Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 3-22-1956 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1956). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2840. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2840 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MRS. DURWOODMANLY' BULLOCH TIMES MRS. JIM BEASLEY PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CIRCLE Thund., March IS. 1956 Twe••• TO MEET MARCH 19th WHAT IS FUNERAL LAST SUNDAY DIED LAST FRIDAY The Statesboro Primitivo Bap­ tist Circle will meet 16 Mrs. Durwood Manly died unex- Mrs. Jim Beasley, 76, died last Monday, THE BULLOCH TIMES Monday, April Mnrch 19th at 3 :30 pectedly lnat Friday night in the Friday night In the Bulloch Oounty o'clock in the SRS? church annex. Mrs. F. SERVES A TRADE AREA MORE THAN Bulloch County Hospital after a Hospital after a short illness. Mrs. J. Williams Deadline For Tax and Mrs. short illness. Deasley had lived in the Lockhart George Hoitins will be OF MORE THAN HALF CENTURY Survivors are her husband, H. District of hostesses. COMING Taxpayers of Georgia were Bulloch County all her ,SOON! PERSONS OF SERVICE I Durwood her .40,000 cautioned by District Direc­ Munly, Statesboro; BULLOCH again Mrs. L. M. Olax, TIMES WHERE NEEDED mother, Waters.of Funeral tor Pen! Cobb of the Internal Rev­ services were held Sun­ - lon; six eletera, Mrs. Maude Pur- STATEsBORO NEWS STATFSBORO EAGLB enue Service that tlghtCI reatrtc­ day at 3:30 p.m. at the Nevils Mrs. W. 1'. Sulll- .ESTABLISHED 1892 on cell, Glennville, l]ice.Creck tions would be pluccd Primitive Baptist Church gmnting by 6. • STATESIl.ORO, GA., MARCH 1966 VHn and Mrs. J. A. both DONALD MARTIN'S THUHS., 22, extensions of time fOI filing Fed­ Mol.oney, Elder Gilbert Cribbs, pastor, and 6ROC(RY VOL. 68-NO.6 of Suvnnnuh, Mrs, Deesle W. Ter- eral income tnx returns. bur-ial wue in the Beasley Come­ I\tI·S. John Crumb- 1\11'. that exton- rnce, Sylvuniu, tery. YOUNG FARMERS Cobb explained ' EI und Mrs. \ , THIRD POUO SCOUTS HAVE alone would be III 1"'�!I�f!�� Icy, Campo, Texus, At Nevils LOCAL grunted only Survivors are three sons, all of TEACHER Gertie Wutera, Oluxton: one broth- mer-itor-ious cnsca. Wdttcn nppfi­ Statesboro, Claude Beasley, Leroy CI', Horlund waters, Olnxton, two TO be made on the GFI' AWARD cutlon must IH'C­ Beasley und two nieces and two phul'lie Bensley; SHOTS DELAYED: BIG scribed the reasons nephews. CAl\fPOREE 'IS form, giving daughters, Mrs. J. D. of H8NORED Funeral services were held Sun- Barnes, Robbin. Cello No.2 Can Sliced Southeast Co. for the request in detail nnd the Brunswick, and Mrs. E. L. De- Bull�h State Health Dept. Troops Awarded Ribbons Miss �larjorie Crouch form must be completed in accord­ Suvunnah fiCteen FRANKS, Ib.35c PINEAPPLE 29c �:.II;IIII:O�l: t�:I���.FJUu�= LoRCh, ; grand­ Group Attend Clinic . nnce with the instructions. ���I�:I tbh; children Says �mount Being For Scouting ActhoJties; tan BUI inl was in the Enst und fourteen grellt·grnnd Is Teaeher-Of Year A stntcmcnt of hm Dyess. general dship AI..lca Pink On Farm lIIachinery Side Cemetery. children. Quart Celfand'. Received Not Sufficient 52 Boys A tlend or inability to pay IS not accept­ From First Burnes Funeral Smith-Tillman SALMON 49c Twenty members of the South­ Dis�rlct able AS grounds for grnntmg nn Home was In Mortuary was in MAYONNAISE 49c of extension of time, Mr. Cobb said. cburge arrangements. charge of urranguments. east Bu119ch Young Furmer organ­ A teacher who believes that 1 Lb. Ball Since April 16 falls on Sunday, S.ltine In Can-Mall well Hou.e izntion will be given certificates schools nrc "the world'. best ln- Monday. April 16 is the deadline CRACKERS 19c COFFEE Ib.89c "lor work done while attending n eurance policy", hall been chosen this year for filing Individual tn­ lOver clinic in farm machinery repair 09 Teacher of the Year for the come tnx retu rns. Tnxpuyet S On and' Bought LET'rUCE, CELl:RY AND welding. First Congressional Distri�t. She fa should mnke evory ef'Ior t to meet Fre.h Dre•• ed The met once each week Pictured above i. a partial of the new Simmon. g�oup Miss thifJ lind lhey should not ,limp.e Shoppin, Center tltat Ita. il. form.1 CARROTS lOe Marjorie