April 8, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E701 Care for Kids Award recipients, and Healthy to raise much needed capital and avoid further The President’s crusade to preemptively in- Families Fairfax certainly exemplifies the posi- debt, many cooperatives are considering vade Iraq without regard to peace or diplo- tive impact that county-wide programs hope to issuing preferred stock. However, under the macy was wrong. I voted against the resolu- achieve. current tax laws, stock dividends paid to stock- tion giving him the authority to do so and re- Mr. Speaker, in closing, it is an honor to ex- holders are taxed three times: (1) When they main opposed to this war. I continue to ques- tend my warm congratulations to Healthy are earned by the cooperative; (2) when re- tion the President’s judgment as commander- Families Fairfax for all of their achievements. ceived by the stockholder; and (3) at the cor- in-chief. Yet, when our troops are in harms The recognition by the National Association of porate level when earnings are distributed. way, Congress has a duty to support them Counties is well deserved. I call upon my col- Members of cooperatives are taxed on in- and support them we must. leagues to join me in wishing the Healthy come generated by the cooperative. The co- This bill provides our men and women in Families Fairfax future success. operative itself, however, is not taxed so long uniform with the resources that 1 hope will f as any ‘‘patronage income’’ is distributed to its bring a swift end to the war and minimize the members. Cooperatives frequently earn at loss of life. That is why I am voting in favor of HONORING OAK CLIFF LIONS CLUB least some non-member, or ‘‘nonpatronage,’’ it today. income. Much like a corporation, a cooperative HON. MARTIN FROST must pay taxes on such nonpatronage in- f OF TEXAS come, just as the stockholder, whether a HONORING THE POEMS OF STU- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES member or non-member, must also pay tax on DENTS FROM THE JFK INTER- Tuesday, April 8, 2003 that income when it is distributed as a divi- dend. Unlike a corporation, however, coopera- MEDIATE SCHOOL IN DEER Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tives must then pay what amounts to a third PARK, NEW YORK honor the Oak Cliff Lions Club. This organiza- tax due to the operation of an obscure IRS tion has served the Oak Cliff Community faith- rule. HON. STEVE ISRAEL fully and continually now for seven decades. It The ‘‘dividend allocation rule’’ imposes a OF NEW YORK is with great pleasure that I congratulate them third level of taxation on the cooperative by re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on their 70th Anniversary. I am proud to be a ducing the amount of patronage dividends Tuesday, April 8, 2003 member of such an organization, one that pro- paid to cooperative members. Cooperatives, motes education, leadership, strong values, such as a typical farming cooperative, may de- Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and togetherness. duct dividends paid to patrons from taxable in- share the poems of the students of the JFK Lions commit themselves to improving the come. IRS regulations, however, provide that Intermediate School in Deer Park, New York. lives of everyone. They are always determined net earnings eligible for the patronage divi- Like all of us, the war in Iraq is on the to help the less fortunate, whether they are dend deduction are reduced by dividends paid minds of America’s children. Students at the thousands of miles away, or just down the on capital stock. This requirement has been JFK Intermediate School have taken time to street. Through the Lions Club, young people interpreted to mean that even dividends paid acknowledge the troops and thank them for can earn scholarships to participate in both out of nonpatronage earnings will be ‘‘allo- their dedication and service to our country. international exchanges and community out- cated’’ to a cooperative’s patronage and non- Kyle Thorn, age 10, writes: ‘‘I just want to reach programs. patronage earnings in proportion to the rel- thank you for protecting not only your country, Lions Clubs not only promote service to ative amount of patronage/nonpatronage busi- you are also protecting your people. I also their communities, but to the entire world, with ness done by the cooperative. This ‘‘alloca- want to thank you for risking your life for every over 1.4 million members in 190 countries. In tion’’ significantly reduces the amount of net American when you don’t even know them. today’s global society, Lions clubs are perhaps earnings from the patronage operation that You are what a true American citizen is. When more important than ever before. Oak Cliff may be claimed as a deduction, thus increas- you are out there in Iraq you are not only sa- Lions are looking forward to the challenges of ing the cooperative’s level of taxation. luting your country, you are saluting the peo- today and tomorrow with optimism and unwav- Put more simply, the ‘‘dividend allocation ple in your country.’’ ering loyalty. Our message is simple but clear. rule’’ allocates income already taxed against I join with these students in their continued We serve. what would have otherwise been a deduction. support and appreciation for our troops at Since Lions clubs were established, Lions As a result, cooperatives pay more taxes on home and abroad and pray for their safe re- have been dedicated to giving something income used to pay a dividend on stock than turn home. back, and I am certain that the Oak Cliff Lions would a non-cooperative corporation. DEAR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN: Hi my name Club will continue its tradition of selfless serv- It is time to end the triple taxation on coop- is Kyle Thorn, I am 10 years old and I live in ice and pride in our great community. erative income and give farmers, consumers, Derr Park, Ny. I have an older brother who f hospitals, and other coop members the flexi- is 14 and a younger sister that is 6. I dont bility they deserve in structuring their affairs. It know if you know him but I have an Uncle A BILL TO PERMIT COOPERATIVES whose in the Air National 106th Reserve. His TO PAY DIVIDENDS ON PRE- is time to eliminate the dividend allocation rule name is George Kalamoros. FERRED STOCK WITHOUT RE- and pass the Cooperative Dividend Equity Act In this letter I just want to thank-you For DUCING PATRONAGE DIVIDENDS of 2003. protecting not only your country you are f also protecting your people. I also want to thank-you for risking your life for every HON. WALLY HERGER EMERGENCY WARTIME SUPPLE- american when you dont-even know them. OF CALIFORNIA MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT, You are what a true american citizen is. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2003 When you are out there in Iraq you are not only saluting your country you are saluting Tuesday, April 8, 2003 SPEECH OF the people in your country. Mr. HERGER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to From, HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK KYLE THORN. introduce the Cooperative Dividend Equity Act. OF CALIFORNIA This legislation will help to end an unfair tax IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DEAR ALEX: hI my name is George. Ylitelo. on cooperatives and their members. I rote this Letter To Thank you for serving As those of us from agricultural and rural Thursday, April 3, 2003 this country. I hope their is no war. You are areas can attest, cooperatives play a vital role The House in Committee of the Whole thought of every day. IF their is A war Dont in many Americans’ lives. Whether it be farm- House on the State of the Union had under worry because you are not alone you have ers pooling their resources in order to survive consideration the bill (H.R. 1559) making U.S.A. in the global marketplace, consumers maxi- emergency wartime supplemental appropria- This is the real world so that means mizing their buying power through volume pur- tions for the fiscal year ending September 30, George W. Bush mite make some kind of 2003, and for other purposes: Deal. If he does not you have the Navy, chasing, or healthcare facilities providing com- Army, Air Force, Marines. I know you will munity-based services—cooperatives facilitate Mr. STARK. Mr. Chairman, I rise today in make It threw the Long Days of hard work people working together for a common good. support of the wartime supplemental appro- in the Desert. One of the greatest challenges facing co- priations bill. Yet, I am greatly troubled by this You Friend, operatives today is access to capital. In order vote. GEORGE YLITELO. VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:54 Apr 09, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08AP8.007 E08PT1 E702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 8, 2003 PLEASE SAVE THE WORLD bat missions. Now Harry is continuing to serve ance throughout the tournament and all sea- (By Heather Lake) his country by sharing his story with his neigh- son long. DEAR SOLDIER: Hi, my name is Heather. I bors and the Veterans’ History Project, ensur- The Orangemen’s win last night certifies am 8 years old. But I will be 9 in April 24th. ing that his experiences will be permanently that Syracuse is a national college basketball I want to thank you for volentearing to save archived at the U.S.
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