1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LTl-86-16330-1 BEXi\.R COUNTY, TEXAS COM1VIISSIONERS COURT NOTICIC OF PUBLIC MEETING The Bexar County Commissioners Court will meet on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. in the Commissioners Courtroom on the First Floor of the Bexar County Courthouse, 100 Dolorosa, Suite 1.20, San Antonio, Texas 78205. NOTE: The Commissioners Court may recess at 12:00 p.m. and may reconvene at 1:30 p.m. NELSON W. W 0 LFF 1//lllllilliilfllllllillllllllil/llil COUNTY JUDGE LT2_0_0_2 SERGIO "CHICO" RODRIGUEZ KEVIN A. WOLFF COMMISSIONER, PRE4:INCT 1 COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT 3 PAUL ELIZONDO TOMMY ADKISSON COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT 2 COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT 4 GERARD RICKHOFF CLERK OF THE COURT Questions regarding this agenda should be directed to the Bexar County Commissioners Court Support & Special Projects Administrator at (210) 335-0180. The agenda is available on the County's website (http://www.bexar.org). Click on "Public Information." BEXAR COUNTY COURTHOUSE ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT FOR DISABLED PERSONS This meeting site is accessible to disabled persons as follows: Entrance to the Bexar County Courthouse is accessible through the basement entrance on the south end of the Courthouse located at the intersection of Nueva and Main streets. To access the first floor, individuals must use the basement-level elevators located next to the tunnel between the Bexar County Courthouse and the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center. Doe~ 16330 Fees: $0.00 10/14/2011 4:26PM~ Pages_2_ . Filed & Recorded in the Off1e1al Publ1e Records of BEXAR COUNTY GERARD RICKHOFF COUNTY CLERK Page 1 Blank Page Page 2 COMMISSIOl,fERS COURT CEREMONIAL AGENDA 1. Opening prayer: Mary De Geus, Ci?il District Court Specialist. (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) 2. Pledge of Allegiance: (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) COMMISSI01''lERS COURT REGULAR AGENDA 3. CEREMONIAL ITEM(S): a. Presentation of service pins recognizing Bexar County employees for 30 years of service: (Estimated Presentation Time: :; minutes) (Court) Name Date Employed Years Office/Department Mary A. Molina 9114/1981 30 District Clerk Cassandra J. Pearson 9/3/1981 30 Sheriff's Louis N. Reyna 9/14/1981 30 Sheriff's Jesus Ruiz 9/2111981 30 Sheriff's b. Presentation of "Friends of County Government Award" to Senator Carlos Uresti on behalf of the Texas Associations of Counties for his assistance in enabling legislation during the 82nd session. (Estimated Presentation Time::; minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) c. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing the San Antonio Missions Baseball Team for wiming the 2011 Texas League Championship. (Estimated Presentation Time: j minutes) (Court/Nelson W. Wolff) d. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing October 17, 2011 through October 21, 20 11 to be "San Antonio Minority Enterprise Development Week". (Estimated Presentation Time: :5 minutes) (Court/ Kevin A. Wolff) e. Presentation of a Proclamation on behalf of Commissioners Court recognizing October 16, 2011 through October 22, 2011 to be "Save for Retirement Week" in Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: 5 minutes) (Court/Tommy Adkisson) 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION ITEM(S): a. Presentation by Toyota Texas Cln community outreach initiatives performed in Bexar County. (Estimated Presentation Time: lO minutes) (Sergio "Chico" Rodriguez) 5. TIME CERTAIN ITEM(S): Recess Commissioners Court a. 1:30 p.m.- Convene as Board of Directors, Bexar County Housing Finance Corporation. (Estimated Presentation Time: 10 minutes) (Board/Fulbright & Jaworski) Reconvene Commissioners Court Page 3 COMMISSIONERS COURT REGULAR AGENDA 6. Request of Commissioners Court to identify items from the Consent Agenda for additional discussion and to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. 7. Filing for record the following legal and administrative documents and directing the Criminal District Attorney's Office to take action, if 1ecessary: a. Alamo Regional Mobility Authority 3rd Quarter Financial Statement for the period ended June 30, 2011. b. State of Texas Contract for Services between the Office of the Attorney General and Bexar County approved September 13, 2011. c. Probate Court No. 1 report of funds collected from filing fees, Probate Contribution Fund - 017, Guardianship fund for court ini1:iated guardianship Fund- 036, and Probate Education Fund- 037. d. Notice of Claim on Bond and Statement of Account submitted by Martin Mareitta Material SW Inc. to County Judge Nelson W. Wolff. e. Bexar County Constable Pet. 4 Fund 850 and LEOSE Budget fund 024 for FY 201112012. f. Letter from Steven Long, President, Deputy Sheriff's Association of Bexar County Re: 2011 DSABC­ Class - 008 & DSABC - GC- 009. g. Notice of Plaintiff's Original Complaint and Waiver of Service of Summons of Bexar County, Texas Re: Dan Napier and Dana Napier v Bexar County, Texas, et al., Civil Action 5: 11-cv-736; In the San Antonio Division of the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, submitted by Gale, Wilson & Sanchez Attorneys At Law. h. DSABC - Notice of Intention to Submit to Final Binding Arbitration from Joel Janssen, President Deputy Sheriff's Association of Bexar County. 