-' .. l REQUEST FOR RECORDS DISPOSITION AUTHORI:ry LEAVE BLANK (NARA use onlv) ~OB NUMBER (See Instructions on reverse) NI-/~7-off-d TO NATIONAL ARCHIVES and RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NIR) !DATE RECEIVED h I WASHINGTON, DC 20408 3 dV -s 1 FROM (Agency or establishment) NOTIFICATiON TO AGENCY /DEPARTMENT OF THE NA VY 2 MAJOR SUBDIVISION !uNITED STATES MARINE CORPS 3 MINOR SUBDIVISION !ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES MANGEMENT DIVISION (ARDB) 4 NAME OF PERS~H TO CONFER 5 TELEPHONE PATE \ARCHIVIST OF THE UNITED STATES p,OM I !HELENA A GILBERT ~ 1.1..Pd- ~O3-614-1081 I-~fo- 0<7 lo1dhA:' '~Jd~~ I 6 AGENCY CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that I am authonzed to act for this agency In the matters pertammg to the disposinon of ItS records and that the records proposed for disposal attached page(s) are not needed for the business of this agency or WIll not be needed after the retention penods specified, and that wntten concurrence from the General Accountmg Office, under the provisions of TItle 8 of the GAO Manuel for GUIdance of Federal Agencies, ~ ISnot required 0 ISattached. or n has been reauested. I v ( 7. 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM AND PROPOSED DISPOSITION 9. GRSOR 10. ACTION I ITEM SUPERSEDED TAKEN NO. JOB CITATION (NARA USE ONLy) i SSJC' 11010 N/A SHORE STATION DEVELOPMENT RECORDS SEE ATTACHMENT I ! I 115-109 NSN 7540-00-634-4064 STANDARD FORM 115 (REV 3-91) PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescnbed by NARA 36 CFR 1228 ,..,j r SSIC 11010 SHORE STATION DEVELOPMENT RECORDS SSIC 11010 1 thru 11010 6. REMAIN UNCHANGED 7 COMMANDING OFFICER'S READINESS REPORTING SYSTEM (CORRS) Electronlc system that provldes Cornrnandlng Offlcers and Headquarters agencles wlth the capablllty to monltor the quallty and quantlty of facllltles on Marlne Corps installatlons and facllltles and other elements of the Marlne Corps lnfrastructure, both In the Unlted States and abroad, to provlde approprlate support to forces In the conduct of thelr mlSSlons (l e., bUlldlngs, structures, utllltles, and land), and are used to evaluate and monltor the quallty and quantlty of Marlne Corps lnstallatlons and facllltles' status and mlSSlon readlness. These systems complle llsts of essentlal facllltles and compare eXlstlng assets wlth requlrements to produce a llst of faclllty surpluses and deflclencles. These systems provlde for the development of constructlon proJects and the entry of these proJects lnto the Mllltary Constructlon (MllCon) requlrements llst They also generate cost estlmates to malntaln and to lmprove the condltlon of eXlstlng facllltles, and to bUlld new facllltles where there are shortfalls a System master flles lncluded but are not llmlted to real property lnventory, DoD approved cost factors, and englneerlng buslness rules data for facllltles i Temporary Destroy when 5 years old System Inputs System data lS derlved from authorltatlve paper or electro 'c sources to lnclude the Navy Faclllty Assets Database (lNFADS), Offlce of Se etary of Defense (OSD) published lnflatlon factors data, Faclllty ProJect ata, and Mllltary Constructlon (MllCon) database) Temporary. hen data have been entered into the master file or database . d. (GRS-20.2b) c. System Outputs. needed basls. Temporary. Destroy when the agency longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, purposes. (GRS-20.16) :..- SSIC 11010 SHORE STATION DEVELOPMENT RECORDS 11010.1 thru 11010.6. REMAIN UNCHANGED AS AN ANALYTICAL DATABASE TO DOCUMENT FOR USE IN PLANNING, MANAGEMENT AND INVENTORY CONTROL. Electronic systems tha provide a record of financial and physical data on fac~lities (i.e., buildi s, structures, utilities, and land); and are used to evaluate and mon~tor the uality and quantity of Marine Corps installations and facilities' statu and mission readiness. These systems compile lists of essential facilitie and compare existing assets with requirements to produce a list of facility su luses and deficiencies. These systems provide for the development of construc ·on projects and the entry of these projects into the Military Construction (Mi Con) requirements list. They also generate cost estimates to maintain and t improve the condition of existing facilities; and to build new facilities there are shortfalls. [NOTE: includes but is not to the COMMANDING OFFICER'S READINESS REPORTING SYSTEM (CORRS}.J a. System master files facilities. Temporary. d for reference purposes. b. System Inputs (MEDIA NEUTRAL). System is derived from automatic uploads from authoritative sources to include the vy Facility Assets Database (iNFADS), Office of Secretary of Defense (0 ) published inflation factors data, Facility Projects Data, and Military Con truction (MilCon) database} Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed for referen c. System Outputs (MEDIA NEUTRAL) . system on an as needed basis. Temporary. Destroy when no longer needed for reference purpose .
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