[Directory] parent nodes: Merge Merges Merge Chain Setting Jumps Notes Trigun [Across the Sands, Dune Hot sands, hot lead, hot blood. Have the hearts of men have shrivled under this alien sun? Thunder] Red Dead Redemption Generic Western Infamous [Appropriate X-Men Metahumans are rare, discriminated against, and pressed into service if they aren't lynched. Measures] Shadow Ops Marvel DC Incredibles City of Heroes [Capes & Spandex] Teen Titans Super heroes are real, but so are villains, and so are monsters. Young Justice Hero Academia PS238 Heroes Path of Exile [Cast Out] You're an outcast, exile, abandoned child of civilization. Welcome to life outside the Golden Empire. Avernum Last Exile Ring of Red [Conflict Long in Wolfenstein Two peoples, united in war against one another. Coming] Killzone Red Faction Naruto Basilisk Kamigawa [Court of War] Kami and Humans both embroiled in complex webs of conflict. Mononokehime Samurai Deeper Kyo Inuyasha Drakengard It's grim, it's dark, it's got magic, demons, monsters, and corrupt nobles and shit. [Darker Fantasy] Berserk I wish there was a Black Company Jump. Diablo 1&2 Nechronica BLAME [Elan Vital] Everything falls apart, even people. But people can sometimes be put back together. Neir: Automata Biomega WoD Mortals Hellgate: London [Extranormal GURPS Monster Hunter Go hunt these things that would prey upon mankind. Forces] Hellboy F.E.A.R. Princess Bride [Fabled Disney Princess Your classic Princess and Prince Charming. Sort of. Coronation] Shrek Love is a Battlefield Platoon Generation Kill War is hell. There is little honor, little glory to be won on the stinking fields of death between the [Fog of War] WW2 (WIP) trenches. Inglourius Basterds Hearts of Iron Firefly Cowboy Bebop Red Dwarf [Free Space] Get on a ship, blast off into the void - the last true frontier. Honorverse? Cryptark? Hive Queen Quest? Dragonlance Neverwinter Nights The Elder Scrolls One part many races, one part adventure, magic to taste, and a pinch of ancient evil that [Generic Fantasy] Kingdoms of Amalur - threatens everything. Reckoning WoW? Primal Rage Actraiser The gods are not just real, they interfere. Humans are dependant on their patron pantheons for [Gods and Tribes] Populous? survival and success. Smite? Lord of the Rings In Nomine [Grand Chorus] Your voice will be added to the chorus that is the conflict between Good and Evil. Narnia Spice and Wolf Megaman Classic (Protomen) Terminator [Hands of Steel] There are no heroes left in man. Well, not many, at any rate. Humans are basically obsolete. Transformers Robocop The Matrix Great Detective Conspiracy Theorist Gravity Falls [Hidden Things] Strange things happen in small towns like this one. Stranger Things Night in the Woods Lovecraft Elibe Tellius [Inheritors of Steel Valentia Royal progeny forms mercenary adventure band to claim birthright. Saves world in process. and Fire] Archanea Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen X-Com I/II They Live [Invaders Must Half Life Shapeshifting reptilian mind control aliens (from another dimension) live among us. Die] Gantz But a few peopl know the truth. Maybe, together, you can do something about it. Animorphs Starship Troopers Dark Souls 1 [Kingdom of Lost Dark Souls 2 (WIP) The world is grim, and dark, and full of undead assholes. Souls] Dark Souls 3 Demons Souls Equilibrium Demolition Man 1984 [Leviathan Panoptic brother is double good. For joy-joy feelings, take two mandatory soma tablets! Generic Dystopia Manifest] #GoodCitizen V for Vendetta Watch_Dogs 2 REPO: Genetic Opera Katawa Shoujo Deus Ex: Human Revolution [Life Enhanced] Remember Me Private corporations offer (experimental) miracle cures and money, in exchange for ethics waivers. Ghost in the Shell Va11 HALL-A Blade Runner 2049 Samurai Jack [Legends of Adventure Time Monsters, swords, and sorcery. Mystery cults, city-states, barbarian tribes, displaced elvish empire, Thrylos] Sword & Sorcery land-warping magic, and cannibal halflings. Dark Sun Innistrad Darkest Dungeon Ravenloft [Mordant] Generic Movie Monsters Not-Victorian Not-England. Penny Dreadful Bloodbourne Van Hellsing Jurassic Park Carnivores [Open Season] Predator Welcome to the jungle. Aliens vs Predator Monster Hunter Sburb Traveler's Gate [Questant Regalia] There is great power within you, but to unlock it, you must (sigh) know thyself. A Practical Guide to Evil K6BD Zendikar [Relics] GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Delve greedily, and deep. There are rewards, but also risks. Dwarf Fortress Otoyomegatari A Brother's Price The gods are cunts, people are ambitious cunts, weird shit is rare, noble lines and decidedly odd [Succession Wars] Mount and Blade marriage arrangements are everywhere. A Song of Ice and Fire Cabin in the Woods Horror Movies [Things Going Friday the 13th Be afraid. Bump] Nightmare on Elm Street Evil Dead Chick Tracts Armored Core Armored Core 4 Giant robots may not win