ley of Nebraska anil souingaie wi of thU article the manu- ratification its standard-bearers. They in- ISSUE Illinois as sale or transportation of POLITICAL Nation surprised facture, polled about 13,000 votes. liquors within, the Impor- toxicating YEARS The feature of the Prohibition cam- tation thereof Into, or the exportation FOR FIFTY BY SUDDEN END OF a tour of the coun- and paign of 1900 was thereof from the United States of try by the candidates and a corps all territory subject to the jurisdiction PROHIBITION PARTY PERSISTED FIGHT ON SALOON speakers by special train. In 1912 thereof for beverage purposes is here- LIKE IN WHAT SEEMED the Prohibitiou convention renom- by prohibited. HOPELESS BATTLE. inated the candidates of 1908. Amendment Ratified Section 2—The congress and the Sheppard Results in Later Years. have concurrent pow- severul states Prominent in Little More Than Year Women Have Been candidates since 1884 and their to this article by appropri- The er enforce W. C. T. U.— Movement Through are as follows: After Submission. ate legislation. vote Frances Willard Won World- Clinton B. Fislc, New Jersey, UNIVERSAL NEWS Section 3—This article shall be in- 1888, FIVE INTERSTATE-ORPHEUM ACTS and it shall have been Wide Fame. and J. A. Brooks, Missouri, 249,945 War Is Given Credit for Hastening operative unless New Show Every Monday and Thursday. Daily Matinee as an amendment to the Con- votes. of Prohibition—Cam- ratified Adoption a John California, and at 2:30. at 7:30 and 9:00. stitution the legislatures of the sev- Nation-wide prohibition has been 1892, Bidwell, Nights on for by paign Carried B. Texas, 270,710 votes. eral states as provided in the Consti- political issue in the United States for J. Cranfill, Years. Joshua Levering, Maryland, tution within seven years from the the last fifty years because of the 1896, Hale Johnson, Illinois, 130,753 date of the submission hereof to the activities of the Prohibition party. and The country has hardly awakened votes. states by tbe congress.* Other organizations, including the to the realization of the fact that John G. Woolley, Illinois, and yet CHAMP CLABK, Anti-Saloon league, the Women’s 1900, It has voted itself dry. The ratifica- oth- H. B. Metcalf, Rhode Island, 209,469 LOYALTY Speaker of the House of Representa- Christian Temperance union and tion of the Sheppard amendment to votes, tives. ers, which passed out of existence FIRST TO YOUR COUNTRY the federal Constitution, prohibiting 1904, S. C. Swallow, Pennsylvania, THOMAS R. MARSHALL, after cnreers extending over various the manufacture or sale of intoxicat- and George B. Carroll, Texas, 258,305 THEN TO YOUR HOME Vice President of the United States periods of time, have fought for state came so suddenly, after ing liquors, and President of the Senate. and national prohibition, but the Pro- votes. more than half a century of battle, 1908, Eugene W. Ohafin, Illinois, and I certify that this joint resolution hibition party has continued in exist- TO CHEER when the cause of the Prohibitionists Aaron S. Watkins, Ohio, 253,231 votes. originated in the senate. ence for a longer period of time than many times seemed almost hopeless, and 1912, Eugene W. Chafin, Arizona, JAMES M. BAKER, Secretary. any other antiliquor organization, Those at home whose hearts are with you, that even the leaders of the dry move- and Aaron S. Watkins, Ohio, 208,923 This resolution was adopted by the it has continued in the face of discour- leave a ment have difficulty in realizing that, votes. senate on August 1, 1917, by a vote of aging defeats. so far as can be foreseen now, their 1916, J. Frank Hanley, Indiana, and 65 to 20, nnd by the house of repre- The Prohibition party will celebrate fight has been won. Dr. Ira Landrith, Tennessee, 214,340 sentatives on December 17 by a vote its fiftieth birthday next September. Shrader Photograph There has been nothing in the his- votes. of 282 to 128. House amendments were It was formally organized at a con- tory of the prohibition movement to Women Prominent In the Fight. Special price to all men in uniform and adopted by the Senate December 18. vention held in Farwell hall, Chicago, indicate that victory for the cause the women have 19 states For many years , those registered First to Ratify. In September, 1869, when would come with such swiftness, once Mississippi been prominent in the prohibition were represented by 500 delegates. congress had been induced to submit Mississippi was the first state to for the evils of Intemper- STUDIO AT 120 MAIN STREET For several the formation of movement, a vote senate and years the proposed amendment to of ratify the amendment, both ance bore on their sex. To Phone Main 1193 such a had been discussed be- heavily