1932 article titles and notes Vol. IV, No. 1, January 8, 1932 "Tarkington Play Opens Clubhouse. 'The Intimate Strangers' Given Before Capacity Audiences This Week. Chas. Mitchell Director" (1 - AC and CO) - "While a bit more subtle than the average Players' Club production, the play lent itself admirably to the advantages of the new clubhouse stage and the excellent cast sustained the interest of the audience fairly well throughout." The article praised the cast that had Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell in the leading roles, and then its author opined, "Personally we should prefer to see the Mitchells stick to farces such as 'His Temporary Wife', which was a delightful highlight in the 1929-30 season". Photo courtesy of George Jones: "New Playhouse Opened" with caption "Front view of the new home of the Swarthmore Players' Club, which was used for the first time this week" (1 - AC and CO) "The Players' Club Dedication Verses" by J. Russell Hayes and "(Spoken by Mrs. William Earl Kistler)" (1 - AC, CO, and LP) - rhyming verses about the new theater "Man of the Week - and the Year" (1 - AC, CO, and SN) - Although many people contributed to the new theater, "it is doubtful if any project in the community owes its existence to one man more than the new playhouse owes its existence to Charles D. Mitchell." "Players' Club New Home" by E. C. W. (1 - AC, CO, and LP) - non-rhyming verses about the new theater "Stated Meeting of Woman's Club Tuesday" (1 - AC and WO) - Drama section member Mrs. Roland L. Eaton was bringing Herman L. Deick, Dramatic and Music Editor on the Record,1 to speak about "The Dramatic Highlights of the Season." "H. and S. to Meet Monday. Head of Finance Committee Will discuss Financial Condition of District. Give Indian Pageant" (1 - AC, BB, CE, CO, KO, NA, and RR) - Before a discussion by the school board, "the combined troops of the 'Cubs' and the 'Brownies' assisted by members of the Boys and Girl Scouts and directed by Dr. Terman and Mrs. V. Paul Brown, will present 'The Pageant of the Delaware' a series of scenes depicting the life of the Indians before the Whites came." "Women Voters to Meet in Philadelphia. County League to Have Discussion of Unemployment Problems.2 Mrs. Yarnall to Preside" (1 - DC, LA, PO, and WO) - 1 A reference to a Herman L. Deick associated with the Philadelphia Record can be found in Fourth Estate: A Weekly Newspaper for Publishers, Advertisers, Advertising Agents and Allied Interests (July 23, 1904): 3. Accessed through Google Books (March 4, 2021). 1 meeting of Delaware County League of Women Voters at 1725 Spruce Street in Philadelphia for the first in a series of discussions on "the unemployment problem" "Ashton New Head of Borough Council" (1 - BB and SN) - Leonard C. Ashton was elected president of the borough council to succeed Frank S. Reitzel. "Western Tour Gains Impetus. Dr. Terman Sponsoring Trip through West by Bus for Swarthmore Boys and Girls. Many Express Interest" (2 - CE and KO) - Dr. E. L. Terman, "local Boy Scout executive and head of the Ulverson [sic] School", was planning a "new educational enterprise" in the form of a 'Westward-Ho' bus trip. Traveling some 300 miles each day in buses that held 30 kids, the participants would camp, exercise, and keep diaries. "Emergency Relief Needs Work for Men" (2 - BB, CW, and LA) - "With the arrival of winter, the small number of jobs to be given out in our Emergency Employment Bureau has grown still smaller. One man only in our long list has found permanent employment. Consequently, family-feeding has doubled in a month, and increased last week. If everyone who buys in our stores remembers to get a little more so as to put something that is nourishing into the baskets for emergency relief”[sic]. "Liberal Arts College Poor Place for Idlers, Says Aydelotte" (2 - SC) - annual college report, along with a warning from the president that 'the college of liberal arts is a good place only for students with definite intellectual interests' "Gerald H. Effing Special Bank Deputy" (3 - DC, GD, and SN) - The Secretary of Banking Dr. William D. Gordon appointed Gerald H. Effing3 who lived on Haverford Avenue "his special deputy to act for the State banking department in the administration of the affairs" of two Delaware County banks "which passed into the possession of the Secretary of Banking on December 18, 1931." "Fortnightly" (3 - AE, AF, IR, and WO) - meeting at Mrs. Thayer's on 653 N. Chester Road for Mrs. Thomas Jackson's review of an article by Hugh Walpole on "English Country Places", Mrs. Clifford talking about England, and Mrs. Joyce on "her trip to Africa" on a boat from New York to Cape Town that took her "into the interior of Africa [sic] a most unusual experience." 2 Part of this subtitle was illegible. 