July 13, 2013 haWaii filipino chronicle 1 ♦ FEBRUARY♦ JULY 13, 19, 2013 2011 ♦ ♦ CANDID PERSPECTIVES IMMIGRATION GUIDE GlObAl NEWS Wedded Bliss is shoplifTing pope francis clears and a TasTe of a deporTaBle John paul ii for equaliTy offense? sainThood PRESORTED HAWAII FIlIPINO CHRONIClE STANDARD 94-356 WAIPAHU DEPOT RD., 2ND FlR. U.S. POSTAGE WAIPAHU, HI 96797 PAID HONOLULU, HI PERMIT NO. 9661 2 haWaii filipino chronicle July 13, 2013 EDITORIALS FROM THE PUBLISHER Publisher & Executive Editor loha and welcome to the lat- Charlie Y. Sonido, M.D. Supporting est and one of the most inter- Publisher & Managing Editor esting issues of the Hawaii Chona A. Montesines-Sonido Controversial RH Bill Filipino Chronicle! We con- Associate Editors tinue to work hard to provide A Dennis Galolo in Philippines our readers with news of im- Edwin Quinabo ew social issues have divided the Philippines as portance to Hawaii’s Filipinos. As many Creative Designer deeply as the controversial Responsible Parent- of you already realize, our news stories Junggoi Peralta hood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. are usually those that are not covered by the mainstream Design Consultant President Benigno Aquino III signed the bill media. If you want to read news about the latest and impor- Randall Shiroma tant goings-on back home in the Philippines or want a F into law in December 2012, making condoms Photography and other contraceptives accessible to poor Fil- unique Filipino angle, you’ve come to the right place! Tim Llena ipino families. The powerful Catholic Church led the charge The cover story for this issue was written by Gregory Administrative Assistant in opposing the bill, now Republic Act 10354. According Garcia who delves into the hot-button issue of the Respon- Shalimar Pagulayan to the church, in countries where contraceptives are readily sible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. Columnists available, their use encourages premarital sex, extramarital When you think about it, this issue is really about the poor Carlota Hufana Ader Sen. Will Espero relations and other occurrences that undermine the good of people who suffer from the highest population growth in Grace F. Fong, Ed.D the family. the Philippines. The rich and middle class already have easy Emil Guillermo In March, the Philippine Supreme Court voted 10-5 to access to contraceptives, but not so for the poor and uned- Ruth Elynia Mabanglo, Ph.D. Ron Menor issue a status quo ante, which allows for a 120-day period ucated. President Aquino is to be commended for his coura- J.P. Orias to fully assess pending petitions challenging the constitu- geous support of the RH bill despite intense opposition from Pacita Saludes tionality of Republic Act 10354. The Supreme Court is the Catholic Church. To read more about this highly-con- Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq. Charlie Sonido, M.D. scheduled to hear oral arguments on the petitions July 9th. tentious issue, please turn to page 4. Emmanuel S. Tipon, Esq. For most families, having fewer or a reasonable number In another highly and emotionally-charged issue, a re- Felino S. Tubera of children is perfectly in line with responsible parenthood, cent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the fed- Sylvia Yuen, Ph.D. especially when it allows them to live within their means eral Defense of Marriage Act, which was hailed as a victory Contributing Writers and resources. What’s truly irresponsible are statements for gay couples who want to marry. The ruling also opened Belinda Aquino, Ph.D. from the law’s opponents that it promotes promiscuity and the door to gay marriage in the state California. The court’s Clement Bautista ruling disappointed most deeply-religious Filipinos who op- Teresita Bernales, Ed.D destroys life. This is such an ill-informed, uninformed and Jorge Camara, M.D. unenlightened view of sanctimonious groups who are obliv- pose same sex marriages. Nevertheless, the Chronicle’s Serafin Colmenares, Jr., Ph.D. ious to what poor women, who bear the brunt of large fam- Emil Guillermo in his “Candid Perspectives” column on Linda Dela Cruz Fiedes Doctor ilies, have to endure to raise and feed their numerous page 3 details the experiences of several Honolulu residents Danny De Gracia, II, MA children. In Philippines, poor people comprise about one- who recently traveled to San Francisco’s city hall for their Carolyn Weygan-Hildebrand third of the country’s population. According to the United official wedding license. Amelia Jacang, M.D. Caroline Julian Nations Population Fund, nearly half of all the pregnancies In less controversial news, with summer now in full Maita Milallos in the Philippines are unwanted. The bottom line is that swing, many people are tempted to turn their air condition- Paul Melvin Palalay, M.D. poverty-stricken families with unwanted pregnancies face ing units to full blast, which unfortunately results in higher Glenn Wakai Amado Yoro