Vol. 26, No. 2 Summer 2010 Non-profit Org. Department of Journalism and Mass Communications U.S. Postage Murray State University 114 Wilson Hall PAID Murray, KY 42071-3311 Permit No. 248 JMC Murray, KY 42071 www.murraystate.edu/jmcjournal Six recognized as top students Six students were chosen as She was a member of the Stu- News and also three years as a the top students in their respec- dent Government’s Campus producer/videographer/editor tive programs for 2009-10 by the Activities Board, president of with the Electronic Media Ser- faculty and staff of the Depart- Omicron Sigma Kappa, secretary vices program “Roundabout U.” ment of Journalism and Mass of the Black Student Council and A member of Sigma Phi Communications. a student ambassador for the Epsilon fraternity, he was the They are Miranda Arnold, College of Business. Outstanding Residential College Robin Phelps, Erin Richerson, She won several awards in Freshman Year Leader in 2006- David Columbia, David Green both the Kentucky Intercollegiate 07 and was the White College and Elizabeth Thomas. Press Association competition Freshman of the Year. Arnold was selected as the and in speech and debate tourna- Green and Thomas tied for the Outstanding Senior in Advertis- ments. honor of the Outstanding Gradu- ing. A marketing minor from Richerson was an honor stu- ate Student. Thomas graduated Belleville, Ill., she worked in dent with almost a perfect 4.0 in December while Green will marketing and sales for Roadside grade-point average. She had an graduate in August. Systems in St. Louis. advertising minor to go with her As a graduate assistant, Green She was vice president and a public relations major. taught classes in advanced Photos by Orville Herndon presenter at the national student A member of Public Relations newswriting and copy editing. The department’s top seniors were recognized on honors day. They advertising competition for the Student Society of America, she He taught journalism at the are, from left: David Columbia, Robin Phelps, Elizabeth Arnold, Pam Ads Club. She served as a stu- was the assistant director of Defense Information School at Myrick, and Erin Richerson. Myrick was recognized for being the dent ambassador for the College Racer Communications. She had Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indi- Kappa Tau Alpha top student. of Business and was a member of an internship in public relations anapolis and English and jour- Campus Outreach. with Murray Main Street. nalism at Mayfield High School Phelps, from Cape Girardeau, She was selected to two honor before working on his master’s Mo., was named the Outstanding societies, Alpha Lambda Delta degree. Senior in Journalism. She also and Phi Kappa Phi. His extensive journalism expe- had a major in organizational Columbia, who had a minor in rience includes reporter/editor for communication. digital photography, was from several newspapers in the South- Selected for this year’s “Who’s Frankfort. He had two intern- east, six years as public affairs Who in American Colleges and ships using his photography and specialist in the Army, six years Universities,” she served as edi- TV production skills. He had an as a full-time beat writer cover tor, assistant editor, copy editor internship with the Kentucky NASCAR stock-car racing and staff writer for The Murray Office of Creative Services the (includes four years as managing State News. She was a free-lance summer of 2007 and with Cable editor of the Winston Cup Scene), writer for The Paducah Sun. 10 Production Studios in Frank- as editor of an online magazine She was debate captain of the fort the following summer. covering motor sports, as a long- Speech & Debate Union and vice On campus he had three years lead magazine writer covering president of the Kentucky Foren- experience as director/technical sics Association. director/talent for MSU TV-11 Please see Top Students Dr. Bob Lochte, left, recognized Elizabeth Thomas and David Green page 2 as the outstanding graduate students at the department’s April hon- ors banquet. Guess appointed to Board of Regents Susan Guess, a 1987 MSU Kentuckiana Girl Scout Council, chairing the Heath High School public relations graduate, was USEC and Paducah Community Memorial Garden committee. named by Gov. Steve Beshear to College. She was also the recipient of the Murray State Board of Guess is chairman of the the Housing and Urban Develop- Regents June 9. Lourdes Foundation, a two-time ment National Community Ser- Guess, the senior vice presi- chairman