Only Newspaper in North Carolina That Has Over 10,000 Subscribers. 16 Pages—Section One—Pages i to 8, The News and Observer. Volume LVII. No. 28. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 11. 1905. Price Five Cents. sqDD fcipftflD ©sqtoDßod® Papstps Bod GB®{tOD Kl®w© sqodgO (EB[p©QoOs]tiO®QD spring opened it became daily more my skirmishers and it(iffabf apparent that human power and en- battle. I reconnoiter durance could do no more, and that AN myself as to their position?»- <• jq APPOMATTOX VETERAN J a forced evacuation of the beleaguered ed the arrivel of General Gorao,. FUTILE MEET city was near at hand. In anticipation instructions, who, a wiiile before day, ."ST FIGHTING of ~that event General Lee caused the accompanied by General Fitz Lee, removal of all his surplus material to TELLS OF CLOSING SCENES came to my position, when we held a Amelia Court House.” “While his ad- council of war. General Gordon was versary was thus active, Lee was not of the opinion that the troops in our QF WAR'S LAST DAYS idle. He had formed a plan to sur- front were cavalry, and that General BY 'TAR HEELS prise the enemy’s centre by a night Major H. A. London Reviews the Claims of North Fitz Lee should attack. Fitz Lee attack, which, if succes.sful, would thought they were infantry and that would have given him possession of Carolina, and Cites the Evidence, Speaking General Gordon should attack. They Capt. S. A. a commanding position in the enemy’s discussed the matter so long that I Captain Jenkins Tells of Ashe Recounts rear, and control of the military rail- became impatient, and said it was road to City Point, a very important as Eye-Witness of Last Act of Drama. somebody’s duty to attack, and that part of Grant’s communication. Lee’s immediately, and I felt satisfied that Plans of Gen. Lee. full purpose in this movement has been BY HENRY A. LONDON. • The first evidence offered is the they could be driven from the cross Despairing Struggie. variously surmised by historians. If North Carolina proudly boasts that statement written by General TJrimes roads occupied by them, which was was favor his retreat, as some it to site was “THE LAST AT APPOMAT- in the year 1879 and published in Vol- the route it was desirable our wagon conclue, it was well devised, since suc- pursue, and I TOX.” ume of Moore’s History of train should that would cess would have forced Grant to with- because: II North undertake it; whereupon Gordon said, TO CRUSH SHERMAN draw his left to protect his base of sup- 1. A North Carolinian. Major- Carolina, from which is copied the “Well, drive them off.” I replied, “I AFTERTHESURRENDER plies and thus would have left Lee General Bryan Grimes. planned following extract: cannot do it with my division alone, an open road of withdrawal.” battle fought there but the last “On Saturday, the Bth, no enemy require assistance.” He then said, The column of attack succeeded In and commanded the infantry en- “You can take the two other divisions Squad, For This It Was That Petersburg Stedman. the movement we His Small Fighting From the Was seizing Fort gaged therein, the greater part of appeared, and marched undisturb- of the corps.” By this time it was be- being eminently successful. which were North Carolina troops. ed all day. Up to this time, since the coming sufficiently light to make the Abandoned. Lee Intending to Join “Now was the time for the support- Carolina com- of Petersburg, we had Corner of a House On Field of Ap- Had it done 2. A North Brigade, evacuationtion surrounding localities visible. I then ing column to advance. by R. Cox, made marched day and night, continually rode down and invited Walk- advantage have manded General W. General pomattox Taken Johnson—The Losses and De- so rapidly, the could charge and fired the last vol- followed and harrassed by the enemy. er, who commanded a division on my at Last By by a the last been sustained and seizure of the any Confed- The were very much jaded and left, of Fort Stedman the ley of organized hotly of men composed principally of Vir- lays hill in the rear the suffering for necessary sustenance, our ginians, to ride with me, Force After the Army of North- Suffered From Overwhelm- have been cut in erates immediately preceding sur- showing him Federal Army would halts not having been sufficiently Jong the position of enemy two at its very centre. For some rea- render. the and explain- prepare their food, ing to him my Virginia ing Force Shattered Plan. which has been made very 3. A detachment of North Carolina to besides all our views and plan of at- ern Ceased to Exist. son never utensils not captured or agreed with was