The Wcathdr ATwage Daily Net PraMi Ron Foneoet od C. S. Weather Bar For Um Week Ended jrtme M, IMS Fellr. adld toiii(ht, low la dOo; pmrtiy eoaajr, warm aad 1 4 ,1 6 9 ta ti tomorrow, eheaee of th Mewiher oC tile Audit 'denhowen, high M-M. Biuenu of Olroolnttoa M anehester^A City of Village Charm' PRICE SEVEN CENTS HANCHESTE&, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1965 (Ctawemed Adverflelng oa Foge VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 228 (TWENTY PAGES) Events In State Cong Guerrillas Down Two Policemen Hurt in Brawl Viet Transport Plane NEW BRITAIN (AP)— Two policemen were in­ jured in a street brawl that led to the arrest of Full Report four persons early Sunday. ^bout 2(X) persons watched the melee on Lafayette Street Not Given; in front of the French Model Club. Police said some of the onlookers tried to pull officers Many Killed 9 away from their prisoners. Supernumerary policeman SAI(X)N, South Viet Bert W. Anderson was taken Nam (A P )— Guerrilla fire to New Britain General Hospital on a stretcher. He was reported downed a twin - engine in good condition. Policeman Cl 23 ti-ansport 13 miles Edward Madden, who said he east of Saigon’s a i ^ r t was kicked and that his arm Sunday night and military was scraped by a knife or raz­ officials and civilians who or, was released aJter treat­ ment. visited the scene at day­ Several policemen arrived rai light said they saw 16 the scene to help Anderson and bodies taken from the Madden, and beg^an to use wreckage. spray guns which are supposed U.S. military spokesmen an­ to blind an attacker temporari­ nounced a U.S. Air Force officer ly- i and an eirilsted man were Last year, in October and No- killed. They declined to give veml>er there were four inci­ other details, including the total dents of policemen being beaten number of casualties. Their re­ in New Britain while making ticence indicated the plane was arrests. Anderson was involved on a secret mission. in one of the previous incidents. A total of 16 persons were ar­ American and Vietnamese rested as a result of the inci­ visitors to the area,., however, , dents and received stiff sen­ said the plane slammed into a tences. farmhouse. One military source Sii^e then, police have been said he understood It carried 20 equipped with the spray guns. Big Wheels Show U p in Moon Project men—all Americans—and that all had been killed. He said hia Those arrested Sunday were Although they look like big wheels, these items being unloaded at NASA’s CHarence Lavoie, 38, his brother information was that fovar Donald, 21, Murio Robles, 29, New Orleans Michoud Operation, are really the S-11 imulator (left) and bodies were missing in the and Jose Gonzales, 21. S-IVB, two ground test rocket stages of the Saturn V moon rocket. The S-II is widely scattered wreckage. Clarence Lavoie was charged headed for Mississippi and tests, the other went back on a ship for delivery The two officially announced with assaulting a police officer, deaths brought the llat of Amer­ resistance, and breach of the to Cape Kennedy. (AP Photofax) icans killed in Viet Nam by ene­ peace. His brother and Robles my action to 420. were charged with breach of Psychological warfare min­ the peace and resistance. Gon­ gled with bombings in pontinued zales was charged only with Ignores Desk Incident To the Point air raids on (Jomimuiist North breach of the peace. Viet Nam. WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. i^kesm an announced Seeks Committees President Franklin D. Bliss Will Discourage Roosevelt and British Prime U.S. Air For^e planee dumped (Herald Photo by Oflara) HARTFORD (AP)—A Repub­ Minister Churchill some­ 216 million cartoon leaflets over five North Vietnamese cities, lican legrldlktive leader has times got right to the point Gov. Dempsey Spruces Up for Tolland Celebration urged Gov. Jbhn Dempsey to in their discussions in World urging residents to oppose tha appoint two interim committees Hanoi government. (Story aad Other Plotureo on Page Eight) War II, historical docu­ to consider “two matters of im­ GOP Splinter Groups ments disclose. This ex­ All the clUea were south of portance left unfinished by the change was included in. Hanoi, miey are known centers 1666 General Assembly.” WASHINGTON (AP)--Chairman Ray C. Bliss told papers released todayi- of Roman Gathollcism or other Rep. J. Tyler Patterson of On March 3, 1944 Roose­ gpoups potentially likely to be Old Lyme, House Speaker, sug­ the Republican Committee today he will try to discour­ velt assured Churchill “We opposed to the Communist gov­ gested in a letter to the Qo^ age the creation of GOP organizations which will vie are not making sheeps eyes ernment. Before 4th Fireworks ernor Saturday that the com­ for party funclfi. ^ at your oil fields in