Issued Tuesday Thursday Thursday Saturday he ourier azette Issue T By Tha C,url«r-G»j«tt... C465 Main St., -G Established January, 1846. Entarad aa Sacond Claat Mall Mattar. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, May 7, 1925 THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80.................Number 55. CLEAN-UP WEEK AGAIN COMMANDER FULLER EXONERATED The Courier-Gazette THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK KNOX COUNTY ALL THE HOME NEWS When All Citizens Are Expected To Beautify Their Rockland Naval Officer Whose Ship Was Raided For Subscription $3.00 per year payable In ad- Premises—Three Rules To Be Observed. Liquors Receives Complete Vindication. vauce ; single copies three cents Advertising rates based upon circulation and very reasonable. FISH AND GAME ASSOCIATION NEWSPAPER HISTORY Norfolk Va., Mtay 6. (By the Au- qulry which made an investigation t The Rockland Gazette was established In ; sociated Press).—Commander Doug­ of the case reported that Command­ 1846. In 1874 the Courier was established THE MAYOR’S SUGGESTIONS las W. Fuller, U. S. N., commanding er Fuller had no knowledge of the and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. ; the naval transport Beaufort, waft presence of intoxicating liquors on The regular meeting of this Association sched­ The Free Press was established In 1855, and In 1801 changed Its name to the Tribune. Rubbish is bound to accumulate in and about our homes and un­ acquitted by a courtmartial at the board. uled for Thursday night has been set over to Thwe papers consolidated March 17, 1897. less it is removed it becomes a menace to health, increases the danger naval base here today of the three Under the naval law holding a of fire, and furthermore gives our premises a cluttered and untidy j charges alleging neglect of duty in commanding officer technically re­ FRIDAY NIGHT through reasons of necessity. YOU’LI. be delighted with Ja ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• appearance. I connection with the finding aboard sponsible for anything that brings ••• i his ship of 500 quarts of whiskey, his ship under examination, Secre­ a dinner eaten here. ••• Eat not thy heart; which for- -•- Therefore, having full confidence in the civic pride of our citizens, The place is the Elks Club, Friday of this week. tary of the Navy IWilbur ordered a •— bids to afflict our souls, and waste I set apart the week of MAY 11, as CLEAN-UP WEEK, and ask the when it docked here in February. Food of proven purity served The above associated press des- courtmartial, in which Commander ••• them with vexatious cares.—Plutarch. co-operation of all in order to establish our reputation for well kept in the style that will please ••• homes. i (Mitch is a conclusion of the story Fuller was charged with negligence, ig ••• ••• ••• ••• .«. ••• •«. •«. ••• .»■ appearing in The Courier-Gazette of and the other five officers with hav- E. W. MacDONALD, Sec. The city teems will collect rubbish that is placed in proper recep­ you. Appetizing salads and I April 14, which had special interest to ' ing liquors in their possession. It tacles on the side of the street. desserts that will cause you PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST , its readers as applying to a iRock- was known to Commander Fuller’s C. F. SNOW, Mayor. | land man. As there detailed, Com- friends that for himself he welcomed to talk about us. Horo’s a Chance For Bright Boys , mander Fuller lias been skipper of the courtmartial, uh affording op­ and Girls, Ages of 12 and 18. portunity for * official vindication Gst acquainted with eur The week commencing May II, the Beaufort for two years past, John, Knox, Jefferson, Cedar, Cam­ | plying between Hampton Roads from all charges, a result which the “Bill O'Fare" Dr. Augustus O. Thomas, state next Monday, has been set by Mayor den, Achorn, Perry, Trinity, Front, i and the U. S. naval bases in the telegraphic news shows has been commissioner of education has an­ Snow as Clean-up Week, as voted Maverick, Washington, Fales, Bay West Indies. On the ship's arrival happily established. View Square, Adams, Waldo Avenue, nounced the appointment of Prof. by the City Council. The same gen­ at the home base Feb. 27, a raiding Commander Fuller is known to he Charles B. Taylor, principal of Gar­ Spruce, Knott, Frederick, Birch, party of marines upon order of the highly popular in the service, both itfappy Surprises Newbert’s Cafeteria eral procedure , used so successfully Maverick, Ocean Avenue. diner High School, Prof. Everett V. commandant of the base searched among his fellow officials and the Zone 2. Tuesday, May 12 Rockland's Finest Eating Place I’erkins, principal of Cony High last year will be utilized again this the ship for intoxicating liquors, enlisted