ThePhoenix- Project: 18, Connec A Scapegoat to hit this topic with have in order to get the tons of information out to the public. : The Making ” As we move on into some of the darker sides of what is happening with those of our dark-skinned brethren here and there, we can’t leave out the political intrigues which are lies beyond imagining as they are being set up for total destruction and war fodder. O.J. was quite pointedly lynched even more painfully than with a rope around his neck. write a lot about that but it has already been better presented from the “Blacks”’ viewpoint than anything we could write. We will await permission from and then we are going P.O. Box 27800 Las Vegas, NV 89126 93501 110 Page 2 MARCH 18, 1997 so You CONSIDER THIS buy a straw hat for sun With geophysical changes looming on the hori- protection. a The instructions here are something that I have nutritionless food, growing one’s own food becomes personally used over the last fifteen plus years. Ifyou an increasingly desirable idea. At some point in the follow the instructions explained here, it will work not too distant future, it will become a necessity. and you will have food to eat. This initial financial outlay can be considerable-but in subsequent years the cost is relatively small. When you consider growing your own food rich in nutrients, the cost CONTACT. should be secondary. The charts within this article 1 [Robert L. Stevenson] hold a wealth of critical information-by all means, a The as given by the Prophet to the USE THEM. Even the most sophisticated gardener can learn from the information contained within them. good good good a ” a Most people in cities have no idea how to begin so a garden or even consider the possibility that such a a thing can be done on a smaller scale using planter boxes. But for the average person in more rural areas who is unfamiliar with the often technical aspects of a growing a garden, the prospect becomes too over- ” [Fred Last Bull, Keeper whelming to consider and is put off indefinitely. of the Sacred Arrows of the Cheyenne Tribe, told “... that to an audience in Busby, Montana, in 1967.1 a SIZE Up YOUR PROPERTY An obvious first step is to survey your property to see what the most reasonable location for a garden would be. Always keep in mind the availability of water. Choose a location with lots of direct sunlight. good Also consider overall size--the larger the garden is the more time and water it will take to maintain. You want an area large enough to produce sticient food ” for you, your family and friends, but small enough so you are not an absolute slave to it. As a siie person, MARCH 18, 1997 Page 3 startingwithagardenassmallas10feetxlOfeetis Territorial Seed Company ” H. Bailey in The not unreasonable. I would recommend, however, P. 0. Box 157 that larger would be more desirable. For the pur- Cottage Grove, OR 97424 poses of this article, I use the hypothetical garden (503) 942-9547 HIGH-YIELD GARDENING- space as 20 feet x 80 feet, which is a pretty good- RAISED BEDS sized garden for a small family. When you start SeedsTrust ’ planting more than a quarter acre, then you’ve got High Altitude Gardens something which will keep you tied to it with a ball P. 0. Box 1048 a and chain. Hailey, ID 83333 If you only have an area where there is a lawn, consider pulling it up and planting a garden instead. ” In difficult times you won’t want to eat the lawn-or Abundant Life Seed Foundation [Abraham Lincoln, 1859.1 perhaps I should say: you may want to eat the lawn P. 0. Box 772 Once you’ve identified the location for your but a garden will look a lot better. Port Townsend, WA 98368 garden, then the work really begins. This article will In times of drought, a small, intensively grown concentrate primarily on raised-bedgardening, which garden is highly de&able as the yield is very high and is referred to by various names. The beds generally it requires less water than traditional ting meth- Garden City Seeds are rectangular in overall shape, varying in width ods. Highway 93 North from 3-5 feet across and whatever length you deter- Hamilton, MT 59840 mine but if the shape of your particular piece of land a 961-4837 is such, the beds can take on curves or even become circular. The finished beds are elevated above the Native Seed/Search ground, anywhere from six inches to a foot high. But a 2509 N. Campbell Ave., #325 let’s begin with soil preparation, because without Tucson, AZ 85719 that there won’t be any food for the table. a Why raised beds? Well, for one thing, raised beds ” [Isaac Phillips Roberts can solve a wide