The National Catholic Peace Movement Reflectionor f the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014 by Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director of NETWORK: A Catholic Social Justice Lobby Pax Christi USA ISAIAH 63:16B-17, 19B; 64:2-7 | 1 CORINTHIANS 1:3-9 | MARK 13:33-37 Summer 2014 Current “Why do you let us wander, O God?” (Isaiah 63:17) As we begin this season of Advent, of waiting and preparing, it seems comforting to think of God as the potter, and we, the The Peace clay. If we could just relax, and maybe just sit quietly, and stay still long enough, we could be shaped into exactly what God A SPECIAL APPEAL intended. Ready as a sturdy pinch pot to live the awareness of incarnation! But like Isaiah, I wish that knowing God in our midst from the Executive Director just took a little silent reflection time. Hearing this lament – “Why do you let us wander, O God?” – I must smile, because I know my hunger for God, yet how willful I am to do it MY way. Dear Companions on the Journey, prophetic edge Why must we wander? Can’t God just tell us all what to do? For better or for worse, even when Jesus walked the earth, this of the Church. wasn’t the plan. Our God of love won’t come stomping down the heavenly staircase to set straight our wandering. Paul tells reetings of Peace! In June, Our state- us that through God, we are “enriched in every way . not lacking in any spiritual gift.” We have started our journey with a we brought together five ment on the guide in our very being. God hums in us at every moment. We just need eyes to see and ears to hear. We can’t shy away from Ggroups of Pax Christi USA crisis in Iraq, decisions we face or the work to be done and simply wait for God to come. God is already here. members to discern and develop strat- the action alerts we have sent out on the Through our wanderings, our questions, our encounters with beauty and with pain, the God within us is revealed. Advent egies on how to build our movement violence happening in Gaza and at our is waking up to God in our midst. It is in the wandering that our eyes are open to the deeper truth. So let us not sleep through stronger, as well as to celebrate to- border, our workshops connecting Cath- Advent. Let us wander with our eyes open, ready for adventure. gether and honor this year’s Teacher olic communities of color and local Pax of Peace, Mary Meg McCarthy. Our Christi groups – these efforts reflect how What surprising gifts have wandering brought to you? How have you seen God alive in your seeing the pain of our world? new office in Washington, D.C. was we’re on that prophetic edge, speaking INSIDE: buzzing with the meetings of our Pax truth to power. Christi Regional Leaders, our Anti- We need your help to shore up our fi- PAX CHRISTI USA IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE our 2014 Advent reflection A Special Appeal from Racism Team (PCART), our National nancial resources in order to be able to booklet, a compilation focusing on our economic and interracial justice in the the Executive Director Council and the National Staff — the secure our movement and address the United States priority initiative, written by four compelling voices of our time: Page 1 first time all these groups gathered for stresses around being sustainable for focused discussion in the same room, the long run. Our message to each of you Simone Campbell, SSS Report on Momentum 2014, as well as doing their respective com- reading this letter is: PCUSA Needs YOU! Shannen Dee Williams, Ph.D. National Council election results, mittee work. The Momentum event Please help put this movement in po- Adrienne Alexander Contact Information brought in many more Pax Christi USA sition to raise the voice of Gospel non-vi- Joseph Nangle, ofm Page 2 members and collaborators. olence. You can use the envelope in this with an introduction by Sr. Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN It feels as if we’ve “been to the mailing to send in a donation by check, ADVENT 2014 In Memoriam: mountaintop” — able to see the po- or visit our website and click on the CONTACT OUR RESOURCE OFFICE FOR DETAILS OR TO PLACE YOUR PRE-PRINTING ORDER: Sr. Mary Evelyn Jegen tential of all that we can be and do to “Special Appeal” button on our home- [email protected] or 814-520-6245 – quantity and wholesale discounts available Page 3 make a difference in building a more page and give with your credit card se- just and peace-filled world. Yet we curely and quickly, or you can call us at Time for significant action on simply cannot realize this potential 202-635-2741 and make your pledge. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has responded to the “Special Appeal.” If you have not had a chance to send in your do- without your financial support. We are feeling the stress of seeing the climate change nation, not to worry! You can use the “Peace Fund” slip in this mailing to send in a donation or you can go to the Pax Christi Last month we sent out via email “mountaintop” view, yet we are unable to USA website, click on the “Special Appeal” button, and give quickly and securely with your credit card through our website. by Jim Hug, S.J. and through our website a “special put the “wind in the sails” fully unless we Perhaps you’d like to become a “sustainer”, supporting the work of Pax Christi USA through a monthly debit charged to New resource from the Catholic appeal,” asking our members to make can raise more funds. Let’s keep the bea- your credit card? You can use the flip side of the “Peace Fund” slip to become a sustainer or call our office at 202-635-2741 Climate Covenant a special donation and help grow our con of non-violence guiding the church and we’ll help get it set up for you. Sustainers are so essential to the financial health of our organization because monthly Page 4 ability to create the change we all hun- and society as we face military conflicts, donations allow us to budget and plan with greater security and flexibility. We hope you’ll consider becoming a sustainer ger for. We know that some of you may nuclear weapons, fleeing refugees, and today. Thanks for all the ways you support Pax Christi USA! We are so very grateful! May the peace of Christ be with you! PCUSA Statement on Gaza, have missed that appeal so we wanted violence against God’s creation. Advocate for children to offer you one more chance to re- If Pax Christi doesn’t speak out, who at the border spond. We hope you’ll use the “Peace will? Again, Pax Christi USA needs YOU. Peacemaking Quote Page 5 Fund” envelope included in this mail- We hope you’ll dig as deep as you ing and contribute as you are able. can and make a significant contribution National, Regional and We all know that our Catholic at this time. Thanks for your donation to movement for non-violence is urgently fuel the vision. “Christians whose loyalty to the Prince of Peace puts them out of step with today’s nationalistic Local Updates needed in this broken world, and we world, because they are willing to love their nation’s friends but not to hate their nation’s enemies, Page 6-7 are uniquely poised to grow it stron- are not unrealistic dreamers who think that by their objections they will end all wars. On the con- ger and broader. We also know that Sr. Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN Advent Reflection, through the guidance of Pope Francis Executive Director, Pax Christi USA trary, it is those who think they can put an end to wars by preparing for just one more.” Peacemaking Quote there are new openings to build the [email protected] ~ John Howard Yoder Page 8 1 Pax Christi USA - Summer 2014 Report from Momentum 2014, National, Regional and Local National Council election results By Johnny Zokovitch, Updates Director of Communications With the urgency of the humanitarian crisis hap- continued from page 6... pening at the U.S.-Mexico border serving as a back- written and performed by Sharon and David Halsey-Hoover drop, over 100 Pax Christi USA members gathered of PC Orange County (CA) on Friday, June 20. The evening in- on June 27 at Trinity University to honor one whose cluded an informal meet-and-greet to welcome guests from life mission is advocating on behalf of immigrants. the Dorothy Day House of Hospitality, Memphis Theological The focus of this year’s Momentum event was Seminary, and local congregations. immigration reform, and Mary Meg McCarthy, ex- ecutive director of the National Immigrant Justice Pax Christi Los Angeles reaches out to local high schools Center and last year’s Teacher of Peace award re- (from Sharon Halsey-Hoover) On May 12 PC Los Angeles held cipient, was the center of the evening. McCarthy an informational meeting with four local high schools about The Peace Current challenged those present to hear the stories of im- Pax Christi and the starting of high school groups on their Editor: Johnny Zokovitch migrants, to take those stories to our nation’s lead- campuses.
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