on 1918. Vir- party the states. Because of the difficulty house acting January 8, them must be a very large share cause the leaders of the Republican given with which changes In the federal ginia, Kentucky and South Carolina in the credit for the success of the and Democratic parties had virtually Constitution are secured It was not an- took similar action during the same it on a of fight. They started publicly fol- ignored the advocates prohibition. ticipated that ratification could be se- month and North Dakota soon scale in 1873 in Ohio with a cru- The Good in 1851 large but in most states action was Templars, organized cured by the necessary thirty-six lowed, sade to pray the saloons out of exist- as a society of total abstainers, urged states within less than two or three delayed until this year, when the vari- such action, and other leaders believed ence. This movement, inaugurated by a lit- it necessary. At a state temperance tle band of women who held convention held in Pennsylvania in prayer broach- meetings in saloons when permitted Sell You a 1867 the plan was first publicly We and on the outside when ed, and two years later on May 29, pavements not allowed to like wild- 1869, the call for the Chicago conven- enter, spread fN.ps.KOTA fire the nation and was tion was put out by the grand lodge of throughout SCHOLARSHIP “whirlwind the Good Templars in session at Os- denominated by the press a from the Lord.” saloons were '$ OSKOTA wego, N. Y. A committee to formulate Many out of but it soon be- — IN — the plans was named, conprising John swept existence, J. A. Cleve- came evident that prayer must be ac- r.rnRis a > Russell, Detroit; Spencer, would land, O.; James Black, Lancaster, Pa.; companied by action if they pre- John N. Steams, New York, and Dan- vent the return or che re-opening of iel Wilkins, Bloomington, Rl. The con- the saloons once closed. Business called this committee or- The call for was issued College vention Draughon’s by organization the on September 1, from Chautauqua, N. Y., in August, ganized party AT LITTLE ROCK. adopted a platform and appointed a 1S74. The convention was held in national committee of which John Rus- Cleveland, O., November 18-20, 1874, sell was chairman. and at that meeting there was organ- First National Ticket. ized the National Woman’s Christian Union. were Nearly three years later, on Wash- Temperance Delegates ington’s birthday, 1872, the new party present from 17 states. met in convention in Columbus, O., to The plan of work was presented (by the place a national ticket in the field. Frances E. Willard and most of James Black was nominated for presi- thoughts embodied in the plan were The 6tates shown in black on this map are the thirty-six that made the dent and John Russell for vice presi- later worked out in the W. C. T. U. The world has never known such a demand for clerical nation dry. Other states have since ratified the prohibition amendment, but dent. Mr. Black was a prominent Good At this convention Miss Willard of- j were after ratification was they not needed voted by Nebraska, the thirty- Templar and also was one of the fered also the famous resolution: “Re- help as at the present time. Stenographers are command- sixth state to act. founders of the National Temperance solved, That recognizing the fact that Society and Publication house and of our cause is, and will be, combated by salaries far in excess of any year, and years at the least. Anti-proniDinon ous state legislatures convened. Then ing previous good the Camp Meeting association at mighty, determined and relentless I leaders felt that they had won a vic- the states took action on the amend- Ocean Grove, N. J. Mr. Russell, also forces, we wall, trusting in him who book and other office are tory when they placed a provision in ment in rapid succession. Following accountants, keepers help sought a leader of the Good Templars and a is the Prince of Peace, meet argument resolution that North Dakota the the Sheppard providing states acted in the the Methodist minister, was known as with argument, misjudgment with pa- for as much. It would be inoperative if not ratified following order until Nebraska, the just father of the Prohibition party, for he tience, denunciation with kindness, and by the legislatures of three-fourths of thirty-sixth to act, completed the rati- published a newspaper, the Peninsular all our difficulties and dangers with the states within seven years. fication : Write for our offer to Herald, which led the way in advocat- prayer.” exceptional scholarship The Sheppard prohibition amend- Maryland West Virginia ing the organization of the party for Pursued Many Roads to Its Goal.
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