February 9, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 1533 some considerable difficulty. However, issue that is addressed or has been negotiations of contracts in the minor when it became apparent that this cri- brought to us in the last week, should leagues and the major leagues, and sis was spreading like a huge ink blot the U.S. Congress deal with the base- where this baseball stadium should be across world financial markets and in ball strike? I think in order for us to built. The Federal Government will be particular among the emerging mar- assess an answer to that question, we negotiating TV rights for the baseball kets, it became clear that the eco- need to look at what the historical teams. The Federal Government will nomic and national security costs of standards have been in the U.S. Con- have the right under its Baseball Com- U.S. inaction were going to be much gress or in the White House before we mission to subpoena people, as if it is a higher than the risks associated with intervene in a labor dispute between criminal action. You do not want the action. two private parties. Federal Government intervening in the The collapse in Mexico would have First of all, how about Presidential private marketplace. And baseball does adversely affected our ability to con- involvement? You should know that in not, by the very merits of its sport, tinue steering developing countries on the past, it is very rare for a President does not demand that the U.S. Federal a path to free markets and democra- to intervene in a labor dispute. It has Government intervene in the strike. tization. Mexico has been viewed as a occurred, but the standard that seems I think that it is absolutely nec- litmus test for the success or failure in to have been set in the past is that it essary, especially when you are talking our model of development. It is the was necessary for a precedent to occur, about two very wealthy parties, no- largest of the emerging markets, the and the President was brought in when body is going to go hungry between the only one to have joined the 15-member the strike or the labor dispute would owners and the players. Granted, there OECD. That this should happen to an have had a crippling impact on the en- is a ripple effect for people that work OECD country would have been un- tire Nation. for baseball, but does that upon itself thinkable just a few months ago. I will give you some examples. For mandate that they come in? It sure Second, Mexico has been held up as a example, in 1945, at a time of war, does not for Bridgestone Tire Co. down model for other developing countries President Truman intervened and or- in Oklahoma or Caterpillar. The Presi- with its privatization, democratiza- dered the coal miners back to work. In dent has not asked Congress to inter- tion, deregulation, and free-trade ori- 1946, he did so with the railroads. In vene in those because they do not meet entation. The United States, the 1952, again during a time of major con- that standard of having a crippling im- OECD, and the IMF have been very flict, he ordered the steel workers back pact. public in urging other countries to fol- to work. President Nixon in 1972 or- In conclusion, I urge all of you not to low this model. So Mexico's problems dered the dock workers back to work, allow Congress to intervene in the become the problems for everyone else. obviously a crippling impact because baseball strike. Let the titans of Finally, let me just speak about the we were not able to bring imports into money resolve it amongst themselves. legality of the action. There is no the country. President Carter, 1978, And for gosh sakes, do not create a new doubt in my mind that the President's with coal, and in 1979 with rail. Presi- Federal agency called the Commission actions were within his authority dent Reagan in 1981 intervened with on Baseball with full-time employees, under the law governing the use of the the air traffic controllers. But even another building in Washington, DC, economic stabilization fund. that intervention was somewhat another bureaucracy, the right of sub- Mr. Speaker, the President acted unique because it dealt with Federal poena, the right to determine private when he had to act. The leadership of employees. And President Clinton last contracts. We do not need it. Baseball this body was correct in supporting August intervened in a labor dispute players, baseball owners, go out there that action. that involved rails. and settle it yourselves. It is your It is important, not only the legal But nowhere in our history can we fight, not the fight of the U.S. Con- correctness of the President's action, find, especially in a sport or a gress. but its policy sensibility. pasttime, that a President has inter- We should not give you 1 minute of f vened. time by taking it away from the debate I do commend the President the on crime, which is a national crisis, on REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER other day for asking the two parties to the Federal deficit, which is a national AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 76 come to the White House, although I crisis. Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin. Mr. think the President was overly opti- Go settle your fight amongst your- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that mistic on his chances of succeeding in selves. bringing about a solution to this dis- the name of the gentleman from Ne- f braska [Mr. BEREUTER] be withdrawn pute. As a result of that, I think the as a cosponsor of H.R. 76. President made a mistake when he of- fered to both of those parties congres- NOMINATIONS OF DR. HENRY The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. FOSTER FOR SURGEON GENERAL CUNNINGHAM). Is there objection to the sional assistance. request of the gentleman from Wiscon- Should Congress intervene? The an- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a sin? swer is clearly no. Baseball, the lack of previous order of the House, the gen- There was no objection. professional baseball, is not a national tleman from Georgia [Mr. LEWIS] is emergency. I would like to see base- recognized for 5 minutes. f ball. I am a baseball fan; my son is a Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a baseball fan. But it is not going to have it is very important that we come here previous order of the House, the gentle- a crippling impact on this country if tonight to talk about the President's woman from Ohio [Ms. KAPTUR] is rec- we do not have professional baseball nominee for Surgeon General, Dr. ognized for 5 minutes. for a few weeks or even this summer. It Henry Foster. Now, a lot has been said [Ms. KAPTUR addressed the House. is not going to cripple the Nation. It is about Dr. Foster, but I don't think peo- Her remarks will appear hereafter in not like our coal or our steel or our ple truly understand Dr. Foster. Dr. the Extensions of Remarks.] dock workers. We should not intervene Foster has spent a lifetime making our f in a private dispute. country a better place. As you can see, where does this lead? First, let me say that I think Dr. SHOULD CONGRESS INTERVENE IN Where does it lead if Congress does in- Foster is a fine choice for Surgeon Gen- BASEBALL STRIKE? tervene? We had a bill introduced, a eral. Apparently, many other individ- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a bill in this Congress, this is a bill to es- uals and organizations do too, includ- previous order of the House, the gen- tablish a new Federal agency, the Na- ing the American Medical Association, tleman from Colorado [Mr. MCINNIS] is tional Commission on Baseball. Fed- which has praised him as ``a dedicated recognized for 5 minutes. eral employees, seven full-time Federal teacher, a dependable leader, and a Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, tonight I employees will determine such things concerned advocate for improving ac- would like to visit with you a little as what the price of tickets should be, cess to quality health care.'' I would about the baseball strike and the very what the contract should be, individual like to include as part of the RECORD H 1534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 9, 1995 some of the letters of endorsement that Tuskegee University, Dr. Foster developed a ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS OF have been sent on behalf of Dr. Foster. program which is a nationally recognized PUBLIC HEALTH, I believe we need to stop for one mo- model for regionalized perinatal health care Washington, DC, February 2, 1995. ment and rethink this discussion about systems. During his tenure at Meharry Medi- Hon. WILLIAM CLINTON, President, Dr. Foster. This should not and must cal College, Dr. Foster founded the innova- tive ``I Have A Future'' program to address The White House, not be a discussion about how many Washington, DC. abortions Dr. Foster has performed. He teen pregnancy which brought to focus one of the nation's most pressing public health DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: On behalf of the performed a legal medical procedure. issues. The ``I Have A Future'' program pro- deans of the 27 graduate schools of public health in the nation, I wish to go on record Those who oppose a woman's right to vides strategies for at-risk youth to develop in support of Dr.
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