nce again, Grishaver has entered into new territory. His challenge is to tell the story of a prayer — not a o midrash on a prayer, but a deeply spiritual essence about the ‘why’ of a prayer. And why not? He’s been challenging us his whole career! Rabbi Stuart Kelman is Founding Rabbi at Congregation Netivot Shalom in Berkeley, CA his is a many-splendored mosaic book. Reading it takes me on a wondrous journey through the prayer service t like a reverse archeological dig. Joel Grishaver explains and enlightens each section of prayer through incorporating stories, some humorous, some poignant, that add layers of meaning and bring creative connections from these prayers and rituals to our immediate life. This is truly the Jewish way of teaching, learning and remembering. As a responsible storyteller, Gris notes the story’s sources at the end of each story. L’chaim! Peninnah Schram, Storyteller Author of The Hungry Clothes and Other Jewish Folktales (Sterling Publishing) Torah Aura Productions 4423 Fruitland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90058 800.Be.Torah • 800.238.6724 • 323.585.7312 fax 323.585.0327 • Email <[email protected]> Website www.torahaura.com TORAHRA AU PRODUCTIONS Stories We Pray Insights into the Inner-Work of Jewish Worship Joel Lurie Grishaver ISBN 13 #978-1-934527-46-7 COPYRIGHT © 2012 TORAH AURA PRODUCTIONS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. TORAH AURA PRODUCTIONS 4423 FRUITLAND AVENUE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90058 (800) BE-TORAH • (800) 238-6724 • (323) 585-7312 • FAX (323) 585-0327 E-MAIL <[email protected]> VISIT THE TORAH AURA WEBSITE AT WWW.TORAHAURA.COM Manufactured in USA TABLE OF CONTENTS—iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword . 1 Introduction: The Power of Narrative . 5 Jewish Prayer . 9 The Shepherd’s Song . 9 The Work of the Heart . 10 WAK ING R ITUAL . .13 Modeh Ani 15 The Shoes That Got Turned Around. .15 Educating the Soul. .16 BIRKHOT HA-SHAHAR. .13 Mah Tovu 21 Bila’am says Mah Tovu 21 Birkhot ha-Shahar 23 Waking Up . 23 Asher Yatzar 25 The Creation of People . 25 Elohai N’shamah 27 The Story of our Soul . 28 Birkhot Ha-Torah 29 The Fox and the Fish . 30 A Portion in the World to Come . 31 Barukh She-Amar 35 The Prayer that Fell from Heaven . 35 Ashrei 37 The Missing Nun 37 The Alef-Bet of Creation . 38 Showering Mercy . 39 iv—STORIES WE PRAY Psalm 150 41 Celebration Creates the Psalms. .41 David Experiences this Psalm. .42 Nishmat Kol Hai 43 The Sky Opens. .43 The Right Person to Ask for Rain . 44 Prayer for Rain . .45 Yishtabah 47 Steps to God . 47 ZIMMUN (THE INVITATION) . .49 Barekhu 51 The First Human Barekhu 52 The Power of a Minyan 53 An Angel Named Israel . 54 SHEMA U’VIRKHOTEHA . 55 ARAVIT (EVENING SERVICE). .57 Ma’ariv Aravim 57 It Happened in the Middle of the Night . 57 Ahavat Olam 59 Rachel and Akiva: a Torah Love Story . 59 G’ulah 61 The Bird of Happiness. .61 Hashkiveinu 65 The Last Night in Egypt. .65 A Second Hashkiveinu Memory: The First Night in the Wilderness . 66 SHAHARIT (MORNING SERVICE) . .67 Yotzer Or 69 Adam and Eve’s First Shabbat. .70 Hidden Light . .72 TABLE OF CONTENTS—v Ahavah Rabbah 73 Two Memories of Sinai . 74 The Second Memory . 75 Shema 77 The Death of Jacob . 78 Moses Steals the Shema . 80 The Shema Rebuilds the Temple . 81 V’Ahavta 83 The Death of Rabbi Akiva. .84 The Seven Beds . 85 Mi Khamokha/ G’ulah 87 The Golem . 88 Meet Miriam . 89 Nahshon’s Leap of Faith . .90 The Women Hold Hands . 91 Saying Khaf with a Mouth Full of Water . 