the war, but... oh who am I kidding, they probably will. Mobile Armored [Titanomachy] Titanfall Infantry is the new best thing. Battletech Generic Zombie Apocalypse Highschool of the Dead [Vigor Mortis] Not quite sure if they're alive, or just pretending to be, but they sure do want to eat people. Left 4 Dead Dead Rising Resident Evil? Witcher Old Kingdom Lone Wolf Wardens are tasked to keep the roads and woods safe. [Warden's Road] Dragon Age From men, things that used to be men, and things that never were men. Dragon Age - Inquisition Divinity - Original Sin Mad Max After the bombs dropped, things changed, got simpler. But we still have cars, we run errands, get [Wasteland] Fallout drunk and screw around. Generic Post-Apocalypse Road to El Dorado Pirates of the Caribbean The Mysterious Cities of [Yo-Ho Adventure] Gold Let's go on an aventure, and find a bunch of booty and mermaids and magic! Uncharted Waters Tomb Raider Indiana Jones STALKER Nobody in the quarantine zone thinks they'll ever let us out. We just hope it's better out there than [Zone] Metro 2033 it is in here. The Division Meh Jumps or merges I haven't put much thought into, don't know what to do with, or which don't fit the current chain. Setting Jumps Notes Action Movies 80s There are your normal, everyday joes, and then there's the... not so normal ones. The ones who fire [Badasses, Action Movies Modern guns akimbo while on top of a speeding car, the ones who take out every mob boss in the city in one Inc.] Black Lagoon night, the ones who get calls in the middle of the night from the president. Jormungand True Lies Kingsmen [Deniable There are individuals, gifted, trained, well utilized, who work in the shadows for the betterment of the Archer Assets] world. And others who operate at cross purposes. 007 Burn Notice Splinter Cell [Operators Generic PMC Fasten that ballistics vest, check your six, and sweep the room. And before I forget, this is a black ops, Operating Counter-Strike mission, so maintain opsec and keep your mouth shut about all of this. Operationally] Rainbow Six Heist Ride to Hell Saints Row Whoever said crime doesn't pay was either a cop, or not very good at doing crime. If crime didn't pay, [Syndicated] GTA people wouldn't be criminals, and I wouldn't have this huge pile of cash. Mob Breaking Bad Zootopia [Animal Redwall There are animal people living in a sort of feudal society. Or maybe a modern society? Kingdoms] Animal Crossing? Kemono Friends? Crypt of the Necrodancer Really just not interested in this concept. [Battle Ballad] Brutal Legend Maybe generic musician/singer? Metalocalypse/Dethklok Killer Instinct [Blood Sport] Mortal Kombat Ready? FIGHT! In this deadly tournyment, you'll struggle for survival, and either win, or die. Other Fighting Games? Bartimaeus SMT? [Diabolist] Somewhat Victorian-era demon summoning. Nocturne (WIP DeSu)? Black Butler (WIP Val)? Avatar TLA/LOK [Elemental] Name is terrible. Codex Alera Sword Art Online Log Horizon [Full Dive] Not sure if trapped or transported. Generic Virtual World TRON Bleach [Instruments of Soul Eater Need to actually read jumps. Spirit] Yu Yu Hakusho Inukami Girls und Panzer (Girls [Knight's Code und Blade) An exclusive boarding school, where children - of the wealthy, the nobility, the elite - forge connections Duello] Sports and learn... dueling, naturally. Dodge-Ball Unholy Heights [Lair, Sweet Generic Dungeon You make a home for monsters, and keep it safe and secure against heroes and adventurers. Lair] Builder Dungeon Keeper [Magic Ace Strike Witches Magic allows for personal locomotion, protection from small arms, and surprising firepower. Welcome to Gunner In Kantai Collection the Mage Corps. Cerulean] Youjo Senki (WIP ?) Viscera Cleanup Detail Dead Space [Maintenance Alien You're stuck on this fucking station until it's cleared quarentine. But you're not alone. Or safe. Engineer] Space Station 13 Prey Monster Hunter Pokemon Trainer This world runs on monsters. Somebody needs to keep the feral ones in check, the tame ones useful, and [Monster Life] Neopets? the people safe. Fossil Fighters? Stargate GATE [New Worlds] There are many worlds, and all of them need heroes. Hero BBS Generic Isekai Harry Potter [Occult It's a boarding school where would-be mages learn the laws of magic, why not to break the masquerade, Dresden Files Lyceum] and how to survive deadly supernatural threats. FBAWTFT [Realm of Golden Sky Stories Not sure about concept - is Touhou Grim, or Light-Hearted? Waking Dream] Touhou LWA (WIP Rose) [Tower of It's a giant magic tower where would-be mages learn how to magic. Seems like a lot of crossover with Familiar of Zero Magic] Occult Lyceum. Wizardy Herbert? Circle of Magic Sailor Moon [Transformation Generic Magical Girl Haven't read the Jumps. Sequence] Magical Girl Noir Or the source material. Madoka (?) Persona/P5 [Universal Name is very meh.
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