a bleak future because they have too many children whom electricity bills. If your wallet is beginning to feel the pinch, Philippine Correspondent they cannot feed, support or educate. These children, in consider Hawaiian Electric’s free tips on how to beat the Greg Garcia turn, grow up to become unproductive members of society. summer heat and lower your bills at the same time. If you’re Big Island Distributor If given further education and proper resources, these interested, please read “Summer Energy Saving Tips from Grace Larson poor women and their families are wise enough to handle HECO” on page 10. Ditas Udani their own affairs and do what is right for themselves. But That’s all for now. We at the Chronicle send our sincer- Maui Distributor Cecile Piros to continue to restrict their freedoms and ability to control est mahalo to our readers and advertisers for their faithful Molokai Distributor their lives is unconscionable. Let’s hope and pray that the support. It is truly a blessing to have them as partners as we Maria Watanabe government will successfully defend the law which will continue our mission to serve Hawaii’s vibrant and dynamic Advertising/Marketing Director allow the Philippines to move forward to modernization. If Filipino community. As always, we encourage you to share Chona A. Montesines-Sonido any story ideas, suggestions or concerns you may have by not, the country may be vey well left behind in the ash bin Account Executives of history. sending an email to: [email protected]. Until Carlota Hufana Ader next time… aloha and mabuhay! J.P. Orias The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle is published weekly by The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle Inc. It is mailed directly to subscribers and dis- Snowden: Hero or tributed at various outlets around Oahu and the neighbor islands. Editorial and advertis- ing deadlines are three weeks prior to pub- Criminal? surveillance program did not surprise most Americans. In lication date. Subscriptions are available at $75 per year for Oahu and the neighbor is- dward Snowden, 29, remains in hiding after a survey conducted a few days before the Snowden inci- lands, continental U.S. $80, foreign country $90. Copyright 2006-2012. The Hawaii Fil- fleeing the U.S. for leaking top-secret details of dent, 85 percent of Americans already believe that their ipino Chronicle Inc. is located at 94-356 U.S. surveillance programs to the media. He phone calls, e-mails and online activity are being moni- Waipahu Depot, Waipahu, HI 96797. Tele- phone (808) 678-8930 Facsimile (808) 678- blew the whistle on a massive effort by the Na- tored. It was also widely known that the government’s 1829. E-mail [email protected]. Website: www.thefilipinochronicle.com. tional Security Agency (NSA) to track cell loose interpretation of the Patriot Act of 2001 allows for Opinions expressed by the columnists and E contributors do not necessarily reflect those phone calls and monitor the e-mail and internet the indiscriminant acquisition of so-called business records, of the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle manage- traffic of virtually all Americans. According to the govern- including sources, destinations and duration of telephone ment. Reproduction of the contents in whole or in part is prohibited without written per- ment, Snowden’s leak did “irreversible and significant dam- calls. mission from the management. All rights re- age.” The Obama administration, in its defense, insisted that As for Snowden, those who have demonized him say served. Printed in the U.S.A. it’s looking for information on terrorists rather than spying he is a traitor to his country, while others say he is a hero www.thefilipinochronicle.com www.efilipinochronicle.com whose only crime was confirming that the government ac- on U.S. citizens. MeMber, Society of ProfeSSional Funny thing is, the news of the government’s extensive (continued on page 3) JournaliStS July 13, 2013 haWaii filipino chronicle 3 CANDID PERSPECTIVES Wedded Bliss and A Taste of Equality rade of couples who entered were looking for. City Hall seeking marriage And, thanks to the equality. Supreme Court, they One of the couples was found it: equality. By Emil Guillermo Sandra Hernandez and emil guillermo is an award-winning journalist n San Fran- Mailee Wong, frequent Maui and commentator who has cisco’s City Hall, visitors who reside in Oak- written on Filipino and Asian-American issues for it was a long way land. many years. For two years, from Kalihi, Wong shed a tear as she Jim Wong, who was born in Maylinh Webb, Danielle Pollick, he served on the editorial board of the Hawaii, and Andrew Pham, a Viet- and Shannon Alivado, all from were Jim Wong, experienced the first seconds Honolulu Advertiser. Guillermo was the I namese immigrant, were given a Honolulu, made the trip to SF- first Filipino-American to host a na- 60, was born.
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