6 PLANNING COMMITTEE Title of Report: Delegated Chief Officer Decisions Meeting Date 18 September 2018 Report Author and Tel No Liz Beighton 01394 444778 Is the report Open or Exempt? Open REPORT Attached at Appendix A is a table of all delegated planning decisions made during August 2018. Members will note that 81 decisions in total were made, of which:- 40 planning permissions were issued 2 planning applications were refused 2 outline planning applications were refused 4 listed building consents were issued 5 change of use consents were issued 2 illuminated advertisement consents were issued 2 non-illuminated advertisement consent was issued 4 non-material amendment applications were issued 1 non-material amendment application was refused 7 discharge of conditions consents were issued 1 prior notification for householder application – refused 3 removal of conditions consents were issued 1 certificate of lawful use (proposed) was issued 1 certificate of lawful use (existing) was refused 2 certificate of lawful use (existing) were issued 4 withdrawn RECOMMENDATION That the report concerning Chief Officer delegated decisions taken during August 2018 to be received. 35 BACKGROUND PAPERS Type Available From Case Files Planning Office, Marina Customer Service Centre, The Marina, Lowestoft 36 APPENDIX A LIST OF DELEGATED DECISIONS (PREVIOUS CALENDAR MONTH) REDISHAM Applicant: Mr Dominic Parker Ref No: DC/15/2376/COU Agent: Mr Nick Durrant Address: Wood Farm Halesworth Road Redisham Proposal: Change of use from a farm based agricultural workshop to a commercial agricultural workshop, piggery to domestic stabling and yard to outside storage area for testing agricultural sprayers and storing agricultural equipment in association with the commercial agricultural workshop - (without compliance with Conditions 3 and 5 of DC/15/0241/COU) Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 06/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Mr Sinan Erdogan Ref No: DC/16/0459/ADI Agent: NONE Address: 20 The Esplanade Lowestoft Suffolk Proposal: Illuminated Advertisement Consent - Installation of signs to front and rear of property Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 17/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Waveney District Council Ref No: DC/16/2786/RG3 Agent: Mr Peter Le Grys Address: Car Park Mariners Street Lowestoft Proposal: Outline Application for the erection of a building for any use or combination thereof falling within Use Class A1, A2, A3 and A5 and associated parking/servicing with all matters reserved save for access Decision: Application Withdrawn Decision date: 15/08/2018 HALESWORTH Applicant: Hopkins Homes Ref No: DC/16/5411/OUT Agent: Mr Geoff Armstrong Address: Land North And East Of Hill Farm Road Halesworth Proposal: Outline application (with all matters other than means of access reserved) for residential development of up to 160 dwellings with the provision of a new meadow, additional site wide open space and landscaping, land to enable an extension to the existing cemetery and vehicular accesses off Hill Farm Road Decision: Application Withdrawn Decision date: 15/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Jin Yun Zhang Ref No: DC/18/0223/COU Agent: Andrew Middleton Address: 18 Kimberley Road Lowestoft Suffolk Proposal: Change of use from residential to Chinese takeaway with flat at first floor Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 24/08/2018 MUTFORD Applicant: Ms Sharon Tolliday Ref No: DC/18/0673/OUT Agent: Mr James Cann Address: Manor Farm House Church Road Mutford Proposal: Outline Application (All Matters Reserved) - Construction of a single new dwelling with detached garage and the formation of a new vehicular access Decision: Application Refused Decision date: 20/08/2018 37 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Mr Russell Ritchie Ref No: DC/18/0862/FUL Agent: NONE Address: 9 Glebe Close Lowestoft Suffolk Proposal: Proposed residential development land adjacent 9 Glebe Close, Lowestoft, Suffolk. The building design is single storey in nature and the slight reduction in the size of the existing dwelling has no impact on the appearance of the street scene leaving a significant level of accomodation Decision: Application Refused Decision date: 31/08/2018 OULTON BROAD Applicant: Mr Derek Needham Ref No: DC/18/1491/OUT Agent: Andrew Middleton Address: 11 Cotmer Road Lowestoft Suffolk Proposal: Outline Application (Some Matters Reserved) - Sub division of garden to form 2 detached one and a half storey height dwellings with detached garage. Associated works to the existing property to include relocated main entrance door and also detached garage and car parking to front of property. Decision: Application Refused Decision date: 15/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Mr Ben Thompson Ref No: DC/18/1693/FUL Agent: NONE Address: 27 Kirkley Park Road Lowestoft Suffolk Proposal: Replacement Windows Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 16/08/2018 WANGFORD AND HENHAM Applicant: Miss Cook Ref No: DC/18/1891/FUL Agent: NONE Address: 83 High Street Wangford Beccles Proposal: Exchange of wooden windows for plastic windows, like for like. Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 14/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Mr Michael Strand Ref No: DC/18/2041/ADN Agent: NONE Address: Angel Hair 11 Station Square Lowestoft Proposal: 'Non Illuminated Advertisement Consent - Painted mural of a broadland wildlife species found at carlton marshes nature reserve. Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 15/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Mr Michael L Strand Ref No: DC/18/2042/ADN Agent: NONE Address: Candlemass 2 Royal Thoroughfare Lowestoft Proposal: Non Illuminated Advertisement - Painted Mural of broadland wildlife species found at carlton marshes nature reserve Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 22/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Mr & Mrs Edward Mayne Ref No: DC/18/2071/FUL Agent: NONE Address: 18 The Esplanade Lowestoft Suffolk Proposal: Replacement windows on upper floors Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 10/08/2018 38 RINGSFIELD Applicant: Reverend Philip Miller Ref No: DC/18/2148/FUL Agent: Mr Philip Orchard Address: All Saints Church Church Road Ringsfield Proposal: The new works includes the siting of a new detached small single storey universal toilet building away from the church in the south side of the churchyard. This new building will be partially buried in the churchyard as it will be placed in a natural depression within the churchyard which will assist in making the building look smaller. The small timber clad building will have no windows or rooflights. This new building will be accessed from the south side of the church with a connecting path from the south porch of All Saints Church via a new 1200mm wide curving Breedon Gravel path with mid level rest area and alternative step access from near the south porch which follows the natural contour of the south side of the churchyard. Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 13/08/2018 WISSETT Applicant: Mr & Mrs Sutton Ref No: DC/18/2189/FUL Agent: NONE Address: Noahs Ark Valley Farm Rumburgh Road Proposal: Construction of new sun room and associated works Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 01/08/2018 WISSETT Applicant: Mr & Mrs Sutton Ref No: DC/18/2190/LBC Agent: NONE Address: Noahs Ark Valley Farm Rumburgh Road Proposal: Listed Building Consent - Construction of new sun room and associated works Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 01/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Mr & Mrs S Goodings Ref No: DC/18/2244/FUL Agent: Mr Ian Garrett Address: Part Rear Garden Of 25 Gunton Cliff Lowestoft Proposal: Construction of dwelling and garage Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 21/08/2018 FROSTENDEN Applicant: Mr Mark Aldred Ref No: DC/18/2242/DRC Agent: Mr Jon Boon Address: The Shrubbery Clay Common Frostenden Proposal: Discharge of Condition Nos. 3, 5 & 8 of DC/18/0274/FUL - Construction of 2 detached dwellings, including change of use of land from agricultural to residential and demolition of existing agricultural building - Details of materials, European Protected Species ("EPS") Mitigation licence and bat box details Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 30/08/2018 WESTHALL Applicant: Mr & Mrs Trevor & Julie Betts Ref No: DC/18/2278/FUL Agent: Mr Alan Stannard Address: Hill Farm Bacons Green Road Westhall Proposal: Construction of a two storey side and rear extension Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 13/08/2018 39 BLYFORD Applicant: Mr & Mrs Ben & Vanessa Lewis Ref No: DC/18/2310/FUL Agent: Mr Alasdair Campbell Address: Willow Cottage Southwold Road Blyford Proposal: Construction of a two storey rear extension, single storey side extension and single storey annexe Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 10/08/2018 LOWESTOFT Applicant: Mr Chris Read Ref No: DC/18/2366/ROC Agent: NONE Address: Beach Cottage 7 Saxon Road Lowestoft Proposal: Removal of Condition No. 3 of DC/12/0691/COU - Change of use of former public toilet block to form a holiday cottage - remove the holiday accommodation only restriction Decision: Application Permitted Decision date: 10/08/2018 BECCLES Applicant: Mr Michael Liddiment Ref No: DC/18/2413/LBC Agent: NONE Address: 15 Ballygate Beccles Suffolk Proposal: Listed Building Consent - Repair to front and back of main roof. Remove pantiles and strip off existing battens and felt. Refit new felt and battens, refit pantiles replacing any defective pantiles with 'like for like' new pantiles. Around 80% of existing pantiles should be able to be reused. Replace existing lead flashings and refit with 'like for like'
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