>',,'• V •/- •i*'»i**«»* r«-t5f'!™">^y'- 'r.y -^ f-—--t-f •'??••-**-* • . • ,'• " ji 7$ .?f AND CHHONICLB 17 J-. THURSDAY. JUNE 2, FIVE CENTS Wedos^yMorninfClufe Woman's Chonl to Sine - ily Two Days More Ha* Colonial Gard«Fe*e Dramatic Chd> Ends In County Music Fete Impressire Exercises J-wor Senice Leaf* iKmJbtn and guests of the Wednet- Plans, tiavt pracUcaUy been oomplot In Extra Point Offer day Mornlnr Club enjoyed.a Colonial ed for the Second Annual Musle F«atl> Feature Memorial Day Names Leaders Tiesiy Tea yesterday afternoon at the annual val. to be held at the Stadium Field, garden patty which .took place at tht Capable Cast and Technicians Wartnanco Park, EUctbeUi and Roteue Veterans' Organizations and Annual Meeting to Take Place by. June 4, Marks dot* of Period; Worker. Urged to hom*-Sf Mr*) List* R. Beardslee in Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.' Tht Prospect avenue. In keeping with the "Combine in Success of "Let nine lion. Club, of Union County Other* Unite to Pay Honor at President's Home. Sur- Solicit New Subscription. Now to Boos* Point Total; nature of the affair, the program, was Us Be C*y." at Last Public through, a general committee headed" by to Nation's Soldier Dead. vey 'Shows Accomplish-. Worker, Closely Bunched as Hslfwsy Mark Colonial hi nature. Depu'or Governor Austin J. Touerdel] row pupils . front the McCarter Assembly. 1. spotuortng the program. ,'. mentt of Welfare Commit- Ne>rs; Crmnford Themtre Gives • \ • School, in costume, presented a col- The organisation* which will partlct Impressive exvrcls** which attracted tee.- • ' • ••'; ' - . •- .,_ onial dance. There were; Mona Hall. The Cranford Dramatic Club pre- pste ore: The IVuUchmeln of Linden, s wide participation and a larg* gath- . -• : "• . Free Tickets. ^ -• -•, • •'-, Mary Berry KempshaU. Dlaabeth Floyd sented "Let U* Be Oay" on Thursday a brsu quartette; the combined Wom- ering of cltlaens marked Orajiford** 00- and .lean Cloud. Mist Baker was their and Friday alch'u of last week, at the en's Choral groups of Cranford and semnce of Memorial Day Monday OAcera for live consul* jrai will b» nuio. Tbls is a three-act comedy of w director. Mrs. Friend B. aiiptn was di- Linden: the Lelderkrsns Blnktne Socl- Marveled by Mayor Oeorge A. Lute, a elected at the anmnl mnUng ol .- "*<ffl««W--days-remain .of the biggest and best extra rector of a Colonial play, "Mt. Vemon," manner*—and occasionally tack of fly and the Procter & OamUe Olet i-<arad« of veteran organisations, civic Cranterd Junior «*n^» Lto«ue ' ^ pant oijexof the entire Citizen and Chronicle circulation campaign. written by Marlon Holbrook -and pre- groups and school children got under day monUntt a! •the boasw of . „""* special jx>im offer comes to a close j/romptly at 8:30 I'. M sented by' the following cast: Mrs. I such u America. The Lost Chord and wsy at' nine o'clock from WWnut ave- Charles rmncU Harwl crntdem. I stage- The Cranford performance was ;., ^ next Saturday evening, Jtne 4. At: no time, after June 4 will subscript Chandlee ajllckok. Mr*. Howard B Bann«,7" by nue and Chestnut street, A* marshal. the 'meetint. then wstl be » Merrltt, and Mist Dorothy Peterson. Mayor Luis was assisted by M. R. tions ever count at .-many extra pointy as- they, will if -turned in liefore fi- > to which new nwmbm at the/ that time. Music for the play was rendered by a KempshaU. and was highly creditable voices. ...-••• Wlnckler. chairman of theCIUi«ns are invited. A wctal wJlh The rampajgn department wUl remain trio which Included Mrs, 0. C. Vanto all concerned with It In capacity, A voluntary,collection will be taken Memorial Day Committee, and Daniel bridge, wW follow. open later than/usual next Saturday Nuys, Mrs. $. E pey. jr. tnd-Mrs. and these were many. The.charming which will M-.used for children's wel- J. Arnold, ' /.: • . :•••'. ConUnulng sii rjpia evening to accept subscriptions on this Weaton Lenno*. Mr*. Eugene D. Tow- scenery was designed and executed by fsre In the l/nieri County Park System. league, projrtu. an Webster Skerratt and Alston Rodger*; .The marcher, were led by the pollc* • ofler. Anyone In the office by 8 30 P Ball Team Concludes ler astistedyst the piano." ' . it. to, .estimated that nearly twenty depanmenU following which cnmt views sone-xM tttf warty M. will be permitted to turn in their Hostetsei, for the afternoon were Wttastef Sterralt. Leslie Crump snd thousand children- have been btntfltte'd ihe^oetlare commtttee • Richard Lttfcey psinted"lt: It was con- members of the Township Commtte* subscription, on the offer, even U the Mrs. Beardslet, Mrs. Otto dtWolf. Mrs. by these programs which have been and