December 11, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9307 PEARCE, Mr. COLE, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Section 8 Clause 18 ‘‘To make all Laws H.R. 2380: Mr. TAKAI. Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. BARR, Mr. GIBBS, which shall be necessary and proper . .’’ H.R. 2412: Miss RICE of New York and Mr. Mr. ROKITA, Mr. FORTENBERRY, Mr. By Mr. PERRY: MURPHY of Florida. KELLY of Mississippi, Mr. HARPER, H.R. 4244. H.R. 2493: Ms. EDWARDS and Ms. MICHELLE Mr. ALLEN, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Congress has the power to enact this legis- LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico. Georgia, and Mr. YOHO): lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2540: Mr. TAKANO. H. Res. 564. A resolution expressing the Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 2612: Mr. ISRAEL. sense of the House of Representatives that Constitution H.R. 2624: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. the symbols and traditions of Christmas By Ms. PINGREE: H.R. 2680: Mr. BEYER. should be protected for use by those who cel- H.R. 4245. H.R. 2698: Mr. BARLETTA. ebrate Christmas; to the Committee on Over- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2739: Mrs. COMSTOCK and Mrs. CARO- sight and Government Reform. lation pursuant to the following: LYN B. MALONEY of New York. f Clause 1 of Section 8 of the US Constitu- H.R. 2789: Mr. THORNBERRY. tion H.R. 2880: Mr. ALLEN, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY Amendment XVI to the Constitution Georgia, and Mr. SCHIFF. STATEMENT H.R. 2896: Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. LUCAS, and f Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 2903: Mr. PALAZZO. the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 2916: Mr. TAKAI. tives, the following statements are sub- Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 2917: Ms. TSONGAS. mitted regarding the specific powers were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 2984: Mr. COURTNEY. granted to Congress in the Constitu- tions, as follows: H.R. 3024: Ms. MCCOLLUM. H.R. 3036: Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mr. TONKO, tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 228: Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. BISHOP of Michigan, Mr. MOONEY of West joint resolution. H.R. 383: Mr. SESSIONS. Virginia, Mr. DENT, Mr. SMITH of New Jer- By Mr. ZELDIN: H.R. 470: Mr. ALLEN. sey, Mr. JOYCE, Mr. HUDSON, and Mr. THORN- H.R. 4237. H.R. 592: Mr. RIGELL. BERRY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 721: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. H.R. 3040: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 745: Mr. SCHRADER. H.R. 3136: Mr. GIBSON. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 775: Mr. GOSAR and Mr. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 3151: Mr. MASSIE, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. Constitution. H.R. 814: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. DESANTIS, and Mr. BUCK. By Ms. MENG: H.R. 822: Mrs. HARTZLER. H.R. 3222: Mr. ROTHFUS and Mr. STUTZMAN. H.R. 4238. H.R. 911: Mr. BEYER, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. H.R. 3268: Mr. LAHOOD. Congress has the power to enact this legis- SALMON, and Mr. BILIRAKIS. H.R. 3299: Mr. BURGESS. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 985: Mr. NUNES and Mrs. COMSTOCK. H.R. 3314: Mrs. BLACKBURN. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- H.R. 986: Mr. MARCHANT. H.R. 3323: Mr. WHITFIELD. tion. H.R. 997: Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. H.R. 3326: Mr. MOOLENAAR. By Mr. LOBIONDO: H.R. 1076: Mr. KEATING. H.R. 3364: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. H.R. 4239. H.R. 1142: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. H.R. 3381: Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. MURPHY of Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1174: Ms. PLASKETT, Mr. GRIJALVA, Florida, and Mr. DONOVAN. lation pursuant to the following: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana, Mr. POSEY, and Mr. The intelligence and intelligence-related H.R. 3411: Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Ms. VEASEY. activities of the United States government ESHOO, Mr. HASTINGS, and Mr. TAKAI. H.R. 1197: Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. WILSON of including those under Title 50, are carried H.R. 3437: Mr. CARTER of Georgia. South Carolina, and Mr. VEASEY. out to support the national security inter- H.R. 3463: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. H.R. 1217: Mrs. BUSTOS. ests of the United States, to support and as- H.R. 3513: Mr. DESAULNIER and Mr. COHEN. H.R. 1218: Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. sist the armed forces of the United States, H.R. 3516: Mr. LAHOOD. H.R. 1258: Mr. BERA. and to support the President in the execu- H.R. 3520: Mr. ROTHFUS. H.R. 1274: Mr. TONKO. tion of the foreign policy of the United H.R. 3558: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. H.R. 