range of gardening problems. Here _ _ _- from a few: SEED Once you’ve decided to put in a garden, then you HOW HIGH-YIELD GARDENING CAN SOLVE need to choose what you’d like to grow-always THESE COMMON GARDENING PROBLEMS keeping in mind the specifics about your particular I geographical region and the time of year. GET YOURSEEDORDEREDONCEYOU’VE GIVEN According to a National Gardening Survey, the yield gardening can solve or even prevent these SOME CAREFUL CONSIDERATION TO IT, following are the most vexing problems that plague common dilemmas. AND THAT WAY THE SEEDS CAN BE ON backyard growers. The techniques used in high- THEIRWAYTOYOUWHlLEYOUCOMI’LETE OTHER ASPECTS OF THE GARDEN PREPA- Not Enough The high humus content, uncompacted soil, and the self-shading created by closely Water spaced plants act to conserve soil moisture deep down. Beds allow you to concentrate a RATION. ORDER SEED FIRST, THEN PRE- limited water supply directly where it’s needed; you won’t waste water on pathways. It’s PARE THE SOIL. ALSO, ORDER NON-HY- easy to lay out an efficient drip irrigation system among beds. Plants growing in raised BRID OR SO-CALLED “HEIRLOOM” OPEN- beds develop deep, probing root systems and are more resistant to drought. POLLINATED SEED. With this type of seed, Mixing plantings within a single bed (instead of growing row upon row of the same crop) which is rare in this country, you may replant year confuses insects, making it harder for them to locate their host plants. It’s much easier to monitor each plant’s development in the confined areas of a bed, so insect problems can after year after year using seed fiom your own crops. be caught early, when they’re easier to treat. Entire beds can be outfitted with a cheese- Most seed at grocery stores, hardware stores, and cloth or other covering to keep egg-laying worms away. most seed companies are hybrid-which means that you can only use the seed for one grciwing season- Weeds Closely spaced plants that form a “living” mulch in conjunction with stbdard mulches laid on the soil control weeds and cut down on the time spent weedii. and then you need to repurchase seed for the next year. THIS IS SOMETHING YOU WANT TO Hot Closely spaced plants shade the soil and each other, offering some relief from the heat. AVOIDIFATALLPOSSIBLE. PLANACCORD- T~peratures Interplanting taller and shorter crops shades the lower level planting. Lath or other shading structures are easy to set up to cover a whole bed. INGLY AND ORDERNON-HYBRID SEED-IN THE YEARS AHEAD YOU AND YOUR Too Much Raised beds drain very quickly and alleviate soggy soil conditions. FAMILY’S LIFE COULD DEPEND ON IT! Here Water are some non-hybrid seed companies that I strongly AnimriPcsb Bids and rabbits can be kept at bay by covering beds with curved frames draped with recommend you communicate with and get their plastic netting. You +I get in and out easily, but the &ild creatures can only gaze instead catalog: please tell sent of graze. Problans with Raised beds overcome problem soils. You can create ideal growing mediums inside the Ecology Action Plant Grow& beds by blending soil, sand, manure, peat moss, and other amendments. You can also Ridgewood Rd. andSoil tailor the soil to meet plan& specific nutrient needs. Because beds are never walked on, Gmh plants have a soft, deep area for excellent root development, which mcouages strong, Willits, CA 95490 healthy plant gtaivth. Page 4 MARCH 18, 1997 Spectacular yields depend first on soil condition- a ing that can readily meet the heavy demands ofclose plant@, carefully timed successions, and agrowing a a season stretched to its absolute limit. a an a a [Black Elk.] Iwillassumethatmostofyouputtinginyourfirst garden will not go to the trouble of having your soil actually “tested”. But if you do, keep in mind that most plants thrive on a pH range snywhere between 6.0and7.5. Agoodruleofthumbwouldbe: Assume your soil is very poor and needs amending with nutrients and organic matter. It is essential to have organic mate&l in the soil, such as manure, com- post, minerals, or combination amendments which loosen the soil to allow for retention of moisture and healthy root growth. If you are purchasing manure, 0 be sure it is “aged” 6 months to a year-otherwise INTR%SgFION . a you’llendupwithalotofweedsandgrassseedinthe garden. Most bagged manure at nurseries is steril- BLACK a . a izedandaged. Inmanyruralareasmanureisreadily *;* available from local ranchers and is generally adver- tised in the want-ads, and of&n will be delivered for a fee.
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