Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1993 The olC lege News 1993-9-28 Vol.15 No. 7 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News 1993-9-28 Vol.15 No. 7 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1993). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/1449 For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 ' ■ ' M 111 n; » . THE COLLEGE NEWS VOLUME XV NUMBER 8 FOUNDED T 1914 BRYN MAWR COLLEGE SEPTEMBESEPTEMBER 28, 1993 Ex-East German leaders convicted ?S by Tamara RozcnUl ' Clinton calls on former presidents to support of the agreement that would promote NAFTA remove trade barriers between the US, Three former East-German leaders Canada and Mexico. President Clinton were convicted on charges of inciting the Moments after finalizing the Israel- signed three supplemental agreements killing of citizens who were fleeing to the PLO agreement, President Clinton re- to NAFTA while Canadian Prime Minis- West. ter Kim Campbell and Mexican Presi- Former defense minister Kessler was dent Salinas de Gortari signed them in Oma leader sentenced to seven and a half years in their respective countries. prison while his deputy Franz Streletz •World News • will serve five and a half. H. Albrecht, a Yeltsin ousted at Haverford local communist, received a sentence of cruited three former presidents to help four and a half years. The defendants him sell the free trade agreement to Con- Russian President Yeltsin attempted by Erika Merschrod were in charge of maintaining border gress. Republicans George Bush and to dissolve the legislature of his country security and were, thus, found respon- Gerald Ford and Democrat Jimmy Car- which consists of the Congress of People's In these times of international peace treaties and trade pacts, we tend to think sible for the killings at the Berlin Wall. ter joined Clinton in his controversial continued on p3 macroscale and forget about the individ- ual who is not necessarily represented by the "nation" in "international". There are some people who have other priori- Thomas: the debate goes on ties, whose lives aren't formed around industrialization and development, and by Laura Pedraza organizations. She commented that survey as it has been twenty months who have their own concerns and solu- NIOSAH (National Institute of Occupa- since the renovation and the validity of tions for "our" problems. On Wednesday, September 22, the tional Safety and Health) informed them any survey at this point would be ques- Thus spoke Atensio L6pez, Secretary Bryn Mawr administration held a con- that they would not conduct an investi- tioned. General of the Committee of Indigenous ference in the Dorothy Vemon Room of gation. The institute only advised that George Koenig spoke about the spe- Congresses of the Americas. Haffner Hall in order to discuss the con- the college make sure it follows standard cific renovations that were made. Filters Panamanian, Cuna Indian leader, stu- tinuing debate over the air regulations for air quality dent of law, and active spokesperson for quality in Thomas Great Hall. control. She commented on Dr. Tinklepaugh ...hasonly Native American Speaking at the conference Fans were and the 1300 letters that were rights, Atensio were Dr. Carole Tinklepaugh, are still work- sent out on June 22 to mem- seen two students who appar- Lopez is an im- There are Larry Johnson, an industrial ing ... to pro- bers of the community as ently have symptoms of expo- pressive and some...who hygienist and engineer from well as to students from sure to sulfur knowledgeable Consulting Services Inc., and vide the best other colleges who took person. We were have their George Koenig, a mechanical ventilation classes in Thomas. There were replaced and units were cleaned. lucky enough to own cul- engineer from Vick, Fischer & possible. were only six responses, They are making sure that air flows are have him talk at White, a local Philadelphia mostly from concerned balanced properly. He described at length Haverford on tural iden- consulting firm. mothers and there was only the process of ventilating the building. Wednesday, Sep- tity, inde- First Mr. Johnson described the clean- one instance of a student who" may have Generally buildings are constructed so tember 22. L6pez ing and minor renovations that Thomas been particularly affected by the poor air as to keep outside air out, in essence, to was on his way to pendent of Great Hall underwent over the summer. quality. Dr. Tinklepaugh is ad vising any- leave contaminated air outside. Ventilat- give a presenta- Changes were made with regard to the one who is suffering from symptoms of ing a building basically entails bringing tion at the World the super- ventilation systems operations within the exposure to harmful air