91 Preaching to the Choir . 92 AMIDAH FOR SHABBAT 95 Hannah’s Prayer . 102 Adonai S’fatai Tiftah 105 King David Sings the Blues . 105 Avot v’Imahot 107 The Missing Mother . 111 The Power of Reading a Biography. 112 Abraham was a Hero . 113 Shield of Abraham . 114 Sarah ’s Tent . 116 Rachel Ends the Exile . 118 G’vurot 121 Giving Life to the Dead . 123 Rebekkah is Like God . 124 Joseph the Tzaddik. 125 vi —STORIES WE PRAY K’dushah 127 Jacob Visits the Place . 128 Calling One to the Other: Isaiah’s Story . 130 Ezekiel’s Story . .131 V’Shamru 133 Shabbat in Egypt. 134 The First Shabbat . 135 R’tzeih 137 Zion in the Wilderness . 138 Birkat Hoda’ah 141 David’s Memory Makes a Difference. 142 Birkat Shalom 143 The End of the Talmud . 144 Sim Shalom 145 Entering the Land of Israel . 145 Shalom Rav 147 Jacob Makes Peace . 147 Oseh Shalom 149 God Buries the Truth . 149 AMIDAH—THE WEEKDAY MIDDLE BRAKHOT. .151 Attah Honen 153 Solomon Asks for Wisdom . 153 Joseph Learns a Lot . 154 Moses Learns God’s Name . 155 Birkat T’shuvah 157 Judah Returns . 157 Elijah Teaches About Return . 158 Beit T’shuvah Story . 159 S’lah Lanu 161 Judah and Tamar. 161 Moses Asks for Forgiveness . 162 TABLE OF CONTENTS—vii R’eih na v’Onyeinu 165 Israel is Redeemed From Egypt. 165 Israel is Redeemed from Haman . 165 R’fa’einu 167 Abraham Heals . 167 Barekh Aleinu 169 Redigging Our Fathers’ Wells . 169 T’ka b’Shofar Gadol 171 Jacob Gathers His Exiles. 171 Hashivah Shofteinu 173 Moses and the Judges . 173 Birkat ha-Minim 175 The Egyptians Drown. 176 Bruria’s Prayer for Evil . 176 Al ha-Tzaddikim 179 Joseph Buries Jacob . 179 V’li’Y’rushalayim 181 Solomon Finishes the Temple. 181 Et Tzemah David 185 Waiting for the Messiah . 185 Shema Koleinu 187 God Heard . 187 HALLEL 189 Hallel 191 David and the Spider. 191 Halleluyah . 192 B’tzet Yisrael 193 King David Learns About the Meaning of Life . 194 Anna Adonai 195 David Asks for Help . .195 viii —STORIES WE PRAY TORAH SERVICE. .197 Being at Mt. Sinai . 197 The Torah is Given Every Day . .198 Beginning the Torah Service . .201 The Walls of Jerusalem . 201 The Ark is Opened . 205 Being Lifted—The Ark . 206 Being Lifted—The Torah . 206 Being Lifted—The Grandson . 206 The Last Kopeck . 207 Prayers before the Ark . 211 Another Shema Story . 212 The Synagogue that Cried . 212 Torah Blessings . 215 Ezra’s Moment . .216 The Deaths of the Maharal—The Prague Version . 217 The Deaths of the Maharal—The Posen Version . 218 God’s Partner . 220 How I Learned to Study Torah . 222 Haftarah Blessings 225 The Real Jew . 226 The Clothes that Went to a Wedding . 228 Ending the Torah Service. .231 The Torah is a Tree of Life . 232 Archik ’s Torah . .232 The Seven Shepherds . 233 CONCLUDING SERVICE . 235 Ein Keloheinu 235 The Incense Offering . 236 Aleinu 237 Joshua Says Aleinu 238 The Tikkun Olam Story. 239 The Jewel . 240 TABLE OF CONTENTS—ix Kaddish 243 Dream Kaddish 243 A Tale of Rabbi Akiva . 245 Adon Olam 247 The Great Garden . 247 KABBALAT SHABBAT 249 Lekha Dodi 251 Shabbat the Bride . 251 Shabbat Starts with a Sigh. 252 Rebuilding Jerusalem . 253 THE SHABBAT SEDER . 255 Shalom Aleikhem 257 The Shabbat Angels . .257 The Other Shabbat Angels Story . 258 Kiddush 259 Shimon and Reuben See Mud. 260 Birkat ha-Mazon 261 About Manna. 262 A Visit to Heaven and Hell . 262 Abraham’s Two Mitzvot 263 The Twelve Loaves of Hallah. 263 Havdalah 267 Adam and Eve Receive Fire . 268 An Elijah Story . 268 B’RAKHOT . .249 What is a Brakhah? 271 Benjamin the Shepherd . ..
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