An Independent Newspaper Pull Out & Save Lobor Day Faslival Schedule on pe19,es 9. 10, 11, 11 News Review CO-OP ad is on pages 8, l 3 Volume 61, Number 40 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 Thursday, August 27, 1998 Greenbelt's Biggest Weekend Monday Is Opening Day Offers Rich Mix for Festival For County Public Schools by Barbara Likowski Magnet Schools by Sandy Smith Greenbelt Police Department price from 1 to 5:30 p.m. on Sat­ Prince George's County pub­ There are still openings in The city's long-awaited four­ Honor Guard presents the colors, urday and Sunday will be sold lic schools will open Monday, some of the magnet programs. day block party is almost here. Jean Cook sings the National again this year. Discount cou­ August 31 for the 1998-1999 Letters have been sent to parents The 44th Annual Greenbelt La­ Anthem and the area's dignitaries pons for the "rides" bracelet are school year. About l 30,465 stu­ of children on the waiting list for bor Day Festival starts Friday, are introduced to the audience. available throughout Greenbelt, dents are expected this year, up specific programs advising them September 4 and goes through The audience awaits the an­ including city offices, the recre­ three or four thousand from of openings in other magnet pro­ Monday, September 7, with en­ nouncement of this year's Out­ ation and youth centers and busi­ 126,000 plus students who at­ grams. Also, the school system tertainment by the area's top standing Citizen, selected by a nesses in old Greenbelt and tended last year. has again asked the court for bands and performers, a carnival, committee of peers who judge Greenbelt East. (See schedule A new reading series will be pennission to offer these open­ rides and games for all ages, the nominees' activities and con­ for list of 18 locations for dis­ introduced this year. Although ings to African-American chil­ photo and art exhibitions, pet tributions to the community. count coupons.) focusing on phonetics, the pro­ dren. Permission was given for and talent shows, a craft fair, Each year the selection is a well­ The carnival booths, sponsored gram will include a wholistic this last year, but so far permis­ sports for players and spectators, guarded surprise but always by community organizations, are approach to reading. Science sion has not been granted this the Miss Greenbelt Pageant and brings a response of "well-de­ for many their main fund-raiser and math enhancement and staff year. the area's largest Labor Day Pa­ served" and "it's about time." of the year. The booths provide development will also be This week the final hearing rade. The Festival marks the Next, younger community opportunities to talk with the citi­ stressed. on the memorandum of under­ culmination of a year of plan­ leaders take the stage as partici­ zens of Greenbelt and visitors, to Approximately 900 to I 000 standing was held in the District ning by an all-volunteer commit­ pants in the Miss Greenbelt Pag­ introduce their activities and pro­ new teachers will be added, Court in Greenbelt. tee and the participation and in­ eant are introduced. Ranging in grams, and to be a part of the more than half of whom will be OASIS volvement of hundreds of citi­ age from 7 to 19, they exemplify year's major recreational event. certified. The school system has A new coordinator has been zens, businesses and organiza­ some of the best qualities of our A complete listing of booths and included a very aggressive pro­ appointed for the OASIS pro­ tions throughout the city and sur­ young people in terms of com­ their menu selections and activi­ gram to insure that those not gram. Set up in 1995 under the rounding communities. mun ily involvement, academic ties are listed in the schedule in certified become certified in a development of Dr. Jerome Festival Kicks Off Friday achievement, and interests and the center pages of this issue of Clark, 20 cluster groups have the News Review. short time. The Festival officially kicks abilities in sports and the arts. been organized with seven to 12 Carnival Features There will be the traditional One new elementary school off Friday evening with the schools in each cluster. Based in Friday evening the carnival Bingo, a hallmark of the Labor will be open in the county. This Greenbelt Concert Band. This the 20 high schools, each is opens for its four-day run of Day Festival, as well as the Used is just one of several schools traditional concert includes a headed by a Chief Educational wide variety of musical styles as rides, games, and booths featur­ Book Sale, sponsored by the which will open