chemicals to go in outside air, ventilating it, combining it Bank in Washing- powers building. Fans were and still are working seea doctor immediately. She herself has with inside air, then ventilating it once ton on the present constantly to provide the best ventila- only seen two students who apparently again. Mr. Koenig mentioned that his situation of indig- tion possible. have symptoms of exposure to sulfur, company was given a class schedule to enous people's rights in North and South Next Dr. Tinklepaugh spoke with re- however these cases are currently in the determine the population at any given America. gard to her contact with public health process of evaluation. She remarked that In a lengthy introduction, Lopez de- continued on p8 it is not recommendable to undertake a scribed the indigenous peoples' role in the future of the earth as key to the sur- vival of humankind. With overtones of U.S. plans to lift sanctions against "noble savages," Ldpez's descriptions of the native American were idealistic to by Jennifer Wilks say the least. While industrialized na- Clinton unveils health care plan tions and not indigenous communities, Responding to an appeal from Nelson South Africa before Congress are responsible for acid rain, river and Mandela, the Clinton Administration is ocean pollution and global warming, in- making plans to lift sanctions against Request for Neo-Nazi parade deferred Seeking to provide health care cover- digenous peoples aren't just innocent South Africa. Mandela made the appeal by Texas town age "that can neverbe taken away," Presi- pacifists out to save the world. It is true on Friday, September 24 while speaking dent Clinton introduced his health care that indigenous peoples from the Ameri- to the UN Special Committee Against In order to avoid a legal battle, the city proposal in a nationally televised speech cas have made many great contributions Apartheid. council-of Vidor, Texas has voted to al- before Congress. The September 22 out- to the development of humankind. How- A move by South Africa's parliament low the local court to decide whether or lined six health care principles: "secu- ever, to deny the value of scientific to create a transitional council in which not to grant a parade permit to a Neo- rity, simplicity;-quality, affordability, progress made by the whites (as he did) m the black majority will have a voice Nazi group. The group, known as the choice, and responsibility." is not only to ignore the scientific prog- prompted Mandela's call. "Nationalist Movement," requested per- The result of an eight month effort ress made by indigenous people, but April 27,1994 has been set as the date mission to stage a "victory rally" to cel- spearheaded by First Lady Hillary also to put down all the things that made for the nation's first multiracial elections. ebrate the failure to desegregate a public Rodham Clinton, the plan is an attempt it possible for him to be at Haverford, In addition to lifting federal sanctions, housing complex. Members had threat- to reduce the nation's health care bill sharing his life's work with us. the White House is encouraging "states ened to sue if the city council denied its while extending coverage to the 37 mil- Part of the indigenous peoples' solu- and local entities" to end their sanctions request. Court-mandated, the desegre- lion Americans without insurance. Em- tion to world problems, according to as well. gation effort failed when Bill Simpson, ployers would be required to pay 80% of L6pez, is to set apart indigenous lands However, the U.S. will continue its the complex's last African-American resi- the average premium for their employ- and not under the jurisdiction of the embargo on the export of "nuclear tech- dent/ moved because of "racial taunts ees. Subsidies would be provided for government under whom they would nologies and arms" to South Africa. and threats." low-income workers and small busi- otherwise fall. This measure would pre- (AP) (UPI) continued on p3 continned on p3 nternational Perspectives... pages five and six Page 2 The College News October 1,1993 ■ » *.»•» » «»<»>•<* '* fc * J ^*-*>«aI ■ • K » ' * *■» «t M-m-m '4 ■ ■■ ■■ Research opportunities at EDITORIAL National Institute of Allergy As you can see in our ad, and Infectious Diseases Are you an academically talented minority student in your junior or senior year of we're a friendly bunch. No college? Are you interested in a career in biomedical research? The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in Bethesda, MD, offers the Introduction to Biomedical Research Program that acquaints aca- snide comments about demically talented minority students with career opportunities in biomedical re- search.
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