This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 11/ 13/ '32 15: 29http://dolearchives.ku.edu SEt-l BOB DOLE' S OFF I CE, Ld I CH I TH 002 November 13, 1992 TO i SENATOR DOLE FROM: DAVE SPEARS SUBJECT: FARM BROADCASTERS COMMENTS TIME; 5:00 P.M. PLACE: WESTIN CROWN CENTER CONVENTION DESK: BALLROOM LEVEL THERE ARE APPROX. 725 PEOPLE REGISTERED WITH THE CONVENTION. A ~!ST OF THOSE ATTENDING FROM KANSAS IS ATTACHED. THE CONVENTION CHAIR IS KEN TANNER. HE IS WITH THE TOBACCO RADIO NETWORK, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, HE IS ALSO PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE ORGANIZATION. THE CURRENT PRES!PENT OF THE GROUP IS TAYLOR BROWN. HE IS FROM BILLINGS, MONTANA AND IS A FORMER PARTNER, A.ND GOOD FRIEND OF SENATOR BURNS. ISSUES1 THERE ARE REALLY THREE - FOUR PRIMARY ISSUES. - GATT - NAFTA - RUSSIA CREDITS (CONCERN REt DEFAULTING) - FU1rURE - NEW ADMINISTRATION - USDA REORGANIZATION - ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES CLEAN WATER - FOOD SAFETY Page 1 of 137 15:29 This document is from the collections at the srnDole Archives,BOB DOLE'S University O FFICE,of Kansas IJ!CHITH ~-- · - http://dolearchives.ku.edu NOV-1~-92 FRI 14:~4 BUSINESS CENTE~ ............11911111'11' •t.._tn_C __ ..., ___ po_' IMtt••--~---'--'-'-'--'- , ' ·--'-~~ "'' .,. · l I iAFB VOTING MEMBERS ~ RTAT~!CITV STATION FAEQ POW!!.R NArL REP l'AftM rlONS FIRM BROADCASTER -----~- ·--~--.----···--- · , _ , 45()/ NAT'l F\eP rAAM l.aloyetto WASK 1,ooow 61lr'IMf Skip D~vlo FIRM IHIOAOOA&TER 105,J 50,000W·----·--- ----- ~ Aoslln Jerry Oehm~n B\Jr lin ~ton KBUR 141:10 1,000W McGlilvrGn/Gulld John Weir 'I McGavr11n/OuUd (;"'ne Aa~1m C!vroll KCIM/KKAL 13801 1,00DW/ Kati: Nell TrQbak 93,7 100,000W Ceoar Aapi~f WMT 600 MOOW Kntz Aleh ealv11nz J11met 01Jlhrl11 Dav~npor\ Wl.~R 101 .:t 50,00DW HNWH Neal Anderson Katz .. , Unrdon Barne& Davenport woe 1420 5,000W Chrl1tal Lynn Watts ____ ____ ____ _ D~s Moines WHO 1040 eo.ooow Cnrl~tal l.H Kline Bob Quinn Katt Well ShQw OubUql.Jt KOTH 1370 5,000W East men Ji;ihn ~verly Fort Dodge KWMT 540 MOOW MeGlMOn/Oulld Oary OiGloseppe Muon City KOl.O 1300 ~.ooow K11li Al Heinl OtlWOlrl KOEL. 950 MOOW ~~nner Von Kelal&en ---------·---- Ottumwa K61:1: 1240 1.000W TQJ't(et Mike Buek11nan Shenandoah KMA 960 5,000W K~tl! lom Beavers Bob Bur1enshaw A~ndy Rasmussen Sioux C i l~ KMNS 620 1,000W Christal ~mery Kleven Sp~ni;~r KICD 1240/ 1.000W/ Kali Oennla Morrict McGavren/~vHd Art Beohr11111 107.7 100.ooow John Wlrkler 15~0 Chrielal Orio"' $amuel~M Wat a~ KXEC .. 50,0009'i' Ea11~----- Hal Ha Max Armstrono • Dave Russell HNWH Gary Kinnett KXXX/KOLS 790/ 6,000W/ MoOavren1~ulld Steve 9ugbee Torb$\ !;Jill Au&lin 100.3 100,000W EulmM OCdQi City KGNO 1370 5,0f)(JW Kttt1 Chuck Slark Bob Drown Garden City KfJVF 1030 gs,ooow Hap Larson Eddi~ Gale H1.1tchlni0n KFAM 1590 6,000W Curt 9hoamaker Pi!leburg KKOW 860 to,ooOW McOavrsn/Gulld Jim Yeary Bill M1t!on Topeka WIBW ll80 6,000/W Katz Gary H1nek Katz Mike Adams Kelly Lenz Cawn Jae1<1on Killhy P{ll\\Qn KFDI 1070/ 10,000W/ Torbut Aex Childs Rotlil'I Mar111 Bohrenda 101.:J ioo.ooow 911nn&r Flitia FraJ:er _ ___:::::-/ Kalz Colleen Oallahan K!NTUCK~ McaavrervOulld Ron Hendren Hopklnsvill c WHOP 98 .7 100,000W D\t'lk Eml)ry Mc:Oavnm/Gulld Max Molle£ton Owenaboro WOMllWSKFI 1490/ 1,000W/ KatJ: Jett Nalley s2 , ~ 100,000W McG 1vttn1Gulld PtQQY KJ)'& F'lsh __ ,. ___ -·-- Chrl~lal Cyndi Y(lvng l.Q!.!llil!