not made.” troops from the Fourth and Four- cooking aban- tack. He me as to its ad- S. clear, this advance where we could I By W. T. .JENKINS. (By A. ASHE.) Lee’s purpose was thus defeated by teenth Regiments did the last fighting doned were not reach visability. did this because I felt after This day Bush rod had years With the opening of the New Year, inaction of some commander on of any infantry the withdrawal them. Johnson’s that I assumed a great responsi- Forty with their vicissitudes, the main of Infantry. division was assigned' to and placed bility I took upon myself 1865, General J. E. Johnston was in whom he relied. Doubtless it was his of the hotly the when the trials, and difficulties have obliterated •1. North troops (Roberts’ under my command, by order of Gen- charge of making attack. I then purpose in making this effort to se- Carolina the from the tablet of memory, many of retirement, residing at Lincolnton, N. cavalry) captured last eral Lee. Upon passing a clear stream made dispositions to dislodge cure a position from which he could Brigade of the the Fed- scenes, C.; General Beauregard was in com- the tragic enacted on the bat- mand of the military division of the tlefield at Appomattox on the 9th day West, including Georgia and Tennes- of April, 1865. Two of the grandest see, Alabama and Mississippi. Gen- armies that were ever on this continent eral Hood, in command of the Army were confronting each other, com- of Tennesse, was returning from his manded, respectively, by the chief operations in Tennessee. On January, commanders of the armies of the Uni- 16th, General Hood, with the concur- ted States, and the Confederate States, rence of General Beauregard had fur- « U. S. Grant and Robert E. Lee. loughed at Tupelo, Miss., his army men, amounting to 18,0000 to 20.000 troops, General Grant and his flushed to go home and return within 10 or with the capture of Richmond, the 15 days, and he himself resigned his of and the ~WT* T*T*I capitol the Confederacy, position as general commanding , ~LASTAT that AM\ APPOMATTOX d l/~X, 1 ' surrender of Petersburg; army. By the end of January General ~ - AeV j«rn*.vMtMwooiwuitiun J NMtTKBt.U*fW Y General Lee. «>»»(.««. Sherman, then at Savannah, began his L/ • hurt, T».nt B»»nj I 'J / V at V\ crushed by the surrender of these movement into South Carolina, and Rrjf 1 \i) 4{TtYS6iIK H places, the loss of his supplies, wagon General Beauregard came East to con- y- . • THt jC AND trains, artillery and many of his men, front him, but without adequate forces C? 'J pondered and wept over the ti'ytoS or- to do so. On February 3rd General deal and surrendered, rather than sac- Bee was appointed Commander-in- U,TAT rifice more of his gallant men. After . \yS \ Chief of all the Armies of the Confed- \ \ ‘Of cT l leaving Petersburg on morning of APPyMTr<W v the eracy, and on February 22d he assign- the 2nd of April (Sunday) we were ed General Joe Johnston to the com- on the road marching and fighting, mand of the two military departments day and night, with the enemy in of the South and directed General rear, on our left, and sometimes in Beauregard to report to him; and Gen- our front, and constantly making at- eral Johnston at once assumed com- tacks on some portion of our line of mand and proceeded to the Eastern march. Whith scant rations and but part of North Carolina, leaving Gen- little rest and sleep we reached Appo- eral Beauregard in charge of the Wes- mattox on Saturday night about 8 or tern portion of the State. On the 28th 9 o’clock and went in camp on the of March a heavy force of Federal cav- road, east of the court-house. Some alry came through the n|ountains of of our men were so worn out with the Western North Carolina, and appeared long and tedious march, that they fell at Lenoir and threatened the line of down and were soon fast asleep, with- the railroad from Danville to Char- out supper. Very early next morning, lotte. To meet that raid, troops ar- Sunday, April the 9th, we were again riving from the South were stopped on the march in the direction of at Salisbury and at Greensboro. Lynchburg; marched through Appo- At Petersburg towards the end of INSCRIPTIONS ON MONUMENT. mattox and formed line of battle just March. General Grant having extended brigade the the more readily leave his intrench- (North Side.) erals from their positions, placing beyond; General Cox’s on his encircling cordon well to the left, right of General division, and ments hasten Southward to join AT Bushrod Johnson’s upon my Grimes’ General Lee .in view of the situation and LAST APPOMATTOX.
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