Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1978-79 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 10-26-1978 The thI acan, 1978-10-26 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1978-79 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1978-10-26" (1978). The Ithacan, 1978-79. 9. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1978-79/9 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1978-79 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ,. A Weekly Newspaper, Published Independently by the Students of Ithaca f;ollege -· .. ;_,, ;' Vol 48/No. 9. Ithaca, Npw York D (/-.~: r· · · /octobc~ 26, 1978 ~..:.- =========================~~.=a-."'8'""'"'-... ~ - .,,,,. .,...L. .. - -- . -- ByAnd,ea{'!ngress Questions WhiilJn want to stay on this one all porations operating in South strain! relative to threats and year . .,apparently not." He Student Congress invited night." He added that he was Africa. enticement." until the Na­ acknowledged that he had President Whalen to speak not willing to make the as­ Whalen concluded this topic tional Labor Relations Board received complaints regarding and hold an open question and sumption that anyone in the of discussion by disassociating (NLRB) makes a decision. this issue. answer session at the Congress. room knew the actual situa­ himself from the Board of "I'm so damned tired of it. One student said that she meeting on Tucday, October tion for sure, He reempha- Trustees, by repeating that being muzzled for 15 months." had tried to find out the ac­ 24. sized the need for concrete the divestment issue was pre­ Whalen said, "I can't wait for tual campus policy, and was Senior, Todd Bernstein, evidence. sently their responsibility. not it to come off. you' II hear a lot directed from office to office; asked the first question which Bernstein _pressed Whalen this. more from me." . none could offer her a definite concerned the lack of any time for a definite deadline for a One student asked Whalen The question on affirmative answer. "I think it's remark­ framework involved in the re- decision, saying that it was where the money came from to action was raised in specific able that you could call and port issued by the Board of irresponsible and unjustifiable hire lawyers- 'to deter faculty regard to the lack of minori­ they wouldn't know. "whalen Trustees on divestiture. One of for the issue to be prolonged unionization at Ithaca ties in the recent hiring of said. A memo had been issued the conditions of the report is because oppressed South Af­ College. The college, Whalen new housing staff. Whalen to all departments and staff that the college will divest its ricans do not have the time said, has money allotted for discussed the Ithaca College regarding the policy. holdings only when "persis- for their Jives to be played budget legal fees. He could not equal opportunity program, Whalen suggested that stu­ tent efforts to persuade the with. Drawing a parallel, give any estimation as to the and said that it is the faculty dents make alternative recom­ company to change ~ts mind Bernstein mentioned the ad­ amount, since he did not have "I'm not trying to lay the mendations. In regard to a have failed over a long per- ministration's ability to be the figures on hand. burden on the facultv," student petition, Whalen said. iod of time." expedient and efficient only Whalen continued to say he said. "I'm just trying - to Whalen responded by say- when it desires, "I find that anybody will that it was simplistic- to sup­ explain." sign them." ing that one-quart~r of Ithaca such as when taking action _to pose that unionization came Bette Ann Sacks, Student Whalen continued to say, College endowments, which oppose faculty unionization. Trustee, expressed the need about because of the admin­ "As far as I'm concerned, total $l.9 million, is invested The need for divestment for a full time position to istration's lack of response Student ·congress is the one in blue chip stocks con- was heavily expressed by supervise affirmative action to the faculty. He said in viable group, that's where sidered to be safe invest- student movements last May, motions on campus. Th'e posi­ answer to a later question re­ you should put your pres­ ments, such as Exxon and Bernstein said · and eight tion at present b a · part­ garding whether the adminis­ sure." During the course of l.B.M .. He acknowledged that other institutions of higher time position. tration will enter collective the meeting which was open these corporations do have learning have already di- Whalen agreed that "we bargaining if the faculty to all interested members of operations in South Africa. vested their holdin_gs iq cor- unionizes, "I'm still under re- don't have suflicicnt bl,;ick Whalen said that