of the board of the vice Award for starting Girl dent and marketing director of Paducah Area Chamber of Com- Scout troops in three Paducah Paducah Bank, also holds a mas- merce and past president of the public housing communities. ter’s degree in public adminis- Paducah River City Business She is a member of the Prichard tration from the University of and Professional Women. Committee’s Commonwealth Louisville. A graduate of Leadership Institute for Parent Leadership. Photo by Orville Herndon She has previously held posi- Kentucky, she received the Gov- Guess attended her first meet- Judge Greg Pruitt swears in three new members to MSU’s Board of tions with the Louisville Cham- ernor’s Volunteer Service Award ing of the Board of Regents in Regents. They are from left: Susan Shaffer Guess, Jerry Sue Thorn- ber of Commerce, the Kentucky from the Kentucky Commission July. ton and Harry Lee Waterfield II. Department of the Arts, the on Community Volunteerism for 2 JMC Journal Sum mer 2010 Ten chosen for “Who’s Who” Eight of the 49 seniors selected sorority. She was a member of designer for New Caledonian She was vice president of One of four students to receive for the 2010 “Who’s Who in S i g m a Press/Mur- Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, a research American Colleges and Universi- Alpha Iota, ray Life and a member of the Ads Club, fellowship, ties” were majors in the Depart- Lambda Pi M a g a - the Student Government Associa- she pro- ment of Journalism and Mass Eta, Order zine/The- tion, Gamma Sigma Alpha and duced a Communications. of Omega, atre Arts Hart College Honor Society. paper on They were Rebecca Braboy, P u b l i c Entertain- An electronic media (television “ M a r i a n Jessica Cary, Pamela Myrick, Relations ment and production) Anderson, Robin Phelps, Kyle Smith, April S t u d e n t for K- major with A Voice for Whitten, Dolly Wisman and Alis- Society of S q u a r e d a minor in the Seem- sa Zimmerman. A m e r i c a , Designs in F r e n c h , i n g l y Braboy , a public relations G a m m a Murray. Z i m m e r - Silent.” major with S i g m a He par- m a n She was a minor in Alpha, Omi- Myrick ticipated in Smith w o rked selected as Feldhaus p o l i t i c a l cron Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha the Study Abroad Program in news pro- the Outstanding Senior Woman s c i e n c e , Lambda and White College England and was a member of duction for for the December 2009 gradua- served as Honor Society. Alpha Delta Sigma, Kappa Tau MSU TV- tion. PR intern She was a member of the Racer Alpha and Alpha Mu Gamma. 11. Walters was a political science for Murray Marching Band and the Racer He was treasurer of the Ads She was major with M a i n Pep Band. She was vice president Club, president of the MSU Aca- a Resident Zimmerman minors in Street. of Racer Band for two years. demic Team and sergeant of Advisor in Regents College and a JMC and She was Her internships included Mur- arms for the MSU Honors Pro- member of Big Brothers/Big Sis- S p a n i s h . the social ray-Calloway County Chamber of gram Student Council. ters, Sigma Alpha Lambda and She served chair for Commerce, Lovett Auditorium Whitten had a major in public Sigma Sigma Sigma social sorori- as staff L a m b d a Braboy (Lovett Live) and State Farm r e l at i o ns ty. w r i t e r , Zeta Omicron fraternity of Eliza- Insurance in Madisonville. with a Zimmerman studied French a s s i s t a n t beth College, secretary for Phelps was a double major in minor in language and culture in Dijon, news edi- Unleashed of the Baptist Cam- journalism marketing. France, and spent two weeks tor, news pus Ministries and worked for and orga- She was a teaching Ukrainian students editor and the American Red Cross Recov- nizational member of video production. editor in ery Center during the ice storm communi- A l p h a Two other students selected for chief for The Walters in January 2009. cation. She S i g m a “Who’s Who” had minors in Jour- Murray State News. She also worked with Habitat worked all A l p h a nalism and Mass Communica- She had a study abroad sum- for Humanity Re-store Project in four years s o r o r i t y tions—Rebecca Feldhaus and mer in Segovia, Spain, and an St. Louis during spring break on The and Public Mia Walters. internship with the American 2009. M u r r a y Relations Feldhaus was a music major Civil Liberties Union in Cary majored in electronic S t a t e S t u d e n t Whitten with emphasis in voice.
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