Iraq The U.S. spokesman said tha mittees consist of legislators and my predecessors, must attempt or Iran.” drops were Uie beginning of a others. He talked In general terms Answering the message, major leaflet campaign to be about finances, research and at least to discourage the crea­ He said that serious considera­ Churchill said; carried out in North Viet Nam staffing In his report to the com- tion of organizations which will tion should be .given between compete with us in the soliciting “Let me reciprocate by “ below a certain line” south of now and 1967 ih setting up a mMltee which Is concerned about gflving you fullest assurance Hanoi. The northernmost city splinter organizations and cur­ of Republican funds. code of ethics to!govern the con- “ However, once these organi­ that we have no thought of was the Catholic community of Possible in Congress ious about the case of the ran­ Phat Diem, 65 miles south of zations become a reality we cer­ trying to horn in upon your (See Page Ten) sacked desk at (JOP headquar­ Interests or property in Hanoi. The others were Thanh ters. tainly will attempt to fully util­ ize the assistance they may ren­ Saudi Arabia.” Hoa, Bai Thuong, Dong Phon UKAQTrrNTlTn'N’ (A P ^ __ ♦compJexoB oompooed of medical^ In the Hiouse, the Johnson ad- In his prepared statement Thuong and Ninh Blnh. ministration may get Its tough der to the Republican cause.” The State Department sdwols, reeearch InstltutionB there was no mention of the A rent subsidy provision est test of the session when a He had told a ne-ws conference published the volume con­ No ground fire or enemy and hospiitale. NASA Planning ransacking incident and no di­ and an amendment dealing No opposition was voiced Fri­ housing bill ooniairdng a ooptro- 10 days ago that the new Gold- taining the exchange. planes were spotted, and all rect reference to Barry <3oM- water group wovUd hamper his eight planes returtied safely, tha with patents stemming day when the measure, a major verslal rent subsidy provlsian Is water’s new-twm Free Society voted^on. Quick Release quest ^ party unity and mon­ spokesman said. from government-financed peat of Proeident Jtdmson’e Association. heaUh program, came up in the R Is'bne of three major meas- ey. The leaflets, with-cartoons on medical research may Senate. itres the House hopes to dispose Of Mars Photos However, Bliss told the com­ Bliss noted today that he has Water Checked one side and a text on the other, touch o ff some pre - July But an am en d n i^ by Sen. of before Mb members take an mittee members: had only 89 days in which to charged that the Hanoi govern­ Fourth fireworks on Capi­ Russell B, Long, D-La., stirred extended weekend recess for "We will never have a strong, reorganize the party lineup ment was taking 'rice from the WASHINGTON (AP) — The united party unti-1 our fund rais­ After 18,000 people to feed its troops in South controveny. It would give the Independence Day oratory in National Aeronautics and Space since succeeding Dean Burch, tol Hill. government exclusive rights to home (hstriota. ^ ing efforts are aJso united and who served as chairman under Viet Nam. The Senate vetea today on a Adi^strotion said t^ay Four Americans were killed toUl which would eetabliah re­ any biventlonB develoi>ed The housing btU to on Tues­ Mariner 4 pictures of Mars will Goldwater, the 1964 GOP presi­ Claim 111 ness through research financed im- “ R to for this single reason dential nominee. Sunday night and today in Viet gional medical centers to com­ day's House (kxikeit. Republi­ be released as they are pro­ Nam, U.S. authorities an­ bat heart disease, cancer and der the program. cans hope for substantial Demo­ cessed. that I -view with some concern In his prepared remarks RIVERSIDE, OaHf. (AP) — Long contends that private the creation of separate organi­ about headejuarters staffing, the Health offlolails in this Southern nounced. atrokee. It woitM provide $660 cratic help in attempting to This Is a change from an ear­ Two paratroopers were killed milUon la federal gronta over patents riwuld not be Issued on ediminate the subsidy provision. lier decision that most of the zations which solicit funds from chairman said nothing about his Chilfomia city are continuing products developed through re­ Republicans, whether these or­ action in firing William Oody their search for the source of a by an accident^ shot from tha the next tour years foe medical The Senate has not yet acted on pictures would be withheld from shotgrm of another paratrooper search for which the taxpayers the measure, but its Banking the public until after scientista ganizations be liberal, moder­ Kelly, longtime political asso­ baoteria which caused serious pick up the tab.
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