FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1938 conducted by tho Auxiliary for Buy Only From Responsible Mer­ adults nnd school children. The chants. Consult Times Advertising T**c Business of the Times Job Print­ essays are to be prepared from tho Columns For Stores of Proved ing Department is to Please series of broadcasts over station Integrity. Each Customer. Test Us. < WOR dramatizing James Truslow AJfD THE 8HOIE TIMBS Adams' book, ‘.'The Epic of Ameri­ ca.” Not more than 1,000 words VOL. LXIIl. No. JO. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1938 FOUR CENTS arc to be written on tho subject, “What the epic 'of America has taught me about the future of LOIS KEMPE TENNIS CIIAMP ARMY CONDUCES SERVICES America.” Prizes will be awarded NORTH END HOTEL BURNS CHURCH WORKERS WASHINGTON FIRE COMPANY: to the various winners. Local Club Girl Won Doubles I n Great Salvation itlvctint; Sunday Tho next county meeting will be National Tourney HOLD CONFERENCE Night held on Friday, March 11 in the DAMAGE ABOUT $250,000 © Before you start your next dinner, Long Branch Legion home. Tho Miss Lois Kempe* along with ' The Snlvntion Army is conduet- TO HONOR CHIEF TANTUM stop in and look at the brand-new next regular meeting of the As­ Mrs. John Brinckcrhoff, defeated GROUP DONATES S10.00 FOR inp; spccial services at their cita- Magic Chef gas ranges we have on dis­ bury auxiliary will bo conducted on MAY NOT BE REBUILT Mrs. Marie Lafforgue and Mrs. 1 del, 011 Mnttison uvchuc, Asbury March 14. Rose Taubele, in the tennis doubles j Park, over the week-end. They are play. See how easily that dinner could in the National Title Tourney in | the second in. a , series of’ special Committee Appointed To Arrange Dinner be -cooked if... you had a handsome Civil Scrvicc Examinations New York last week. .Miss: Kempe Various Department II e p o r t s. meetings planned. Brigadier and 1938 Magic Chef in your kitchen. The United States Civil Service Spectacular lilaze Brings Thousands of Sight­ played her first game on the Ocean Heard; Frank G Mount Strcs- Mrs. Robert, Klcpzig, of Newark! On His Ninetieth Birthday For Surviving Commission has . announced open Grove tennis court and along with ses “Spiritual Enrichment” In Me,,’s sociaI- will be in charge of :You’ll like its smart styling, You’ll ap­ her father, Horace Kempe, has .. .. p ■ y. j tho meeting Sunday night. There Member of the Group Who Incorporated competitive examination's for the seers— Local Fire-Fighters Receive Aid Preparation For EnBter. ... , ■ . , . , preciate its Red Wheel Regulator that following positions in the Depart­ been a member of the. local, club • j Will be special singing by ,. tbe for more than ten years. Tho Workers of St. Paul’s M. E. I corps, does the oven-watching. You’ll want ment of Agriculture: From Surrounding Towns — Hughson’s the Company in 1882. Marketing specialist, and prin­ . For the past three., years -Miss: church hold their March conference |' Other meetings for Sunday are: the insulation that keeps heat out of the cipal, senior, associate, and assis­ Strand Theatre a Total Loss. Kempe 'Has played in all the lar­ Monday evening in' the ' Junior 11.00 a. ni., holiness meeting in kitchen and cuts fuel costs. You’ll de­ tant marketing specialists, $2,600 ger tournaments in New York and room; Frank G, ’ Mount, superin- ! charge Major Alice Hinkle and In honor of tlie 90th birthday, of Retired Chief of Po­ New Jersey, and. is now rated in to $5,600 a year, Bureau of Agri­ tend6nt of the church school took Lieutenant Helen O rtt; 2.30 p. m., lice Frank Tantum, charter member and one of the orga­ light in Magic Chef’s non-clog top the championship class. She won charge. The group agreed to do­ Sunday school; and, G.30 p. in., cultural Economics. With an estimated loss of approximately $250,000, nizers of the Washington fire company, the members of burners that light without matches. Junior veterinarian,, $2,000 a the ladies singles championship of nate $10.00 toward the gowns for young' peoples’ meeting with a di- You’ll enjoy easy, smokeless broiling. year, Bureau of Animal Industry. the North End Hotel was almost totally destroyed by fire the Ocean Grove club for 1935, the Intermediate choir. .vine parade by the Guards and the company will give a dinner on Thursday evening, Associate, agronomist and su­ on Monday. Only the south wing, which is a fire-proof 1936 a*id 1937.: 5;: •Miss Ida Mason, secretary of Boys club.. - * . April 7. Chief Tantum’s birthday I These are just a few of the time, labor