RecoveryRecovery ofof GoldenGolden PaintbrushPaintbrush CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta,, WhereWhere dodo wewe Stand?Stand? TedTed ThomasThomas DivisionDivision ofof ListingListing andand RecoveryRecovery U.S.U.S. FishFish andand WildlifeWildlife ServiceService Lacey,Lacey, WashingtonWashington 9850198501 AcknowledgementsAcknowledgements CALE Technical Team Peter Dunwiddie Ph.D., TNC Tom Kaye Ph.D., Institute of Applied Ecology Ed Guerrant Ph.D., Berry Botanic Garden Scott Pearson, Ph.D., Washington DFW Joseph Arnett, Washington DNR Ted Thomas, US Fish & Wildlife Service Honorary members, and important contributors John Gamon, Washington DNR NHP Manager Florence Caplow, formerly Washington DNR NHP, and botanist extraordinaire ConservationConservation PartnersPartners OregonOregon FishFish andand WildlifeWildlife OfficeOffice (FWS)(FWS) TheThe NatureNature ConservancyConservancy (WA(WA FieldField Office)Office) WAWA DepartmentDepartment ofof NaturalNatural ResourcesResources WAWA DepartmentDepartment ofof FishFish andand WildlifeWildlife NationalNational ParkPark ServiceService--SJINHP & Ebey’s Landing B.C.B.C. ConservationConservation DataData CentreCentre WhidbeyWhidbey--CamanoCamano LandLand TrustTrust SanSan JuanJuan CountyCounty LandLand BankBank BerryBerry BotanicBotanic GardenGarden UniversityUniversity ofof WashingtonWashington BotanicBotanic GardenGarden InstituteInstitute ofof AppliedApplied EcologyEcology PrivatePrivate Landowners,Landowners, Whidbey and San Juan Island Description,Description, CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta ¾ FigwortFigwort Family,Family, ScrophulariaceaeScrophulariaceae ¾ AA regionalregional endemic,endemic, knownknown fromfrom thethe grasslandgrassland ecosystemecosystem ofof PugetPuget Sound,Sound, thethe WillametteWillamette ValleyValley andand NorthNorth PSPS Islands.Islands. ¾ TheThe GrasslandGrassland (Prairie)(Prairie) EcosystemEcosystem ofof PugetPuget SoundSound reducedreduced toto <3<3 %% ofof historicalhistorical distributiondistribution ¾ CALECALE suspectedsuspected shortshort--lived,lived, perennialperennial plant;plant; hemihemi--parasiticparasitic ¾ PoorPoor competitor,competitor, andand intolerantintolerant ofof shadeshade ¾ GerminatesGerminates wellwell inin greenhouse,greenhouse, andand plantedplanted seedlingsseedlings showshow goodgood survivalsurvival andand growth;growth; seedseed germinationgermination andand establishmentestablishment isis poorpoor CurrentCurrent andand historichistoric distribution,distribution, CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta (golden(golden paintbrush).paintbrush). MoreMore thanthan 3030 locationslocations werewere knownknown historically,historically, fewerfewer thanthan 1111 areare currentlycurrently known.known. CurrentCurrent KnownKnown DistributionDistribution TaylorTaylor’’ss CheckerspotCheckerspot butterflybutterfly ¾ HistoricHistoric DistributionDistribution z Willamette Valley north to Vancouver Island, including North PS Islands. z “Cale may have been used as larval food source” Pyle, R.M. 2002. z Absent From Beacon Park, Victoria, BC & Long Island, SJ Co. FiveFive YearYear ReviewReview ProcessProcess SectionSection 4(c)(2)4(c)(2) ofof ESAESA statesstates,, TheThe SecreatrySecreatry shall:shall: (A)(A) conduct,conduct, atat leastleast onceonce everyevery fivefive years,years, aa reviewreview ofof allall speciesspecies toto determinedetermine…… (i)(i) shallshall speciesspecies bebe removedremoved fromfrom list;list; (ii)(ii) havehave statusstatus changed;changed; (iii)(iii) remainremain onon thethe listlist ofof TT andand EE spp.spp. StatusStatus ofof goldengolden paintbrushpaintbrush CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta,, GreenmanGreenman 18981898 ¾¾ OriginalOriginal collectioncollection ---- MacounMacoun 18751875 Victoria,Victoria, B.C.B.C. ¾¾ TypeType Specimen,Specimen, collectedcollected nearnear MillMill Plain,Plain, Washington,Washington, describeddescribed byby HowellHowell 18801880 ¾¾ PresumedPresumed extirpatedextirpated fromfrom Oregon,Oregon, LastLast observedobserved inin WVWV inin 19381938 ¾¾ ClassifiedClassified EndangeredEndangered byby WDNR,WDNR, 19811981 ¾¾ B.C.B.C. RedRed ListList ¾¾ ClassifiedClassified Endangered,Endangered, COSEWIC,COSEWIC, 20002000 ExamplesExamples ofof sitesite conditionsconditions forfor CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta Trial Island, B.C. Ebey’s Bluff, W.I. Rocky Prairie NAP, Olympia Naas NAP, Whidbey Island WhidbeyWhidbey Island,Island, BluffBluff andand EbeyEbey’’ss Landing,Landing, NativeNative andand Planted,Planted, resp.resp. Ebey’s Bluff, pre-fire plant, ‘99 Perego Lagoon, Planted. photo, 2005 ……andand moremore population,population, oror sites,sites, fromfrom BCBC toto WillametteWillamette ValleyValley San Juan Valley, Photo by T. Domico Alpha Islet, BC. Photo