Vol.4, No.6, 302-308 (2013) Agricultural Sciences doi:10.4236/as.2013.46043 Proximate analysis: Relative feed values of various forage plants for ruminants from semi-arid region of Punjab, Pakistan Kafeel Ahmed1, Muneeba Shaheen1, Farhad Mirzaei2*, Zafar Iqbal Khan1, Sumaira Gondal1, Asia Fardous1, Abrar Hussain3, Fahim Arshad4, Tahir Mehmood5 1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan 2Livestock Production Management Department, Animal Science Research Institute of Iran, Karaj, Iran; *Corresponding Author: [email protected] 3Science and Technology Division, University of Education, Township Campus, Lahore, Pakistan 4Department of Botany, University of Education, Okara Campus, Okara, Pakistan 5Department of Statistics, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan Received 8 February 2013; revised 9 March 2013; accepted 10 April 2013 Copyright © 2013 Kafeel Ahmed et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ABSTRACT had the least moisture content of 3.9% while the highest water content of 7%. Ash contents var- The experimental site “Sial Morr Sugar mill, Dis- ied from 7.2% to 17.9% among various plant trict Sargodha” Punjab, Pakistan was selected to species at all sampling sites. The lowest ash carry out present investigation. The forage sam- contents were recorded in Dactyloctenium ae- ples of Eragrostis pilosa, Dactyloctenium ae- gyptium at site III. At site II, ash contents were gyptium, Parthenium hysterophorus and Calotro- highest in Eragrostis pilosa. The differences be- pis procera were collected from the three sites tween ash contents of various plant species held in this area. The forage samples were were significant (p < 0.05) at all sampling site. cleaned with distilled water to rinse dust parti- Generally, the ash contents were higher at site II. cles and other impurities. These forage samples Crude fiber contents differed significantly (p < were air dried, oven dried and ground for the 0.05) between various plant species at all sam- assessment of proximate analysis. Proximate pling sites stages. Parthenium hysterophorus analysis procedures including the percentage of had greater crude fiber contents at site II while moisture content, crude protein, ash contents the lowest value of CF found in Dactyloctenium and crude fiber in the sample were determined aegyptium at site I. The differences were sig- by the Association of Official Analytical Chem- nificant between all plant species other than the ists methods. The CP contents among different Specie I at all sites. The values ranged from 1.2% plant species ranged from 8.1% to 26.2% at all to 4.1%. It was highest in Parthenium hyster- sites. The lowest CP value was found in Er- ophorus (4.1%) at site I and least in Dactyloc- agrostis pilosa at site III while the highest CP tenium aegyptium (1.2%) at site III. Maximum contents in Dactyloctenium aegyptium at site II. ether extract value was achieved at site I. The CP content showed significant (p < 0.05) result among all species at all sites. There was Keywords: Eragrostis pilosa; Dactyloctenium consistence pattern of increase and decrease aegyptium; Parthenium hysterophorus; Calotropis found during all plant species at all sites. Gen- procera; Nutritional Values; Proximate Contents erally, CP concentration averaged high at site II. Our CP contents are above the critical value. Considering the overall percentage of moisture 1. INTRODUCTION composition, it was highest at site II. However, In Pakistan, almost 1000 species of plants have been the moisture was found more in Calotropis pro- indicated with therapeutic and medicinal value, used to cera at site II. The Dactyloctenium aegyptium save communities from diseases [1,2]. Naturally all liv- Copyright © 2013 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/ K. Ahmed et al. / Agricultural Sciences 4 (2013) 302-308 303 ing organisms have been gifted by plant commodities present investigation. The average rainfall is 180 - 200 that have medicinal values. The vitality of several plants mm mostly in month of July and August. Sargodha dis- has been demonstrated by earlier researchers while a trict is located at 32˚08'00 north latitude and 73˚7'00 east great number of them are still now unexplored. So it is longitude. essential to explore their nutritive contents [2]. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are the necessary elements of life. 2.2. Sample Collection The characteristics and amount of proteins present in the seeds are major element and important for the selection The forage samples of Eragrostis pilosa, Dactyloc- of plants for nutrition, systematic categorization and tenium aegyptium, Parthenium hysterophorus and Calotro- plant development programs [3]. The researchers were pis procera were collected from the three sites from Sial aware with the medicinal values of plants since ancient Morr Sugar mill at a distance of 12 km, District Sar- times. The improvement in medicines that were obtained godha. The samples of forage were washed with distilled from plant was mostly due to traditional information water to remove impurities and dust particles and then about health care at several times. From this study it is placed in an oven (65˚C) to dry, after that they were revealed that there is an interaction present among pure grounded and kept in air-tight plastic containers at room nutrients and crude extracts consumed in traditional temperature (30˚C) for further analysis. medicine [4]. To provide scientific basis for the use of some of these 2.3. Proximate Analysis plants in the treatment of many diseases of microbial Procedure including the percentage of moisture con- origin, many studies have been screened for antimicro- tent, crude protein, ash contents and crude fiber in the bial activities and have been found promising. Extraction sample were determined by The Association of Official of different biological molecules derived from various Analytical Chemists methods [9]. medicinal plants allowed the affirmation of their physio- logical functions [5]. The effective plant components which supplied active therapeutic potential were present 2.4. Crude Protein in all plant organs, while their quantity will be greater in The crude protein content of the samples was esti- one structure that more preferred. These organs were mated by macro-Kjeldahl method, in which the sample roots, flower, bark of the stem, fruit, leaves, and seeds [6]. was digested with a known quantity of acid. The digested The biologically active compounds containing natural material was distilled after the addition of alkali. The origins were much more important for the researchers at release ammonia was collected in 4% boric acid. The the time of studying infectious disorders. Their interest is released ammonia was collected in 4% boric acid. Boric increasing by investigation of plants ability to resist acid along with ammonia was titrated against 0.1 NH4Cl various diseases as they have antibacterial function for and by multiplying with 6.25 percentages of nitrogen survival [7]. With the varied atmospheric conditions and was converted into protein. other edaphic factors, Pakistan has been blessed with a number of forage plants that presented diversity and im- 2.5. Moisture Content portant medicinal plant heritage. This type of diversity of plants was seen in few countries of the world. Due to this The aluminum dish was placed inside drying oven for our country plants have played very significant role in 105˚C for 2 h. After that, the crucible was placed in the herbal medicine [8]. Considering the importance of these desiccators to allow cooling. The aluminum dish was plants, species for grazing livestock were subjected to weighed and 2 g of the powder was placed in the alumi- proximate analysis. The major goal of this study was to num dish. The sample was dried in drying oven at 100˚C determine the chemical compositions proximate in for- for 3 to 4 hr and then weighed to determine the percent- age species. The present research was conducted to de- age of dry weight and the percentage of moisture con- scribe the nutritional potential of some forage plants of tent. this rangeland at different sites. This research will help the stockmen and range managers to improve the forage 2.6. Ash quality as well as quantity for the growth enhancement of The preparation for ash analysis was the same as that grazing livestock and their yield. for moisture content. Two grams of sample was put into crucible, the weight recorded and placed in muffle oven 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS at 550˚C for 8 hr. 2.1. Study Site 2.7. Crude Fiber The experimental site “Sial Morr Sugar mill, District Sargodha” Punjab, Pakistan was selected to carry out 2 g sample was put into 250 ml conical flask and Copyright © 2013 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/as/ 304 K. Ahmed et al. / Agricultural Sciences 4 (2013) 302-308 1.25% Sulfuric acid solution was added. The sample was 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION heated for about 30 min, filtered then washed until traces of acid could not be detected using pH paper. The 3.1. Crude Protein Whatman paper 5B with 125 micrometer pore size was The CP contents among different plant species ranged placed in the Buchner flask. The acid extracted was from 8.1% to 26.2% at all sites (Figure 1). The lowest transferred into 250 ml conical flask and 1.25% NaOH CP value was found in Eragrostis pilosa at pasture III solution was added subsequently. Heated the samples for while the highest CP contents in Dactyloctenium aegyp- 30 min and filtered and washed. The whole material was tium at pasture II. The CP content showed significant (P transferred into crucible and dried for 12 h at 120˚C. Af- < 0.05) result among all species at all sites (Table 1).
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