurl.com/objw8zp cocktail reception; 6-8 p.m.; The Wistar etch your own tattoo and discover all the 14 The Dumb Girl of Portici. Institute; tickets & info: https://www. ways the ancient Maya adorned them- the founder of the gallery, Libby Newman, with artwork from the permanent collec- 20 Women Make Movies at 45 – Re- MEETINGS wistar.org/womenandscience (Wistar). selves on a Look and Learn; 1-4 p.m.; sponse to Hate 2017: Don’t Tell Anyone free w/admission. tion and relics from Buckminster Fuller’s Morris Arboretum time as a resident on campus; Esther Klein (No Le Digas a Nadie) & Profiled. 13 PPSA Board Meeting; open to any Prices & Info.: www.morrisarboretum.org 11 Homeschool Days: Archaeological monthly-paid exempt University staff; Gallery; reception: January 26, 5-7:30 21 Hell’s Angels. 7 Winter Wellness Walks; 10:30-11:30 Adventures: Celebrating Chinese New p.m. Through January 27. noon-1 p.m.; for location and to RSVP: Year; a guided storytime expedition in the 25 Houston, We Have a Problem!; the [email protected] a.m.; free w/admission. Saturdays Once Upon a Time; an exhibition Philadelphia premiere of the winning best through March. Chinese Rotunda exploring the collection from the Betty Lawrence collection, fea- of artifacts from Ancient China; 10 a.m.- picture of the Festival of Slovenian Film; MUSIC 14 Conifer Tour; explore a variety of turing pictures of “ordinary” people in 6 p.m.; free; RSVP. coniferous trees with a variety of forms, 1 p.m.; $12/per child & adult; register South Philly by Bessie McLamb; early: (215) 746-6774. 13 Concert in the Rotunda: Black An- foliage, bark, and cones; 2 p.m.; free w/ Slought. Through January 20. admission. Also January 28. Back Matter: The Making of Robert FITNESS & LEARNING gels and Secrets; an extraordinary eve- ning with the Daedalus Quartet, Penn’s International House CONFERENCES Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction; 12 TRAQ: Tree Risk Assessment Quali- traces the development and manifold internationally renowned string quartet in Info.: http://ihousephilly.org/ 4 Winter Institute on Qualitative Re- fication Course; providing a high level of residence; 8 p.m.; Chinese Rotunda, Penn permutations of the provocative ideas put training for arborists, landscape architects 22 From Tarshiha to Rabin Center – search Methods; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; rm. 116, forth in Complexity and Contradiction Museum; $5/students, $15/in advance, An Artistic Path to Peace; cellist Udi Claire M. Fagin Hall; prices & to register and landscape management professionals $20/at door; tickets: www.penn.museum/ in Architecture, contributing a broader in the fundamentals of tree risk assess- Bar-David and violinist Hanna Khoury through January 2: http://tinyurl.com/ perspective of the catalytic role that (Penn Museum). recount their performances in Israel and j83egxb Through January 7 (CPHI). ment; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Morris Arboretum; teaching played in definingVenturi’s artis- $150-750; register: www.morrisarbo- 28 Sierra Leone’s Refugee All Stars; reg- perform selections from their repertoire; 9 Year of Neuroepigenetics Symposium; tic voice; Harvey & Irwin Kroiz Gallery, retum.org Through January 14, 8 a.m.- gae-African tribal fusion from West African 7 p.m.; tickets: $8-$15.
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