1288: Mr. RUIZ. States. H.R. 3662: Mr. GIBSON. H.R. 1342: Mr. CRAMER, Ms. WILSON of Flor- Article I, section 8 of the Constitution of H.R. 3666: Mr. PERLMUTTER. ida, Mr. ROTHFUS, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Ms. the United States provides, in pertinent H.R. 3694: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mrs. WAT- part, that ‘‘Congress shall have power . to H.R. 3734: Mr. GOSAR. SON COLEMAN, Mr. ASHFORD, and Mr. DOLD. pay the debts and provide for the common H.R. 3756: Ms. BONAMICI. H.R. 1399: Mr. GIBSON and Ms. MOORE. defense and general welfare of the United H.R. 3799: Mr. GRAVES of Georgia. H.R. 1457: Mr. SCHIFF. States’’; ‘‘. to raise and support armies H.R. 3808: Mr. POLIQUIN and Mr. DOLD. H.R. 1460: Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms. .’’; and ‘‘To make all laws which shall be H.R. 3858: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. DELBENE, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. LARSON of Con- necessary and proper for carrying into Exe- H.R. 3885: Ms. BORDALLO. necticut, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. LYNCH, Ms. cution the foregoing Powers and all other H.R. 3917: Ms. MATSUI and Mr. BRADY of MATSUI, Mr. NOLAN, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Powers vested in this Constitution in the Pennsylvania. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. SERRANO, and Mr. Government of the United States, or in any H.R. 3926: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. SHERMAN. ´ Department or Officer thereof.’’ AGUILAR, and Mr. GUTIERREZ. H.R. 1475: Ms. BROWN of Florida and Mr. By Ms. JACKSON LEE: H.R. 3940: Mr. BOUSTANY, Mr. ZINKE, Mr. BILIRAKIS. H.R. 4240. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. RIGELL, and Mr. DOLD. H.R. 1571: Mrs. NAPOLITANO and Mr. CARSON Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 3952: Mrs. BLACKBURN and Mr. of Indiana. lation pursuant to the following: BUCSHON. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 1748: Mr. HONDA and Mr. ROYCE. H.R. 3961: Ms. LOFGREN. granted to Congress under Article I, Section H.R. 1786: Mr. KLINE and Mr. CLAWSON of H.R. 3970: Mr. STIVERS, Ms. NORTON, Ms. 8, Clauses 1, 3, and 18 of the United States Florida. JACKSON LEE, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Constitution. H.R. 2003: Mr. DOLD. Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. VARGAS, Mr. MCGOVERN, By Mr. MARINO: H.R. 2036: Mr. BRIDENSTINE. and Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 4241. H.R. 2050: Mr. AMODEI and Mr. HECK of H.R. 3991: Mr. GRIJALVA. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Washington. H.R. 4000: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2058: Mr. ZINKE. H.R. 4007: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. ‘‘Article I, Section 8, Clause 8: To promote H.R. 2067: Mr. MASSIE. H.R. 4012: Mr. GARAMENDI. the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by H.R. 2070: Mr. SESSIONS. H.R. 4027: Mr. BEYER. security for limited Times to Authors and H.R. 2072: Ms. EDWARDS. H.R. 4043: Ms. WILSON of Florida. Inventors the exclusive Right to their re- H.R. 2124: Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. H.R. 4055: Ms. MCCOLLUM, Ms. JACKSON spective Writings and Discoveries.’’ QUIGLEY, Mr. FATTAH, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. NEAL, LEE, and Ms. BASS. By Ms. MAXINE WATERS of Cali- Mr. KEATING, and Mr. SERRANO. H.R. 4057: Ms. LOFGREN. fornia: H.R. 2125: Ms. LEE. H.R. 4062: Mr. ROSKAM and Mr. BOUSTANY. H.R. 4242. H.R. 2142: Ms. BONAMICI. H.R. 4085: Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. KIND, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2144: Mrs. COMSTOCK. ESHOO, and Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2205: Mr. COLLINS of New York, Mr. H.R. 4112: Mr. SESSIONS. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 and Clause 18 FORTENBERRY, and Mr. MOULTON. H.R. 4113: Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- By Mr. KILMER: H.R. 2293: Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. BILIRAKIS, fornia. H.R. 4243. Mr. NOLAN, and Mr. BERA. H.R. 4144: Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2302: Ms. BASS and Mr. RICHMOND. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2311: Mr. ROTHFUS. TAKAI. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:04 Dec 12, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11DE7.100 H11DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H9308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 11, 2015 H.R. 4171: Ms. NORTON and Miss RICE of DISCHARGE PETITIONS son of Texas, Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. Hoyer, Mrs. New York. Under clause 2 of rule XV, the fol- Torres, Ms. Kaptur, Ms. Sewell of Alabama, H.R. 4172: Mr. DOLD. lowing discharge petition was filed: Mr. Levin, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. H.R. 4177: Mr. LAHOOD. McGovern, Mr. Schiff, Mr. Brady of Pennsyl- Petition 3, December 7, 2015, by Mr.
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