AND W xmtk HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, BEPRESBNTINO THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OP THE UNITED STATES VOL. 35. NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 23. 1882. NO. 900. Financial. Financial. Financial. AMERICAN John 8. Kennedy. J. KsNNKDT Tod. S. Kennedy Co., DIAMONDS. J. & Bank Note Company, No. 63 WILLIAM STREET, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKERS, 14tl BHOADWAY. NEW YORK. DRAW BILLS ON LONDON. Business FotruoKD 1795. Alfred H. Smith & Co., ; Ineorporated under Lawt of State of tfevi York, 1888. BUY BILLS OF EXCHANGE. liEOBOANIZED 1879. 182 Broadivay, Cor. John St., ACT AS AGENTS KOH BANKS, IIANKBBS AND ENORATEaS AND PRlNTEitS OK UAILKOAD OOMPANIKS. STAMPS, IMPORTERS Issue Commercial Credits and Korei^n and DomesUo BOITDS. POSTAQB AND REVEHUB OF Travelers Inciters of Credit In Pounds LEQAL TBJVDBK Jc NATIONAL BAHfK NOTES Sterling and Dollars. tf the OlfnED STATES and /or many Foreitn Diamonds, Fine Babies, Sappliires, BUY AND SELL INVESTMENT SECURITIES Oovemmetits, Collect Dividends, Coupons and Foreign ard Inland and otiier Precious Stones, Dr«fU. BiNORAVUJG AND PRINTING LONDON CORRESPONDKNTS: or BANK NOTES. STATE AND RAILROAD EXCLUSIVELY. Mesan. MUltillk, Etaks & Co.: Me C. J. BONDS, SHARE CEBTIFIOATES, BILLS 01 Uahbbo a Son BXCBANOE, DRAFTS, CHECKS, STAMPS, &c. LONDON, 33 UOL,BORN VIADUCT. AND ARTISTIC STYLE IN THE FINEST MOST Miller, Francis Co., FROM 8TEEL. PLATES Lawis H. Tatlob, Jr. LINDLBT HAINES & With special safeguards to prevent OoimterfeiUnt or Alteratioiu. Special papers manufactured exclu- L. H. Taylor & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, sively for use of the Company. Safety Tints. Safety Papers. Bankers and BroKers, 48 WAU. STREET, NEW TORK. 140 80UTH THIRD STREET, Work Execnted In Flreprool Bulldincs* PHIl.ADEi.PHIA. CHASJI.MIIXBB. JAS.FRANCI8. BDWINJ.HANK EAILWAY PRINTING A SPECIALTY Deposits received subtect to check at slorht, and Interest allow>>d on duiiy balances. Ernest Grobsbece, Grant b. Schi.it, Railway Tickets of Improved Styles, Stocks, Bonds, &c., bought and sold on commission in Philadelphia and other cities. Members N. 7. Stock Bxcbange ITKAor without Oolwi, and Tieketa of alt Kitidt Particular attention viven to information regard- TRUSTKB8: ing Investment Securities. Groesbeck & Schley, A. a. Ooolall, President, Jos. W. Drezel. James MacdonouKh, Vice-Prest., T. H. Porter, A. U. Shepard, Vice-President, P. O. Lounsbury. C. H. Bachem, Vlce-l'rest., Chris. Meyer, BROKERS, Wm. Main Smlllie, (Late LIMBERT A CO.), J. T. Robertson, Vice-President, A. V. Stout, Q. H. Stayner, Treasurer, 0. 11. Uanfortb, BANKER AND BROKER, No. 15 WA1.I. STREET, MEW YORK. Theo. H. Freelaad, Secretary. 19 & ai NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. Banque Stocks and bonds bought and sold at the New Tork Stock Exchanee on commission. Accounts and col- Lummis & Day, lections uttenaed to. Centrale Anversoise, Nos. 8i snd 3S DREXEL BUILDING, Cof. WALL and BROAD STREETS, ANTWERP. A. Saportas & Co., BANKERS AND STOCK. BROKERS. J. Wlluam Lcmhis, UENBT DAT Paid-Cp Capital, -"^,000,000 Francs. Members of New York Stock Exchange BOARD OF DIRECTORS 58 EXCHANGE PI,AOB. Felix Orisab, President. Alvbed Maquinay (Graff a Maqninay),Tlc«-Pr6S MISCELLANEOUS A. H. Brown & Co., J. B. Von deb Becke (Von der Becke A MarsllT)> ELECTRIC LIGHT AND Otto GCNTHEB(Corneille-DaTld). BANKERS AND BROKERS, Emile de Oottal. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Ad. Fbank (Frank, Model i, Cie.) T WraU St., Cor. New, New York. Acq. Nottebohm (Nottebohm Freres). Fb. Dhanis (Mlchlels Loos). R. A. Lancaster & Co., INTBSTMBNT SECUIUTIB8. dan. Fuhrhann, Jr. (Job. Dan. Fabrmum.) JOH. Special attention to bosineH of oountrr bank*. lA>cig WEBEB(Kd. Weber A Cle.) BANKERS AND BROKERS, . JCLSa RADTENSTRAUCH (C. Scbmid A ClOj TBANSACXa A (f« BROADWAY, NEW YORK, DEALERS IN GENERAL BANKINO BUSINESS. Flrat.Claas Investment Secnrlttes. Beasley 80VKKNMENT BONDS, STATK, CITY, COUNTY A. W. & Co., Asa p. Potter, Prest. J. *. Bddt, Cashier. RAILROAD & MISCELLANEOUS BKCUKITIEB Bought and Sold on CommissloB. BANKERS National Bank, Virginia Tax-BeeHvabU Ooupong Bought. Maverick SOVIbEBN securities a SPEClALir. LOANS NEGOTIATED. AND DEALERS IN BOSTON, INTEREST Allowed on DBPOsrrg. CAPITAI., ....... $400,000 IN VE STMENT BOKDS, 8i;RPI.tJS, ....... 400,000 Simon Borg & Co., Aoooonts of Banks and Bankers solicited. No. 98 Broadway, New York. Collections made upon favorable terms. No. 8 W^AIil^ STREET, NEW^ YORK, Government Bonds bcnght and sold. We offer a large line ot CHOICE Railroad DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF SIX PER CENT bonds on desirable termi to Aug. T. Post, Banker, Railroad and Inrestment Securities. buyers and investors. 36 NASSAr STREET, Southern beccrities a Specialty. BU7S AND SELLS WALSTON H. BBOWN. FRBD. A. BROWN. •tate. City and County Sccnrities. Herbert P. Brown. Lansdale Boardman, CORRESPONDENCE SOUaTBD. Walston H. BroM^n & Bros stock broker, Hatch Foote, BANKERS, -offices- & No. SO BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Nassau Street, Netv York. BANKERS. No. 13 WALI. STREET, No. 20 Hall bcudino. Trot, n. Y., Private Wire. BUT KKD BELL SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE NEG< Connected by TIATION OF All securities dealt in at the N. Y. Stock Bzobanga noTBRNMENT BONDS, STOCKS AND MI8CBL bought and sold on commission and carried on a fair LANB0U8 SBCURIT1B8, RAII.ROAD SECURITIES. mai^cin. interest allowed on credit baluioes. : : : : THE CHEONICLE. Vol.. SaaV. Foreign JBxchange. Foreign Exchange. Foreign Banliers. Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont &c Co., Nederlandsch Indische IVAIili STREET, BANKERS, Handelsbank, COENEK OF BROAD, NEW YOEK. No«. 19 & 31 Nasaau Street, AnSTBRDAm, HOLLAND. Isiae Travelers' Credits, available In all parts ot the Established in 1863. Drexel & Co., |Drexel,Harje8&Co world, through the Paid-Up Capital, 1 2,000,000 GaUder» Mo. 8* Bontli Third Street 31 Boulevard Haussmann MESSRS. DE ROTHSCHILD ($4,800,000 Gold.) PARIS. and their correspondents. PHILADKL.PmA . I HBAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. Also Commercial Credits and Transfers of Monev DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BANKERS. Acenolea it, Batavia, Soerabaya and Samanmu on California, Europe and Havana. Correspondents In Padan«. Deposits recelTed eiibject to Draft. Secnrlties bougiit and sold on CoD>ml9slon. Interest allowed issue commercial credits, make advances on ship ForelKnKichanxe. Commercial Ored- en Deposits ments of staple merchandise, and transact other lt». Cable Transfers. (.Ircular Letters for Trayel- era, available in all parts of the world. Jesup, Paton & Co., bnslnesB of a financial character In connection wltb the trade with the Dutch East Indies. Attokneys and Aobnts o» measrs J. S. HIORGAN dc CO., BLAKE BROTHERS &. CO., No. 22 OLD BEOAD STREET, LONDON.- Agikts roK North America, 52 'William Street, Neir ITork. 