EnErgy Land rhineland-PaLatinatE EnErgy Land rhineland-PaLatinatE Content 5 Preface 6 Introduction 10 Cutting-edge technologies 16 Advisory services and subsidies 20 new energy concepts by the local governments 24 global approach for energy efficiency and renewable energies 32 Research and teaching 36 The project sites 38 Picture index Editorial information 4 Preface the environmental technology industry in Ger- unique typology. Firstly, 75% of the companies are many and Rhineland-Palatinate is an important small with an annual turnover of less than 10 mill- economic sector that enjoys considerable growth ion euros and supply highly specialised products rates. the “Green-tech” sector in Rhineland- or services; secondly, the environmental technol- Palatinate currently makes up 10% of the gross ogy sector depends on continuous innovation domestic product; however the environmental which in turn necessitates close cooperation with technology industry is by no means homogenous, research and education facilities. it also intersects other areas such as the mechani- cal engineering, electro-technology or vehicle Working closely with universities, polytechnics construction sectors. According to a national and colleges, the Ministries of the environmental classification system, the various suppliers in the and economic Affairs have developed targeted environmental technology industry can be advisory and subsidy programs that aim to assigned to different leading markets. Based on promote this growth sector. this booklet “energy the turnover levels, the leading markets here are Land Rhineland-Palatinate” contains a few the recycling management (waste, recycling, selected examples to show what innovative emission reduction and soil conservation) and the products, services and technologies are available energy efficiency markets. If we also include the in the energy efficiency and regenerative energy environmentally-friendly energy production and sectors in Rhineland-Palatinate. storage markets, these leading markets make up 76% of the total turnover of the environmental technology sector in Rhineland-Palatinate. As shown in the first booklet “Recycling Land Margit Conrad Hendrik Hering Minister of environment, Minister of economic Affairs, Rhineland-Palatinate”, the environmental tech- Forestry and transportation, Agriculture nology sector in Rhineland-Palatinate has a Consumer Protection and Viticulture 5 IntroductIon the climate protection and energy policy of the state of rhineland-Palatinate en- courages the efficient use of resources and energy raw materials by using renewable energies and energy efficiency: to this end it has drawn up a comprehensive range of subsidy and advisory service programs. oUR BeSt eneRGY IS SAVeD eneRGY the climate protection and energy policy of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate aims to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and to limit the detrimental impact of global climate change. It focuses on securing the energy supply in the state in the long-term and developing regional value- creation potential; therefore the state govern- ment has come up with an integrated energy and climate protection concept that is based on four pillars: 1. Saving energy, 2. Increasing energy efficiency, 3. Making more use of renewable energies and 4. Developing power production capacity. Making use of the media and numerous targeted events, the slogan “our best energy is saved energy” signalled the start of a participation cam- paign “Unserener” that was run throughout the state. the campaign focussed on informing the public about savings options and getting them to take action. It encouraged energy efficient build- ing and restoration as part of a targeted policy by A further element of the state’s climate and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate to supplement energy policy is the target group-oriented advice the promotion programs by the federal govern- program, which answers questions or helps solve ment, the Renewable energies Act and the Com- problems connected with energy issues. A partner bined Heat and Power Act. network has been established here comprising, energy Land Rhineland-Palatinate 7 Power and district heat is produced in the waste incinerator in Mainz from 340 000 tonnes of waste every year (2009) amongst others, the Rhineland-Palatinate effi- n In 2008 the “Combined Heat and Power ciency network (effnet), the effizienzoffensive offensive Rhineland-Palatinate” was started energie Rhineland-Palatinate e. V. (eoR), the to promote the efficient production of useful consumer protection centre, the Chambers of energy. As early as 2007 the power produced in Commerce and the Chamber of Architects. the combined heat and power systems already made up 27% of the gross power volume In addition to motivation and