3 An article from 1960 quoted Effing (1892-1977), who had evidently become president of the Farmers Bank and Trust Company in Lancaster, PA, on how bankers were 'retailers as much any other businessmen.' In Ralph Moyed, "Gerald Effing Forecasts Revolution in Banking Operations to Continue," Intelligencer Journal (December 2, 1960): 55, from newspapers.com/clip/33339881/gerald-effing-and- future-of-banking/ (accessed March 8, 2021). 2 "Presbyterian Notes" (3 - AE, RS, and SL) - Church membership was 926, some 175 of whom were “absent from Swarthmore and are being connected with other churches as rapidly as possible." Ad from Elaine Menge, 14 President Avenue, Rutledge: "A New Service to Help Busy Housewives" (3 - BS and QA) - "This complete service consists of planning the menu, purchasing the necessary supplies, preparing and serving any type meal from a small intimate luncheon to a formal dinner." "Classified" (3 - RR) - Under Work Wanted, "Colored lady desires work. Day, week or part time. Best references. Call Swarthmore 1826." "Engagement" (3 - SL) - Rutledge's Mary Jane Strayer to John A. Schumacher of Haverford Avenue "Media Theatre" (3 - AC and DC) – During Thanksgiving, "Palmy Days"4 with Eddie Cantor was so popular that the manager of the Media Theatre was bringing the movie back next week for two days. "Lansdowne Theatre" (3 - AC and DC) - 'Local Boy Makes Good'5 starring Joe. E. Brown, the "funniest man of the screen," was coming to the theater. "Stanley Theatre" (3 - AC and DC) - Chester's Stanley Theatre was featuring vaudeville acts straight from New York "every Thursday, Friday and Saturday." "Sheriff's Sales" (3 - RE) "Local News" (3 - SL) "The College Woods" (4 - BB, CW, ED, GN, LA, and SC) - "One of Swarthmore's least appreciated improvements of the last two years has been the clearing of the woods along Crum creek and the building of paths by unemployed men. Last winter this work was carried on beginning in the woods opposite the north end of the football field and continuing almost as far south as the railroad trestle." There were no college funds for continued labor, "but it is possible that they might be influenced to meet the borough Employment Committee half way in raising the necessary funds." The workers were paid 40 cents/hour "which is much better than no income at all. Furthermore, men out of regular employment are much better off doing vigorous 4 This 1931 musical was directed by Edward Sutherland, choreographed by Busby Berkeley, and starred Charlotte Greenwood and Eddie Cantor, who also wrote the screenplay. Betty Grable, Paulette Godard, and George Raft played minor roles. From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmy_Days (accessed March 8, 2021). 5 Directed by Mervyn LeRoy, "Local Boy Makes Good" (1931) involved a "[s]heepish bookstore employee" who "had become infatuated with a college girl". From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Boy_Makes_Good (accessed March 8, 2021). 3 work in the open than they would be sitting about their homes or meeting discouragement after discouragement trying to find a job at their regular trade." Although the borough council allocated $300 to the Employment Relief Committee, "strong feeling was expressed at the meeting that if possible the money should be used to provide employment rather than to dole out gifts." "Appreciation" (4 - RS and SL) - from the Interdenominational Committee for "the splendid response of all neighbors and friends" at Christmas.6 "Red Cross Has Successful Drive. Mrs. Yerkes Pleads for Continued Support of Red Cross Volunteer Work. Total Nearly $2000" (4 - BB, CW, DC, PH, and WO) - statement expressing gratitude from Mrs. Earl P. Yerkes, who chaired Swarthmore's Red Cross drive7 "Bishop Remington to Address Students" (4 - RS and SC) - "The Rt. Rev. William P. Remington,8 D.D., Bishop of Eastern Oregon," who was born in Philadelphia, graduated from Penn, and was "an Olympic track man", was going to speak to Swarthmore students. "Missionary to Speak" (4 - AE, EA, and RS) - "The Reverend Roy M. Allison, a Presbyterian missionary at Tenghsien,9 Shantung, China," was going to speak at the Presbyterian Church. "Church News" (4 - RS) - Presbyterians, Methodists, Friends, Episcopalians, and Christian Scientists "Alice E. Gardner Cleaves" (4 - AD) - death of longtime Trinity Church member Photo: "New County Building" with caption "Delaware County Court House at Media to be dedicated tomorrow afternoon" (4 - CJ and DC) "New Playhouse Is Miniature Theatre. Building Complete for Staging Variety of Dramatic Productions. 325 Seating Capacity" (5 - AC and CO) - "A complete playhouse in miniature as well equipped and as efficiently arranged as any of the largest theatres recently erected in Philadelphia, is the verdict which has followed the inspection of the new Players' Club playhouse during the past week." 6 Part of this item was illegible.
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