Opinion Polarization by Learning from Social Feedback Sven Banisch & Eckehard Olbrich MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig) Opinion Dynamics and Collective Decision, Bremen 2017 H2020 – FETPROACT-2016 - 732942 Opinion Dynamics and Cultural Confict odycceus.eu in European Spaces White pride Australia First Party Brisbane AZL Enough is Enough: Stop Homosexual Promotion. Smash Freemasonry Stephen Mitford Goodson Praying for South Africa Prosper in Israel Smash Marxismo Cultural Conservative Voices Political Correctness Gone Wild By The People For The People World Politics Review Labour25 Remove all EU flags Budweiser Traditionalist Youth Hour Podcast Endecja Podlaskie Nationalism and Religion Heterosexual Awareness Month 3 Better Out Than In Political Correctness Must Die Smash Usury Be Active Front USA 2 Maldon and Heybridge British National Party Soutien au général Piquemal Dennis Michael Lynch Support the Dover to calais truckers.The Return. BNPtv Fascism a misconception All Nationalist Association& Media The Populist Party Hellenic Victims of Communism - Fed Up White Person Nordic gods The South Africa Project Honor USS Liberty Vets Nordic Sisterhood Smash Cultural Marxism Smash Cultural Marxism II British National Party Nordic Brotherhood The RAMZPAUL Show Eesti Iseseisvuspartei - EIP CasaPound Italia League of the South Red October online and ofine data I Am Proud To Be British computational modelling World War II Day by Day Generation Identity London ▶ Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation - USA ▶ Censorbugbear Reports Christian Women Against Femen Proud to be White does Not Mean Racist Raise awareness of South African farm murders by brutal torture Smash Cultural Marxism Embedding into Nationalists of the World Unite The Return of Reason Europa Identitaria Preserve Our Heritage Kleinfontein White Girls who love White Guys II (latent) political space American White History Month 2 Orania American Freedom Party Letters From White South Africa Stop White South African Genocide precision language processing Refugees Not Welcome In Devon Pissed Of White Americans game theory ▶ Identity Ireland Occidental Ofensive ▶ White History Month The Hidden World Open Borders for Israel The Beauty of European Girls& Women White People World Wide 1 Svoboda - Ukrainian political party In Favor Of Traditional Gender Roles I'm white BBC Politics Anglo American Identity Movement Europe's Awakening Nordic Beauty Support Human Rights for Whites 2 dynamic graph theory Reporting the anti-white filth on FB European Independent Media Centre conceptual spaces Justnationalistgirls This is the Netherlands ▶ Aryan Women in Wheat Fields The Occidental Observer ▶ This is Italy Francis Terry and Associates Génération Identitaire This is Germany Aryan Hyperborean Heritage This is Austria The Conservative Revolution Українська Естетика This is Europa This is Sweden Jack Donovan A History of British America United Patriots Front Productions. This is Ireland Traditional Britain Group A Handbook of Traditional Living media geography Red Ice divergent mindsets ▶ Architecture of Ireland Counter-Currents Publishing ▶ The Traditionalist Architectural Revival ImperiumComrade Corbyn: Jeremy Exposed Artaman: The Hyperborean Garden Women Painters ~ Arktos Traditionalist Western Art The Aristocrat No More Brother Wars The Occidental Sentinel United Patriots Front Dark and fantastic arts The Warden Post resulting positions Traditum Orbis Architecture resulting positions resulting positions Real Crusades History on the set of issues Institute of Classical Architecture& Art on the set of issues Right On European on the set of issues Golden Century of World Fairs 1851-1951 Daniel Friberg The Golden One Masterpieces Drawing& Painting Be more Swedish Omniphi Spells of Art, Gnōsis, and Ritual The Patriarchy The Soul of the East Cultura Classica The World Art Nouveau Basic Philosophical Re-Education by Blair Cottrell nationalism Art Nouveau& Art Deco The United Patriots Front The Artists of The Artists Rifles Nordic Wear MURDERSCENE Magnanimity Maxime Solemn PPDM X Straight Edge X Father Frost Mode X Beauty Teagan's Smile Mariusz Pudzianowski Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness Holland& Barrett Sweden Scala Regia Freedom of Fear Damsel of the Faith Total War André Andersson Custom Knives Veronica Partridge Unity Rosaries Fight the New Drug Norse Art By Micke Johansson Outdoor Research A Gentleman's Row Theotokos Institute for Catholic Studies WESTERN NATIONALISM set of issues set of issues set of issues A controversy, most on which final decisions are based. Importantly, often, involves a series the weights assigned to of issues that are logicOver the course of a the different issues as across the participants ally and cognitivelydiscourse not all the Over the