educational thereby exceeding the goal set by the federal advertising, the most important factors of the government of 25% to be reached by the year Rhineland-Palatinate state government’s energy 2020. policy focus on empowering the players in the energy sector, supporting innovative technologies and sustained mobility concepts and promoting Net power production in Rhineland-Palati- the know-how and technology transfer process. nate in 2008 according to energy source the current energy report issued by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate shows the success of the Percentage Other fossil energy and climate protection strategy: energy sources 0.7% Waste, heat and other 5.3% Wind power 10.6% Renewable energies Natural gas 23.4% 70.6% Water power 7.2% Biomass 2.4% Biogas 1.4% Photovoltaic 1.4% Miscellaneous 0,4% Rhineland-Palatinate Statistical Office 8 energy Land Rhineland-Palatinate Stüber passive house: Winner of the German prefabricated house award “Golden Cube” 2009 n The percentage of renewable energies of the supports the innovation process at research facili- primary energy consumption (PeV) is growing ties and private enterprises. Realising the energy significantly. As early as 2006, Rhineland-Palat- policy goals plays a major role in increasing the inate had already exceeded the nationwide competitive ability of Rhineland-Palatinate as a goal of 4.2% (renewable energy as a percent- commercial location in the long-term and in mak- age of the primary energy consumption) that ing this state an attractive place for citizens and was set in 2010. In 2007 its percentage was companies to live and work in. 7.2%. It provides numerous examples of pilot projects n The percentage of renewable energies used to by public utilities, local governments and innova- generate power in Rhineland-Palatinate is ris- tive companies in the state that play a key role ing fast. In 2007, 25% of the local power was in the implementation and success of the Rhine- produced using regenerative energy sources; land-Palatinate energy policy. this percentage was 17.8% in 2002. n The percentage of renewable energies of the gross power consumption was raised from 5.4% in 2002 to 12.6% in 2007. the Rhineland-Palatinate energy policy is multi- faceted. It paves the way for the economic success of technologies and services and also energy Land Rhineland-Palatinate 9 CUTTInG-EDGe TECHNOLoGIeS 10 energy Land Rhineland-Palatinate the two key elements of the rhineland-Palatinate energy strategy are increasing the energy efficiency and further developing the renewable energies.a sensible mix of regenerative energy sources and the use of energy efficiency and energy-saving tech- nologies allow fossil energy sources to be conserved, the climate to be protected and the energy costs for industrial operations, businesses, local governments and private households to be permanently reduced. eneRGY eFFICIenCY teCHnoLoGIeS SAVe PRIMARY eneRGY More efficient energy conversion and storage sys- of industrial cogeneration networks – both fossil tems are developed for a sustained energy-saving and renewable energy-based. Combined heat and and cost-effective energy supply; these are then power systems are an efficiency technology that integrated into existing and also new supply sys- can be used on both a small and large scale. tems. the output of these systems ranges from just there are a number of subsidies available for a few kilowatts (micro cogeneration units for energy efficiency technologies; for example the households and commercial enterprises) up to KfW bank group offers cheaper financing for large systems with several megawatts (wood private customers, local governments and com- cogeneration units, waste incinerators etc.). Both panies. the state of Rhineland-Palatinate supp- fossil energy sources (e.g. natural gas, diesel, lements and boosts the federal program with liquid gas) and also high-calorific substitute fuels its own range of subsidies that promotes the (e.g. household waste, old tyres) and especially implementation of the state’s goals in the energy the bioenergy sources (e.g. biogas, wood or efficiency field.t he aim is to save around 20% of vegetable oils) can be used efficiently and locally today’s Co2 emissions in the building sector by in cogeneration systems. the simultaneous pro- 2020, by means of sophisticated restoration and duction of power and heat – often directly where new building standards and the use of renewable it is consumed – means that primary energy energies. In the power and heat generation field, sources are saved and distribution losses com- significant energy efficiency increases can be pared to separate production systems (in central achieved by using combined heat and power sys- power plants without heat utilisation
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