perintendent, $3,200 a year; assis­ hollow tile structure, escaped structural damage, although the Junior departm ent, gave $10.00 will occur on April 0, and the din­ In an exclusive interview to the to the board from the department ner will be the following .night, “Times,” ■ Chief Tantum related and money saving advantages a Magic tant agronomist (sugar beet in­ damaged by smoke and water. SPECIAL PRAYER vestigations), $2,600 a year; as­ by . Monday’s fird was built in SAINT PAUL’S TO toward the' new hymnals which tho regular meeting night of the one of.his most vivid recollections Chef can give you. And as to prices, y . The alarm was turned in by Ed­ sistant plant physiologist (sugar 1912. ' ••• ;V.-_ .••. ' V were recently purchased. company. as Chief of Police and fireman. It there’s a wide choice^ You’re sure to beet investigations), $2,600 a year; win Handley, relief mail carrier, a ‘ The 282 room hotel is insured for PRESENT DRAMA Mrs. Helen Benson reported 4 MEETING TONIGHT At the last meeting of the fire happened in the height of the sea­ find one well within your means. Bureau of Plant Industry. few minutes before 10.00 a. m. A t $350,000: vi • now additions to the cradle roll de­ company a committee was appoin­ son in 1925 when the southern p art Full information may bo obtain­ almost the same time Polico offi­ The. Strand theatre, located . in MBS. CAROLYN STAN YON partm ent. Mrs. G. L. D. Tomp-1 UNITED GROUP SERVICE AT ted to arrange a suitable birthday of the North End Hotel was gut­ the north end of the building, fac­ kins reported that there are at pre­ celebration in honor of the veter­ ted by fire. Many guests were in ed from C. A. Bilms, Secretary of cer George Dunster also gave the the U. S. Civil Service. Board of ing Asbury Park, and operated by- w i l l d i r e c t o r i g i n a l p l a y sent 34 enrolled in the beginners’ ST. PAUL’S ‘ ■ an fire and police officer." Fire the Hotel at the time but all wore alarm by telephoning Headquar­ group. She also said .that 35 re­ Commissioner Janies Boyce was RANGE ILLUSTRATED Examiners, at the Ocean Grove Theodore A. Hughson, is a com­ rescued without any casualties. post office.' . 7 - :... V ; ters as he arrived for the day plete loss. Mr. Hughson* salvaged “Thirty Pieces of Silver” Sched­ gular week-day sessions had been Many Churches Join jn Lenten1 chosen chairman. Other members I The Chief was kept busy guarding shift. That- the fire must have some of his equipment; . uled For Production April 8; hold and two special Sessions, j W orship; Dr. Carlton R. Van of the committee are: Morris. W. | tho valuables of the guests from Canada lias 6G Woolen Mills ; Di\ George W, Henson, • presi­ i with an attendance of 669 child- j Woodring, Frank S. Morris and | vandals who were looting the gained a consideraUle start be­ Committees For Affair Are Ac Hook To Prcacli Sunday. In Canada there are* sixty»six dent of the Ocean Grove associa­ ; ren during the year. I Charles Weaver. rooms. fore it was discovered may tive. mills’ engaged in the manufacture tion, arrived -• from ' Philadelphia Chief Tantum with his wife, who Mr. Tantum’s family includes' of v'oolen cloth. ■ be judged by the fact that the J Miss Lulu E Wright reported 1 Tonight at 8 p. ni., in St. Paul’s Tuesday morning to consult with' “Thirty Pieces of Silver," an or- thnt $3.60 had been given by the church the second in a series of was Katherine Hendrickson, now three sons and three daughters, <1 whole contral portion was a M anager Thoma. Pie was not pre­ iginal jilay written by Mrs.; Car- children of the 1st, year class' for | United Group . Prayer meetings deceased, came to the Grove | grandchildren and two great What’s Going On a t the roaring inferno in a very few pared to, make a statem ent a t this olyn Stanyon, will bo presented in work among tho Indians. Mrs. will be held. The Rev. Harryy j ( r 0 m Winsoi-, N. j., i 187G: grand children. He resides with ^ SPECIAL OFFER for this Campaign Only! minutes and a part of the wall on early date regarding the plans of St. Paul's church .Friday, April 8, , Claude Richmond, superintendent! Ayres Relyen of the First M. E. I an‘l 011 Jta l'ch 15 of the 1 fol-1 his-daughter a t 125 Cookman ave- Walter Read.e Theatres the west side collapsed outward at the - association. Rumors persist under her direction. Over sixty j of the sccond and thirdu....i year pri­ ■ church in Asbury P ark,' will con- lowing "year he helped to found i nuo, where lie is taking life easy SPECIAL REGULAR VALUE .
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