18 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Brown Brothers & Co., Accounts and Agency of Banks, Corporations, m STATE STREET, BOSTON firms and individuals received upon favorable terms. No. 69 liVAIil. ST., N. V., and remitted. BUY AND SELL Dividends and interest collected The City Bank, Act as agents for corporations in paying coupons B1L.L,S OF KXCIIANOE and dividends; also as transfer agents. (LI2iITED.) ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. PRANCB, sold on OKRMANT. BELGIUM, SWITZKKLAND, NOR- Bonds, stocks and securities bought and LOin>0]W, E!MGLAKD. SWEDEN AND HOLLAND. commission, at the Stock Exchange or elsewhere. WAY, DENMARK. Aiithorixed Capital, .... - iE4,000,000 Sterling Exchange and Cable Transfers bought Issne Commercial and Trayeiers' Credits Snbscribrd Capital 3,-iOO,000 and sold. - SOU.OOO IN STERLINO. Paid-Up Capital, LONDON. Reserve Fund, £330,000. ATAILABLE IN ANY PART OF TUB WORLD. BILLS ON THE UNION BANK OF And in Francs, In Martinique and Ouadaloupe. HEAD OFFICE, THREADNEEDLE ST. RAKE TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS S. G. & G. C. Ward, BRANCHES: OF mONEY AGBNTS rOE Bond Street. London, Tottenham Couit Road BSTWEEN THIS AND OTHER COUNTRIES. Lud^ate Ulil, London, London. BARING BROTHERS & COJTIPANY, KniKhtsbridde, London. PaddinKton, LoTidon. MAKE COLLECTIONS OF DRAFTS drawn Uolborn, London, Aldi(:ite, London. abroad on all points in the United States and S3 WALL STRKB-r. NEW YORK. Old Street, London. Canada, and of Drafts drawn In the veneral buslnesa Countries. The bank, while conductlnK the United States on ForeiKn 38 STATE STREET, BOSTON. of LondonBankerd,KiveH special attention to the af^enoy of Foreign and Coionliil Banks. W.Seligman&Co., Kidder, Peabody & Co., A. a. KENNEDY, Manager. J. & B A N K K K S, BOSTON, MASS., Bank of Australasia, (INCORPORATED 1835.) No. 28 BROAD STRS:£T, Cor. Wall and Nassau Sts., New York. No. 4 Threadoeedle St., Loudon, Encland, Neiv Iforlt. FOREIOK BANKERS. PAID-UP CAPITAL, £l.iOO,000. UNDIVIDED PROFITS (IncliirtlnB Guarantee and Issae Letters of Credit for Tratelers, Reserve Funds) £453,114. CABLE TRANSFERS, BILLfl OF EXCHANGE Letters of Credit and Drafts issued on the 07 Payable In any part of Eturope, Asia, Africa, Aus- brandies of the Bank in the Colonies of Queensland, AND New South Wales. Victoria, South Australia, Tasma- feralla and America. COMKEKCIAI. AND TRATEUEBS' CBEDITS. nia, and New Zealand. Bills negotiated or sent for Draw Bills of Exchange and moke TeleRraphlo Collection. TeleKraphic transfers made. Deposits Transfers of Money on Europe and California. received in London at interest for tlxed periods on 00BRE8F0NDENTS terms which may be ascertained at the office. PRIOKAUX SKLBY, Secretary. John Munroe & Co., BARING BROTHERS & CO., London. PERIER FRERES •& CO., Paris. No. 8 Wall Street, Hong Kong & Shanghai New York, MENDELSSOHN & CO., Berlin. No. 4 Post Office Square, Ro«ton, BANKING CORPORATION. NEW YORK : LONDON PARIS CHEQUES AND CABLE TRANSFERS ON CAPITAL (paid-up) 18.000.000 S]:^.'e"qu^™Y. W.RnSSELLWlSB. T.E. DAVIS. RESERVE FUND «.350,000 milNROE & CO., PARIS. BEAD OFFICE, BONO KONO. STERLING CHEQUES BILLS SIXTY William Heath & Co., The Corporation Krant Drafts, Issue Letters of AND AT Credit for use of Travelers, and negotiate or collect DAYS' SIGHT ON (Established 1861.) Bills payable at Bom bay, f'iiicul la, SinKapore.SatHOn BANKERS AND BROKERS, Manila, li.mg Kong, Foochuw, Amoy, Nlngpo ALEXANDERS & CO., LONDON. Shanghai, Hankow, Yokohama, Ulogo. San Francis- No. 80 BROADTFAY, NE%Y YORK. CO and London. CiBdrLAS Nona a°<i> Cbsdits pok Tbavbuiks.
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