> DAT CARDIFF AND SUBURBAN NAMES DIRECTORY. 130 ·nates, Ltd., print.Prs. 132 Bute· street David & Co., tanners, eurriers, & leather mer. Daunton George, 34 Pen"tlrebane street, Grange ch;mt~, Sloper ro.a.d, Gran ze Tiamnton & Winfield, ironmongers, plumbers, &c., David Cha.s., machinist, 43 Brithdir st., Cathays 160 & 162 C'itv road D1n-id Daniel, sh;p chandler, la. Keppoeh st .. Hth. Davenport George, labourer, 12 Elm Gt., Roath David David, farmer, Cumm~ngs farm, St. Mellons Davenport H., 66 Cardiff road, J.landaff Oavid .E. & David, land agents, Old Bank cham- ·navenport Thomas, 5 Rarold street, RoaLh hers, High &treet ·navenport William John, 19 Brecon st., Car..ton David K, Ty-Ucha! farm, St. Georrge's ·na.vt-rid6e Jam(l·s, 60 Salop street, Pena.rth DavidJ E. F., J.P., Glanynant, Fairwater, Ely Da.vey A. E., clerk, 174 Cathays terrace, Ca.thay~ David Edgar F., J.P., Glanynant, Fairwater- rd., Davev• Albert 'Ym., 4 Redlan<is road, Penarth L1andaff Davey Arthur, co...q,l trim'er, 2 Cameron st., l\foors David Edward, la1bourer, 13 Bla.ckweir terrace Davey Charles B:ro.ce, 70 Amesbury road, Roath Dadd Edward, 13 Gabalfa rd., Llaindaff North Daver Charles, 20 Harpur s'reet David Edward', 6 Rectory road, Canton Davey C. H .. labourer, 6 \Vyndham st., Canton Da.vid Ed•ward \Vm., 178 Lland.aff road, Canton ·navey Erz., 28 Glamorgan street, Pontcanna Da.vid Enoch, coal trimmer, 15 Eyre street, Moors Dave.r Francis Geo., sawyer,· 10 St Peter's st., Da.vid F. J., stock and share broker, Atlantic Ronth buildings, Mountstuart square . Da.vey Francis, turner, 40 Cecil street, Roath Da.nd E. U., Y scallog, Ely road, LlantbJT Davey Fredk., coal merehant, 1 Uantrisant street, David E. U., land agent and valuer, 4 PaJ"k place Catha"trs David Evnn, Penlan farm, Caerau Davev George, 119 Cathedral road, Canton David Freik. John, 60 Plymouth road, Penarth Davey George, stationer. 29 Lisvane .<:t., Cathays D&rid Fred.k., 45 Albert stre-et, Canton "Da\ey G. H. J., HillsJde, St{ltion rd., Dinas Pmvis David F.rederick, 37 Comet street, R•Ja.th Davey G. H.. J. & Co., coal exporte['s & ship- David George & Evans, solicitors, St. :Mary's brokers, Dowlais chambers, 'Yest Bute .street chambers, St. Mary street Davey Henry, coal ioopector, 35 Dagfield street, David George, official receiver, St. Mary"s cham- Oa.thays oors, St. Ma.ry street -n.avey Henrv. 27 Grove place, Penarth David Geo.rge, motorman, 44 Bedford st., Roath -oavey ,Tame~, !'mith .. 32 Picton place, Ca_nton David Geor((e, Rolicitor, 126 Newport rd .. Roath Da.ve.v Jame3, The I~1se, l\ferthy~ rd., \Vh1tchurch David H. B., 79 Malefant street, Oathays Dav('y J es&e, coal tnmme.r, 99 Rwhards st., Ctys. David Ho well, traffic manager, 221 Mackintosh pavey John, dock labou~·er, 108 Se~·em rd., Ctn. place. Roath Davey Jr:.hn~ !a~o~r~r, 170 'Yoodville rd., Ctys. Da.vid Illtyd J., 169 Cathedral rood, Canto.n Da.vey John, Ta1lurwn, Llamlterne . David Ivor-, 118 Railwa.y street, Moors Davey John, sen., S~mmel'field _vla,ce, \VIlntchuroh David I. J. & Oo., coal expmters, 135 Bute ~;treet Davey John, 3? Dav1s street, ~ ewiown David J. J. & Co., estate agents, 36 Windsor pi. Dav~y John, tipper, 4 Ludlow streeJ:r, Penarth David J. J .. 