in the next few years according to present plans. See OPENING DAY, page 6 well as solos of featured musi­ ing a variety of food - from Greenbelt Elementary School cians and instruments. Notlim meals to snacks - and activities. PTA. Other popular booths re­ the Clown - another Festival The rides are designed for all turn -the Goldfish Toss and Zoo Meet the Ten Little Miss tradition - roams the carnival ages from toddlers to teens (and Dip, which feature live and not­ area entertaining children with beyond). There's a carousel with so-live animals. You can have Greenbelt Contestants his antics. His distinctive dress a gentle ride and many whirling your face painted, sport a tempo­ adds to the unique nature of his and towering rides to thrill and rary tattoo, and be immortalized by Sandy Smith Kimberly Carey act. excite. Special matinee prices in a caricature. Then there's lots Ten girls ages 7 to IO are par­ Kimberly Erin Carey is a stu­ Attention then turns to the for a bracelet which allows a of things to toss - footballs, ticipating in this year's Little dent at Greenbelt Elementary Festival stage, where the wearer to ride all rides for one See FESTIVAL, page 16 Miss Greenbelt Pageant. They School in the third grade. The 8 are having a fun summer filled year-old pageant participant is a with community activities, parties Junior Redskinette cheerleader and outings as well as learning for the Washington Redskins. Citizens Debate, Council Decides new skills and making new She has also been a cheerleader friends. This article provides a for the Greenbelt Boys and Girls No Mountain Bikes in Woods glimpse of those young ladies. Club squad which came in fourth Cheri Bailey at the County competition, sec­ by Betsy Likowski Court mentioned one - people do was on the Greenbelt Homes, Inc. Cheri Bailey attends Greenbelt ond place at King's Dominion, Mountain bikes are perma­ ride their bikes parallel to the (GHI) Woodland Committee, for­ Elementary School. The fourth and first place at the Forestville nently banned from Greenbelt's path in the lake park. esters told it the nearby GHI­ grader is 8 years old. She lists Boys and Girls Club competition. largest park. The Greenbelt City On the ban itself, Turnbull said owned woods were not healthy. cheerleading as a favorite school Her hobbies are bike riding, Council rendered this decision at people perceive bikes in the Background activity. She also plays the pi­ roller blading and - along with its regular meeting on August 17 wooded park as being at odds Parcels I, 2 and the 72 acre ano and dances. She says draw­ millions of others - collecting after 1 in the morning following with their own desired experience surplus school board property are ing is a hobby and also indicates Beanie Babies. Among her other four hours of discussion. Many in the woods, such as solitude. the city-owned woodlands located an interest in rollerblading and interests are swimming, ice skat­ other issues affecting the wood­ To protect that he said the mora­ between Ridge Road and the Bal­ bike riding. She is on the Honor ing, taking walks and bowling. lands of Parcels 1 and 2 and the torium had to be continued. timore - Washington Parkway Roll. A favorite food is pizza Pizza is her favorite food; and - 72 acre surplus school board Mayor Judith Davis stated she (see map). Parcels I and 2 were and her favorite TV show is the you guessed it - the Rug Rats property were also touched upon, would have liked a temporary ban privately owned for years. A Rug Rats. She expresses a long is her favorite TV show. Math making this meeting a rare in­ for a year or two. proposal for development in late term career goal to be a doctor is a favorite school subject and stance of discussion of issues af­ Davis expressed worries about I 987 provoked quick citizen pro­ and her favorite subject in school her ambition is to be a police of­ fecting Greenbelt's largest park. the health of the woods and the test The city acquired that prop­ is science. Too Much, by the ficer. Who Am I, by Beanie The unanimous council deci­ trails. After the moratorium was erty plus the school board prop­ Spice Girls is her favorite song. Man is her favorite song. sion to permanently extend the passed, Davis made a motion to erty during the following two Qu 'Nita Bassil Caroline Davis existing moratorium on mountain do a study or consider getting a years. Qu'Nita Ebony Bassil is in Caroline Marie Davis attends bikes in the woods included in­ consultant to look at the wood­ Three years ago council im­ the second grade at C.T.
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