1. Documents submitted by Herrrelinda Garza to Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff Re: Case No. 04- 11-00328- CV; Hermelinda v. Bobby D. Barnes and Sharon L. Barnes. J. Documents submitted by Hermelinda Garza to Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff Re: Case No. 04- 11-00047- CV; Hermelinda Garza v. Rafael Cruz k. Documents submitted by Hermelinda Garza to Bexar County Judge Nelson W. Wolff Re: Hermelinda Garza vs. Rafael Cruz Plaintiff- Appellant Notice of Formal Complaint and Motion to Dismiss Case No. 04-ll-00047-CV. 1. Notice of Personal Injury Cl2.im Re: Gloria E. Gonzales submitted to Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff. m. Letter from Phillip M. Ross Attorney and Counselor at Law to Judge Nelson Wolff Re: Notice of Claim Urban Wilderness v Bexar Appraisal District and Bexar County, Texas. Page 4 8. Communications from citizens who signed the register to speak. 9. Approval of Commissioners Court minutes for September 27, 2011 and October 4, 2011. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: All items under the Consent Agenda are heard and acted upon collectively unless opposition is presented, in which case the contested item will be considered, discussed, and appropriate action taken separately. Item(s) Brought by Commissioners Court: (Court) I 0. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Adkisson Precinct 4, to re-appointments of James Lowak to begin upon appointment and expire December 31, 2012 and Leon Nichols to begin upon appointment and expire December :11, 2011 to the Bexar County Emergency Services District #12. Il. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Adkisson Precinct 4, to reappoint Gilbert Perez to the Westside 211 Special Improvement District board of directors for a term to begin upon appointment and expire on June I, 2013. 12. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Adkisson Precinct 4, to reappoint Mr. Ira Smith, Jr. to the Bexar County University Health System District Board of Managers to begin on upon appointment and to expire August 14, 2013. 13. Approval of a request from Commissioner Tommy Adkisson Precinct 4, to reappoint Mr. Daniel B. Puckett to the Bexar County Community Arenas Board for a 2 year term to begin upon appointment and expire August 14, 2013. Item(s) Brought by Tax Assessor-Coillector: (Sylvia S. Romo) I4. Approval of a request for the waivt:r of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $1,186.07 on account number 13370-001-0110, Bruce Callaway, tax year(s) 2010 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. 15. Approval of a request for the waiver of penalty and interest, for the Bexar County taxing jurisdiction, in the amount of $188.17 on account number 01856-034-0080, Laura White & Joel Berry, tax year(s) 2010 in accordance with Section 33.011 of the Texas Property Tax Code. I6. Approval of a contract between Bexar County and River City Auto Title, Thomas Menchaca to act as a Deputy Tax Collector for the purpCise of processing vehicle title and registration work. 17. Approval of an Amended Delinquent Tax Collection Contract and Amended Software License Hardware Purchase and Maintenance Agreement ("Amended Contract") between Bexar County, the law firm of Linebarger Goggan Blair and Sampson, L.L.P., a Texas registered limited liability partnership, and Appraisal and Collection Technologies, LLC (ACT), a company wholly owned by the law firm. Item(s) Brought by Community Supervision Corrections Department: (.Jarvis Anderson) 18. Approval of a request to rehire Rodney K. Reese and Thomas M. Silva, both of whom are Bexar County CSCD retirees, as full time regular employee of the Community Supervision and Corrections Department as a Community Supervision Officers. Page 5 Item(s) Brought by County Auditor: (Susan Yeatts) 19. Authorization to distribute payroll, including overtime, and auto allowances to be paid, Monday, October 31' 2011. 20. Approval of bills from Wednesday, October 5, 2011 to include claims registers for Wednesday, October 5, 2011; Friday, October 7, 2011; Wednesday, October 12, 2011; Friday October 14, 2011. 21. Authorization and approval for the County Auditor to pay routine bills from Monday, October 17, 2011 through Friday, October 28, 2011. 22. Request approval of a total of $106,760.13 in Tax Refunds for Paid in Error Request, which have been reviewed by the Auditor's Office and found to be valid. 23. Approval of Tax Assessor-Collectc,r's Reported of Taxes collected in September 2011 and approval of the order transferring tax collections for the month of September 2011 from unallocated receipts. 24. Acceptance of an Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) summary report regarding non-exempt County personnel that have accrued FLSA hours in excess of 199 but less than 240, and law enforcement personnel FLSA hours in excess of 439 but less than 480 as of the month ending August 31, 2011; and authorization to pay those employees who have accumulated hours in excess of the FLSA maximum level.
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