men who have served under School of Augusta and Prof. Joseph year and it is hoped that the same Bounded by top of ridge, Main which in considerable quantities 1 him. He will receive congratulations street, North Main and Cedar streets, F. Bluisdeli, principal of Hallowell satisfactory results may be obtained, were found in the quarters of sev­ from those sources, as well as from High School as judges for .Maine in north side of Limerock street, -Stanley eral of the officers. No liquors were ' his Rockland friends who have read The necessity for a general clean-up cMother ' The American Legion National Es­ Lane, Amesbury, Chestnut, Admon- found in the quarters of Commander the news of his vindication with say Contest. is realizied by tlie majority, of the tem avenue, Gurdy, Gay street place, Fuller and tlie official board of in- much satisfaction. The subject of the essay is Why citizens, and in order that the pro­ Knowlton. Gay streM, Leland, Ran­ Has the American Legion. An Or­ ject may succeed the co-operation of kin, Sweetland, Traverse, Beacon, ' NEW ganization of Veterans of tlie World every man, woman and child is so­ Center, Orchard, Broadway, Granite, War, Dedicated Itself, First of All, licited. , Willow, Union, Temple, Fogg, Hill, BACK FROM SWEDEN MOTHERS’ DAY To Uphold and Defend The Consti­ J The city has been laid out in sec- ! Summer, Lindsey, Grove, ’Beech, BATTERY tution of the United States of 'tions oi zones to make it easier for White, Maple, Lincoln, Walker place, America? All boys and girls be­ |the people who wish to dispose of Shaw avenue. A. E. Brunberg Tells of Visit To His Native Home; Of SUNDAY, MAY 10 tween the ages of 12 and 18 years the rubbish as well as those who pick Zone 3. Wednesday, May 13 Inclusive, are eligible to enter this ‘it up. In order that the city teams South side Limerock street to har­ Seasickness, Icebergs and Other Incidents. MOTHER'S LOVE is boundless, everlasting, deep—the most $14.50 contest, and the essays shall not be may be used to best advantage cer­ bor, to Ridge west of Broadway, beautiful thing in the universe. Only the most beautiful gift In Exchange For Your Old over 500 words in length. * tain districts are listed for certain north side of Pleasant street, Lime­ within the power of man is worthy of a Mother's love. FLOW­ The first prize throughout the Battery days at which time they will be en­ rock street, Alden, Broadway, Broad, A. E. Brunberg of the Bald (Moun­ trality. The people had no love for ERS ARE THE PERFECT GIFT. In honor or in memory of country is $750; second prize, $500; tirely covered by the city teams. Lisle, Walnut, Brick, Grace street tain Calendar Co. has arrived home the Germans, but on the other hand Mother wear a Carnation. Send to Mother a flowering Plant, third prize, $250. Certain rules are laid down as last place, Claremont, High, Union, Main, after :<n absence of one month and had always looked upon Russia as some Roses, Daffodils, Sweet Peas—and thus make Mothers’ The first prize in each state will Dodge Battery $24.50 year so as to eliminate misunder­ Myrtle, Park, Orient, Oak, Elm, two days, most of which time was a menace. The people think that Day a sweet memory for her throughout the year. be a silver medal; second prize, a standing. These rules should be Spring. School, Masonic, Grace, Park spent in his native country of Swe­ France has gone too far in its peace­ bronze medal; third prize, a certifi­ strictly observed place, Spear place, Winter, Pink. den. The errand which called hiu» time attitude, and that this was part­ SEA~VIEW cate of merit issued by the national • • • • Pearl, Point place, Tillson ayenue. ly responsible for Von Ilindenburg’s THE LITTLE FLOWER SHOP headquarters of the Legion. The there was not a pleasant one, for .Mr. First: AH rubbish must ne placed Lime, Sea street place, wharf. Brunberg had received a cablegram election to the Presidency—which, SILSBY’S contest will close June 1. in receptacles of some kind. Zone 4. Thursday, May 14 BATTERY SERVICE that his sister, Mrs. Alma Allen, was incidentally they do not view with 399 Main Street Rockland Second: Receptacles containing South side Pleasant street. Main critically ill. The voyage was fur­ favor. There is a nice, kindly feel­ Tel. 837-W 689 Main Street rubbish must be placed on the curb street, Broadway, Pleasant street, ther marred by the fact that the ing toward the United States, anti ROCKLAND, ME. before the date of collection. Main, east side, Robinson, Florence, Rockland man was sick nearly all of many of Sweden’s young men are 38-tf SOLE SAVING IS Third: Positively no garbage will Hall, Holmes, Marsh, Autumn, Pres­ the way over and did not regain any­ sent here to attend our colleges and be picked up.
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