the Board · ·---~:"·. the community. Whalen dir­ and hispanic faculty mem­ ectly asked several students of Trustees is using the ser­ bers." He concluded by saying if thev were members of vices of Investment Respon­ that it was the job of the Congress. When the response sibility Research Corporation Dean and the Provost to \\as to the negative. Whalen to assess whether corporations enforce affirmative action and cxprc<,sed the feeling that are making efforts towards state regulations in the hiring if a student was so con­ instituting significant change offacultv members. cerned, he should make a in South Africa. One report In regard to th<.: conflict committmcnt and join Con­ on I.B.M. has been received surrounding the observance of gn:<,~. The administration. he so far. This report was to be a religiouis holidays. Whalen said. appredatcs the prc~cncc topic of conversation at the said. "I thought we had or such an organization. quarterly investment finance properly aclclressecl it last committee Wednesday mor­ ning. Bernstein questioned the Judicial Code Presented viability of this organization in making an accurate ap­ collect information on hoth praisal of the situation in , The Student Congress Ad sides of the issue, the commit­ South Africa since they are· Hoc Committee on the tee contacted Dr. Richard based in Washington D.C. revision of the Judicial Code Correnti, Vice President of and, by the laws of the South presented its report to Student Affairs, for one side, African government, are for­ Congress on Tuesday. and a member of the IC gay bidden from receiving any Because of his personal bias on the issue, Chairperson of community for the other ~idc. negative criticism from blacks ,, '~):, ~ Congress Jeff Hallenbeck gave The Committee v.as not able in that country. ... ~· . ., . to meet with the latter in­ Whalen then said, "I don't Photo hy Bruce Moro.1ohk the chair to the President of the Student Body Tom Grape dividual. in the absence of the Assistant The Committee's basis for Chairperson Tom Plastaras. its decision was that the ad­ Students Respond to Rally Because the phrase "sexual dition of the phrase was not orientation" has been omitted necessary because the Code Ithaca College students, in Whalen and also to sign a with their families on these from the Freedom from does not discriminate on this response to the interest petition.'' The petition asks the holidays, as evidenced by the Discrimination Clause of the issue. generated by the Jewish ,President and the B_oard of half-empty classrooms on Student Conduct Code, the The floor was opened to A, wareness Rally on Parents Trustees to adjust the college campus." phrase "and any other ar- discussion, and the point was W eedend, have organized a calendar so that no classes or The Committee maintains bitrary affiliation" was raised that while the present Committee for Jewish exams occur on the Jewish that the college's policy is suggested by the Gay Code mat not be interpretted Awareness to pursue the aims High Holy Days and that no discriminatory since it forces Liberation Organization to be as openly or inwardly of the rally. They are curren­ tests be given on the day Jewish students to make an added to the Freedom from discriminating, it· does not tly conducting acampuswide following each holiday. unconscionable choice bet­ Discrimination clause. protect the concerned in­ campaign urging all concerned According -to Stephen ween observing the holiday or Without this clause, the dividuals' rights eithe1. members of thelthaca College Weiman, another of the attending classes, a choice fur­ Code does not protect againsst The committee then cvmmunity to write to organizers, "the High Holy ther complicated by the ad­ possible discrimination again­ requested time for a caucus, It President Whalen indicating Days involve a day-long ministration's policy to record st gay people, according to the returned after the conclusion that the current policy concer­ di3cipline of prayer, and on their presence in synagogue as Gay Liberation Organization. of President Whalen's address ning the Jewish High Holy Yorn Kippur fasting, which an unexcused absence. The Chairperson of the Ad Hoc to Congress. They made a Days is inadequate to meet the makes it mentally and Committee is seeking not only Committee Josh Kanter read a motion that the issue should needs of Jewish students. physically difficult to take to gain support among the statement recommending that be sent back to committee for "Within the next week tests the day following each campus community, but is the Congress not support this another two weeks. The someone will be knocking at holiday." Furthermore, he also is urging parents to in­ addition to the Code.
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