108 Newport road, Roath Jle.vey John, Summerfield place, Whibc~urch David J aoob, printer, 24 Stua.rt st~reet, Docl\s Bavey Loon_a.rd, Old Church road, Wlritchuxcih David J ac01b, 95 Cathedral road Davey Lew1s, 40 ~foorland r~ad, Mo<>rs D,wid James, engineer, 1 South Luton pi., Roath Davey M:, confectwner, 5~ C1ty road, Roath David! Ja.me-3, 26 Ascog street, Moors Davey ~'hss Alma, 25 ~Iana stree\ ~odks pavid John, 38 Eyre street, Moom Davey l\f~s. A., Pantba?h mad, '' h1t.c~uroh David John, tipper, 20 We,st te.rrac.e, Penarth Davey Richard, coal trimmer, 11 Gelhgaer st., David ,John, ddver, 10 Heath street, Canton Cathay_s David John, 45 Pla.ssey- street, Penarth -narey R1chard, 180 Cathays t-errace, Catha.ys David John, coal trimmer, 11 Salop st., Penarth D1-vey Robert, 27 Eleanor street, Docks · Da.\id John, Woodlands. Oreigia.u. Pentyrch Davev R-.muel. 9 Monthermer ro&d. Ca,thays David John H., cler:k, 53 Llanda.ff l'oad, Canton Da.·;py S~muel, 12 Princes str~et, Roath Dnid Jonah. ~tamP-keener. Uandough ~ -Davev S1dney H., 35 Belle Vue cresoont, Llan- David J oseplh, 58 Park place daff Yard David Miss Ethel Jfargaret, The Cottage, The -Davey Sydne'V. 28 High street, Penarth Green, Llandaff Davey T .. 5 Kincraig street upper, Roath David Mrs. A., draper, 20 Splott road, :Moors I lavey Thomas, plasterer, 28 Vandaft' rd., Canton, David Mrs. Catherine, 17 Pellett street, Newtown Pavey Thomas, gardener, Li:svane Da.vid Mrs. E., The Hend're. Cardiff rd., Lla.ndaff l>avey the Very Rev. ihe Dean of L:andaff, Tiu David Mrs. Eliza, 59 Radnor road: Cankm Deanery, LlandAff Da.vid Mrs. ,Jt\ne, 85 Severn road Capton Davey Tom, 57 Maugh.an street, Penarth David Mrs. Mar~·. 53 Flora. street. Ca.thays Da.vey Waltt>r, 24 \Yarwick ~reet. Grangetown David Mrs. ~., 30 Hawthorn rd. west, Lland.aff navt.y W. H., G(}rtlffigh, Caerpih~lly David Mrs. Sarah Jane, 175 Habe!thon !'t., Moofl! IJavey W. H. & Co., f;hipbrokers and coal ex- David Mrs. Stella, 45 Leckwith road, Canton porters, 14 ~Iountstuart square, Docks D:wid :\Irs., 137 Plassey st·reet, Penarth Davey William, 52 Windway road, Canton David Mrs. Catherine. 1 Despenser street, Ctn. Davey '\m. Fredok., Caldwen, Welsh St. Donats David Mn~., Dde-rwenfrigog, St. Mellons T>a.vey W. 'Vood, 6 Stanwell road, Penartlh David Ree~. insurance ·.tgent, 40 Met11l t~t., Roath Davey \Yilliam, 14 Cumherland st.root. C<tnton David Richard, 9 University place, Moo-rs llavey William, 20 Picton place, Canton David Richa.rd Jenkin, 65 Pembro·ke rd., Canton navey William, Pantbach road, \Vhitchurch Davi-! S:!..muel, 6 Zinc strr"t, Ro:~th . Davey 'Yilliam John, 2 Park st-reet Da\·id T. W., Ely Rise, Pencisely road, Canton J>avid Alfred, 21 Planta.genet street, Canton David T. W., Ely R.iEe, 51 Ely road, Llandaff David C., Park hairdressing saloon, 100 City David Thomas, traveller, 37 Clun ter., Ca.tha~s road, Ro.ath • David 1ihomas HQ>ward, 29 Pontcanna .st., etn. David Charles. shunte.r, 5 Senrn road, Canton David Thomas, grocer, 70 Elm street, Roath Da.vid & Co., ironmongers, 201 Cowlbridge road Da.vid Thomas, trimmer, 62 Clifwn street, Roath Canton • David Thomas, compositor, 144 Eldon st., Canton .
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