oth^rofflciata—For-thtrftriirTrc^ «f t nas not been able to wait Chester D. Marsac, Mia. Thomas ouley, ,., u. conducted.by The- Union -County-Park ion of the paf.de, rrluilc was furhUhed oharlty, • U Mra. Joseph D. Tomllnaou, Mrs, Rslph Herbert Randolph,, Iteger Norton »nd Commission .and financed from thU "Is spent 4|pitV oy PUke Post Bugle and DrutfrCorp*. Oood until 8:30 P. M. next Saturday School Team Add*f "£cotch I* Lovell, Mrs. C O Carton, Mrs. W. P".74|M)i'WiypWr/"UiFtiiVU'bV "fund, tuch o». easter egg hunts, swim- Fake Post, Veterans of Foreign Wfcrs; fflnergency .help Hoffman, Mrs. Albert B. Meredith. Mrs AUton Rodger, md Charlc* SklUman. ming mceto, marble: tournament*, tic and In a few I orders -- • • - -• othy clou*-had Ctsnford Pint of <he American Legton; -Cfaroelele _ apalg»-wlll .ye credited au»»larie» to botlr veteran orgsfilia- mail tt is t •A: Loretta.Rod- ready to- lor Itself.. with 130.000 extra points for each and time in Ending Brilliant Clara Low of tions. Boy SeouU. CHrl BcguLi Junior r tlO dub or combination of sub- lite costume Jiiiwr- Scfiool P^ oUcV Junior Red Cros», school shb If anything. I. nwmm. i they turn in. Subscriptions Schedule. win'by Matcla Darby and Mar- drtn and~iha Sre dspartnunj complet- ; two ways under this offer—both ed Ihe procession. rranlMdbarger-a those "bo wrrc «lh tht le-Homer^ Thu» llwUl-bc «cn UuU 1JWW «TK> USB p*»- extra point* for the »10 clubs or sets, Winding up an undefeated season the larger^ corps air the stage than_on bond played for the second wctlon of and alto- regular point schedule. Cranford High School nine recorded-it. Elects New Officers he parade and fed tht whool chUdnn. Durtnt thr pan few rears, had ». share in the play's .uccess. children have' goat to achac* Then i» no limit to the number of fourteenth win «-» at Westneld Tues- The casting wa. done with care and FutoPost wa* ltd by Leslie Crump and tbfst $10 clubs or. sets of subscription* day. It was a wild (fame in which George Mrs. Van Nuys Named Presi- Joseph P. H*uer. A past commander. any f»»Uion mxb for their discrimination,'and all the parts, large Tb» Mumber IUM fraa Uam any one Individual mt» turn In. And Roslcn clouted two homers. J. Klein and small, functioned smoothly and •nil. Mrs. P. * c. Wncklsr. first pnsi- II any amount, over even $10 club* or pitched the route for the winners and Local Committee Members dent at Final Meeting of the ent.of tht Ladies' Aiuillsry to Plske due to the nnuKttl UMU U wore themselves together into a har- Port, led IU dtUgaUon. Mm O;C. their fanuUea. Their chudrtn are grm •el* at the close of the offer will be pro- did a god job, fanning Cox In the ninth monious whole. The club has probably Season. Need for Scholar- lunches and the btlb air *ral to UM rated at the nte ofttDOO extra points with the bases loaded. Joe allowed Out Strong in Support of Collins wa* In charts of the Junior 1 never ptesented a long play ln.ajnore ship'Stressed. •;•.--.- '. Cross. Junior Service League. "As this is dace' for each $1 over. Westfleld Just seven safe swats, four of Whaler, as Chairman of tatl^actory way. Commendation was In all four of the Cranlord Kim*, it next Monday the campaign depart- which were credited Ho Huston, Wert- ~ County Organization. universal and not an. adverse criticism The drat part of the eitrcU smotwta to a eOMiderabte : ment: will figure the total amount of fleW'ispeedy shortstop. Captain Prank heard from the audience when It New officers for -the coming, year of place In front of tint World : members of th* tnctat haw« cash timed in by each worker and will Butler ended his high school athlttlc was over, Much care and study evi- the High School Parent»Teacher A»- mortal _st. the corne—,...r. o.f. Individually and haw obtainni atat*- tben Issue the extra points for-the career In a blaze of'glory, collecting "The Crsnford Democrats Olub. will dentty went .Into, the prepara aiid sociatlon were elected at the Imt-meet- Springfield svtnues, whtr* t»nc.i> from their Irtrnds for IM* prot , hait lls itgului nemt .Uuy ~ww was welTdessrved; of-ti y'-t »4nehi rut? latf ' 1 JO each worker of the total num- pUte. ; ; , this' eventng In the headquarter! In the Applause greeted many tit the individ- As prvwnled by Mrs. WeUty A. SUn-vocstlon wa* ddlvend th» Her. Shapiro Building. II) Union avenue, N.. ger, chairman of the nominating com- Malchett Y. Poynten "Monty It alto sprat for run milk Mr of points, both regular and extra, Werie. twlrltng for the lcwrs. aUo ual plsjcr* a. they made teUJnt points, •tor of the for undtroourUhrd chlldrwj. uos wot* ' to a* or her credit at that time.
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