DRUGCHECK CUPS +ALCOHOL DRUG TEST CATALOG DIP & READS CLIA WAIVED CUPS BREATHALYZERS PIPETTE TESTS ALCO SCREEN NICOTINE TESTS DRUG TEST CUPS SALIVA DRUG TESTS COLLECTION SUPPLIES D-TAP The-Drug Test Awareness Program 601 Business Loop 70 W | Suite 214 D | Columbia | MO | 65203 Phone: 888.230.7424 | Email: [email protected] www.DrugTestAwareness.com 1 DRUGCHECKCONTACT CUPS US +ALCOHOL D-TAP The-Drug Test Awareness Program 601 Business Loop 70 W | Suite 214 D | Columbia | MO | 65203 Phone: 888.230.7424 | Email: [email protected] www.DrugTestAwareness.com If you have questions or wish to place an order, please contact us. We’re happy to help! 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CLIA Waived 4 CLIA Waived T-Cups 23 Dip & Read Tests 5 CLIA Screen Cups 25 DrugCheck Dip & Read Tests 7 Integrated EZ Split Key Cup 26 Additional Dip & Read Tests 9 iCUP 27 Economy Five Panel Dip 11 Pipette Tests 29 12 Panel CLIA Waived Dip 12 Oralert and Iscreen 31 Specialty Dip and Reads 13 Oratect 32 Adulteration Test 15 Stat Swab 33 Nicotine Tests 16 Oral Cube 34 Alco Screen 17 Specimen Collection Cups 35 EtG Alcohol Test 18 Breathalyzers 36 DrugCheck Cups 19 Collection Supplies 38 T-Cups 21 DRUG ABBREVIATIONS AMP Amphetamines MOP Opiates300 BAR Barbiturate OPI Opiates2000 BUP Buprenorphine PCP Phencyclidine BZO Benzodiazepine PPX Propoxyphene COC Cocaine TCA Tricyclic Antidepressants mAMP Methamphetamines THC Marijuana MDMA Ecstasy MTD Methadone OXY Oxycodone K2 K2/Spice TRM Tramadol ALC Alcohol EtG Ethyl Glucuronide 3 CLIA WAIVED CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) is a lab testing quality standard that was first established in 1988, and became part of the Federal Register in 1992. These standards were developed for both lab based testing and medical devices to ensure a low risk for error. CLIA defines a clinical laboratory as any facility which performs laboratory testing on specimens derived from humans for the purpose of providing information for diagnosis, prevention or treatment of disease or impairment. Some of our products are CLIA Waived and are usually sold within the medical environment like doctor’s offices, Certain Drug & Alcohol treatment centers, pain management clinics and more. 4 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 DIP & READ TESTS • Simple Dip and Read Procedure • Adulterant Test Available on Certain Devices • Detects 1-12 Drugs • Results within 5 Minutes • Able to Photocopy Results • Collection Cups Not Included and Sold Separately ONE PANEL DAM-114 AMP DPC-114 PCP DMD-114 MDMA DMO-114 MOP DBA-114 BAR DPP-114 PPX DMA-114 mAMP DTH-114 THC DBZ-114 BZO DOP-114 OPI DMT-114 MTD DTC-114 TCA DCO-114 COC DOX-114 OXY BUP-114 BUP TWO PANEL DOA-124 COC / THC DOA-324 COC / mAMP DOA-424 mAMP / THC THREE PANEL DOA-134 COC / THC / OPI DOA-234 COC / mAMP / THC FOUR PANEL DOA-144 COC / mAMP / THC / OPI DOA-244 COC / AMP / THC / OPI DOA-544 COC / AMP / THC / BZO 5 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 DIP & READ TESTS FIVE PANEL DOA-154 COC / AMP / THC / OPI / PCP DOA-254 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / OPI DOA-354 COC / mAMP / THC / OPI / PCP DOA-454 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / MOP DOA-1554 COC / mAMP / THC / OPI / MDMA DOA-754 COC / AMP / THC / OPI / BZO DOA-654 COC / mAMP / THC / MOP / BZO FIVE PANEL +ADULTERANTS DUD-154-201 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / OPI + Adulterants (OX/ SG / pH) +(Nitrite / Glutaraldehyde / Creatinine) SIX PANEL DOA-164 COC / AMP/ mAMP / THC / OPI / PCP DOA-264 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / OPI / BZO DOA-1264 COC / mAMP / THC / OPI / PCP / MDMA DOA-1364 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / OPI / MDMA DOA-164-551 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / OPI / DOX EIGHT PANEL DOA-184 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / OPI / PCP / BAR / BZO TEN PANEL DOA-1104 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / MTD / OPI / PCP / BAR / BZO / TCA DOA-1104-531 COC / AMP / MAMP / THC / MTD / MOP / OXY / BAR / BZO / BUP DOA-3104 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / MTD / OPI / PCP / BAR / BZO / MDMA TEN PANEL +ADULTERANTS DUD-1104-051 COC / THC / OPI / AMP / mAMP / PCP / BZO / BAR / MTD / TCA + Adulterants ( OX / SG / pH / NI / GL / CR ) TWELVE PANEL DOA-1124-011T THC / AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / PCP / PPX / MDMA DOA-1124-081 AMP1000 / BAR300 / BZ0300 / BUP10 / COC300 / MAMP1000 / MDMA500 / OPI300 / MTD300 / OXY100 / PCP25 / THC50 6 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 DRUGCHECK DIP & READ TESTS • Simple Dip & Read Procedure • Made in the USA • Collection Cups Not Included and Sold Separately • Results in 3 Minutes • Detects 1-12 Drugs • Custom orders available (12 case minimum) 7 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 DRUGCHECK DIP & READ TESTS SINGLE PANEL DIP 30110C AMP (1000ng) 30111C OXY (100ng) 30120C MET (1000ng) 30130C COC (300ng) 30140C THC (50ng) THREE PANEL DIP 30311 COC / OPI300 / THC FIVE PANEL DIP 30500 AMP / COC / MET / OPI / THC SIX PANEL DIP 30600 AMP / BZO / COC / MET / OPI / THC EIGHT PANEL DIP 30800 AMP / BZO / COC / MET / MTD / OPI300 / OXY / THC TEN PANEL DIP 31030 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / MET / MTD / OPI300 / OXY / PCP / THC 31070 AMP / BAR / BUP / BZO / COC / MET / MTD / OPI300 / OXY / THC ELEVEN PANEL DIP 31103 AMP / BAR / BUP / BZO / COC / MET / MTD / OPI300 / OXY / PCP / THC TWELVE PANEL DIP 31205 AMP / BAR / BUP / BZO / COC / MET / MTD / OPI300 / OXY / PCP / PPX / THC 8 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 ADDITIONAL DIP & READ Simple Dip and Read Procedure • Detects 1-12 Drugs • Results within 5 Minutes • Able to Photocopy Results • Collection Cups Not Included and Sold Separately FIVE PANEL DIP CARD WDOA-255 AMP / COC / mAMP / MOP / THC WDOA-554 COC / mAMP / MDMA / OPI / THC WDOA-655 BZO / COC / mAMP / MOP / THC SIX PANEL DIP CARD WDOA-564 BZO / COC / mAMP / OPI / OXY / THC WDOA-565 BZO / COC / mAMP / MOP / OXY / THC WDOA-664 AMP / COC / mAMP / OPI / OXY / THC WDOA-865 BUP / BZO / COC / MOP / MTD / OXY 9 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 DIP & READ SEVEN PANEL DIP CARD WDOA-274 AMP / BZO / COC / mAMP / OPI / OXY / THC NINE PANEL DIP CARD WDOA-194 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MTD / OPI / PCP / THC WDOA-295 AMP / BUP / BZO / COC / MOP / MTD / OXY / PPX / THC TEN PANEL DIP CARD WDOA-1105 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MOP / MTD / PCP / TCA / THC WDOA-2105 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MOP / MTD / OXY/ TCA / THC WDOA-4104 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC WDOA-4105 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MOP / MTD / OXY / PCP / THC WDOA-5104 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MDMA / MTD / OPI / PPX / THC WDOA-7104 BAR / BUP / BZO / COC / mAMP / MTD / OPI / OXY / TCA / THC TWELVE PANEL DIP CARD WDOA-1125 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MDMA / MOP / MTD / OXY / PCP / PPX / THC WDOA-2125 AMP / BAR / BZO / COC / mAMP / MDMA / MOP / MTD / OXY / PPX / TCA / THC WDOA-3124 AMP / BAR / BUP / BZO / COC / MDMA / MTD / TCA / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC WDOA-6124 AMP / BAR / BUP / BZO / COC / mAMP / MDMA / MTD / OPI / OXY / PCP / THC WDOA-6125 AMP / BAR / BUP / BZO / COC / mAMP / MDMA / MOP / MTD / OXY / PCP / THC 10 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 ECONOMY FIVE PANEL DIP & READ This Generic 5-Panel Dip Card drug test is perfect for early analytical drug testing results. The easy to use design allows you to quickly read drug testing results Features: • Accuracy up to 99% • Results within 5 minutes • FDA 510(K) Cleared for professional use FIVE PANEL W254 COC / AMP / mAMP / THC / OPI W654 COC / mAMP / THC / OPI / BZO W754 COC / AMP / THC / OPI / BZO 11 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 12 PANEL CLIA WAIVED DIP & READ • Simple Dip and Read Procedure • Results in 5 Minutes • Able to Photocopy Results • Collection Cups Not Included & Sold Separately TWELVE PANEL CLIA WAIVED U-DOA-3124 BZO / BAR / COC / THC / MET / MOP / MTD / TCA / OXY / MDMA / PCP / AMP 12 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 SPECIALTY DIP AND READS K2 SPICE URINE Instant Drug Test • Detection time up to 72 hours • 25 ng/ml Cutoff • Results within minutes • K2/Spice test is specific to JWH-018 and JWH-073 • For The Qualitative Assessment Of Synthetic Cannabis (K2) In Human Urine. • Collection cups not included and sold separately U-K2 K2 / Spice SINGLE BUPRENORPHINE CLIA Waived Drug Test The Fastect II Drug Buprenorphine Screen Dipstick Test provides visual qualitative results. The Fastect II Drug Screen Dipstick Test provides only a preliminary screening test result. FEATURES: • Results within 3-5 minutes • FDA 510(K) Cleared for professional use • Collection cups not included and sold separately • PLEASE NOTE: 50 PER BOX MF25 BUP 13 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 SPECIALTY DIP AND READS FENTANYL Single Panel • Made in the USA • 10 Ng/ML Cutoff • For Forensic Use Only • Collection cups not included and sold separately 30102C Fentanyl 14 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 ADULTERATION ADULTERATION TEST ADULT-7 Creatinine, Nitrite, Glutaraldehyde, Specific Gravity, pH, Oxidants, PPC • 7 Parameter Adulteration Test • 25 Strips Per Jar • Just dip in urine, remove immediately and compare to color chart • Easy to use DUC-111 Creatinine, Nitrite, Glutaraldehyde, Specific Gravity, pH, Oxidants, PPC 15 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 NICOTINE TESTS NICOTINE DIP AND READ TEST • Rapid test for the qualitative detection of Cotinine (nicotine metabolite) in human urine • Easy To Use Dip Style • Collection Cups Not Included/Sold Separately U-COT-114 Nicotine NICOTINE PIPETTE TEST • Cotinine (Nicotine) Detection in as Little as 3 Minutes • Accurate and Easy to Use • Collection Pipette Included • Collection Cups Not Included, Sold Separately • PLEASE NOTE: 40 PER BOX DTC-102 Nicotine 16 25 TESTS PER BOX UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED Rev 10-2014 ALCO SCREEN ALCO SCREEN • More Sensitive Than a Breathalyzer • Results in 2 Minutes • Provides 4 Ranges of B.A.C.
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