~~ Clvl~t~I Monroe KNOE 5-40 s.ooow MoGavrentGulld Chris Xlmbell Shreveport KWKH 11301 150,000WI Christal Aay rorcler 94 .5 100,000W -"--··· ··---·· Chriglal Charlea Blake McClavrentOulld Ron Powere MJCIJ:ilGAt:i Jlrn Riogs Ann Arbor WPZA 1050 10,000W Farmakla Flobel1 Drl11eo11 ~agtnaw WSGW 790 e.ooow Katz 'Terry Hennl! Du Prent Davo nudal Kotteo - 19 Page 2 of 137 15:29 .004 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas NOV-1~-92 FRI 14:3~ ~U~INESS CENT~R e1e>221is.1e0 P.0~ 1 http://dolearchives.ku.edu 0 ,JRlflIS•lll• ..11nllil ' llMi' 111w~;rooilll'#lllilll.. lllll'?• ..•t•X--••111m-.. ____,,...._. --~~ ..... · · I ! ---,----- ·- - · ---··~-- 10F MBERS _ .. EELI~- GT~TION' RtP l'IRM FARM Olfll'CTOf'I ·---- ·-·-- (Aalei9h, NC) Tobaoco S111elllte & TN Spot Sales Dix Marpar Radio NctworH Ken TannQr .MOIRl!CTOR Rey Wilhln~on GEORGIA (Oetll. FL) so1,11haaa1 Agrl111:11 Sal11tllle 22 Gary Cooper Gary Cooper I v11r~tt Griner • Everett Griner Ohc Harper (l\aleloh. NC) TobaDCO ~11.dio Satellit• 41 TN Spot Sslu Ohc Harper Kein T~nno, Network Ken Tanner ayW1iklMon Ray Wilkinson ~van Slack Network Telcom/ 26 J. 611an Sl1tOk Salellile (Nev.t>erg, O~) NPrlhwHt Ag News S111ellll• 11 K~t1 Guy Stewert Network Elob Hoff ·-·----·-·------- :t11wart Doan ------- Glen James lLLINOW ~obert Wade Clllcagb Tribun1 Radio N•twork Satelllte 33 Chrlttal Orlon 8amu11l11on .Jim Y11nC$y Agrl 0 Volce Max Armstrong y Browntlold Dave Russell >iok Mar•lil!.11 (J11Htl'$61'1 cuy. MO) erownlle1d Ne\work Sataltita 29 D11rry Brownfield Zimmerman Dick Marshall Ren Hays Cindy Zlmmrirman ·ah KQ;troun (l:!llrabath Clly, NC:) A'ilrlnel Farm Salelllte 1 13111 Ray Bill R11y Radio Network WPIAt~A (Chica90. IL) Trlbum;1 ~ad10 Network S11telllte 26 Chrletat Orlon Sam1.1•lson Agrl-Volce M~i< Arrwwong Dave R1,1ssell Rill Ray (Loi,Jl~vllle. KY) Ferm Stl"lllo• MCllWATS 4 JAok JROk Crowner Network Crowner & Assoc. lQWA (Ollioago, IL) Tribune ~adlo N11lwark ~lltalltte 9 Chrl•lat Orlon Samuelton Agri·Voic11 Max Armwono . Evan Slack Dave R1,1ssell (J6tr&raon Olry, MO) llrownri11lcJ Networl< Satelllt• 31 Derry Ql'Qwnll•ld ~orge Oatltty Dick Marshall Cindy Zimmerman Mike Dain / :;;;- ..--:.. -- . · ~~~~~~--=~~= .rry Steckline ~SAS -----...:::.::: ToPOk• Kansas Alj NetworK Satellite 38 Katz Kath~ Panon[) Gary Hinck am Ray Kelly Lenz Wichn1 Mid Am AQ Network Sall!lllil• ~O l orbel Mike £lain Larry Sle~lua--......,,., Gary Cooper verett Griner Loulsvlll• Ktnlueky Agrlnllf Satalllla 32 AllM Aldridge Loul~11lll&1 F:um S1rv1e1 MOllWAlS 32 Jeck Jack Orown&r Network Crowner lli Assoc, ----------~~· 23 Page 3 of 137 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 11 / 1]/ '32 http://dolearchives.ku.edu15: 32' '::HJ BUB DOLE' ·::. UFF I CE' 1.d I CH I TH-- - - 16:51 002 Hovemb~r 12, 1992 ··- ... ~ .. Senator Dole -- Soma baakqround on GATT as you raquaet~d. ...;~· - ·; ~r ; . ·:;~. By hanging tou;h on the oilseeds caae and threataninq · . Ii: "taliation on EC product a, the Admini.1tration ;ot th• BO ,.