Crouch, teacher of deadline, opentnl each FRYERS Ib.3ge in the at the Southesst Bul­ March 15 at 7:00 P. M. and run. shop on the chunces of toda" throu,h Saturday, March 17. Your attention i. invited to the ninth core at Telf obtaining the loch School and studied and grade program .. and High nn extension. lep.rate adverliaementl anllouncemenh for the individual bu.ineue. in thi. iuue of the Ttmee, Velvet Roll the Marvin' Pittmatt Laboratory Beans 3 Lb•. worked under the of Fre.h Ground supervision School of Georgia Teachers' Col- WAX PAPER 1ge n specinl teacher, Jesse Grooms. MEMBEHSHIP WEEK AND AM HA,MBURGER lege in Statesboro, f CHILDUEN'S FASHION ground, beuoh, school, purty and OFFERING THEM WHOLESALE AT $1.00 J. H. Wyatt, chairman at the Bul­ , MillS a of Merl4 AT FIRST BAPTIST Euater fnahions. loch Board of Crouch, native so Count County Education, wether SHOW MARCH 21 PER Dinner Half G.llon county, calls Ocilla her "Magnifying Church Member­ The fun Will be talent. displuy­ $4.00 BUSHEL FOR 98% PURITY.AND will meet with the'cbapter at their Toez homo town now. Sh\' hal had rich be ed locnl children between Theater NAPKINS lOe next the Week" will observed' by scenes I of ahip by ICE CREAM 5ge regular meeting, night The Stutceboro Junior woman's 81 % educational experience as teacher, the First. Church the week of the fushion show. GA. GERMINATION 'ON 500 BUSHELS March 28 end he will present the Baptist Club will "Fun and BROOKLET, principal, and She baa . present supervisor. of March 19 28. The Baptist Fas�l­ This Iushlon show of children is Adm.illion 36c - ISc 6-Bottle Carton certificates to W. J. Tidwell, Jr., ion for The Young" at the Sallie 4-0z. Can had such a warm personal int8reat that cer­ While Training Union is sponsoring this wed, something everyone Will They Last-Also'See Us For Price On Naughton Beastey, Japp, Akins, Zetterower school uuditorium '19c in her Itui:lcmts that ahe pta a� apeclal week of study for nil tainly wnnt to see. So don't miss SUNDA Y.MONDAY·TUESDAY, COCA.CO�A BLACK PEPPER 200 Paul Fordham, Joseph Harville, nesdny, March 21st at 7:30 p.m. Pfeclative letten from many who church members. it. MARCH 18·19.20 Jack A. W. P. for ndults MILI.ETT, LESPEDEZA, OTHER FIELD Brannerr, Andenon, ha ve Admission will be 50c CaUon long gene from her clauroct. Two class periods will be held With $3.00 Order Jr., DeVaughan Roberta, Hollis und 25c for children. Door prtzes "DAVY CROCKETT" to the far of tbe Films AND 10"letlmes parta eAch evening except Friday. GARDEN SEED Martin, Cloyce Martin, Harold " Will be given. The stores partid­ Jordan Reports On COOKING OIL $1.59 5 LBS. SUGAR 3ge earth. will be shown during intermission Smith, Al Cox, Robert Cox, WEDNESDAY Danny AnDu.1 - are: The Children's Shop, ·THURSDAY, AI'th. SpriDI Format h.ld rec...", .t the Rec...�tio. C•• Min Crouch's colleague. .. On Friday there puting Franklin periods. night & MARCH 21·22 ·Llngo, Ralph· Miller, ter Ih. Tw••n T•• n The Fair Store, H. Minkovilz Travel In 2 Loa.e. Size Club .lected Jud, SmUll', d.u.lal.r of M...... that her eueee..'I. due to her warm. will be one class followed Germany Rel"l.r Emmitt period Folks Lee. Alford, Bobby her Sons, und Olliff's Little "LADY GODIVA" Mr•. To� Smith of SI.telbora •••h. Club Sw...I......I. S.l.ct.d�. hoart,. spiritual faith, her dedi­ by a social hour. 1'he meetings Will note: BREAD 25c 'Thompson, Howard Cox and Jack Fnshlons will be modeled by (Edltol"s Dupree Jordan, It.r cation to teachinK', and a breadth ShOll. FRIENDLIN� eleort for Ih. ltonC;;r wa. B..... r on •••• each nt 7 :30 o'clock. :1\Iol'ton. Johnn, •• of Ro, B r Ibegin evening edltol' of the West End Star of of that come to her children 4 to 10 years and .nd Ihe late Mri. Insight ha. A will be for uges FRIDAY.SATURDAY, The nnd director Ruth .1.0 of St.te.baro. 'I'h. •••1'. nursery provided A Uantn clirr organizer of eoupl trom is the Martin of the and furnishlllg Bulloch 23.24 Co. Bllaier, years· sharing joys Lhe new in MARCH ••lected ••eret b.lIol 0"'1' \v"11 fcut.ure styles plny- the orgunizntion is O. E. Gny. The b, a pariod of .1I.erat ••ele••t r.lul.r heartaches Times With a of his Milling IS of boy.
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