by Florence Pigeon Butte RNA, WVNWR Mounded Prairie, Rocky Prairie NAP Mounded Prairie, Rocky Prairie NAP Reintroduction Site CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta Populations,Populations, 20072007 Site Name Pop Size Area (acres) Ownership Rocky Prairie 7,056 * ~12 with CALE WDNR NAP Naas NAP 86* (425) 1 Private - WCLT Ft. Casey 760* (375) 1 WA State Parks West Beach 69* <1 Private Ebey’s Landing 747 <1 Private -- TNC Forbes Point 105* (56) 1 DOD (WINAS) False Bay 440* <1 Private Long Island 154 (in ‘02) <1 Private SJ Valley 7,528 (in ‘03) <1 Private Trial Island > 3,000 >1 B.C. (Eco Reserve) Alpha Islet 165 <1 B.C. (Eco Reserve) * CALE population and habitat receives management GlobalGlobal andand State/ProvincialState/Provincial RankRank U.S.U.S. ListingListing andand RecoveryRecovery StatusStatus ¾¾ GlobalGlobal RankRank 1,1, State/ProvincialState/Provincial RankRank 11 ¾¾ FederallyFederally listedlisted asas threatened,threatened, USFWSUSFWS JuneJune 11,11, 1997.1997. 6262 FRFR 3174031740 ¾¾ FinalFinal RecoveryRecovery Plan,Plan, AugustAugust 23,23, 20002000 ¾¾ FiveFive YearYear reviewreview completed,completed, fallfall 20072007 ReasonsReasons forfor ListingListing CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta asas ThreatenedThreatened ¾¾ NumberNumber ofof populationpopulation reducedreduced .. HistoricallyHistorically >> 30,30, presentlypresently 1111 pops.pops. ¾¾ LossLoss ofof habitathabitat ---- ConversionConversion toto otherother usesuses (agriculture)(agriculture) oror developmentdevelopment ¾¾ SuppressionSuppression ofof firefire ¾¾ CulturalCultural useuse ofof prairiesprairies reducedreduced ¾¾ InvasionInvasion byby nonnativenonnative forbs,forbs, grasses,grasses, shrubsshrubs andand encroachmentencroachment byby DouglasDouglas--firfir ThreatsThreats toto CastilleCastillejaja levisectlevisectaa fromfrom Invasive,Invasive, NonnativeNonnative andand NativeNative VegVeg Invasive, nonnative plants and pasture grasses, Chyrsanthemum vulgare, a WA noxious weed. Cytisus scoparius, found on railroad right of way adjacent to Rocky Prairie. Douglas-fir encroachment, a ubiquitous threat. RecoveryRecovery ObjectiveObjective CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta RecoverRecover goldengolden paintbrushpaintbrush toto thethe pointpoint thatthat protectionprotection forfor thethe speciesspecies underunder thethe EndangeredEndangered SpeciesSpecies ActAct (1973)(1973) isis nono longerlonger required.required. RecoveryRecovery CriteriaCriteria ¾ EstablishEstablish 2020 selfself--sustainingsustaining populationspopulations –– maintainmaintain 55 yryr averageaverage ofof 1,0001,000 floweringflowering plants.plants. PopulationsPopulations mustmust bebe stablestable oror improving.improving. ¾ AtAt leastleast 1515 recoveredrecovered populationspopulations areare onon protectedprotected landslands oror managedmanaged forfor CALE.CALE. 55 eacheach inin N.N. andand S.S. PugetPuget Sound,Sound, andand WillametteWillamette Valley.Valley. ¾ GeneticGenetic MaterialMaterial (seed)(seed) isis collected,collected, storedstored && usedused forfor (re)introduction;(re)introduction; z seed should represent the geographic range of the species; and z nursery grown seedlings used for introductions will be from local seed sources. RecoveryRecovery PriorityPriority Vol.Vol. 48.48. FRFR 4310043100 ¾¾ DeterminedDetermined by:by: thethe degreedegree ofof threatthreat andand potentialpotential forfor recoveryrecovery andand taxonomytaxonomy ofof thethe speciesspecies ¾¾ CastillejaCastilleja levisectalevisecta == 2.2. AA fullfull speciesspecies withwith aa highhigh degreedegree ofof threatthreat andand highhigh potentialpotential forfor recoveryrecovery CompletedCompleted RecoveryRecovery PlanningPlanning andand ImplementationImplementation ActionsActions ¾ Reintroduction Plan – WDNR 2004 ¾ Genetic Analysis – Allozyme diversity in the Federally threatened golden paintbrush. 2005 in: Conservation Genetics Godt, M.J., F. Caplow, and J.L Hamrick ¾ Characteristics of CALE sites – WDNR 2004 ¾ Evaluation and prioritization of CALE (re)introduction sites - WDNR 2005 ¾ Experimental plantings (WA and OR) and augmentation of existing populations – Pearson and Dunwiddie 2006 Lawrence and Kaye 2006 Introductions established in N. and S. Puget Sound by TNC, Fort Casey, WCLT. 01 - 07 RecoveryRecovery PlanningPlanning andand ReportingReporting fromfrom WDNRWDNR NaturalNatural HeritageHeritage ToTo minimizeminimize RisksRisks ofof IntroductionsIntroductions basedbased onon GeneticsGenetics AnalysisAnalysis ¾¾ UseUse seedseed fromfrom singlesingle sourcesource populationspopulations toto introduceintroduce atat nearnear oror locallocal sitessites ¾¾ DevelopDevelop andand executeexecute aa seedseed collectioncollection planplan (completed(completed
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