' · 7196 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-.SENATE. JULY 9, The Clerk read as follows: PETITIONS, ETC. Mr. WILSON o! West Virginia, Mr. MCMILLIN of Tennessee, Mr. Turu..Jm of Georgia, Mr. MONTGOMERY of Kentucky, Mr. REED O! Maine, Mr. BUR­ Under clause lof Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers ROWS of Michigan, Mr. P A.YNE of New York. were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: DEATH OF HON. MARCUS C. LISLE. · By Mr. ALDERSON: Petition of Sally H. Tompkins, of Kana­ Mr. McCREARY of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, it is my sad wha County, W.Va., praying that t.he claim of Beverly Tomp­ duty to announce to the House of Representatives the death of kins, deceased, be referred to the Court of Claims under the Hon. Marcus C. Lisle, late a Representative in Congress from Bowman act-to the Committee on War Claims. the State of Kentucky. He died early this morning at his ByMr. BAKERofNewHampshire: PetitionofCharlesWinch home near Winchester, Ky. and other citizens of Langdon and Alstead, N.H., prayino- that He was born September 23, 1862, in Clark County, Ky. Though fraternal beneficial societies, etc., may be exempt from the pro­ young in years, he had become very prominent as a lawyer, leg­ visions of any law providing for a tax on income-to the Com­ ISlator, and business man. In the year 1890 he was elected county mittee on Ways and Means. judge of the county in ;vhich he was born and reared. In 1892 By Mr. COFFEEN: Petition of 63 citizens of Laramie County, he was elected a Representative in Congress, and was therefore Wyo., for suspension of assessments on mining claims-to the serving his first term at the time of his death. Committee on Mines and Mining. He was a true friend, a pure patriot, and an accomplished gen­ By Mr. CURTIS of ~ansas: Petition of citizen!!! of Arkansas tleman, and he was loved and respected by all who knew him. City, Kans., favorable to the Kyle resolution-to the Committee In all the positions of honor and trust held by him he was con­ on Labor. spicuous for his ability, integrity, and fidelity to duty. By Mr. HOOKER of New York: Petition of the presidentand At this time I will not indulge in any extended remarks on faculty of Alfred University, Alfred, N.Y., for the suppression the life, cha-racter, and public services of our deceased colleague of lotteries-to the Chmmittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. and friend, but in the future I will ask the House of Represent­ . By Mr. O'NEILL. of Missouri: Pap~rs to accompany House atives tiJ set apart a day for the commemoration of his virtues blll 7658, for the rehef of Mary Ann T1ppler-to the Committee and public services, and for appropriate action in rel!ard to his on Invalid Pensions. <leath. J now ask the adoption of the resolutions which I send By Mr. SHAW: Resolutions of John Flynn Post, No. 77, Grand to the desk. 4rmy of the Republic, of North Lacrosse, Wis., signed by.Wil­ The Clerk read as follows: h :lm Grover, post commander, and Charles S. Fourt, adjutant, Beaolvtd, That the members of the House of Representatives have heard and 36 members, urging Congress to enact a law making it a with deep regret. and profound son·ow of the death of the Hon. Marcus C. treasonable offense, punishable by fine or imprisonment, to raise Lisle, late a Representative from the State of Kentucky. Rtsolved, That a committee of seven members of the House be appointed by any foreign flag on any public building of the United States upon the Speaker to act with such.Senators as may be selected to attend the any occasion or any time. Also the indorsement of the resolu­ funeral of the deceased; and that the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House shall tion by North Lacrosse Council, No.9, American Protective As­ take proper action for superintending the funeral and for attending the re­ mains of the deceased at the place ot burial, and the necessary expense in­ sociation, of North Lacrosse, Wis., signed by J. C . Follmer, curred by the execution ot this order shall be paid out of the contingent fund president, and Horace Norton, secretary-, and representing 500 of the House. members-to the Committee on R.evision of the Laws. Resolved, '.rhat the Clerk be directed to communicate to the Senate a. copy of these resolutions. Resolved, That as a further mark or respect the House do now adjourn. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to. The SPEAKER. Before announcing the result of the vote, SENATE. the Chair will name the following committee in pursuance of MONDAY_, July 9, 1894. the resolution just adopted: The Clerk read as follows: Prayer by tho Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. Mr. McCREARY, Mr. BERRY, Mr. TAYLOR or Indiana. Mr. PAYNTER, Mr. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceed­ DRAPER, Mr. LUCAS, and Mr. PENCE. ings of Friday last, when, LEAVE OF ABSENCE. On motion of Mr. HARRIS, and by unanimous consent, the Pending the announcement of the vote, further reading was dispensed with. Indefinite leave of absence was granted to Mr. TAWNEY, on EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. account of sickness in his family; and to • The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Mr. SIPE, for one week, on account of sickness in his family. tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in re­ The result of the vote was then announced as above recorded, sponse to a resolution of the Senate or the 26th instant, a letter and accordingly (at 1 o'clock and 55 minuMs p.m.) the House from the Supervising Surgeon-General of the Marine Hospital adjourned. Service, together with a copy of the report by Passed Assistant Surg. James B. Stoner, of the Marine Hospital Service, upon REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PRIVATE BILLS. the quarantine administration and facilities at the port of Asto­ Under clause 2 of Rule XIII, Mr. STONE of Kentucky, from ria, at the mouth of the Columbia River; which, with the accom­ the Committee on War Claims, reported a resolution to refer panying papers, was referred to the Committee on Appropria­ to the Court of Claims the bill (H. R. 2382) for the relief of tions, and ordered to be printed. Stephen D. Clark and Miss Emma C. Lovelace, both of Cata­ He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Sec­ houla Parish, La.; which, with the accompanying report (No. retary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Attorney­ 1209), was ordered-to be printed., and referred to the Committee General, submitting a request for a deficiency appropriation to of the Whole House. cover the expenses of the judge of the United States court in the Indian Territory during the fiscal year ending June 30,1 94; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ PUBLIC BILLS. mittee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills of the following titles were Mr. MITCHELL of Oregon. There are on the table two com­ introduced, and severally referred as follows: munications from the Secretary of the Interior, an original By Mr. HICKS (by request): A bill (H. R. 7659) granting pen­ communication sent last week, and a supplemental communica­ sions to soldiers, sailors, and marines who served during the tion still later, both in response to a resolution of the Senate war of the rebellion at any time from March 4, 1861, to July 1, adopted some days since, relating to the Klamath Indian Reser­ 1865, and providing for pensions to widows, minor children, and vation in Oregon. I move that both communications and ac­ other purposes-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. companying papers be printed together as one document, and By Mr. McMILLIN (by re::ruest.): A bill tH. R. 76tH) to regu­ that they be referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. late the practice of medicine and surgery and to license physi­ The motion was agreed to. cians and surgeons in the District of Columbia, and for other MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. purposes-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. T. 0. By Mr. FLYNN: A bill (H. R. 7662) for the relief of home­ TOWLES, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had disa­ stead settlers in Beaver County, Okla., and for other purposes­ greed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 4864) to the Committee on the Public L::mds. to reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes; agreed to the conference asked for by the PRIVATE BILLS, ETC. Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, a private bill of the following had appointed Mr. WILSON of West Virginia, Mr. McMILLIN, title was presented and referred as follows: Mr. TuRNER of Georgia, Mr. MONTGOMERY, Mr. REED, Mr. By Mr. HALL, of Missouri: A bill (H. R. r660J for the relief BoRROWS, and Mr. PAYN]: managers at the conference on tht of Hamilton Crews-to the Committee on War Claims. part of the House. 1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 7197 The message also announced that the House insisted upon its and providing for the payment of life, sick, accident, and other amendments to the bill (S. 807} granting a pension to Earnest C. benefits to the members and dependents of such members shall Emerson; and the bill (S.
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