~ . ·:., tbe ne;otiatin; table, Thie year USDA pJ:ojecta na&rly $43 · ·-~'."n: .. .. .. ~ billion in us a9ricultur& export• -- the hi;heat in a decade -- :.. : ;.1 . •. ,,;~'(';' ·~ · ao it i1 clear that negotiations are p:t'eterabl• to a trade war. .:·;-i ::~~, :·~,d;,~~ '' if · ~·" · .~ :. : ~ · ~. r- ·. /~ ~·· The fact that GA'l''r Director General ArthuX" Dunkel S.a teyinq.::, '' .. '~ \''.:. to mediate 11 al.so an Adn\inietra.tion victory. Dunkel evid•ntly ,· ... ,. ··~ is conv.tnoed that the o.ileaed oaae must b• solved in oz:od.-r to 99.i .. ,, a QAT'-' aqreement on agriculture and that a;reement, in tu;rn, £.. ~ ):~~:t7 :. the key to •ndin; the Uru9u4y Round successfully. · · 'l'h•re i• some danqar thct US oilseed produoera won't like the eventual settlement with the SC, ~hey are worried that it will atill allow high levels of IC produotJ.on. 'l'h• <.·£,:,':):'.; ., ;·;~ Administration ie awa:re of th1$ but gettinq a clear me•eag• f~J'A· ;,,." lJ.( · ··: the American Soybean AsaociAtion has been difficult. ASA ha• h•4 financial and organization problems. It has laid off much o~ its. staff o.nd i• cloainq ite Wa1h1ngton office. John Gordley ha• · -.l·~ ; . 7 ';.: J · i .!".' ,, b&•n hired to represent ASA'a interests hare. 14sY Ii Ho~.ve~, in the lonq term, anythinq that gets the BC .tu '"I• around from its present 1y1tam of huge 1ubaidiez and puts th · .. the road to reform will benefit US aqrioultu:e. Our ia~er1 « competitiva in most product• and EC farmers are not. Ollr wh•.• and teed grains producera will beqin to win back for•i;n l'RA and do it without h4vinq to spend tax money on our own- expoz:': ;: sub•idiea. 1'-" "»"'' l· ~~. John Ziol)cowaki .r:;l'a•~IU Q~ ~ wtll· ~ Page 4 of 137 / ... ·· This documentll/I is from-,/'::Jd the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu15; _:,_:., ._;t:. N L..•1-·..:· Oi ILC:. --=- 11/13/'32 - - - rr ' ' -C:i w 1 1. _Hj I H --- 16:52 31;:, 1303 TALKING POINTS -- GATT/Oilsaeda/BC Trade Dispute -· As you know, our tr4de ne9otiatora have held tough o~ the trade diapute with th• Buropean conununity and now tbe BC neqotiatora are cominq back to tha table. -· It appaar1 the Adminietrotion hit the Prenoh they are rno1t vulnerable ·- in tha wine bottle. ·- At the bottom of this probl&m is tha oilseeds ca••· .A.j ' two GATT panel• hava aqraad, IC oilseed 1uba1diee hurt AmeJ:"io&tr . fa:rmet'e. 'l'he Adrniniatra.tion ha• announced it will impO•e .. · ;.~,, prohibitive tariff~ on white wines and other p~oduotir next 1'1\onth :: ~ the matter .tin' t settled. ~·~.. .· lf ~ , :· ·t~ . :~· -- But thia goes way beyond oilseeds, It's iaportant to every wheat farmer, every cattle and ho; p~oduc•r, everybody in American aqrioulture beoau1a we a~e a productive and efficient nation, Th.ts year we're goinq to ex.port about $43 billion in .
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