course of a issues playing a role are discourse not all the well as the understanding and this has important linked. onarguments a about their mutual arguments on a visible from the very issues playing a role are consequences for the onarguments a A proper spatial relatedness differ beginning. New issues visible from the very process of finding For a debate to be fruitful the emergence of representation of such multi-dimensionality multi-dimensionalitymay arise, first-time beginning. New issues compromise. a common understanding complexity should and interconnectedness multi-dimensionality may arise, first-time A controversy, most In a prolonged debate of the structure of the points at stake. and interconnectedness andissues interconnectedness may cease to be multi-dimensionality underlying a controversy of the points at stake. therefore take into and interconnectedness central, and sometimes issues may cease to be often, involves a series the importance of and We propose to model of the points at stake. multi-dimensionality is necessary. and interconnectedness of the points at stake. this by a network the We propose to model of the points at stake. account the this by a network the We propose to model very few controverse central, and sometimes relations between the nodes of which are key We propose to model of issues that are logic nodes of which are key this by a network the issues in a debate and this by a network the issues in a debate and nodes of which are key nodes of which are key points turn out and very few controverse dimensions of it are issues in a debate and issues in a debate and the links weights for the links weights for ally and cognitively the links weights for the links weights for We propose to model relations in between relations in between relations in between become the key issues points turn out and subject to cognitive relations in between those. linked. those. those. those. this by a network the become the key issues negotiations as well. nodes of which are key A proper spatial issues in a debate and representation of such the links weights for complexity should relations in between therefore take into those. account the Polarization: an important but also controversial issue Te Puzzle of Polarization » If people tend to become alike in their beliefs, attitudes, and behavior when they interact, why do not all such diferences eventually disappear? « (Axelrod, 1997) » Since universal ultimate agreement is an ubiquitous outcome of a very broad class of mathematical models, we are naturally led to inquire what on earth one must assume in order to gene- rate the bimodal outcome of community cleavage studies. « (Abelson, 1964) ▶ Tese questions have inspired a lot of modelling work throug- hout decades: the feld is now known as Opinion Dynamics Terminology tćFUFSNx1PMBSJ[BUJPOjJTVTFEEJČFSFOUMZJOEJČFSFOUĕFMET t*O(SPVQ1TZDIPMPHZJUNBJOMZSFGFSTUPBQSPDFTTCZXIJDIEFMJ- CFSBUJOHHSPVQTCFDPNFNPSFFYUSFNF ŕ5BLFOVQJO1PMJUJDBM4DJFODF 4VOTUFJOATxMBXPGHSPVQQPMBSJ[BUJPOj) t*O4PDJPMPHZmainlyBQSPDFTTCZXIJDITUSPOHEJWFSHFODFTPGQPMJ- UJDBMPQJOJPOTDPNFBCPVUBOEBNFBTVSFPGUIFFYUFOEUPXIJDIB DFSUBJOEJTUSJCVUJPOPGPQJOJPOTJTQPMBSJ[FE ŕ%J.BHHJPFUBMEJČFSFOUJBUFBTQFDUT t*O0QJOJPO%ZOBNJDTCPUIOPUJPOTTPNFUJNFTBEPQUFE QIZTJDT NPEFMTWTTPDJPMPHJDBMNPEFMT "MTPPQJOJPOQMVSBMJUZPSDPFYJTUFODF Mechanisms t1PTJUJWFTPDJBMJOĘVFODFPQJOJPOTUFOEUPBMJHOJOJOUFSBDUJPO t7BMVFIPNPQIJMZBHFOUTXJUITJNJMBSPQJOJPOTJOUFSBDUNPSF GSFRVFOUMZ t4UBUVTIPNPQIJMZTPDJPEFNPHSBQIJDBMMZTJNJMBSBHFOUTJOUFS BDUNPSFGSFRVFOUMZ t/FHBUJWFTPDJBMJOĘVFODFBHFOUTXJUIWFSZEJČFSFOUWJFXT BEPQUFWFONPSFEJTUBOUQPTJUJPOTJOUIFPQJOJPOTQBDF t"SHVNFOUQFSTVBTJPOMFBSOJOHOFXTVQQPSUJWFBSHVNFOUT CJBTFEBTTJNJMBUJPOJOGBWPVSPGTVQQPSUJWFWJFXT Mechanisms → Outcomes t1PTJUJWFsocial infuence + status homophily → consensus (static networks, traditional models, binary models) t1PTJUJWFsocial infuence + opinion homophily → plurality with MPDBMBWFSBHJOH "YFMSPE CPVOEFEDPOĕEFODF DPFWPMWJOHOFUXPSLT tPositive + negativ social infuence → polarization (Bourdieu: cultural/aesthetic diferentiation) t1PTJUJWF OFHBUJWinfuence + opinion homophily → consensus tArgument persuasion + opinion homophily → polarization tBiased assimilation + opinion homophily → polarization Polarization Dynamics by Learning Q() Q() from Social Feedback t Social feedback + status homophily → polarization t"HFOUTDBOFYQSFTTUXPEJČFSFOUPQJOJPOT or XJUIJOUIFJS social neighborhood t0OFYQSFTTJOHUIFJSDVSSFOUPQJOJPOBHFOUTSFDFJWFBďSNBUJWF or non-confrming response depending on the current opinion in the neighborhood t"HSFFNFOUMFBETUPBQPTJUJWFFYQFSJFODFXIJDITUSFOHUIFOT TVQQPSUPOUIFFYQSFTTFEPQJOJPO Rooted in Reinforcement Learning Q() Q() t0QJOJPOFYQSFTTJPOBTBDUJPO t"HFOUTMFBSOWBMVFT2 P PGBDUJPOTCBTFEPOSFXBSE XIJDINBZ NPEFMEJČFSFOULJOETTPDJBMGFFECBDL
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